文本为Word版本,下载可任意编辑高中英语作文:梦中诗3篇第1篇: 高中英语作文:梦中诗 一个傍晚浑浑,一轮夕阳惨惨,一盏孤灯冥冥,一缕心绪悠悠。一切都融进秋的诗意中,化为绝美的诗句,沉定着七色彩虹般凄惨的梦。 一棵衰老的大榕树记录下来了时光的沦迁,用满天飞的枯叶向大家阐释着生命的真谛。在这里衰退的身体上,万条藤条在上面拓宽着,好像也授予大榕树一些魅力,在昏暗的夕阳中,一只归路的秃鹫栖居其上,体会着秋的清冷,也品位着秋的内函。枯藤老树昏鸦,便在傍晚浑浑中静静的,静静的融进了当然。江南风情的傍晚更为艳美,脆响的石板桥上面有游子儿时的记忆,那磷磷碧波体现了一片若隐若现的白里透红,西斜的余辉在宁静的小溪上滴了一层云一样的梦,让游子再度魂游其地。袅袅炊烟的屋檐,一盏油灯映衬着妈妈盼望的眼光。小溪流水别人在孤灯冥冥之中随水消逝。沧桑的古径上,曾留有游子渐行渐远的步伐,飒飒西风已将想念的步伐淹没,另外也吹拂绝不中断的一片片乡思,一匹削瘦的老马伴随着游子出外流荡,羁旅的日常生活疲倦而艰苦,唯有家的思念是追寻的驱动力。马再度朝着夕阳嘶啼。古径西风瘦马,在夕阳惨惨中变成永恒不变。游子的心,在家里-这一相互的起点停靠,又从这同一起点考虑,在经历了一生的斜线后,再度返回这一归处。殊不知运势却绝情的.将他置身于与天崖以外的茫茫初秋。在秋风萧瑟中追忆着家的温暖,遭受着肝肠寸断之痛,望着天坠雁过朝霞,傍晚将尽。眼泪也逐渐模糊不清了眼睛。夕阳西下,肝肠寸断人在天涯。在心绪悠悠中化为思念家乡之泪。着一幕幕凄惨的精彩片段连接成一段梦,在梦里又变为一首迷人的诗。第2篇: 高中英语作文:梦中诗 在梦中我对天神祈祷,我想要长高,一直长一直长,长到一百七十公分,我才甘心,祈祷完我才上床睡觉。 一天,我走在空荡荡的小路上,远远就看到一个大洞,我小心翼翼的绕过去,好让自己不会跌下去,但是谁知道,我就跌了下去,那个洞好深好深,过了好久之后我看到有一位老爷爷站我面前,他身上发光亮,他说:"我就是天神。'我真不敢相信我的眼睛,"天神'就这样站在我的面前。天神说:"你每天都在祈祷,但是我总是听不到,所以就把你接来问清楚啦!'我瞪大双眼正感到不可思议时,有一个人说话了,说话的人正是我自己:"我想要长高,长到一百七十公分就好了。'天神缓缓的向我点头示意,天神送我一颗珠子,并送我回到凡间,我到我的房间里,手里握着一颗珠子,我跑到那条空荡荡的小路上,不论我怎么找,都找不到那个大洞了,而这件事,是真是假谁都不知道,而这颗珠子,也不能证明些什么,这终究是个谜,而我到底会不会长到一百七十公分,就等我长大之后才能知道,我的祈祷和那颗珠子是否是真的呢?祈祷,不一定是有假的,世界上有没有天神,我们也不知道,但是相信有天神的人,就会祈祷,因为他们相信天神会听到他们的声音,实现梦里的希望。第3篇: 高中英语作文:梦中诗 A dusk, a round of sunset, a lonely lamp, a thoughts. Everything is integrated into the artistic conception of autumn, and it is a beautiful verse to precipitate the beautiful dreams of rainbow. A vast banyan tree wrote down the blood of the years, and the flying leaves interpreted the true meaning of life. On this aging body, 10,000 vines have extended above, and it seems to give birth to some vitality. In the stunning sunset, a returning crow lives, feel the cold and clear, and tastes the connotation of autumn. The old trees of the waters were quietly integrated in dusk, quietly integrated into nature. The dusk of Jiangnan Water Township is more beautiful, and there is a memories when there are wanderers in the crisp stone bridge. The phosphorus clear wave reflects a slogan, and the slope of the slope sprinkles a layer of clouds on the calm stream. Let the parsley will play again. Under the roof of the smoke, an oil lamp reflects the eyes of the mother. The small bridge flows in the lapse of the lapse. On the dark ancient road, he left the footsteps far away.Tired and hard, only the thoughts of home are the driving force of sour. The horse once again rushed towards the sunset. The ancient road west is thin horses, becoming eternal in the sunset. The heart of the comser, at home - this common starting point is moored, and starting from this point. After experiencing a lifetime arc, return to this home again. However, fate is ruthless to put him in the deep autumn outside of the world. Remembering the warmth of the family in the autumn wind, endure the pain of the broken intestine, looking at the sky outside the sky, the dusk will do. Tears have gradually blurred their eyes. Sunset, heartbroken people in the horizon. In the tears of thoughts in the hometown. The beautiful fragment of a scene is connected to a dream, turning into a intoxicating poem in the dream. 第 5 页 共 5 页