border n./v.Text A:Glossary use your dictionary!n.边(沿)边(沿)e.g.the of the Sahara 撒哈拉 边界,国界边界,国界 They crossed the border into Mexico.v.与与接壤接壤 on sth:be next to 与与接近接近 Germany borders on France.cling v.to/on/together:hold on tightly to 紧紧抓住紧紧抓住e.g.当说再见时当说再见时,他妈妈紧紧地抓住她的儿子。他妈妈紧紧地抓住她的儿子。The mother clung to her son as he said good-bye.refuse to give sth up;unwilling to abandon 坚持坚持 e.g.Why do you have to cling to the old ideas?为什么你一定要墨守成规呢为什么你一定要墨守成规呢?stay close to:紧靠紧靠 be emotionally dependent on sb.依恋依恋 clutch v./n.seize eagerly 急忙抓住急忙抓住 hold.tightly in the hands 紧紧握住紧紧握住 e.g.She clutched her purse tightly,fearing that a thief might snatch it.她紧紧抓住钱包她紧紧抓住钱包,害怕被小偷抢去害怕被小偷抢去。at sth:try to seize sth 试图抓住试图抓住 e.g.He clutched at the tree but couldnt reach it.clutch at straws/a straw:捞救命稻草捞救命稻草 in the es of:在在的掌控中的掌控中 conjurer n.-conjure v.变戏法变戏法,变魔术变魔术 conjurer=magician 魔术师魔术师-er,-or,-ist,-ant:person(noun suffix)-er:-or:-ist:-ant:merchant assistant creator n.e.g.Walt Disney is the creator of Mickey Mouse.create v.创造创造-creation n.宇宙宇宙,创造创造-creature n.生生物物 God created man.creator creaturethe Creator:(宗教宗教)造物主造物主 the Creation:(宗教宗教)上帝创造天地上帝创造天地 crossroads n.a crossroads 十字路口十字路口 roundabout环行交叉路口环行交叉路口curiosity n.-curious adj.out of curiosity curiosity about sth./curiosity to do sth.curiosity killed the cat.好奇心杀死猫好奇心杀死猫.(.(saying谚语谚语)来源来源:西方传说猫有西方传说猫有九条命九条命,怎么都不会死去,而最后恰恰是死于自己的好,怎么都不会死去,而最后恰恰是死于自己的好奇心,可见好奇心有时是多么的可怕!奇心,可见好奇心有时是多么的可怕!daze v./n.V.使茫然使茫然,使眩晕使眩晕 She was dazed by a blow on the head.她头上挨了一击她头上挨了一击,使她感到眩晕使她感到眩晕 n.茫然茫然,迷乱迷乱 in a:茫然茫然,不知所措不知所措 他处于茫然中他处于茫然中,不知道发生了什么事不知道发生了什么事 He was in a daze,and couldnt understand what was happening.exertion n.-exert v.n.great effort 努力努力,尽力尽力 e.g.He was painting the gate with exertion.他在费力地油漆大门他在费力地油漆大门 action of applying influence 发挥发挥,运用运用 e.g.Exertion of authority(权力权力)over others is not always wise.以权压人并不总是明智的。以权压人并不总是明智的。exert v.尽力尽力;运用运用 oneself:努力努力,尽力尽力 e.g.He never exerts himself to help anyone.他从不努力帮助别人他从不努力帮助别人.halt n./v.暂停暂停,停止停止 come to a halt 停止停止 bring to a halt 使使停止停止hatred n.仇恨仇恨,憎恨憎恨 an intricate problem/story intricacy n.invade v.-invasion n.-invader n.入侵者入侵者 invasive v.enter in large numbers,crowd into 涌入涌入 e.g.a city invaded by tourists enter with armed forces in order to attack 侵略侵略 e.g.Germany invaded Poland in World War.irritate v.-irritation n.-irritated adj.irritate v.make sb angry,annoyed or impatient make sore/inflamed使疼痛使疼痛/发炎发炎irritated adj.使愤怒使愤怒,恼怒或急燥恼怒或急燥joy n.-joyful adj.-joyfully adv.nap n.n.a short sleep,esp.during the day小睡小睡,打盹打盹(尤指白天尤指白天)take a e.g.I usually take a nap after lunch.observant adj.observe v.observation n.adj.quick to notice 善于观察的善于观察的 What an observant boy!careful to obey rules,laws 严格遵守的严格遵守的 be of:严格遵守严格遵守 overlook v.over-:above v.to see from the above 俯瞰俯瞰 e.g.We climbed up the hill to overlook the surrounding wonderful scenery.Our room overlooks the ocean.take no notice of;ignore 忽略忽略,忽视忽视 e.g.We should not overlook these problems.perseverance n.persevere v.rank n./v.the first rank 第一流的第一流的 rank among属于属于之列之列 rankas把把看作看作 resort to:求助于求助于,采取采取,诉诸于诉诸于 e.g.He added that China would not resort to force.他补充说他补充说,中国不会诉诸于中国不会诉诸于(采取采取)武力武力.revolve v.v.to move around a central point 旋转旋转 e.g.The earth revolves round the sun.around:center on 以以.为中心为中心;围绕围绕 .旋转旋转 e.g.Her life revolves around her family.revolve:以他物为轴以他物为轴/中心的旋转中心的旋转 旋转旋转 rotate:以自身内部的轴为中心的旋转以自身内部的轴为中心的旋转;自转自转(比如比如陀螺陀螺,车轮车轮,地球地球)e.g.The earth rotates on its axis轴轴 while it revolves around the sun.地球在绕太阳旋转的同时也在绕轴自转。地球在绕太阳旋转的同时也在绕轴自转。sort n./v.n.a kind or a type 种类,类,种类,类,v.to put things in a particular order 分类,整理分类,整理 of:有点儿:有点儿 e.g.Its sort of late.out of s:feeling unwell 身体不适身体不适 out:put things in good order 整理整理 e.g.This room needs sorting out.这个房间需要整理这个房间需要整理(收拾一下收拾一下).into:把把分类分类 After I get the mail,I immediately sort them into 2 piles:-to throw away and to open.adj.without any cloud;cloudless.晴朗的晴朗的,无云的无云的 e.g.I saw the bright star in the sky in an unclouded summer night.在晴朗的夏夜在晴朗的夏夜,我看见了明亮的星星我看见了明亮的星星.You wake up to sunshine and unclouded skies not troubled or spoiled by anything 未被扰乱的;平静的未被扰乱的;平静的 e.g.six months of unclouded happiness.六个月无忧无虑的幸福生活。六个月无忧无虑的幸福生活。try in vain to sleep:怎么也睡不着怎么也睡不着 unclouded adj.un-:no try in vain to sleep:怎么也睡不着怎么也睡不着 All is in vain.一切都是徒劳一切都是徒劳 I will not idle away my time and be sorry in vain when my youthful head becomes white.莫等闲莫等闲,白了少年头白了少年头,空悲切空悲切.(岳飞岳飞满江红满江红)in vain:白费力白费力,徒劳徒劳 try in vain to sleep:怎么也睡不着怎么也睡不着 in vain:白费力白费力,徒劳徒劳