收到停课通知的那一刻作文 400 字 新型冠状病毒的入侵,打乱了我们的学习计划。学校为了不耽误我们的学习的进度,就让大家在网上学习。听说这种网上学习是一种新的教学方式,一位老师在教室讲课,摄影师把老师讲课的过程拍摄下来,传到电视、网络上面,让很多学生一起学习。这是我第一次这样上课,心情十分激动。向姐姐问了一些问题,如:给我上课的老师能看得见我吗?如果我做笔记的时候,错过了老师讲课的内容怎么办面对这些问题,姐姐对我说:“给你上课的老师是看不见你的,如果错过了老师讲课的内容,下课时可以看回放,重复学习”我听后高兴地笑了。第二天,一大早我就起床了,吃过早餐就开始准备上课需要的文具。上课的时间到,我坐在电视机前,马上就进入状态。这节课是语文课,讲的是古诗三首之一巜四时田园杂兴(其二十五)。下课的时候,姐姐问我第一节课感觉怎么样?“非常好,网上的老师教的和我们语文老师一样棒,生动、形象、易懂,感觉自己就是诗里的儿童一样,就是不能同老师一起互动!”我说道。姐姐点了点头:“如果有不懂的,可以请教你们的老师。”我暗自下定决心要听好老师的每一句话、每一节课。上课的时间稍短,却十分考验学生的自律和领悟能力。我们有信心能学得更好、更棒,不辜负祖国、学校、老师对我们的期待。让我们一起在知识的天空中“展翅翱翔”吧!新型冠状病毒的入侵,打乱了我们的学习计划。学校为了不耽误我们的学习的进度,就让大家在网上学习。听说这种网上学习是一种新的教学方式,一位老师在教室讲课,摄影师把老师讲课的过程拍摄下来,传到电视、网络上面,让很多学生一起学习。这是我第一次这样上课,心情十分激动。向姐姐问了一些问题,如:给我上课的老师能看得见我吗?如果我做笔记的时候,错过了老师讲课的内容怎么办面对这些问题,姐姐对我说:“给你上课的老师是看不见你的,如果错过了老师讲课的内容,下课时可以看回放,重复学习”我听后高兴地笑了。第二天,一大早我就起床了,吃过早餐就开始准备上课需要的文具。上课的时间到,我坐在电视机前,马上就进入状态。这节课是语文课,讲的是古诗三首之一巜四时田园杂兴(其二十五)。下课的时候,姐姐问我第一节课感觉怎么样?“非常好,网上的老师教的和我们语文老师一样棒,生动、形象、易懂,感觉自己就是诗里的儿童一样,就是不能同老师一起互动!”我说道。姐姐点了点头:“如果有不懂的,可以请教你们的老师。”我暗自下定决心要听好老师的每一句话、每一节课。上课的时间稍短,却十分考验学生的自律和领悟能力。我们有信心能学得更好、更棒,不辜负祖国、学校、老师对我们的期待。让我们一起在知识的天空中“展翅翱翔”吧!The invasion of novel coronavirus disrupted our study plan.In order not to delay our learning progress,the school let everyone study online.It is said that this online learning is a new teaching method.A teacher is teaching in the classroom,and a photographer takes pictures of the teachers teaching process,which is transmitted to TV and the Internet for many students to learn together.This is my first time to have such a class.I am very excited.I asked my sister some questions,such as:Can the teacher who teaches me see me?What should I do if I miss the content of the teachers lecture when taking notes.Facing these problems,my sister said to me:The teacher who teaches you cant see you.If I miss the content of the teachers lecture,I can watch the playback and repeat the learning after class.I laughed happily after listening.The next day,I got up early in the morning and began to prepare stationery for class after breakfast.When it was time for class,I sat in front of the TV and immediately entered the state.This class is a Chinese class.Its about one of the three ancient poems,One of the Four Seasons.After class,my sister asked me how I felt about the first class?Very good.The teachers on the Internet are as good as our Chinese teachers.They are vivid,vivid and easy to understand.They feel like children in poetry,but they cannot interact with teachers!I said.The sister nodded:If you dont understand something,you can ask your teacher.I secretly made up my mind to listen to every word and lesson of the teacher.Class time is a little short,but it is a test of students self-discipline and understanding ability.We are confident that we can learn better and better and live up to the expectations of our motherland,schools and teachers.Lets spread our wings in the sky of knowledge!