实验一 Circuit Switching and Packet Switching 一、实验目的 1、扩大通信技术的英语词汇量。2、熟悉电路交换、分组交换等专业术语。3、了解科技文章的表达特点和掌握科技英语的翻译技巧。二、实验内容 文章翻译 Circuit Switching and Packet Switching There are two basic types of switching techniques:circuit switching and message switching.In circuit switching,a total path of connected lines is set up from the origin to the destination at the time the call is made,and the path remains allocated to the source-destination pair(whether used or not)until it is released by the communicating parties.The switches,called circuit switches(or office exchange in telephone jargon),have no capability of storing or manipulating users data on their way to the destination.The circuit is set up by a special signaling message that finds its way through the network,seizing channels in the path as it proceeds.Once the path is established,a return signal informs the source to begin transmission.Direct transmission of data from source to destination can then take place without any intervention on the part of the subnet.In message switching,the transmission unit is a well-defined block of data called a message.In addition to the text to be transmitted,a message comprises a header and a checksum.The header contains information regarding the source and destination addresses as well as other control information;the checksum is used for error control purposes.The switching element is a computer referred to as a message processor,with processing and storage capabilities.Messages travel independently and asynchronously,finding their own way from source to destination.First the message is transmitted from the host to the message processor to which it is attached.Once the message is entirely received,the message processor examines its header,and accordingly decides on the next outgoing channel on which to transmit it.If this selected channel is busy,the message waits in a queue until the channel becomes free,at which time transmission begins.At the next message processor,the message is again received,stored,examined,and transmitted on some outgoing channel,and the same process continues until the message is delivered to its destination.This transmission technique is also referred to as the store-and-forward transmission technique.A variation of message switching is packet switching.Here the message is broken up into several pieces of a given maximum length,called packets.As with message switching,each packet contains a header and a checksum.Packets are transmitted independently in a store-and-forward manner.With circuit switching,there is always an initial connection cost incurred in setting up the circuit.It is cost-effective only in those situations where once the circuit is set up there is a guaranteed steady flow of information transfer to amortize the initial cost.This is certainly the case with voice communication in the traditional way,and indeed circuit switching is the technique used in the telephone system.Communication among computers,however,is characterized as bursty.Burstiness is a result of the high degree of randomness encountered in the message-generation process and the message size,and of the low delay constraint required by the user.The users and devices require the communication resources relatively infrequently;but when they do,they require a relatively rapid response.If a fixed dedicated end-to-end circuit were to be set up connecting the end users,then one must assign enough transmission bandwidth to the circuit in order to meet the delay constraint with the consequence that the resulting channel utilization is low.If the circuit of high bandwidth were set up and released at each message transmission request,then the set-up time would be large compared to the transmission time of the message,resulting again in low channel utilization.Therefore,for bursty users(which can also be characterized by high peak-to-average data ate requirements),store-and-forward transmission techniques offer a more cost-effective solution,since a message occupies a particular communications link only for the duration of its transmission on that link;the rest of the time it is stored at some intermediate message switch and the link is available for other transmissions.Thus the main advantage of store-and-forward transmission over circuit switching is that the communication bandwidth is dynamically allocated,and the allocation is done on the fine basis of a particular link in the network and a particular message(for a particular source-destination pair).Packet switching achieves the benefits discussed so far and offers added features.It provides the full advantage of the dynamic allocation of the bandwidth,even when messages are long.Indeed,with packet switching,many packets of the same message may be in transmission simultaneously over consecutive links of a path from source to destination,thus achieving a pipelining effect and reducing considerably the overall transmission delay of the message as compared to message switching.It tends to require smaller storage allocation at the intermediate switches.It also has better error characteristics and leads to more efficient error recovery procedures,as it deals with smaller entities.Needless to say,packet switching presents design problems of its own,such as the need to reorder packets of a given message that may arrive at the destination node out of sequence.三、实验步骤及要求 1、首先,打开手机,在应用市场上搜索可以翻译文档的软件,然后将翻译软件先下载到手机上,然后打开软件。软件分为三个功能:文档翻译、图片翻译、短句翻译。2、将翻译软件中的翻译参数设置为英译汉,将需要翻译成的语言调整为简体中文。3、利用翻译软件功能,采用一句原文,一句中文的方式进行翻译。4、将翻译后的汉语内容进行适当的句式调整,做到准确、完整、通顺和专业。四、实验设备 一部可以装有翻译软件的智能手机。五、实验预习要求 阅读实验指导书内容,做好课前预习工作。六、实验报告要求 要求对文章进行翻译,书写的翻译内容要通顺、专业。