期中串讲 题一:Its impolite to cut in line when you _ a bus at the bus stop.A.ask for B.look for C.care for D.wait for 题二:The little girl could look after _ though she was only five years old.A.she B.her C.hers D.herself 题三:_ excellent basketball player Jeremy Lin is!I really love this talented guy.A.How B.What C.How a D.What an 题四:About _ the students took part in the camp.A.40 percent B.40 percents C.40 percent of D.40 percents of 题五:The old man was hungry and tired.He could _ walk.A.never B.hardly C.really D.nearly Mary studies very _ at school.She is _ ever late for school.A.hard;hard B.hardly;hardly C.hard;hardly D.hardly;hard 题六:-I prefer speaking to listening in English learning.-Oh,really?I think you should be good at _ of them.A.both B.neither C.either D.all -The teachers in that school speak either English or French,or even _.-Thats so cool!A.all B.both C.neither D.none 题七:-The cake looks _.-Yes,and it tastes even _.A.well;good B.nice;better C.good;worse D.better;best Its believed that _ you work,_ result youll get.A.the harder;the better B.the harder;the worse C.the better;the harder D.the worse;the harder Greenwood Park is _ place in town to go to on weekends.A.good B.better C.best D.the best I cant stand talk shows.They are not so _ as soap operas.A.exciting B.more exciting C.most exciting D.much exciting 题八:Larry often helps me with my English study,_ Im getting better at it.A.but B.for C.so D.or 题九:Exercise such as playing sports is fun,and you can spend time _ your friends and family.A.in B.to C.with D.through 题十:Thanks for _ me the news.A.tell B.telling C.to tell D.told 题十一:-What did you do in class today,Sarah?-We _ a discussion about TV shows.A.have B.has C.had D.to have 题十二:When this cartoon _ in New York on Nov.18th,1928,it was the first cartoon with sound and music.A.ate out B.brought out C.found out D.came out 题十三:I bought a lot of gifts for my parents and friends,but _ for myself.A.something B.anything C.everything D.nothing Is there _ in todays newspaper?A.something interesting B.interesting something C.anything interesting D.interesting anything 题十四:When people watch the show,they usually _ a role in deciding the winner.A.are playing B.played C.play D.to play 题十五:Some people might ask _.A.why did this cartoon animal become so popular B.how this cartoon animal became so popular C.when did this cartoon animal become so popular D.if did this cartoon animal become so popular Thomas wants to know _.A.how we usually go to school B.how far is it from home to school C.how is she going to Shanghai D.how often do you do exercise 题十六:-What do you think of soap operas?-_.They are so boring.A.I dont know B.I have no idea C.I cant stand them D.I think you are right 题十七:-_ do you go to the piano lesson?-Four times a month.A.How far B.How long C.How often D.How soon 题十八:I can play soccer with you after I finish _ the book.A.read B.reads C.reading D.to read 题十九:_ the man is very old,_ he never stops studying.A.Although,but B.Although,and C.Although,then D.Although,/题二十:-Can you play tennis with me?-_.I have to study for an English test.A.That sounds good B.Im sorry,I cant C.Id love to D.Thank you 题二十一:吃许多蔬菜对你的身体有好处。Eating a lot of vegetables _ your health.题二十二:感谢你来参加我的生日聚会。_ to my birthday party.题二十三:喝牛奶能帮助我们保持健康。Drinking milk can _ healthy.题二十四:每个人都玩的很愉快么?Did everyone _?题二十五:百分之四十五 的学生一周锻炼 4 到 5 次。Forty-five percent of the students exercise _.题二十六:他真的很幽默,能使我发笑。He is really funny,and he can _?题二十七:比起唱歌,我更擅长表演。Im _acting than singing.北京是中国最大的城市之一。Beijing is _cities in China.题二十八:新闻和访谈节目可能不令人激动,但你可以期待从中学到很多东西。News and talk shows may not be exciting,but you can expect to _.题二十九:我妈妈总是想让我喝牛奶,说它对我的健康有好处。My mother always _ milk and says it is good for my health.题三十:尽管对很多学生来说学好英语是困难的,他们却愿意尽最大的努力。_ for many students to learn English well,they _.他总是乐于助人。_.期中串讲 讲义参考答案 题一:D 题二:D 题三:D 题四:C 题五:BC 题六:AB 题七:BADA 题八:C 题九:C 题十:B 题十一:C 题十二:D 题十三:DC 题十四:C 题十五:答案:BA 题十六:C 题十七:C 题十八:C 题十九:D 题二十:B 题二十一:is good for 题二十二:Thank you for coming 题二十三:help us to keep 题二十四:have a good time 题二十五:four or five times 题二十六:make me laugh 题二十七:better at;one of the biggest 题二十八:learn a lot from them 题二十九:want me to drink 题三十:Although it is hardare always ready to try their best He is always to help others 利用寒暑假提升自己认真查缺补漏,有效率地学习 对于学生来说,一年之中最开心的就是寒暑假了。可是一到放假,学生们既高兴又不高兴,接下来这个假期到底该怎么安排呢?痛痛快快地玩还是努力学习呢?可能你曾经会有这样的疑问,班上某些同学,原本成绩并不理想,可是寒暑假过、新学期刚开学的考试中,他们就取得了惊人的成绩,这是为什么呢?其实,这是因为他们充分利用寒暑假的时间查缺补漏和有效复习。对此,我们先来听听曾获得文科状元的某某是怎么做的:“刚上高中时,我的学习成绩并不是很好,只在年级的中游水平。后来我能够成功地考入北京大学,一个很重要的原因就是我能够笨鸟先飞,平时寒暑假、节日放假的时间我都能合理地安排。我会在寒假时先预习下一学期的课本,特别是英语课这就需要提前去借课本,也可以去买课本和相应的课本同步资料。然后给自己制订好假期计划,每天看多少、做多少,双休日则逛街、打羽毛球、逛书城,有时还和朋友去游览周边的风景名胜。这样学习兴趣更浓厚,因为在玩中印证书本知识的兴奋劲使我回味。这样一个假期下来,我对这学期要上的课已经基本熟悉了。课堂上,一方面把已经掌握的知识复习了一次,另一方面不懂的又可以在老师讲课时解决,这就是我的笨鸟先飞的招数了。我在高二上学期结束时,已预习完高中阶段的英语课文,对语文基础知识手册的基础内容也有所了解,这样为高三语文系统全面复习减少了阻力。真感谢自己当初的坚持不懈,我为当时的我感到骄傲、自豪!”某某为什么能在假期后成绩提高很多?因为她充分利用了假期时间学习。当然,她并不是建议考生们在寒暑假争分夺秒地学习。相反,她建议考生们劳逸结合,多参加一些娱乐活动。也就是说,合理的寒暑假计划,是要将学习与娱乐相结合的。那么,该如何科学、有效地利用寒暑假安排学习和生活呢?建议采取以下学习与生活策略、1.首先制订学习计划 寒暑假的时间都比较长,只有先制订一个适合自己的学习计划,才能将自己的学习状态调到最佳,从而高效地完成自己的学习。比如,在一天内,你最好保证自己的学习时间保持在 7-8 小时;学习时间最好固定在:8:30-11:30,14:30-17:30,19:3021:30。另外,你需要把休息的时间考虑进去,既不要睡懒觉,也不要开夜车;制订自己的学习计划,但主要是以保证每科的学习时间为主。例如,你数学定的是 2 个小时,但 2 小时过后任务还没有完成,建议你赶快根据计划更换到其他的复习科目。千万不要出现计划总是赶不上变化的局面。晚上学习的最后一个小时建议把安排设置为机动,目的是把白天没有解决的问题或没有完成的任务再补一下。每天至少进行三科的复习,文理分开,擅长喜欢和厌恶的科目交叉进行。不要前赶或后补作业。记住,完成作业不是目的,根据作业查缺补漏,或翻书再复习一下薄弱环节才是根本。如果遇到了自己解决不了的问题,千万不要钻“牛角尖或置之不理,可以打电话请教一下老师或同学!2.认真查漏补缺 寒暑假是课堂之外的时间,对于平时学习中遇到的薄弱环节,正好可以利用寒暑假时间进行查缺补漏。比如,在期末考试中,看看哪些题失了分,弄清失分原因:是基本知识没掌握好,还是学习态度不端正,或者是学习方法、学习习惯不好。你在分析“过去”、总结经验教训后,为自己制订一套寒暑假学习计划,并坚持实施。3.收集、整理错题,多做真题 寒暑假期间,要有针对性地进行知识复习,尽量多做历年考试真题。在做完一套真题试卷后,要及时核对答案,看看哪些题目丢分,弄清丢分原因。通过做真题可了解中考命题范围、题目深浅以及相关题型。同时,还要把做错的题记录在错题集里,或用红笔画上记号,便于下一次复习。比如,英语若是客观题丢分,要认真研究该题失分的原因。数学或其他科目也可以用此方法进行复习。在复习的过程中,遇到无法解决的问题,可以汇总在一起,记在事先准备的小册子上,开学后请教老师。通过有选择性地做真题,可以体会和熟悉中考题型,同时对所学知识“融会贯通”,使训练更有效。总之,科学地计划寒暑假的学习,你一定要考虑到自己的身、心、智的需要,从而让自己过一个有意义的假期。