浙江专用浙江专用 20222022 高考英语二轮高考英语二轮复习阅读提速练三复习阅读提速练三阅读提速练阅读提速练(三三)(建议用时:建议用时:3030 分钟分钟)阅读理解阅读理解(共两节,总分值共两节,总分值 3535 分分)第一节第一节(共共 1010 小题;每题小题;每题 2.52.5 分,总分值分,总分值 2525分分)阅读以下短文,从每题所给的阅读以下短文,从每题所给的 A A、B B、C C 和和 D D 四四个选项中,选出最正确选项。个选项中,选出最正确选项。A A(2022浙江金丽衢十二校高三联考(2022浙江金丽衢十二校高三联考)Kevin,)Kevin,diagnoseddiagnosed withwith dyslexia(dyslexia(诵读困难症诵读困难症),),rarelyrarelyspokespoke a a wordword inin class,class,andand ifif hehe did,did,itit wouldwouldbebe a a“YesYes,“NoNo,or or“MaybeMaybe in in responseresponsetoto questions.questions.HeHe alwaysalways scoredscored badlybadly inin teststestsandand sawsaw nono hopehope forfor thethe future.future.ThatThat waswas untiluntilhe met Sarah,an advisor at a youth centerhe met Sarah,an advisor at a youth centerKidpreneur.Kidpreneur.In 2022,Kevin attended a course calledIn 2022,Kevin attended a course calledReady Set Go in that center.The course wasReady Set Go in that center.The course was-2-2-for disadvantaged kids in Kingswoodfor disadvantaged kids in Kingswooda lowa lowincome area in Sydneyincome area in Sydney s western suburbss western suburbsand its goal was to teach the kids how toand its goal was to teach the kids how tocreatecreate businessesbusinesses andand offeroffer valuevalue toto thetheneighborhood.neighborhood.At the end of the course,Sarah took theAt the end of the course,Sarah took thekidskids toto thethe locallocal area.area.SheShe askedasked volunteersvolunteersto share their business experiencesto share their business experiencesKevinKevinimmediately put up his hand.His challengeimmediately put up his hand.His challengewaswas toto tradetrade hishis hot doghot dog sellingselling serviceservice forforfreefree breadbread atat a a bakery.bakery.AlthoughAlthough scared,scared,Kevin was able to share his entrepreneurialKevin was able to share his entrepreneurialstory(story(创业故事创业故事)withwith thethe shopshop ownerowner andand askedaskedif he could exchange his service for someif he could exchange his service for somebread.bread.Unexpectedly,Unexpectedly,thethe shopshop ownerowner toldtoldKevinKevin howhow movedmoved hehe waswas byby hishis storystory andand handedhandedhim some bread for free.By the end of thehim some bread for free.By the end of theafternoon,afternoon,hishis beliefbelief inin himselfhimself andand whatwhat waswas-3-3-possible was at an allpossible was at an all time high.time high.TheThe followingfollowing week,week,KevinKevin soldsold 7070 hothot dogsdogsin two hours and made over$200.Soon after,in two hours and made over$200.Soon after,he delivered public speeches in 20 schools,he delivered public speeches in 20 schools,and was selected as part of his schooland was selected as part of his school s sleadershipleadership team.team.NowNow hehe headsheads a a businessbusinessgroupgroupworkingworkingononhowhowtotoincreaseincreasethethepotential customer base.potential customer base.AllAll ofof thisthis wouldwould notnot havehave beenbeen possiblepossible ififKevinKevinhadhadnotnotfoundfoundhishispassionpassionandandperseverance to improve himself,and thoseperseverance to improve himself,and thosearound him.The guidance and trust of hisaround him.The guidance and trust of hisadvisoradvisor alsoalso helpedhelped toto kindlekindle hishis enthusiasmenthusiasmto go after his goals and dreams in life.to go after his goals and dreams in life.1 1What were the kids expected to achieveWhat were the kids expected to achievein the Ready Set Go course?in the Ready Set Go course?A ATo improve their test scores.To improve their test scores.B BTo create a hot dog business.To create a hot dog business.-4-4-C CTo teach in lowTo teach in low income areas.income areas.D DTo be beneficial to the local area.To be beneficial to the local area.2 2WhatWhat doesdoes thethe underlinedunderlined wordword“kindlekindlein the last paragraph probably mean?in the last paragraph probably mean?A AInspire.Inspire.C CContinue.Continue.B BShare.Share.D DExpress.Express.3 3 WhatWhat cancan bebe a a suitablesuitable titletitle forfor thethe text?text?A AOn the Road to RecoveryOn the Road to RecoveryB BTurning Failure into SuccessTurning Failure into SuccessC CGrowing Wealthy Through Hard WorkGrowing Wealthy Through Hard WorkD DFrom Hopeless Youth to Business LeaderFrom Hopeless Youth to Business LeaderB B For For sixsix hundredhundred years,years,thethe TowerTowerof Londonof Londons most exotic(s most exotic(异国风情异国风情的的)prisoners were animals.)prisoners were animals.TheThe RoyalRoyal Menagerie(Menagerie(动物园动物园)beganbegan asas a aresult of kings exchanging rare and strangeresult of kings exchanging rare and strangeanimalsanimalsasasgifts.Ingifts.In1235,1235,HenryHenrywaswas-5-5-delighteddelighted toto bebe presentedpresented withwith threethree wildcatswildcatsby the Holy Roman Emperor Frederickby the Holy Roman Emperor Frederick.These.Theseinspiredinspiredhimhimtotostartstarta azoozooatatthetheTower.HenryTower.Henry s s“wildcatswildcats ,althoughalthoughdescribeddescribedasasleopards,leopards,werewereprobablyprobablylions.These are the ancestors of the threelions.These are the ancestors of the threelionslionsthatthatstillstillappearappearononthetheEnglandEnglandfootbfootball teams shirts today.all teams shirts today.In 1251 the lions were joined by aIn 1251 the lions were joined by a“whitewhitebearbearprobably a polar bearprobably a polar bear given by thegiven by theKing of Norway.In 1255,the King of FranceKing of Norway.In 1255,the King of Francesentsent thethe firstfirst elephantelephant nevernever seenseen inin EnglandEnglandandand people flockedpeople flocked togethertogether toto seesee thethe novelnovelsight.Sadly,the elephant died in 1258.sight.Sadly,the elephant died in 1258.PoorPoortreatmenttreatmentandandcrampedcrampedconditionsconditionsmeantmeant manymany ofof thethe animalsanimals diddid notnot survivesurvive forforlong.Butlong.But thethe RoyalRoyal MenagerieMenagerie continuedcontinued totogrow.Edwardgrow.Edward created a permanent new home created a permanent new home-6-6-forforthetheRoyalRoyalMenagerieMenagerieatatthethewesternwesternentranceentrance toto thethe TowerTower,whichwhich becamebecame knownknown asasthethe LionLion Tower.TheTower.The terrifyingterrifying soundssounds andandsmellssmellsofofwildwildanimalsanimalsmustmusthavehavebothbothimpressed and scared visitors.impressed and scared visitors.By 1622,the collection had been extendedBy 1622,the collection had been extendedto include three eagles,two pumas,a tigerto include three eagles,two pumas,a tigerand a jackal,as well as lions and leopards,and a jackal,as well as lions and leopards,who were the main attractions.who were the main attractions.However,the end of the Royal MenagerieHowever,the end of the Royal Menageriecame in the 1830s.Campaigners had begun tocame in the 1830s.Campaigners had begun toraiseraiseconcerns,concerns,andandthetheanimalsanimalswerewereexpensive,expensive,occasionallyoccasionallydangerousdangerousandanda anuisancenuisancetotothetheguardsmen.Theguardsmen.TheDukeDukeofofWellingtonWellington sentsent 150150 ofof thethe beastsbeasts toto a a newnew zoozooin Regents Park,in Regents Park,todaytodays London Zoo.s London Zoo.DespiteDespite AlfredAlfred CopsCops s s bestbest effortsefforts toto carrycarryonon,several further incidents including anseveral further incidents including an-7-7-escapedescapedwolfwolfandanda amonkeymonkeythatthatbitbita aguardsmanguardsman s s legleg convincedconvinced KingKing WilliamWilliam to toshut down the Royal Menagerie for good inshut down the Royal Menagerie for good in1835.The1835.The remainingremaining animalsanimals werewere soldsold toto zooszoosand travelling shows and the Lion Tower wasand travelling shows and the Lion Tower waslater demolished.later demolished.4 4 WhatWhat dodo wewe knowknow aboutabout thethe elephantelephantpresented in 1255?presented in 1255?A AIt caused big trouble.It caused big trouble.B BIt received much attention.It received much attention.C CIt lived painfully in the Lion Tower.It lived painfully in the Lion Tower.D DIt died before the polar bear came in.It died before the polar bear came in.5 5How many types of animals at the RoyalHow many types of animals at the RoyalMenagerie are mentioned in the text?Menagerie are mentioned in the text?A AEight.Eight.C CTen.Ten.B BNine.Nine.D DEleven.Eleven.6 6Which is the best title for the text?Which is the best title for the text?A AThe Royal MenagerieThe Royal Menagerie-8-8-B BGifts Presented to the KingGifts Presented to the KingC CTourist Attractions in LondonTourist Attractions in LondonD DMiserable Life in the Lion TowerMiserable Life in the Lion TowerC CWe humans love to stare into ourWe humans love to stare into oursmart devices.We gaze for hourssmart devices.We gaze for hoursaboutabout 1010 hourshours andand 3939 minutesminutes a a daydayatat ourourcomputers,smartphones,tablets andcomputers,smartphones,tablets andtelevisions.televisions.IsIs allall thisthis staringstaring badbad forfor us?us?ItIt mightmight be,be,mainlymainly becausebecause asas wewe starestare atat ourourdevices we are exposing ourselves to bluedevices we are exposing ourselves to bluelight.light.BlueBlue lightlight isis a a typetype ofof electromagnetic(electromagnetic(电电磁的磁的)radiationradiation withwith a a veryvery shortshort wavelengthwavelengththatthat producesproduces a a highhigh amountamount ofof energy.energy.WhileWhileits true tits true t hat light can damage our eyeshat light can damage our eyesunderunder certaincertain circumstances,circumstances,therethere s s nonoscientificscientificevidenceevidencesuggestingsuggestingthatthat blueblue-9-9-lightlight isis harmfulharmful toto ourour eyes.eyes.ButBut manymany peoplepeoplestill think it is,which is why bluestill think it is,which is why blue lightlightblocking glasses are so popular.So do theblocking glasses are so popular.So do theglasses work?glasses work?“EveryoneEveryone isis veryvery concernedconcerned thatthat bluebluelight may be causing damage to the eye,butlight may be causing damage to the eye,buttheretheres no evidence that it may be causings no evidence that it may be causingseriousseriousdamagedamage,Dr.Dr.RahulRahulKhurana,Khurana,clinical spokesman for the American Academyclinical spokesman for the American Academyof Ophthalmology,told Business Insider.of Ophthalmology,told Business Insider.BlueBlue lightlight exposureexposure isis nothingnothing new.new.InIn fact,fact,the sun is the largest source of blue light.the sun is the largest source of blue light.Moreover,blue light is also present in LEDMoreover,blue light is also present in LEDlight.light.ButBut ifif blueblue lightlight isnisnt t harmful,harmful,thenthenwhy are we constantly rubbing our eyes whenwhy are we constantly rubbing our eyes whenwewerere lookinglooking atat ourour screens?screens?TheThe answeranswer isiseyestrain(eyestrain(眼疲劳眼疲劳):More than 60 percent of):More than 60 percent ofpeoplepeople experienceexperience eyeeye problemsproblems associatedassociated-10-10-with digital eyestrain.And blue light,itwith digital eyestrain.And blue light,itseems,seems,isnisnt t thethe cause.cause.Instead,Instead,ourour eyeseyes arearesoso strainedstrained becausebecause mostmost ofof usus blinkblink lessless whenwhenwewestarestareatatourourdigitaldigitaldevices.devices.SoSoififeyestrain is the issue,blueeyestrain is the issue,bluelightlight blockingblockingglasses are probably of little use.glasses are probably of little use.7 7What do we know about blue light?What do we know about blue light?A AIt is a kind of nuclear radiation.It is a kind of nuclear radiation.B BIt has the shortest wavelength.It has the shortest wavelength.C CIt may come from electronic devices.It may come from electronic devices.D DIt consumes a great deal of energy.It consumes a great deal of energy.8 8 WhatWhatcausescausesthethepopularitypopularityofofbluelightblocking glasses?bluelightblocking glasses?A AEvidence of their benefits to eyes.Evidence of their benefits to eyes.B BBeliefBelief inin blueblue lightlights s harmfulharmful effect.effect.C CWidespread use of smart devices.Widespread use of smart devices.D DScientificScientific understandingunderstanding ofof blueblue light.light.9 9What can be inferred from paragraph 4?What can be inferred from paragraph 4?-11-11-A ABlueBlue lightlight exposureexposure isis hardlyhardly avoidable.avoidable.B BEyeEye problemsproblems areare notnot easyeasy toto dealdeal with.with.C CBlueBlue lightlight maymay connectconnect withwith tiredtired eyes.eyes.D DRubbing eyes makes people strained.Rubbing eyes makes people strained.1010 AccordingAccordingtotothethetext,text,wearingwearingbluelightblockingbluelightblockingglassesglasses maymay bebe _A AtiringtiringC CuselessuselessB BharmfulharmfulD Dbeneficialbeneficial第二节第二节(共共 5 5 小题;每题小题;每题 2 2 分,总分值分,总分值 1010 分分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最正确选项。空白处的最正确选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Schools consume a large amount of energy,Schools consume a large amount of energy,which has a bad effect on the environment.which has a bad effect on the environment.11._11._,there there areare lotslots ofof waysways thatthat youyoucan help your school save energy.Look forcan help your school save energy.Look forsimplesimple changeschanges youryour schoolschool cancan makemake andand bandbandtogether with others to make an even biggertogether with others to make an even biggereffect.effect.-12-12-1212_.Even something as simple as_.Even something as simple asturning off the lights when you leave a roomturning off the lights when you leave a roomcan help to save energy.Turn off the lightscan help to save energy.Turn off the lightsin classrooms that are not being used and inin classrooms that are not being used and inotherother areas,areas,suchsuch asas emptyempty bathroomsbathrooms andandunoccupied multiunoccupied multi purpose rooms.purpose rooms.Use natural light when the sun is bright.Use natural light when the sun is bright.ItIt maymay notnot alwaysalways bebe necessarynecessary forfor youyou toto havehavethethe lightslights onon inin youryour classroom.classroom.ThereThere maymay bebetimestimes ofof dayday whenwhen thethe sunsun isis especiallyespecially brightbrightand enough for what you are doing in yourand enough for what you are doing in yourclassroom.13._classroom.13._SetSet upup a a recyclingrecycling stationstation atat youryour school.school.RecyclingRecycling isis a a greatgreat wayway toto savesave energyenergybecause it reduces the need to produce newbecause it reduces the need to produce newmaterials.materials.14._14._,then then askask youryour schoolschoolprincipal if you can set one up.principal if you can set one up.Get others involved.15._.EitherGet others involved.15._.Either-13-13-asas anan individualindividual oror asas a a team,team,youyou cancan createcreateandand putput upup signssigns aroundaround youryour school.school.TryTry usingusingsigns that remind people of things they cansigns that remind people of things