OOPS!NG场景!每逢节日上必促销,尤其是网上铺天盖地的促销活动,总是让一些“月光族”“购物狂”在财政上雪上加霜。不管有用还是没用,看到促销就想买,买回来才发现其实很少用!这是很多冲动消费购物者的真实写照。荷包又没HOLD住,还把信用卡刷爆了!没办法,只能向朋友哭穷了,这时你可以说“我这月都快入不敷出了”第1页/共28页一句话告别NG“入不敷出”用英语怎么说呢?又NG了吗?用英语哭穷,你应该这样说:第2页/共28页一句话告别NGI can hardly make ends meet this month.第3页/共28页不NG必备词记下每笔收入和支出工薪族发薪日预算Wage-earnerKeep track of every pennyPaydayBudget第4页/共28页不NG必备词缺钱缺钱减少预算缩减开支Hard upLow on cashTighten budgetCut spending第5页/共28页不NG必备词减少不必要的开支支出薪水勉强糊口过活ExpenditureCut the frillsPaycheckLive from hand to mouth 第6页/共28页不NG必备句第7页/共28页不NG必备句收入与支出在日常消费中,最好合理规划收入和支出,这样才能有计划地支配自己的收入,规划收支相关的表达有。I will keep track of every penny.我会记下每一笔收入和支出。Both the husband and wife are wage-earner.夫妻俩都上班挣工资。第8页/共28页收入与支出在日常消费中,最好合理规划收入和支出,这样才能有计划地支配自己的收入,规划收支相关的表达有。Today is pay day.今天是发薪日。We have to start living on a budget.我们得量入为出。不NG必备句第9页/共28页收入与支出在日常消费中,最好合理规划收入和支出,这样才能有计划地支配自己的收入,规划收支相关的表达有。I stay within a budget.我量入为出。不NG必备句I made a steady paycheck.我收入稳定。第10页/共28页预算吃紧工资时时刻刻都不够,信用卡天天刷,刷下去恐怕会“破产”吧,手头缺钱时你可以说。I am going to be broke if keeping spending money like that.如果我再不节制,迟早会破产。Im low on cash this month!我这个月正好缺钱呢!不NG必备句第11页/共28页预算吃紧工资时时刻刻都不够,信用卡天天刷,刷下去恐怕会“破产”吧,手头缺钱时你可以说。Im a bit hard up.我手头有点紧。I had to live from hand to month.我不过勉强糊口过日子。第12页/共28页预算吃紧工资时时刻刻都不够,信用卡天天刷,刷下去恐怕会“破产”吧,手头缺钱时你可以说。Im flat broke right now.我现在身无分文。不NG必备句I cant afford that.我付不起这个费用。第13页/共28页缩减开支“月光族”固然过得潇洒,但是遇到紧急情况是可能就会束手无策了,还是存点钱好!缩减开支相关的表达有。I have to tighten our budget and cut our spending.我不得不减少预算,削减开支。They cut down unnecessary expenditure.他们削减了不必要的开支。不NG必备句第14页/共28页缩减开支“月光族”固然过得潇洒,但是遇到紧急情况是可能就会束手无策了,还是存点钱好!缩减开支相关的表达有。We must cut the frills.我们必须减少不必要的开支。不NG必备句第15页/共28页各种“收入”SalaryFixed incomeDisposable Gross receipt工资固定收入可支配收入总收入Low income低收入第16页/共28页各种“收入”Peanut很少的收入第17页/共28页不NG实景对话第18页/共28页不NG实景对话Im broke.我身无分文。A:Want to go to a movie?想去看电影吗?B:I cant.Im broke.我去不了,我身无分文。单词点睛 broke 破产的,一文不名的第19页/共28页不NG实景对话I do have a family to take care of.我得养家糊口呢。A:I dont understand why you wont come on the trip with me.我不明白你为什么不跟我一起去旅行。B:I do have a family to take care of.我得养家糊口呢。还可以说 I do have a family to feed.I do have a family to look after.第20页/共28页不NG实景对话How much will it cost me?那得花费我多少钱?A:Youre going to need a new sink.你需要一个新的水槽B:How much will it cost me?那得花费我多少钱?还可以说 How much will that run me?How much will I have to pay for that?第21页/共28页不NG实景对话We have to keep an eye on our spending.我们得留意开支了。A:Lets go out for dinner tonight.我们今天晚上出去吃吧。B:I dont think we should.We have to keep an eye on our spending.我想我们还是不要出去吃了,我们得留意开支了。词组点睛 keep an eye on 留意,密切注视。第22页/共28页不NG实景对话Im on a tight budget.我现在的预算很紧。A:You should really get those shoes.Theyre so cute.你真的应该买那双鞋,非常可爱。B:I cant.Im on a tight budget.我买不了,我现在预算很紧。单词点睛 tight 严格的 Budget 预算第23页/共28页不NG实景对话Your money is burning a hole in your pocket.你钱花起来毫无节制。A:Your money is burning a hole in your pocket.你钱花起来毫无节制。B:I know.I really need to save more.我知道。我真的得多存点钱了。还可以说 Youre throwing your money away.You spend money as if it were going out of style.第24页/共28页像老外一样张口即来情景对话Brad:Look,Im sorry,but were forgoing bonuses this year.Man:Can I get anyone dessert?Brad:Beat it.What?Man:Its the economy.Um,our CFO feels we need to do some belt tightening.Brad:But do you know how much overtime Carlos has pulled?How many trips hes taken?Hes killed himself.For god sakes dont do this to my jeweler.Man:But,Gaby,no ones getting a bonus,not,not even brad.Brad:So this was his bonus?A salad and a stuffed chicken breast?Man:Look,hopefully next year will be better.第25页/共28页像老外一样张口即来情景对话布莱德:听着,很抱歉,但我们今年取消红利了侍者:有人需要甜点吗?加比瑞尔:走开,什么?布莱德:世道不好,嗯,我们的首席财务总管认为需要缩减支出。加比瑞尔:但你只带卡洛斯加了多少班吗?出了多少次差吗?他都要累死了,老天,别这样对我的珠宝商。马瑞恩:加比,任何人都没有红利,布莱德也没有。加比瑞尔:这就是他的红利?沙拉和鸡胸肉?布莱德:听着,明年也许会好些。绝望主妇(Desperate Housewives)第26页/共28页Thank you!第27页/共28页感谢您的欣赏!第28页/共28页