、Fill in t blanks in th ollowing sntces ith the wrds gien belw。(答案填写单词前得大写字母编号。每空 2 分,共 20 分)1、A a achr he was highl respeced for his idusty,paien,and h abilit to F d、2、Un a irm an J ts pruct and rvies t remain ahead of th ptition,te argi of prfitabiiy wl e igniicantly reuced,ith attndat os f market shae。3。Depresed epe can o coure ake G nd wise dcison,an I mae ne uch deisn when,urg my second trm at Berkely,ecded to give up my Londo flat、。He wroe to them,wihin evey e of hm d thir fiies a truy Happy Chrtmas nd a very H/K New Year。(H 与 K 两个选项一样。)5、Abou the yea ag,she sarte aing E bt her gandahe ecaue sh wanted to lea he truth or heref。6、o heat asons the preient hs decide A is lanned vit to Itly。7。his oo is te prodct f ser years of B between to ld universitie。The new cl tves to ucae ts members I servce t the munt、9、Thouh it ave ch t gie,he was C with hi money、1、Fathers Da is a day on whch the ople f cuntres express thei D ad apreiation fr their fathers b giving them gts or grein。I。Fll in the blaks i t folowing sentences with the phs or expressios givn bow。(答案填写词组前得大写字母编号。每空 2 分,共 2分)第 一 页 A、cance B、claboration C。nrous D。grattue E、bioraphy F。mpar G、asy H、properus K、o the sak f L、fd p M、cae t a clos N。aght my fanc O。in ct P、i blese with Q、mht as wl R、n th hoe 1、I d wnt to scare ou unecearily,ut you Q ace facts、2。A fur days f tals M ,the oposing sides wer still unble to ree on tempo ceaseire n the egio。3、Th oly thing on sl t N was a little Freh cloc、4、Fr beter helth you us S ai too mch。、The U Seretary Gneral believe tat f mmb couries ould ac O ,th problem migt be solvd mo esi、6、The octor sed er try to keep riking to a mnum hil s s prgnnt,her own ath an hr babys、7。Atough Sn teo Conty P a umbr of xtrardinarly beutif park,man refe the dmitance o dogs,or alow thm only i certai aeas、8、here are a fw ll thig that I dot like at m ob,but R it very enjoyabl、9。She got a ittle L wit is hbit of neer allowing her to finis sennce、10。We ae to nt acunt h data T i h annual reort、III、Grama、ho the b one f th fr choices、(每空 1 分,共5 分)1、After diving fo hirt mies,h sddnly relized hat se C n e rog direction。A、wa dring B、has ben rvn 、d ben drving D、drov 2。On s nex brthy he marred for tn yers、A。as been B、ll be C。wi hae bn 、would have ben 3。Those ho ha appd for te post te offce、A、ae bg itrved B、ar iterving C。intervewing D、o be intriewn 4、Your propol y the ite oo、。is dissed B。has ben dscussed C、is ging to e discussed D、wll ave en dscussed。Te cidren mny times nt t ply wi fi。A、told 、hav old C、hv been tod D、are ein td 6、f ne B y vaity,e ill b very partcular abou others cohing an aperane、A。overes B。i ovre C、vecae D。has bee ovrcam 7。he problem is it may take i for ew facts to bee vailab、A、tat B。how 。hat 、8、Fo houans of yers mn deamed A semd psile dreas about flyig、A。what B、that C。whic D。why 9。The fa rmins A we ae bhnd many oes。A、tht B、why 。he D。h 10、How a yu keep he mace C wh yu are ay?A、n B。to run C、runing D。en run、Bfoe he ame o ew York,h hd nve hrd a sge Eglish word 、A、sek B、t sek C。poke D。soke 1、ht A next will b discssd t the nxt meting。A。o do 。di 。will do D、sall we o 13、ase write report B the abov subjcs e to be coveed、A、hch 。in which C、that D。in that 14。The shp ffes amost vrythi A nge fro inxpenive to ery expeiv、tat B。hc C、wo 、in hic、There ae man cildrn C beaviour enerally unaceptble、A、who 、whom C。wose D。that IV。Raing prehenso、Cos bt swer ro te four choice。(每题 2 分,共 20 分)Passge Why lay gaes?case thy ar fn,an a lot m bsides。Followin rleslnning or net oeatig s ea emethee re all“gae”ideas ht yu ill e cs thrgout o lfe。Thik abou some o th ames ou playe as a yong chld,sch a rop-juming ad hdeand-e、Sch game are ntertainng d fn。Bt paps more morntl,ty tnlae lf ino eciting dramas that tch cildrn some o the bsic rle they wil be xpectd t ollo he rs f teir lives,such a tkin tur nd coopeain(合作)。May hilres gams hve a pracca sid、ldrn aound th wrd ply game that prare the for wor ey i o s grownp、Fr ntace,e Si Arin chlren play a game cald ons,whi shpes t handeye coorination(协调)needed n hunin、May spots ncurage atial o oal prde。T mos famu gaes of all,te Olypc Games,bng ahlees ro aond the orl togeher to take t n friendly petition。Peo wh watc te eet wve fg,owin tha a go medl s a w for an etie untr,t jut the athlete who eaned it、or ounries experieing natrl isaste or wa,an lymp win ca man so muc、Sos ar alo an vent ha ntes(团结)eple。Sccer is te mos a s i the world。People on all cntents play soe fr fun nd soe fo a lvng。Ncett Irirne,a alifonian ccer layer,has dscod wy to sad hope through soccer。H created a foundton to prvde poo childr with nt ny occer balls but so proising ftue、Net time yo lay your favoie gam of po,tnk bout hy ou eo it,hat skills ae neee,ad whether tse skills will ep you in other asect yur life。、Through paying hdeadseek,childre re epcted to learn to B 。A、b eam leader B。obey the bsi rues C、ct a a grwnup D。rdct pible dane 2。he underlie rt in Paagrh mst roably eans ht ame can A 。、describ lie n an exiig ay 、change our life experiees C、ak arni life skis moe inteesti 、cange peples vews of sortng vents、Acdin to te passge,is winnn Oyic edas o ecuraging?A 、A。It nspir opls de ove fo the cunty。B、It roes the exceptionl kil f the winners。C、It el he cnty out f aturl disasters、。It earns the wne fame n ortune、4。Ibarns goal o rng e funatio is to C 、rng fun t oor kids 。rovi soce bll fr childn 、giv or ks chance r a better ife D、appeal to soer plyers hlp oo ids 5。hat can e nerre rom he passge?、A、Games benefit people all thir lies、B、Spors n gt a thetes togeter、C、ople e advsed t ply game for fu。D。Sports incree a cunry etivenes、assage 2“Congatlatos,M。Jones,s girl。Faherhoo is goin have dferent mng and brig for feen resnse fm evy a wo hears hse wors。Sme fee rde wen the receive te ews,while thers worry,wonderig whether tey ill be good fthers、Alough the are som ho like cdr an my have had considerab epriece wit them,ote d not paticulaly care for chilre nd sped litle time wth h。Man fathers n moter he been planni and ooing forwr to hidre fo soe time。For other oples,prgac as n ait that both husban and wife ave acepted willingly o unilingl。Whatever the respoe t he bir of child,t s cear ha the change rom the rol of hsband to tat f faher is a ifcut task、e,unfortunaely,fe attempts hve been ma to eduae ahers n ts prs、Altogh nueros books hve en writ aou Amec mthe,ony recely hs liteatue oused on h role of a ater、It i rged by se writers tat te ansition o the fhe roe,although difficult,is no nearly a rea s te cang the ife must ake to the motes rl、Te thes ole seems to require a lte chage n aily utne an djuset,d h fathers role s less deandi and idte、However,even hough we mnoe the t tat growing numbers of me are wrkng utside t hme,he far is tl thogt y man a te beinner i th hsehold、Accrdn to uthor,how do en eel afte tey bee fhers?_ A。hey el lk he ned som more xperiene、。Thy hav a felig that thy must o a l of planning。C、Se en feel proud nd other neas D、They hae a eing of not cring about things。7、Which f te flowing is tated in th assa?_A_ A、om paren have a child ccidntaly ad tey r n preae。B。Young coules do nt t o hav childrn a al thes y。C、Woing couples u to ther arents to ke car of he childrn、D、Many arents lk orward to hin a gr as ter first child 8、n the hird paraph,e autor _D_、A。thnks father shou ae heir resnsibiltis in aing chlren B、criicies witers fo writig s uch abut bein a fathe C、pport the idea ta father shoud als ru the ome l D、lais tha hbnds nno get muc help bein a fahr 9。Th hnge of h mohers ole reuires at th ife _B_。A、ust do wtever he ikes o d in r i、change etly to dea wh he new sittion、wor onl wthi he on home se n、hp her usbn with his rade r bsine 10。ome ritrs rgue that wth respec o te cange of ros,fathe,ad th mother,_C_、A、have to bear moe brdns 、make a e diffult djustmnt C、hve an ie ob to do D、shouder more urdes V。Trnlation。(共 1分)A、ro Chinese into Engish、(每题2 分,共 6 分)1、这就是我所瞧到得第一部电影。Tis s the firs ilm hve er seen、2、听到这个消息,她们立即出发去火车站、aring h new,they imdiaely se off fo te rail ttion、她太年轻,理解不了这些事情。She i too youn to undertn hese tins、。From English into Chinese。(每题2 分,共分)。But,is publi uport fr h itrnationl pae effot ncessary,give ha piticians eem determnd t press ahed with it anywa?但就是,公众寻求国际空间得努力有必要吗,因为那些政治家们似乎已经决定无论如何都会把这一举措推行下去?2。Then,bout three wek into he smester,t bes car that the Leader wts sens discovr hi erson of tuth。Bhid e Leaders deocratic gis there hids a ia、然后,学期三周后,很明显领导想要学生发现她得真理版本。领导只就是一个披着民主外衣得独裁者而已。VI。Wrtng、r tis par,yo are reqired to write a asage ettld Th Imortane of Song Gratite、Yu shold wt at let 10 rd cng t he outlin give blw:(本题共 15 分)1.向帮助过我们得人表示感激,不仅有必要而且很重要。2.我们应该如何表示感激。3.您得结论。Th Imponc f Showing Gratitu Th Imprtace of howing Gaitude rtitude is er iorant、It is the feeling of being gratl,the art of receving gcefully,an the act o hong appreciation r every ac kndes,ig nd al,tht hers d o us、o exprss or gratude e ones who have ered s hel is not only necessary bu also vey impotnt。her e mn wa cn sh u griud、t can b eesse by grateu langage or b mall gif。t mo matter whate w do to sho or gratitue,e shoul it in sice manr、In ord,shoi atitde is mortant in o life、Th thk we give hlp s o bid a better wold,oe hat we a all le in nd enjo。