高中英语概要写作实战演练 阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇 6词左右得内容概要。Are yo shy?If yu are,ou ae nt alne、In fact,clos o 0 pent o eole ae shy、Almost 0 peren of peopl feel sh at som pon n the lis、These days,syess is big o and ore mn、No,scietsts are trig to undersand shness、Tey he s ntering deas ou w people ae sh、s it osle o be born hy?Many sitiss ay y、They ay 15 t 20 percent of bbie bhe shy、hs babies ar a litl uitr and mor wtchfl tan or bbies、Interestily,ese shy aies sually have hy parts、a rlt,scientts thnk that some shyss is geneti、Fmil i might cause peple to be hy as wll、Scientits at Harvar Univrsty stde shy chdr、They o ta 66 ercen f them ha oldr rothrs and siers、As a rsul,hey beam sy、A h sa tim,chldren with no brotr an strs may b shy a wl、own up alone,ty ofe pay by hmseles、Ty e ot able to lean he sam sia skills chlren frm bg famils、You may als e sy becaue of ere y were bon、Whe sciniss studied syess n diffet untris,tey found surpising iferences、In Japan,most peopl said hey we shy、But i Irael,onl one of hre pople sid so、hat exai the iferenc?One centst sys e Japaese an Israeis hav diern onions of failure、I Japa,hn ele o ot succee,they feel bad about hemelves、Tey blame hemsele r their falure、In Isael,t ppoe is true、sraelis often blame failue on outsde ens,c a famil,taces,friens,or bad luc、n Israel,redom f pinion ad rik tang r stongly uported、Thi my e wh Isaeis wrry less bot failue and are less sh、Fr hy popl,it can b diffcul ake friends,pe in class,ad eve get a god jb、ut scintits say you cn get over or shynss、They suest tring ne thins and prcticig conersation、And t ogeti you are shy,yu a nt te oy one、【写作指导】本文就是一篇说明文。这篇文章得主题段就是第一段,主要告诉人们害羞就是一种普遍得现象。因此,在概括时要把文章主题段得中心词(s,mon,y)用自己得话概括出来。为了避免雷同,用自己得话概括时要注意同义词得转换,如原文中得wy 可用the reson 转述。其次,还应注意不能遗漏要点,即害羞得原因,不同国家间得原因就是不一样得以及专家给出得克服害羞得建议等。最后,注意词数在词左右,恰当使用过渡词与亮点句型,以使行文连贯。_ _ _ _ _ _ 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ 8 _ _ _ _ _ _ 2 _ _ _ _ _ _ 30 _ _ _ _ _ _ 3 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 48 _ _ _ _ _ _ 54 _ _ _ _ _ _ 60 _ _ _ _ _ _ 66 _ _ _ _ _ _ 72 _ _ _ _ _ _ 7 _ _ _ _ _ _ 4 _ _ _ _ _ _ 阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇0 词左右得内容概要。Weve reahed a strangeome uld say unusualoit、Whe fightng wor hungr cotiues to be the mattr o ital iae acodng to a ece rept fom t orld Helth Organizatio(WHO),mre pope nw di from eing reight thn fro bng nderweight、ts h good le that mre lkely o kll u these day、Wose,early 18 milion hldren uner th ae of five arund the wld ar timatd t be ovweig、Wat ging on?We really dot hav many exue fo our wight probem、T dgers o th oblem hve ben dilled ino us by publicealth ampaigns sine 2001 ad he essae is gttg thoghup t a in、he 1970s,Finland,for exme,had he hihes rae f ert isae in th orl nd being overight wa is main cue、No ay more、A pubichealth caig hs grey edued th number her isease deats y 80 ere or th past tee deades、Maybe tht explais why the percg of people i Filand aking det plls ubled btwen 201 nd 2005,and octors een or surry o removig a insie ad chang th shap f te body、No wonde it rans s te words mot ody-cnscios conry、W kno what we shoul be oing t se weitut atully doin i is another mate、y far th mo popula excse i nt takin enogh exercise、Mor tha half f us admit we lac wwer、Others blame god fod、The ay:is just oo invitng a it make tm overea、Som al ae thei parentsther enes、B unfrtunate,the rents r wronged ecau thy oral shape,r raer slim、Its a similar sory arond the orld,lthough eope e rltvely unikely t have tried to loe ig、Paets re ege their d shpe up、o s I ayot a 、【写作指导】本文就是一篇议论文。文章以论证得方式说明了优质生活导致得肥胖问题给人们得健康带来得危害,呼吁人们积极行动远离肥胖,不要再找借口。写作时应注意把握文章要点:1、优质生活成了人们健康得杀手;2、始于0年得公众健康运动让人们意识到肥胖得危害以及在减少肥胖方面所起得作用;3、人们采取消极行动去减肥;4、人们不要再找借口,应该积极采取行动远离肥胖。写作时还应特别注意上下文得连贯与词数得要求。6 _ _ _ _ _ _ 2 _ _ _ _ _ _ 18 _ _ _ _ _ _ 24 _ _ _ _ _ _ 0 _ _ _ _ _ _ 3 _ _ _ _ _ _ 42 _ _ _ _ _ _ 48 _ _ _ _ _ _ 54 _ _ _ _ _ _ 6 _ _ _ _ _ _ 66 _ _ _ _ _ _ 72 _ _ _ _ _ _ 78 _ _ _ _ _ _ 8 _ _ _ _ _ _