餐餐 饮饮 烹烹 饪饪 英英 语语(双双 语语)教教 学学 大大 纲纲(总总7 7 页页)-本页仅作为文档封面,使用时请直接删除即可-内页可以根据需求调整合适字体及大小-餐饮烹饪英语(双语)课程教学大纲餐饮烹饪英语(双语)课程教学大纲课程代码:040417课程性质:专业必修总学时:64学时总学分:4开课学期:6适用专业:烹饪与营养教育先修课程:大学英语后续课程:无大纲执笔人:沈科 参加人:无审核人:金声琅编写时间:2009 年 8 月编写依据:烹饪与营养教育专业人才培养方案(2009)年版一、课程介绍一、课程介绍餐饮烹饪英语课程是烹饪专业的方向必修课程。通过本课程的学习,培养学生的餐饮行业英语能力,具体包括餐饮情景的听说能力、餐饮的基本行业规则及专业知识的熟悉以及餐饮专业技能能力的掌握等。从而,为学生毕业后从事行业英语类的类似工作打下良好的基础。本课程的学习需要学生在具备相应的英语听说读写能力及餐饮业的基本行业知识的基础上进行,其先修课程包括基础英语、听力、口语、餐饮管理概论;后续课程包括:宾馆英语、餐饮培训等。二、本课程教学在专业人才培养中的地位和作用二、本课程教学在专业人才培养中的地位和作用餐饮烹饪英语是烹饪与英语教育专业基础课程,也是旅游学科相对比较实用的一门课程。它是一本涉外餐饮方向的适用教材,它的实用性和适用性在学术界已经达成了共识,是联系和沟通旅游者与从事餐饮服务与管理人员的桥梁,同时也是一门基础学科。使各地旅游者对旅游接待地区社会文化、经济和环境更深层次的认识成为可能。本课程以旅游最基本的饭店情景为场景,在各种环境中选取最常用的事件和对话为例子,浅显易懂。三、本课程教学所要达到的基本目标三、本课程教学所要达到的基本目标餐饮烹饪英语是一门系统性和实用性很强的课程,通过对该门课程的学习,能使学生产生对烹饪英语的兴趣,旨在口语和听力方面都有所提高,能在实习和今后的工作中遇到各种各样的问题能和各地的客人都能应对自如。四、学生学习本课程应掌握的方法与技能四、学生学习本课程应掌握的方法与技能学生在学习本课程时应掌握功能教学法和情景教学法相结合的方法,通过教师讲授、小组讨论表演、课堂演讲、旅游见习等方式促进学生对基本理论和基本知识的掌握和实践运用,达到理性认识和感性认识相结合。不应该仅把它2当成一本英语阅读书,而是一本用英语编写的烹饪专业书,除了学习课本中的单词、语法和句型外更应该注重他的实际应用和交际能力。五、本课程与其他课程的联系与分工五、本课程与其他课程的联系与分工本课程是一门和其他烹饪相关课程紧密联系的课程,几乎所有的知识点都是在掌握烹饪基本知识的基础之上的,可以说其他烹饪基础课程是本课程的前提和基础,本课程是他的一个延伸和升华。六、本课程的教学内容与目的要求六、本课程的教学内容与目的要求由于课时限制,本学期只能选取在餐旅业中最具代表性和最具实用性的前十二单元进行学习。Unit1 Greeting CustomersUnit1 Greeting Customers目的与要求:1、Showing Guests to the Table2、Culinary Skills of MaPo Bean curd重点与难点:Patterns Learning:Good evening,sir.Welcome to Tianfu Restaurant.Would you like to sit by the window/in the corner/in the barWe have a reservation for a table for ten.I would not mind a glass of wine/orange juice/a cup of coffee.本章思考题:Do you think the first contact with the customersimportant Why or why notUnit2 Serving the OrderUnit2 Serving the Order目的与要求:1、Service before the Meal Is Served 2、Culinary Skills of Gong Bao Diced Chicken重点与难点:Patterns Learning:What do you have for wine/ice cream/dessertWould you care for a glass of cocktail/an aperitif/a cup of teaShall I offer you some coffee/some wine/some orange juiceIll bring you the menu/a fish knife/a small fork.本章思考题:What are the responsibilities of a waiterUnit3 Taking the OrderUnit3 Taking the Order目的与要求:1、Taking an Order and Recommending Dishes2、Culinary Skills of Fried and Braised River Crabs重点与难点:Patterns Learning:Our restaurant is famous for Cantonese food/Shan-dong food.3I suggest the chefs delight:Fish-flavored Crabs/Dry-fried BeefShreds/Boiled Fish Slices.Id like.as starter,follow ed by Dry-fried BeefShreds/Grilled Fillet of Beef/Roast Beef T-bone Steak.本章思考题:How to become a qualified waiterUnit4 Food and Soup ServiceUnit4 Food and Soup Service目的与要求:1、Explaining the Menu 2、Culinary Skills of Steamed Shao Mai Topped with Crab Roe重点与难点:Patterns Learning:Could you tell us what Beggars Chicken/Dan Dan Noodles/Bon BonChicken isThat sounds delicious/wonderful/terrible.Do you have Twice-cooked Pork/Steamed Fresh Fish/Hot andSour SoupI think Ill settle for T-bone steak/fried chicken/MaPo Bean curd.本章思考题:Whats the general rule for serving alcoholic andnon-alcoholic beveragesUnit5 Beverage ServiceUnit5 Beverage Service目的与要求:1、Wine Sales 2、Culinary Skills of Sesame Cakes with Minced Pork重点与难点:Patterns Learning:It has been regarded as something like Chinas national food/Chinasbest wine/Sichuans best liquor.It is one of the best wines/beers/teas in the world.I think Ill have a bottle of Wuliangye/Great Wall Dry Red Wine/Hennessy X O.It is quite dry/light/sweet,isnt it本章思考题:Whats the job of the bartenderUnit6 Tasting WinesUnit6 Tasting Wines目的与要求:1、Serving Local Specialties and Dessert 2、Culinary Skills of Fresh Fruits in Watermelon重点与难点:Patterns Learning:Do you enjoy your meal Are you having coffee/tea/milk4Would you like a dessert/an apple pudding/an ice creamWed like hot chocolate/local cheese&biscuits/black tea to follow.本章思考题:Whats the first step to taste the wineUnit7 Function CateringUnit7 Function Catering目的与要求:1、Complaining about the Food 2、Culinary Skills of French Onion Soup重点与难点:Patterns Learning:Its too raw/rare/at most medium.How is your soup/coffee/tea this timeWe have a reservation for a table for ten.Ill speak to the manager/the head waiter/the chef immediately.Id like to have Western food/sea food/Japanese food for a change.本章思考题:Briefly describe the job of the banqueting manager.Unit8 British Breakfast ServiceUnit8 British Breakfast Service目的与要求:1、Complaining about a Late Order 2、Culinary Skills of Festive Citrus Sirloin Strips重点与难点:Patterns Learning:I ordered my lunch/my dinner/my wine about half an hour ago.Ill check your order with the chef.Your order is on the way/is ready no w/will be here in a minute.Ill see the chef/the head waiter/the manager for you.本章思考题:How to deal with the beverage orderUnit9 Automatic VendingUnit9 Automatic Vending目的与要求:1、Taking Customers Orders by P hone(for take-aways)2、Culinary Skills of Irish Stew重点与难点:Patterns Learning:Im Tina Boydell calling from Chengdu College/Cornwall College/Sichuan Food&Service Company.And at what time do you expect your packed meal/your birthday party/your wedding breakfastDo you want a large or standard pizza/cola/French friesCan I have your telephone number/your address/your room number?5本章思考题:What are the two sectors which gain big profits fromautomatic vendingUnit10 GuUnit10 Gu rid on Servicerid on Service目的与要求:1、Taking Guests Orders by Phone(for room service)2、Culinary Skills of Crepes Suzette重点与难点:Patterns Learning:Could you send up some breakfast/some lunch/some snacks,pleaseYour order will be delivered in about twenty minutes/at your requested time/as soon as possible.And how would you like your egg/your steak/your beef done?And at what time shall we serve your lunch/your breakfast/your afternoon tea本章思考题:Why is the cost of gueridon service with an a la carte type of mealhigherUnit11 Table MannersUnit11 Table Manners目的与要求:1、Settling Bills 2、Culinary Skills of Black Forest Cake重点与难点:Patterns Learning:Here is your change/your receipt/your invoice.Ill go to the cashiers counter to settle the bill for youThats for the drinks/the birthday cake/the ice cream.Can I pay by本章思考题:What do you know about the right way to cut the meat inyour plateUnit12 Seating&Dining CustomsUnit12 Seating&Dining Customs目的与要求:1、Job Interview 2、Culinary Skills of Four Seasons Pizza重点与难点:Patterns Learning:I majored in Hotel Management/Chinese Cuisine/Western Cuisine.I am especially good at the Art of Garnishing/Flower Arrangement/Napkin Folding.Do you have any experience in hotel/restaurant/food service workWe have a reservation for a table for ten.6I work as a floor attendant/receptionist/cashier for three years.本章思考题:If you are arranged in one of the juniorseats,what shouldyou do七、本课程教学时数分配表七、本课程教学时数分配表章节标题学时分配讲授一二三四五六七八九十十一十二Greeting CustomersServing the OrderTaking the OrderFood and Soup ServiceBeverage ServiceTasting WinesFunction CateringBritish Breakfast ServiceAutomatic VendingGurid on ServiceTable MannersSeating&Dining Customs844484444488实践八、教材和主要参考资料八、教材和主要参考资料1、推荐教材:实用餐饮英语林红,北京大学出版社,2003 年2、主要参考资料:饭店情景英语郭兆康,复旦大学出版社,2005 年九、课程考核与成绩评定方法九、课程考核与成绩评定方法课程考核采用期末教师自命题笔试考试的方法,成绩及格者加上平时成绩,课程考核合格,否则不合格。成绩评定方法:学期总评=期末考试 60%+平时成绩 40%7