丹东凤凰山导游词丹东凤凰山导游词(精选14篇)丹东凤凰山导游词 篇1丹东凤凰山景区是国家级风景名胜区风凰山是辽宁四大名山之一,位于丹东市西北57公里处,北距沈阳市213公里,西南距大连市300公里,占地24平方公里,山高林茂,瀑布流泉,气势雄伟壮丽,四季景色各异,文物古迹比比皆是,是著名的旅游胜地,以其“景、峰、险、石、洞、泉、物、庙、刻、迹”等十大景观为主线、重点景观100多处,集“雄、险、幽、奇、秀”于一身,其景色集中、险夷莫测。环山的庙宇、石刻和其它人文景观,构成了一幅美丽的中国山水画卷。丹东凤凰山由东山和西山两大景区组成,最高峰“攒云峰”海拔836米,面积216平方公里,被誉为“国门名山”、“万里长城第一山”、“中国历险第一名山”。 凤凰山由东山和西山两大景区组成,以秀美的自然山岳风光称绝,以独特的宗教人文景观为特色。 凤凰山景色宜人,是人们休闲旅游、品味自然、寻幽探险的最佳选择。丹东凤凰山导游词 篇2丹东凤凰山位于辽宁省凤城市,由东山和西山两大景区组成,最高峰“攒云峰”海拔836米,面积216平方公里,被誉为“国门名山”、“万里长城第一山”、“中国历险第一名山”。唐贞观年间唐太宗李世民御驾东巡,游览此山时,有“凤凰拜祖”的传说,遂赐此山名为“凤凰山”。后“平辽王”薛仁贵为了威慑各附属国,使其永不背叛大唐,在距凤凰山四十里处的发箭岭,开震天弓,搭穿云箭,对准凤凰山方向震臂一射,神箭穿凤凰山而过,落入鸭绿江中,自此便有“神弓射箭眼,一箭定辽东”之说,迄今已有一千三百多年的历史。凤凰山由东山和西山两大景区组成,以秀美的自然山岳风光称绝,以独特的宗教人文景观为特色。凤凰山以“绝”惊世,“天下绝”、“老牛背”、“百步紧”挺拔险峻,异美无比。“金蟾望月”、“石壁鹤影”、“龟猴朝圣”形神兼备,惟妙惟肖。凤凰山聚“仙”显名,“仙人座”、“聚仙台”翠叠丹崖,葱郁流丽;“佛池”、“丹泉”飞瀑流化,洒脱飘逸;“金龟求凰”、“罗汉脸”氤氲飘渺,浑然天成。凤凰山得“道”弥彰,明弘治初年以来,紫阳观等道教建筑,依山水走向,方圆数里,道风浓郁,道境昭然,玄谜隐奥。朝阳寺等庙宇古刹,依山傍水。气势恢宏,三层殿内供奉着世界唯一一尊正法明如来佛,每日晨钟暮鼓,禅声悠悠。吸引着无数善男信女顶礼膜拜,千年香火不断。凤凰山景色宜人,是人们休闲旅游、品味自然、寻幽探险的最佳选择。丹东凤凰山导游词 篇3丹东凤凰山风景名胜区位于凤城市郊,距市中心仅3公里,南与朝鲜妙香山相望,北与本溪水洞呼应,是国家级风景名胜区、国家AAAA级旅游景区。丹东凤凰山自古有“辽东第一山”的美誉。南北朝时期称“乌骨山”。贞观年间,唐太宗李世民游览此山,有凤凰飞来拜祖,太宗大悦,遂赐名“凤凰山”,迄今已有1300多年历史。丹东凤凰山现已建成西山景区、东山景区,位于古城景区的丹东凤凰山山城被国务院列为国家重点文物保护单位。丹东凤凰山最高峰为攒云峰,海拔836米。丹东凤凰山是以自然景观为主,历史文化古迹、边塞田园风光、风俗民情为辅的山岳型风景名胜区,融“泰山之雄伟,华山之险峻,庐山之幽静,黄山之奇特,峨眉之秀美”为一体,素以“雄伟险峻,泉洞清幽,花木奇异,四季景秀”的自然美著称于世。丹东凤凰山丹东凤凰山导游词 篇4我去过很多地方,比如“西安,北京,本溪”,但是我最难忘的还是那次登丹东的凤凰山。那天,秋风气爽,天高云淡,天气非常不错,我的心情也非常的兴奋,因为我和妈妈,姥姥,老姨,小弟弟就要去登凤凰山了。我们一路漫步来到了凤凰山脚下,因为小弟弟年纪太小,老姨只能带着他坐索道上山。而我和妈妈,姥姥决定徒手爬到山顶上去。我们沿着石阶一步步的往上爬,不知不觉来到了一个洞口前,这个洞口上面写着三个红色的大字“凤凰蛋”。这个洞为什么叫凤凰蛋呢?因为这个洞口的上方有一块石头圆圆的像鸟蛋一样。传说唐太宗李世民走到这看见这块石头觉得很好奇,想一探究竟,于是他就派大臣用棍子往洞里捅,洞里飞出来许多的凤凰,因此李世民就把这个地方命名为“凤凰蛋”,而这座山就叫凤凰山了。导游阿姨给我讲的这个传说,使我大开眼界,也让我知道了凤凰山的来历。我爬进了凤凰蛋,走进这里我才发现,洞里地势险峻,而且洞内的空间非常狭小,只能容纳一个人侧着身子过去,我费了九牛二虎之力,手脚并用才爬了上去。出了凤凰蛋,我们又继续向前,来到了一块石头前,石头上面写满了“凤”字,我仔仔细细的数了好几遍,也没有数清楚,导演阿姨告诉我上面有“凤”字的一百种写法呢。哦,我不知道原来“凤”字还有这么多的写法啊。我一路回味刚刚看见的“凤”字的写法,走着想着,想着走着,不知不觉来到了半山腰,我感觉好累,腿像灌了铅一样,累得都不想走了。导游阿姨和妈妈都鼓励我坚持下去,她们告诉我有志者才能事竟成,做事要有毅力,我才又向前走了。到了一个商店时,导游阿姨宣布休息一会儿。妈妈给我买了一个梨,那里的'梨皮非常薄,颜色金黄,我吃了一个,又甜又脆,非常好吃。吃着甜梨,阵阵凉风吹来,看着山上满目青翠,我感觉神清气爽。导游说继续走,我们就又开始走了。途中的时候,我看见了用箭射气球的游戏,我便上去射了两箭,我的运气不错,射中一个气球,所以我得到一个手链。前面有一个往树洞里的铁盆里投硬币的游戏,所以我就向里面投了两个一角钱,我真幸运,一个投在树洞里,一个投在铁盒里,玩过了游戏,我又信心百倍的向前走去。一路往上爬,我们终于爬上了山顶的瞭望台,上面写着“中国名山”。爬上山顶,我才有一种一览众山小得的感觉,心中充满了胜利的喜悦,感觉到自己的努力和坚持没有白费,于是在山顶留下的宝贵的影像。到了回去的时候了,我恋恋不舍的离开了凤凰山。这次爬山,不仅锻炼了我的毅力,还增长我的知识,使我更加热爱我们祖国的大好河山,以后有机会我还要来凤凰山。丹东凤凰山导游词 篇5With a long history and beautiful scenery, Fenghuang mountain is one of thefamous tourist attractions at home and abroad. Fenghuang mountain is a natural,harmonious and spectacular Chinese landscape painting with natural beauty andhumanistic beauty. The characteristics of natural landscape include "male","dangerous", "quiet", "strange" and "beautiful". All the famous mountains andrivers in the world have their own characteristics. Fenghuang Mountainintegrates the magnificence of Mount Tai, the precipitousness of Mount Hua, thequietness of Mount Lu, the strangeness of Mount Huangshan and the beauty ofEmei. Fenghuang Mountain belongs to Changbai mountain range, covering an area of216.875 square kilometers, with the highest peak "Zanyun peak" at an altitude of836.4 meters.According to legend, Fenghuang mountain is famous for its eight beautifulsceneries, which began in the Jin Dynasty. Visitors came to visit the famousmountains, built temples, and became a place for burning incense. It flourishedin the Ming and Qing Dynasties with inscriptions carved on the cliffs byliterati. Fenghuang Mountain combines natural beauty with artificial beauty, andhas become one of the top ten beautiful sceneries in the world. FenghuangMountain melts the magnificence of Mount Tai, the precipitousness of MountHuashan and the beauty of Mount Emei. It can be said that it can lead touriststo enjoy the scenery. Once they enter the mountain, they will show the sceneryof "the blue and blue thousand feet of paintings in the gully rock, the SeaCloud fairy Pavilion and the river poem".丹东凤凰山导游词 篇6相传,丹东凤凰山八大美景的闻名,始于晋代,游人登临览胜形成名山,修筑庙宇,成为焚烧香火之地,是兴盛于明清时代文人墨客大石崖上题词镌刻,使凤凰山融自然美与人工美于一炉,成为世人瞩目的十大美景。 凤凰山融泰山之雄伟;华山之险峻;峨眉山之秀美。可谓引游人观赏入胜,游人进山一游便展现“壑岩丹青千尺画,海云仙阁一溪诗”的胜境。丹东凤凰山的气温一般比沈阳高58度,险要的地段就是有个叫老牛背的地段,一侧是铁索,不知道改了没有,就这个地方危险,别的地方没什么太险的。丹东凤凰山集雄、险、幽、奇、秀于一体,险峻尤为突出,故有“中国历险名山”之美誉。游览丹东凤凰山,可谓步步高、步步险、步步紧、步步难,几步一层天。著名险景 “老牛背”、“天下绝”、“百步紧”、“峥嵘 岩”等使人望而生畏,走而怯步,过而叫绝,想而后怕。“凤凰洞”、“一品洞”、“通玄洞”、“教堂洞”等古洞引人入胜;“山云铺海”、“涧水飞涛”、“松径寻秋”、“斗母圣镜”等景观似入幻境;“圣源”、“丹 泉”、“凤泪泉”、“智慧泉”等山泉沁人心脾;“金龟求凰”、“碧海飞 舟”、“金蟾望月”、“石壁鹤影”等怪石形神兼备。丹东凤凰山分为西山、东山、庙沟和古城四大景区。西山景区中的“老牛 背”、“天下绝”“箭眼”等奇观世所罕见。斗母宫俗称“八只手”,建在观音洞前的观胜台上,始建于明代,清康熙、嘉庆年间和近代多次重修。观音阁建于紫阳观西南的百米高崖上,始建于明朝万历年间,后代多次重修。药王庙建在斗母宫右侧石崖下,有殿三楹,内奉药王孙思邈像。丹东凤凰山树木繁多,有奇花异草以及各种珍贵药材800多种,是一座天然植物园。每年农历四月廿六日至廿八日的凤凰山山会远近闻名。山会期间举办各类民间文艺活动。一九xx年,在丹东凤凰山西山景区的悬崖峭壁上发现了“神笔天书”新景观,有大自然馈赠的道教始祖老子圣像,慈航道人观音圣像,南极仙翁寿星圣像及众多神仙的大小圣像。它们形神兼备,美妙绝 伦。迷人的景致,自古招引僧人道士云游至此修观建寺;李世民、忽必烈等帝王巡游至此赐名建塔。丹东凤凰山滑道,是东北地区第一条大型地面游乐项目,全长五百米,像一条绿色的长龙盘踞在林荫之中。乘上滑车,沿滑道蜿蜒而下,车速由自己控制,可快可慢老少皆宜,乐趣无边,即惊险刺激,又舒适安全,使人悠悠自在,无比逍遣。丹东凤凰山导游词 篇7今天请大家来参观凤凰山风景名胜区,丹东凤凰山景区是国家级风景名胜区。位于丹东市西北60千米处。古为“辽东第一名山,清朝道光咸丰年间(18211860年),凤凰山就与医巫闾山、千山、药山并称为奉天省(今辽宁省)四大名山。现被称誉为“国门名山”,占地216.875平方公里,山高林茂,瀑布流泉,气势雄伟壮丽,四季景色各异,文物古迹比比皆是,以其“景、峰、险、石、洞、泉、物、庙、刻、迹”等十大景观为主线、重点景观100多处,集“雄、险、幽、奇、秀”于一身,其景色集中、险夷莫测。环山的庙宇、石刻和其它人文景观,构成了一幅美丽的中国山水画卷。我们说凤凰山是“万里长城第一名山”,把凤凰山与万里长城联系起来,并不是想借万里长城之名而夸耀凤凰山,凤凰山的确是万里长城东端起点上第一座秀丽山峰。有关长城专家早已考证,万里长城东端起点不是在山海关,而是在丹东的虎山。那么大家可能会问,既然万里长城起点是虎山,虎山应该是“万里长城第一名山”。而虎山重在长城。那么这凤凰山因何而得名呢?其实啊并不是因为其形像凤凰,是根据这样的一段传说:相传唐贞观年间,一代开明皇帝唐太宗李世民慕名来游,山上凤凰起舞,飞立于“拜祖石”上,向唐太宗点头行大礼,唐太宗很是高兴,随即赐此山为“凤凰山”。我们都知道皇上是“金口玉言”,从那时起到现在,1300多年过去了,一直称其为凤凰山,凤凰飞出来的洞叫凤凰洞。凤凰山乃长白山余脉,面积120多平方千米,最高峰是攒云峰,海拔836.4。凤凰山分为西山、东山、庙沟、古城、玉龙湖等景区。遍游凤凰山人们常说,凤凰山有泰山之雄、华山之险、黄山之奇、娥眉之秀。其中“老牛背”、“天下绝”、“箭眼”等奇观世间罕见;“凤凰洞”、“三教堂”、“一品洞天”等古洞幽深;“山云铺海”、“天池在望”等十大景观变化多端;“石壁鹤影”、“参娘望夫”等奇形怪石栩栩如生;“腊柞连理”、“参娘柞”等古树摇曳多姿;“丹泉”、“凤洞”等清泉四季不竭;“天女木兰”、“玉玲”、“杜鹃”等珍贵花卉四季飘香;“紫阳观”、“斗母观”、“观音阁”等庙宇古刹庄重古朴;“忽必烈塔”、“解放纪念塔”、“古城垒”等历史古迹至今尚存;“将军峰”、“神马峰”、“箭眼峰”等七座山峰拔峭冲天;“高山水长”、“亘古中天”等40余处摩崖镌刻颇具功力,这样凤凰山变成了融自然美、人工美于一处,交织成一幅天然绝妙、和谐壮观的中国山水画卷。春山吐翠杜鹃红,夏赏云海听瀑声,秋风染胜锦绣,冬雪冰凌掩青松。这首诗就是对凤凰山的真实写照。因为时间关系我们今天不能参观完凤凰山的每一个景点,我想和大家一起游览一下西山景区比较集中的几个有代表性的景点,让我们能窥一斑而见全貌。现在我们来到的是凤凰洞。游览凤凰山有一句顺口溜:“来到凤凰山,幽探凤凰洞,险登箭眼峰,饱览景无穷”。就是说到凤凰山游览总得要亲身体验妙趣横生的凤凰洞,登上闻名遐迩的“箭眼峰”。看来登“箭眼峰”是难度太大了。俗话说“山不在高,有仙则灵”。我们已经拜了多位大仙。可说凤凰山的灵气已领略了一番,现在我们进凤凰洞弄个明白,我想也就没有什么遗憾了。传说凤凰洞是凤凰栖息的地方,内藏凤凰蛋。当年唐太宗游览凤凰山,凤凰就是从此洞飞出拜祖。凤凰洞长约200余米,入洞之后,天光亮,越走越暗,须持蜡烛而行。好,现在我们准备好照明工具,让我们身临其境,体验一下凤凰洞究竟如何?位于“观音阁”和“斗姆宫”中间的这个庙宇是“碧霞宫”,也叫“娘娘庙”。此宫建于道光四年(1820xx年),后于1982年修复。内奉“三圣母”、“子孙娘娘”、“眼光娘娘”。“三圣母”指的是天德圣母,即周文王之祖母;天贞圣母,即周文王之母;天仙圣母,即周文王之妻,周武王之母称为“贤妻良平”,在善男信女之中享有地位,多有人来次进贡烧香,以求吉利。建于“观胜台”上的这座庙宇,是“斗姆宫”。斗姆宫始建于明代,传说是妇女捐修的,清乾隆十八年(1753年)重修,内奉八只手的“园明道母天尊”塑像,传说是北斗七星之母,这种三目八臂神像,在佛教里很常见,但在道教诸神中却不多见,显得于众不同。北斗本命经中说,不管你多么贫穷下贱,多么背运倒霉,只要诚心礼拜斗姆,称念她的名号,就能消灾灭病,延生得寿,获福无边。我们今天日程的下一项是到东山景区的凤凰山庄去用餐。(返回)人称“凤凰不落无宝之地”,看来凤凰山的确是个宝地,不然凤凰怎么会栖息此地?皇上又怎么会慕名巡游呢?凤凰山是一个以自然山水为主体的,峰洞寺庙古迹为主要特征山岳性的旅游风景区。迷人的景致,自古形成了自然状态的旅游胜地,僧人云游,帝王将相巡游,名人志士觅游凤凰山留下了具有历史价值的文物古迹和优美传说。近年来,随着丹东加快开放的步伐,凤凰山也吸引着越来越多的来丹客人,平时旅游高峰可达20多万人次,目前已接待了30多个国家和地区的旅游者。每逢阴历四月二十八,凤凰山的山根儿、山顶上到处都是人,真可说是人山人海,人流最多的时候,一天能达到四五十万人。都是前来赶山、逛庙的,也叫凤凰山庙会。从前清开使,凤凰山形成一年一度的“药王庙会”,即在农历四月二十八日这天祭祀唐朝“药王”著名的医药学家孙思邈。二十七日这天,“药王”神像游街市一天叫做“出巡”,二十八日,人们游山拜庙求其保佑“病体早愈”或企求安全无事,大吉大利。由于进庙烧香的人越来越多,商人们趁这个机会做起了生意。艺人们也前来献技献艺,加上此时春暖花开,山川河流别有一番风景,游春的人也选在这个日子来尽兴。这个传统一直延续下来,所不同的是,现在这个活动已经成为民间约定俗成的大型群众性物质交流会,从农历四月二十六日至四月三十日共四天。今天我们虽然没有走完凤凰山,但对凤凰山的大致情况都有了一定的了解,大家辛苦了一上午,加上刚吃过午饭,就稍事休息一下,这样吧,哪位有什么问题,让我们互相切磋切磋,我也好跟大家学习学习。好,谢谢各位。丹东凤凰山导游词 篇8Tourist friends: Hello!I'm very glad to meet you in the beautiful Jiangcheng "Dandong" on thissunny day. I'm a tour guide of _ travel agency. My name is _X. I'll do thetour guide work for you this time. Now, on behalf of all the staff of _ travelagency, I warmly welcome you. At the same time, I wish you a happy and happytravel life!Dear friends, during our tour, you can call me Liu Dao or Xiao Liu. If youhave any needs, please don't mention it. As long as it is reasonable andpossible, I will try my best to meet your needs. In addition, there is a driverwho serves us. His surname is _X. Now we would like to thank the driver for hishard work with applause.Today, I'm going to visit qingshangou, a famous provincial scenic spot inDandong. It's located in qingshangou Town, _ County, _ City, LiaoningProvince. It's 160 kilometers away from the urban area of _ city. The scenicarea covers an area of 127.4 square kilometers and the car runs for about 3hours. "Qingshangou", "feibaojian" and "hutanggou" are integrated to form a hugenatural picture. There are 126 scenic spots and 36 waterfalls in the area. It isa perfect natural scenic spot with mountains and rivers. The scenery here isbeautiful, the water is beautiful, the mountain is green, the momentum ismagnificent, the vegetation is mostly primitive forest state, the forest isluxuriant, the canyon is deep, the strange stone stands, the stream murmurs, thewaterfall is magnificent, the scenery is very charming. The seasons here aredistinct, and the landscape in spring, summer, autumn and winter has its owncharacteristics. In spring and summer, we can see red spots in the greenclusters; in late autumn, we can see red wind leaves and yellow spots; inwinter, we can see snow covered peaks like jade. It is a first-class scenery inthe north of China, and it is also excellent in the whole country. It can besaid that "there is Jiuzhaigou in the West and qingshangou in the East". China'sfirst painter village was born here. Because of its four distinct seasons, thescenery of spring, summer, autumn and winter is unique and unforgettable. It hasbeen listed as a scenic spot in Liaoning Province.There are 7 villages and 36 villager groups in qingshangou scenic area,with a population of about 8000. There are Han, Manchu, Korean and other ethnicminorities, but most of them are Manchu, with strong Manchu culture. QingshanLake covers an area of 23.3 square kilometers, and Hunjiang River, the largesttributary of Yalu River, flows through the scenic area for 35 kilometers. In1984, the United Nations Educational, scientific and Cultural Organization(UNESCO) listed qingshangou as one of the six pollution-free areas in the worldthrough satellite observation. The average life expectancy of people living hereis 88 years, which is a rare longevity town in the world. Because of itsbeautiful scenery and outstanding people, the scenic spot was once praised as"the place where immortals lived" by the Singapore Press. Source: big testAfter several years of development and construction, the basic servicefacilities of qingshangou scenic spot have been greatly improved, withconvenient transportation and developed communication. There are more than 30high, medium and low-grade hotels and restaurants in the scenic area, which canreceive 4000 tourists at the same time. There are 18 ships, which can carry 800tourists at the same time. Here you can eat carp from Qingshan Lake, a varietyof river fish, and a variety of pollution-free mountain vegetables and otherlocal specialties.Qingshangou scenic spot is surrounded by mountains and barriers. Theterrain inclines from west to East, showing a trend of low in the East and highin the West. The forest coverage rate is 80%. The annual average temperature is8.5 , the minimum temperature is - 28 , the maximum temperature is 32 , theannual average rainfall is 1200 mm, and the frost free period is 180 days.Qingshangou scenic area is rich in animal and plant resources. There are 98families and 1900 species of plants in the area, including more than 200 woodyplants and 8 precious plants, namely ginseng, Apostichopus japonicus, Salixmandshurica, Fraxinus mandshurica, wild soybean, Juglans mandshurica, tiller,etc. The main forest species are deciduous broad-leaved forest, including oak,chestnut, maple, elm, birch, poplar, white wax, etc. Rare medicinal materialsinclude ginseng, asarum, Guanzhong, liaowuwei, astragalus, Fritillaria,Gastrodia elata, clover, etc., as well as various wild mushrooms, such asTricholoma matsutake, Tricholoma yuhuangensis, Coprinus comatus, Tricholomamatsutake, and artificially planted edible mushrooms such as Lentinus edodes andPleurotus ostreatus. The annual output of Pleurotus ostreatus is 2500 tons, andthe scenic spot is rich in hawthorn, chestnut, walnut, club, Auriculariaauricula, etc., with an annual output of chestnut up to 400 tons Tons. Thescenic spot is also rich in famous exotic mountain wild vegetables such aspteridophytes, dragon teeth and celery. There are more than 200 species ofanimals, birds, amphibians, reptiles, fish and so on. There are black bear, roedeer, fox, rabbit, otter, mandarin duck, grey heron and various tits on themountain. In the water, there are not only rare amphibians such as dragon clawturtle and giant salamander, but also turtle, high back carp, mandarin fish,pond fish, forest frog, loach and stream lobster.The hardness of Hunjiang water is 1.17 mg / L, which is much lower than thestandard hardness of drinking water of 1.96 mg / L stipulated by the WorldHealth Organization. It is equivalent to the drinking water standard stipulatedby the World Health Organization. Due to the high vegetation coverage, good soiland water conservation, no industrial and air pollution, rivers, streams andstreams are extremely clear, most of the streams can be directly drunk, sweetand delicious, and contain a variety of trace elements and mineral resourcesnecessary for human body. OK, here's a brief introduction of the scenicspot.Now our tour bus has been running for 60 minutes. Let's have a rest. If youhave any questions, please ask your guide.Hello, everyone. Our destination is coming. Please pack up your luggage. Ina moment, we'll divide our rooms and have dinner downstairs in 10 minutes. Thenwe'll visit Castle Peak Lake directly. Please bring your camera, water, glassesand so on.Now we are going to visit Qingshan Lake scenic spot, which is known as "LiRiver in the north of the Great Wall". It's 8 kilometers away from qingshangouTown, and it takes about 15 minutes. Now I'd like to introduce the generalsituation of Qingshan Lake to you. The water area of Qingshan Lake scenic spotis vast. The widest part of the lake can reach 1500 meters, up and down morethan 100 kilometers, and the water depth is 30-70 meters. The lake water isclear and green. You can go boating on the lake, but you can see the green hillson both sides of the lake. The boat breaks through the water, and the mountainsand waters become a fairyland. Qingshan Lake scenic area has arrived, the firstthing we see is a European style pavilion, which is "Yugui villa". It was inJuly 1993The famous Chinese painter song Yugui invested 6.5 million yuan, coveringan area of 3800 square meters. It is a high-grade hotel integrating food,accommodation and entertainment.When you get on the ship for a while, please pay attention to your safetyand take your valuables. Especially o