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    宁夏沙湖旅游景点导游词宁夏沙湖旅游景点导游词(通用22篇)宁夏沙湖旅游景点导游词 篇1Sand LakeLadies and Gentlemen.Welcome to Sand Lake Nature Reserve. Located In Pingluo County, 56Kilometers north of Yinchuan City and 20 Kilometers from Shizuishan City, SandLakes surface covers 85.10 square kilometers area. Including 62.16 squarekilomerts of land and 20.2 square kilometers of water. The average depth of thelake is 2.2 meters; its deepest point is 4 meters. Moving dunes cover 12.74squares kilometers. In 20_ The China Tourism Administration designated SandLake a 5A Scenic Spot.The combination of water and sand makes Sand Lake a uniquely beautifulspot. It is also rich in natural resources, including sand dunes, reeds, birds,fish, and lotuses.Now weve arrived at the observation tower to appreciate the panorama ofSand Lake. Sand Lake is similar in shape to a golden shoe; hence the name“Shoe-shaped Gold Lake.” Looking over to the south, we can see the rolling sanddune; to the north, we can see green water with reeds. You may have visited manyother popular scenic spots with sand, water, and reed marshes, but none are asunique as Sand Lake. Go aboard a boat and enjoy the magic experience of SandLake!? One of Sand Lakes most distinguishing features is its three squarekilometers of reeds. Thereeds flutter in the wind as if a slim and graceful girl is welcoming theguests from far and near. Thanks to the reed marshes, the Lake is divided upinto different portions, whichi makes the scenery distinct in gradation. Reedsare not only beautiful but also have practical use. The reeds can be usedforpapermaking as well as for covering things. We can see and example nearby-theroofs of the pavilions are all made of reeds to protect them from the harsh sunand rain. Sand Lake has altogether 16 fish species. The common species are grasscarp, common carp, catfish, silver carp, as well as blunt-snout bream and giantsalamander the are rare in North China. Big Fish Head is the specialty of SandLake. The weight of a Big Fish Head can be ten to twenty kilos. It is so big,that just its head can fill up a big pot.Now weve observed a small building in the east, thats Bird Island, whichiis the resting place of 98 different bird species. The birds are all migrants,and from May to Septermber is the best time to observe them. Studies have shownthat the nature reserve is home to 1.5 million birds, some of which areprotected species. Now we come to the Birdwatching Tower, wichis is 18 metershigh and is located 20 meters from Bird Island. We can see tens of Thousands, ofbirds from the half-sealed Bridwatching Tower. If we us the telescope here orour own binoculars, we can clearly observe the birdsbehavior.宁夏沙湖旅游景点导游词 篇2各位游客朋友,欢迎大家来到宁夏回族自治区旅游!大家知道,宁夏具有丰富多彩而又特色鲜明的旅游资源:美丽的塞上江南、独特的历史环境和浓郁的回乡风情,构成了宁夏主要的旅游景观格局。这里有被誉为“塞上明珠”的沙湖生态旅游区和黄土高坡上的绿岛一六盘山;这里有举世闻名的沙坡头治沙奇迹、神秘的西夏王陵和奇特的贺兰山岩画;这里还有被称为中国长城博物馆的历代长城、青铜峡108塔、须弥山石窟、灵武水洞沟古人类遗址和“中国电影从这里走向世界”的西部影视城等。各位游客朋友,今天我们要去游览的是沙湖景区。沙湖地处石嘴山市与平罗县之间,距石嘴山市区26千米,距首府银川56千米。国道与包兰铁路傍湖而过,姚叶高速公路直达沙湖。景区总面积为80.1平方千米,其中湖水面积8.2平方千米,沙山面积12.7平方千米。沙湖以自然景观为主体,沙、水、华、鸟、山五大景源有机结合,构成了独具特色的秀丽景观,是一处融江南秀色与塞外壮景为一体的“塞上明珠”。沙湖景区自1990年开发建设以来,每年都有大量中外游客来此游览观光,现已成为祖国西北地区颇负盛名的旅游热点地区之一,20xx年5月石嘴山市沙湖旅游景区被国家旅游局评为首批国家AAAAA级旅游景区。现为全国文明风景旅游区示范点和国家级生态健康养殖示范区。各位游客朋友,沙湖拥有万亩水域、五千亩沙丘、两千亩芦苇、千亩荷池,盛产鱼类、鸟类。在这里,你可在观鸟塔上遥看群鸟嬉戏的场景,在水边苇秆间、芦丛底部更有鸟巢无数,每年春季,五颜六色的鸟蛋散布其间,堪称奇观。除鸟类外,沙湖还盛产各种鱼,在湖南岸的水族馆里,可以看到几十种珍稀鱼类,包括北方罕见的武昌鱼、娃娃鱼(大锐)和体围1米多的大鳖。沙湖,南沙北湖。这里是鸟的天堂、鱼的世界、游人的乐园。广阔的沙湖水面宛如一幅巨大的银色锦缎,初夏,新苇如茂林修竹,郁郁葱葱,或如港汊,或如街巷,或如华盖,或如屏障,微风吹来,绿影摇曳,婀娜多姿。各位游客朋友,现在我们来到了景区大门口,大家请往上看,那是一只展翅高飞的“天鹅”,张开双臂,欢迎你的到来。旁边有两个镏金大字“沙湖”,是1991年来宁夏视察工作时为沙湖题写的。大家看,沙湖的形状很像大元宝,因此当地人又称沙湖为“元宝湖”。沙湖所处地势较低,由于地面水和地下水逐年浸积,从而形成了今天的万亩湖泽。沙湖平均水深2.2米,最深处可达4米。大家再向南看,远处起伏的黄色沙山,似金波逐浪,北面碧水绿海,似翡翠镶嵌,若是晴日黄昏,你定会看到霞光万道,湖面平静,巍巍贺兰与深绿的芦苹丛倒映水中,宛如苍龙戏绿水,绿水浮苍龙。各位游客朋友,现在大家看到的那个形似小山寨的建筑物,就是被誉为“水上梁山”的鸟岛。鸟岛是整个沙湖自然保护区最具自然韵律美的地方,是数百种鸟儿栖息繁衍的场所。整个沙湖自然保护区有鸟类190多种,全部是候鸟。这里是它们迁徙的一个中转站,所以你不可能在短时间内目睹“庐山真面目”。每年59月,鸟岛是鸟儿们快乐生活的天堂。据有关专家考察,整个沙湖自然保护区有鸟150万只左右,其中有国家一级保护鸟类黑鹳、中华秋沙鸭、白尾海雕、大鸨四种。我们用肉眼可以直接看到的浑身呈黑青色、羽毛丰满、行动迟缓的黑鹳和形体像鸳鸯的中华秋沙鸭。乍一看,中华秋沙鸭还真像鸳鸯,因为它们的出现是成双成对的,飞起来你追我赶。它们闲暇时如一位孤芳自赏的姑娘在整理梳妆,欢快时成双成对低空飞翔。而白尾海雕的活动区域似乎只限于湖中央,大家可以看到它们正在展示美丽的羽毛,一副唯我独尊的样子。从形体上看,这种鸟属于中型鸟。大鸨呢?我们很少能见到它们的倩影芳踪,它们是一种诡秘的动物。各位游客朋友,现在我们来到了宁夏湿地博物馆。此馆位于沙湖旅游景区内,建筑面积4520平方米,以沙湖苇、鸟、水、沙为设计元素,于20xx年10月29日正式开馆。各位请看大厅,那是以鸟巢为视觉元素,周围以沙丘为主造型,表现出沙湖“塞上奇湖”的形象。博物馆的主体采用沙土色调,整体造型仿佛一只展翅欲飞的大鸟,周围伴以起伏自然的沙丘造型,使博物馆和大漠风光有机结合起来,与周边环境相得益彰。馆内分为湿地与鸟类知识介绍、人鸟同乐表演、鸟类生态行为观察、4D科普教育电影厅、旅游餐饮与购物服务等六个功能区。博物馆的功能设计、结构布局和外观形态等方面,体现了生态环境保护和人与自然和谐统一的美学理念。宁夏沙湖旅游景点导游词 篇3Nansha North Lake, Lake run Jinsha, sand embrace green lake, lake waterlike the sea, soft sand like silk, Tianshui color. Shahu Lake is rich inresources. In the clean, warm and cool lake water, there are dozens of kinds offish all the year round. There are not only common carp, silver carp, grass carpand crucian carp, but also Wuchang fish, giant salamander (giant salamander),which is 160 cm long and weighs more than 60 Jin, and big turtle, which is morethan 1 meter in circumference. There are more than 130 kinds of birds living inthe Sand Lake. In addition, there are amusement park, watchtower, aquariumpalace, reed maze, yurt Hotel, Xixia palace, desert dry boat, water slide, waterparachute, water motorcycle, sand ropeway, boating in the lake, natural bathingbeach and other tourism projects. It was here that Zixia's rafting scene wasshot at the beginning of dayua journey to the West. 1Shahu in Ningxia is a masterpiece of nature. The lake is bright and sandy,with flocks of migratory birds, picturesque reeds and beautiful scenery. Thereare not only deserts, but also ten thousand mu of Pinghu Lake. It is not onlythe gift of God, but also the earth shaking artistic creation of the industriousand intelligent people in northern part of the Great Wall. It used to be a farm.After the founding of the people's Republic of China, it has gradually become anatural scenic spot integrating the ruggedness of the northwest and the beautyof the south of the Yangtze River. With its unique tourism resources andsuperior reception conditions, it has become an ace scenic spot and a nationalaaaaa eco-tourism area determined by the National Tourism Administration.The boat ploughed open the sparkling surface of the lake, the rolling waveslike a thousand hectares of good farmland, green reeds, just right scattered onthe surface of the lake, the wind blowing, the branches and leaves whirling,rustling, the sound of the motor startled a bird standing at the top, anddisappeared. With the sound of the resting motor, a new world appeared in frontof us: Desert, camel, crowd .Shahu scenic spot in Ningxia: one of the world's 500 environmentalprotection units, awarded the honorary title of "global top 500 environmentalprotection" by the United Nations.Shahu in Ningxia is a unique and beautiful landscape, which integrates thewater town in the south of the Yangtze River with the desert scenery, and thenatural landscape as the main body. The combination of sand, water, reed, birdand mountain constitutes a unique and beautiful landscape. It has become ascenic spot integrating scenic tourism, sightseeing and entertainment, sportscompetition, recuperation and summer vacation; The beauty of Shahu Lake inNingxia is reflected by the reeds and the wonder of Shahu Lake in Ningxia isreflected by the birds flying and the fish leaping. The North Lake in Nansha andthe green lake in shabaocui are the best combination of primitive eco-tourism,which not only highlights the beauty of the south of the Yangtze River, but alsohighlights the power of the fortress.Lakes, deserts, reeds, lotus, migratory birds and lake fish combine thegreat wall and the south of the Yangtze River, forming a beautiful landscape.Shahu in Ningxia is a miracle created by heaven and a heaven on earth.宁夏沙湖旅游景点导游词 篇4人们都说“桂林山水甲天下,”而我要说:平罗沙湖甲宁夏!沙湖的水真绿啊,好象一块巨大的美玉,映着一簇簇绿油油地芦苇,使这块美玉有了深浅的变化,好像一位婀娜多姿的少女,更加妩媚动人。一辆辆快艇驶过,犹如蜻蜓点水般,使得这块美玉骤起风波,久久不能够平静。远处,游人们蹬着脚踏船,在湖面上悠闲的游玩。让人有身在世外桃源的感觉。沙湖的沙子可真妙啊,平淡无奇的沙子在沙湖竟然可以治疗风湿病。在炎热的夏天,沙湖的沙丘上随处可见前来利用滚沙和骄阳治疗风湿病的病人。这在医疗史上不能够不说是一个奇迹。人们常用“一盘散沙”来比喻不团结,但沙湖的沙子却能够牢牢地凝聚在一起,在艺术家的手里它们变成了形态各异的人好像和栩栩如生的图案。吸引了大批游客前来观赏。我们赞叹沙湖沙子的奇妙,我们更赞叹艺术家们超长的智慧。宁夏沙湖的美随处可见,如果您也想享受这世外桃源的美,就请您到我们平罗沙湖来吧。宁夏沙湖旅游景点导游词 篇5Hello everyone! Today I'd like to introduce Shahu to you.Shahu is located in the north of Ningxia, more than 100 kilometers awayfrom the capital Yinchuan. Originally, this is a farm lake. Because of itsbeautiful scenery, it has become one of the national 4A scenic spots and 35 acescenic spots.When it comes to Sand Lake, the most attractive things are reeds, birds andsand. In spring, the reeds are not completely green, but the migratory birdscome to the party from the south. Therefore, the best choice to visit the SandLake in spring is to see the migratory birds.In summer and autumn, we can go to the sand mountain by boat in the SandLake to go sand skiing, camel riding and go karting. If you step on the sandbarefoot, you will feel hot under your feet. At this time, if you go to see thereeds, it will look like a variety of green reeds, people feel very cool. Andthe sparkling lake is the most exciting fish and birds. When it comes to fish,you'll think of the big catfish in Shahu. Because you don't put any feed whenfeeding, the fish is very delicious. There are many kinds of birds in Shahu. Youcan see them dancing and playing every time you come.In winter, the lake is covered with ice and the sand mountain is coveredwith white snow. At this time, you can exercise your muscles to ski or skate.It's fun and exciting. By the way, you can also play ice top here!After listening to my introduction, I believe you are also moved! Then cometo Shahu as soon as possible and join us to enjoy the beautiful scenery!宁夏沙湖旅游景点导游词 篇6南沙北湖,湖润金沙,沙抱翠湖,湖水如海,柔沙似绸,天水一色。沙湖资源蕴藏量丰富,在洁净温凉的湖水里常年生长着几十种鱼,不仅有常见的鲤鱼、鲢鱼、草鱼、鲫鱼,而且有北方罕见的武昌鱼、体长160厘米体重60多斤重的娃娃鱼(大鲵)和体围1米多的大鳖。栖息在沙湖的鸟类也有130多种。此外还有游乐园、瞭望塔、水族宫、芦苇迷津、蒙古包旅馆、西夏行宫、大漠旱舟、水上滑梯、水上跳伞、水上摩托、滑沙索道、湖中荡舟、天然浴场等旅游项目。当年大话西游之仙履奇缘开头,紫霞撑木筏那段戏就是在这拍摄的。1宁夏沙湖是大自然的杰作,湖光沙色,候鸟成群,芦丛如画,风光旖旎。这里即有沙漠,又有万亩平湖,是上苍的赐予,更是勤劳智慧的塞北人民惊天动地的艺术创造。这里曾是一座农场,建国后,经过无数建设者精心雕琢,才逐步变成集西北粗犷与江南秀美为一体的天然景点,其独特的旅游资源与优越的接待条件,成为国家旅游局确定的王牌景点和国家AAAAA级生态旅游区。船儿犁开了波光粼粼的湖面,翻滚的浪花似划出的千顷良田,翠绿的芦苇,恰到好处地散布在湖面上,风儿吹过,枝叶婆娑,飒飒做响,马达声惊飞了一只停立在梢头的鸟儿,倏地不见了踪影,随着停息的马达声,呈现在眼前的是一个新的天地:沙漠、骆驼,人群。宁夏沙湖景区荣誉:“世界环境保护五百家单位之一” 联合国授予“全球环保500佳”荣誉称号。宁夏沙湖以江南水乡与大漠风光为一体,以自然景观为主体,沙、水、苇、鸟、山五大景源有机结合,构成了独特秀丽景观,成为集风景旅游、观光娱乐、体育竟技、疗养避暑、休闲度假为一体的风景名胜区.宁夏沙湖的美,美在沙水相融;宁夏沙湖的秀,秀在湖苇相映;宁夏沙湖的奇,奇在鸟飞鱼跃。南沙北湖,沙抱翠湖,即突出了江南之灵秀,又突出了塞上之雄浑,是原始生态旅游的最佳结合点。湖水、沙漠、芦苇、荷花、侯鸟、湖鱼把塞外与江南美妙地、珠联璧合地融合了起来,构成了一幅美轮美奂的江山风光图。宁夏沙湖是上天造物的奇迹,是人间的天堂。宁夏沙湖旅游景点导游词 篇7欢迎人人去到这!我是您们的导游,我姓x,人人可以或许叫我小x。为了便于人人观光游玩,上面我首祖先人介绍一下。宁夏沙湖是大制作的杰做,湖光沙色,留鸟成群,芦丛如画,体面旖旎。这里即有沙漠,又有万亩仄湖,是彼苍的赐予,更是用功机灵的塞南百姓惊天动地的艺术造制。这里曾是一座农场,修国后,经过无数修设者精口雕琢,才逐步变为集西南粗犷与江北秀美为一体的天然景点,其独特的旅游资源与劣越的接待前提,成为国家旅游局确定的王牌景点以及国家AAAAA级生态旅游区。船女犁合了波光粼粼的湖面,翻滚的浪花似划出的千顷良田,翠绿的芦苇,恰到长处地漫衍在湖面上,风女吹过,枝叶婆娑,飒飒作响,马达声惊飞了一只停立在梢头的鸟女,快速没有见了踪影,随着停歇的马达声,泛起在眼前的是一个新的乾坤:沙漠、骆驼,人群。北沙南湖,湖润金沙,沙抱翠湖,湖水如海,柔沙似绸,天水一色。沙湖资源贮匿量歉富,在洁净温凉的湖水里常年进展着几十种鱼,没有唯一常见的鲤鱼、鲢鱼、草鱼、鲫鱼,而且有北方罕见的武昌鱼、体长160厘米体重60多斤重的娃娃鱼(大鲵)以及体围1米多的大鳖。栖息在沙湖的鸟类也有130多种。另外另有游乐园、瞭望塔、水族宫、芦苇迷津、蒙今包旅馆、西夏行宫、大漠旱舟、水上滑梯、水上跳伞、水上摩托、滑沙索叙、湖中划船、天然浴场等旅游项目。当年大话西游之仙履偶缘合头,紫霞撑木筏那段戏等于在这拍摄的。宁夏沙湖景区荣誉:“全国环境回护五百家双位之一” 联开国赋予“齐球环保500佳”荣誉称号。宁夏沙湖以江北水城与大漠体面为一体,以制作景观为主体,沙、水、苇、鸟、山五大景源有机结开,构成了独特秀丽景观,成为集光景旅游、参观娱乐、体育竟技、休养避暑、戚闲度假为一体的光景名胜区.宁夏沙湖的美,美在沙水相融;宁夏沙湖的秀,秀在湖苇相映;宁夏沙湖的偶,偶在鸟飞鱼跃。北沙南湖,沙抱翠湖,即凹起了江北之灵秀,又凹起了塞上之雄浑,是本始生态旅游的最佳结开点。湖水、沙漠、芦苇、荷花、侯鸟、湖鱼把塞外与江北美妙地、珠联璧开地交融了起去,构成了一幅美轮美奂的江山体面图。宁夏沙湖是入地制物的事业,是但世间的天堂。宁夏沙湖旅游景点导游词 篇8大家好!今天我给大家介绍一下沙湖。沙湖位于宁夏北部,离首府银川有100多公里。原来,这是一个农场的湖,因为景色美丽就成为了国家4A级景点和35个王牌景点之一。说起沙湖最吸引人的就是芦苇、鸟和沙了。在春天,芦苇没有完全变绿,但候鸟们都从南方赶来聚会,所以,春天到沙湖最好选择是看候鸟。夏天和秋天我们可以在沙湖坐船到沙山去滑沙、骑骆驼和开卡丁车。如果您赤着脚去踩沙子,会觉得脚底下火辣辣的热。在这时候如果去看芦苇呢,它的样子会是各种各样的,那绿油油的芦苇,让人感觉无比的清凉。而那波光粼粼的湖面最让人心动的就是鱼和鸟了。说到鱼,大家会想到沙湖的大鲶鱼了,因为喂养时不放一点饲料,所以鱼肉很香。沙湖的鸟种类很多,您每次来都可以看到飞舞嬉戏的它们。在冬天,湖上结了一层冰,沙山上也覆盖着皑皑白雪,这时你可以活动活动筋骨去滑雪或滑冰了,既好玩儿又刺激,对了,在这里还可以玩儿冰上陀螺呢!宁夏沙湖旅游景点导游词 篇9各位旅客朋友们:大家好!沙湖风景区位于宁夏,这座著名的景点距离银川市仅仅不到六十公里,每年都会有成千上万的游客来这里采风玩耍,放松自己,享受自然。没有见过沙湖的人可能会顾名思义的认为沙湖就是周围全是沙子的一个干涸湖泊,其实这是一个错误的认识。沙湖的美不仅在于这个西域湖泊不仅包含着苍野的壮丽,还蕴含着绿意的生机,如果你能见到沙湖,你肯定会为自然界能有如此之奇景感叹不已!如果你想要看到壮丽的风景,那么你就必须要来西域看看。如果你想在西域看到绿意的壮美风景,那么你一定要来沙湖看看。大漠孤烟直,长河落日圆,沙湖是我国的首批五A的风景区。是中国主要的王牌景点之一。被人们誉为中国十大休闲旅游湖泊之一。在沙湖的周围也有着很多的娱乐设施,这里有滑沙的,起码的,有用的,垂钓的,滑翔的,还有沙滩排球等等娱乐地点。沙湖的美不仅仅是这些。有一个美丽的传说,曾经有一位美丽的蒙古女子叫做荷兰,他爱上了党项族的男子莫汉,后来他们逃避掉成吉思汗和西夏皇帝的强制征婚,私奔吞下先要后,贺兰化为湖,莫汉化为沙,从此有了沙湖。沙湖很美丽,有你更美丽!沙湖不仅仅是沙和水。在这个神奇的湖泊里,有着万亩的水域和五千亩的沙丘,两千多亩的芦苇,千亩的荷花池。在沙湖中,生产着各种鱼类,栖息着各种鸟类,是一个生态大观园,珍贵的白鹤,黑鹤,天鹅等鸟类都在这里栖息。生机无限。每每到了春季,芦苇底部都有无数的鸟巢,五颜六色的鸟蛋散布其间,十分壮观。宁夏沙湖旅游景点导游词 篇10Sand Lake is a paradise for birds. There are 98 species of birds in 24families, 11 orders. Among them, there are national first-class protected birds:Great Bustard, Chinese merganser, white tailed sea eagle and black stork. Thereare 14 species of birds under the second level protection of the state, such asthe Yellow River, pelican, swan, white goose, mandarin duck, grey crane andHeron. Brief introduction of Shahu scenic spot in NingxiaShahu reed has thin skin, long section and good toughness. After carefuldesign, we can create artistic products with unique shape and elegant taste. Theprocess of reed painting is complex. First of all, we need to cut the tip of thereed, then untie the reed, remove the knot, peel, plane the pulp, soak andflatten it, then draw, write and carve on the reed according to the patterndrawn in advance, and finally use an electric iron to make different colorsaccording to the needs. When making sculpture, we should make full use of thedirection of reed fiber to make the pattern clear and vivid. In some reedpaintings reflecting the scenery of Shahu Lake, the artistic conception isbeautiful, the meaning is infinite, lifelike and exquisite.Sweet and sour Yellow River carp is a delicious dish with bright color,beautiful shape and tender inside. The preparation method is as follows: first,remove the scales of the Yellow River carp, cut the abdomen, remove the viscera,and wash it; then cut the fish back into oblique knife patterns, wrap it withyellow paste, deep fry it in oil pan until golden yellow, pick it up and put iton a plate, and pour it with pre cooked sweet and sour sauce.On April 27, 1997, bainiao Park was officially opened to tourists, with aninvestment of more than 3 million yuan and an area of 1090 square meters. Ofcourse, it is mainly composed of migratory birds. The incubation period of birdsis from April to June every year, and the breeding period is from July toAugust. During this period, the number of birds is up to one million. Thisbirdwatching platform can accommodate hundreds of people. It is equipped withthe most advanced high-power telescope in China to provide a first-classenvironment for birdwatching First class facilities, first class service.宁夏沙湖旅游景点导游词 篇11沙湖位于宁夏北部,离首府银川有100多公里。原来,这是一个农场的湖,因为景色美丽就成为了国家4A级景点和


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