2023 年海南 PMP 资格认证考试考试真题卷(5)本卷共分为 1 大题 50 小题,作答时间为 180 分钟,总分 100分,60 分及格。一、单项选择题(共 50 题,每题 2 分。每题的备选项中,只有一个最符合题意)1.Having the client assist in the project planning _.A)is not always recommended since the client does not have adequate knowledge of project management B)enables better planning since they are familiar with project insights C)provides only some understanding,but usually the client dealing with the project has only limited authority D)usually confuses the situation 2.The causes of variances and the reasoning behind the corrective action chosen are summarized in the _.A)work Breakdown Structure B)accounting codes for the activities C)lessons learned D)performance reports 3.In a project environment,functional managers are responsible for _.A)acting as a sounding board for clarification of critical issues B)establishing administrative policies C)outlining time,cost and performance constrains D)identifying and developing mitigation strategies for areas of risk 4.Which one of the following is NOT a trade-off decision that must be made in the development of the project plan A)Whether to use skilled or unskilled laborers.B)The amount of profit vendors should make versus the profit other vendors have received in the past.C)Manufacturing in-house or sub-contracting out the work.D)The important of cost versus quality.5.The owner(buyer)of a project usually has the right to direct changes to the scope of work while the project work is being accomplished.Often,the owner will orally request a change and insist that the change be initiated immediately without the normal documentation(e.g.a change order).When the change be initiated without documentation _.A)the owner assumes all responsibility for paying for the change although the owner may at a later not want the change B)the owner assumes responsibility for one-half the cost of the change until the documentation is completed and all at the same time C)the project manager assumes all risk for the change,if initiated,until the documentation is received D)the project manager assumes only the risk of misinterpreting the owners oral change directive,while the owner assumes responsibility for paying for the request change 6.A project plan is _.A)a formal,approved document used to guide both project execution and project control B)a document issued by senior management that provides the product manager with the authority to apply organization resources of the company C)a document description the organizational breakdown structure of the company D)a narrative description of products or services to be supplied 7.The internal communication linkages are the most important to the health of the project.Which of the following is one of the major diving forces for effective communication in a project A)Optimization B)Differentiation C)Selection D)Integration 8.Controlling occurs _.A)on a continual basis throughout the project B)at the end of each phase of the project life cycle to assess its success in meeting project objectives C)at the end of each planning process D)on a continual basis throughout the executing process and as needed in the other process 9.The project plan is used to do all of the following EXCEPT _.A)document project planning assumption B)define the content of management reviews C)identify risks that arise during project execution D)provide a baseline for progress measurement and project control 10.你是一个商业写字楼建设项目的项目经理。你知道政府部门发布的相关建筑法规、消防法规等,都是你开展质量管理工作的重要依据。你必须保证项目质量计划符合相关法规的要求。这些法规_。A是规划质量过程的输入 B有助于进行质量管理革新 C会导致项目质量成本的上升 D有助于楼房建设质量的优化 11.You are assigned as the project manager in the middle of the project.The project is within the baselines,but the customer is not happy with the performance of the project.What is the FIRST thing you should do()A.Discuss it with the project team.B.Recalculate baselines.C.Renegotiate the contract.D.Meet with the customer.12.Which of the following BEST describes the verify scope process A)It provides assurances that the deliverable meets the specifications,is an input to the project management plan,and is an output of perform quality control.B)It ensures that the deliverable is completed on time and gets customer acceptance,and shows that the deliverable meets specifications.C)It ensures customer acceptance,shows that the deliverable meets specifications,and provides a chance for differences of opinion to come to light.D)It is an output of perform quality control,occurs before.define scope,and ensures customer acceptance.13.在监督项目绩效过程中,简单地把实际的成本支出数与计划的成本支出数比较,是毫无意义的,因为_。A实际的成本支出数可能是不正确的 B计划的成本支出数可能是不合理的 C没有考虑实际完成的实体工作量 D这两者往往覆盖不同的时间段 14.项目生命周期与产品生命周期的主要差别在于_。A前者的阶段通常顺序排列,后者的阶段通常并行排列 B前者的阶段可能相互交叉,后者的阶段一般不相互交叉 C前者偏重管理工作,后者偏重技术工作 D一个项目生命周期中只包括一个产品生命周期,而一个产品生命周期中可包括多个项目生命周期 15.You recently joined as the project manager of ABC Company.The outgoing project manager mentioned that of late,she had been facing several issues with new change requests.The customers were located in the same office and they interacted directly with the project team and,at times,informally asked for some changes in the projects product.If the changes were small,the project team members usually agreed to do the changes.The project manager found it difficult to prioritize activities and ensure that tasks are done as per schedule.The project had 50 team members and there was some discontent amongst them about the work they were supposed to do.What should be your first priority in this project A)Create a detailed project scope statement.B)Align the project objectives with the organizational goals.C)Ensure proper project scope control.D)Call a meeting of all the project stakeholders to determine and resolve any outstanding issues.16.项目管理社区应该通过以下哪项来建立项目管理职业的自信,并促进个人成为更好的实践者()A鼓励个人充分发展自己的个性 B鼓励个人保留和坚持自己的意见 C在整个职业范围内建议对合理行为的共同理解 D鼓励项目管理工作者获得资格证书 17.在项目执行阶段,一位新任项目经理发现客户对项目状态报告极度不满。他首先要做的是什么_ A与客户面谈,允诺满足客户的需求 B审查所有变更,并重新制定项目基准计划 C通过沟通系统获得足够的关于冲突的信息 D与项目团队成员一起分析客户的需求 18.项目经理正在根据计划对项目进展情况进行跟踪。他发现无法按照管理层要求的日期交付最终可交付成果。项目经理应该_。A与干系人重新洽谈范围 B不要同意管理层的不合理要求 C让项目团队加班,以便按时完成 D先干着看,实在无法按时完成时再说 19.Which type of input is the primary cause of contract changes A)Independent estimates.B)Organizational policies.C)Statement of work.D)Approved changes requests.20.An output of close project is the creation of_.A)project archives B)a project charter C)a project management plan D)a risk analysis plan 21.管理层很不满意你的项目的进展情况。项目开工两年以来,发生了几件意外的负面事件,使项目绩效持续恶化。项目管理办公室主任告诉你,如果你不能在后续的时间中扭转局面,使项目绩效回到项目计划上来,你将只能去公司的餐厅干活了。为了确定未来的绩效目标,你将计算_。A完工预算 BAC B完工估算 EAC C完工尚需绩效指数 TCPI D完工时偏差 VAC 22.项目已经完成,但是客户拒绝对可交付成果给出最终验收,从而导致项目无法顺利移交。项目经理应该怎样做_ A把该情况报告给管理层 B寻求项目团队的协助 C把该情况记录下来 D把该情况提交仲裁 23.For an activity,the optimistic,most likely and pessimistic estimates are 12,16 and 18 respectively.Which of the following statement is correct A)There is 68.26%chance that the activity will be completed in 15 to 17 days.B)There is 95.44%chance that the activity will be completed in 15 to 17 days.C)There is 68.26%chance that the activity will be completed in 14.67 to 16.67 days.D)There is 93.73%chance that the activity will be completed in 15 to 17 days.24.对需求很不易确定的项目,最不能采用以下哪种阶段与阶段之间的关系_ A原型法所代表的阶段与阶段之间的关系 B先后顺序关系 C迭代关系 D交叠关系 25.在一个大型开发项目的关键里程碑处,绩效报告显示项目实施工作已经落后进度计划一个月。另外,项目中的一个关键子系统的技术特性,也比较令人担心。为此,项目经理建议对该子系统的技术特性和功能开展审计,以确保符合要求。但是,这个审计将导致项目再延误一个星期。该审计工作是_。A变更管理的合理应用 B配置管理的合理应用 C效益成本分析的合理应用 D绩效测量方法的合理应用 26.在一个管理信息系统开发项目中,两名团队成员对于采用何种编程方法有重大分歧。应该由谁来解决这个分歧_ A这两名成员及其经理 B项目经理 C高级管理层 D这两名成员的经理 27.约翰是某房地产开发项目的造价工程师。他基于过去项目的资料,开发了一个项目成本估算模板,以便按每平米建筑面积、每平米绿化面积、每平米车库面积,来估算整个开发项目的总成本。以下哪个最能代表他将要使用的成本估算方法_ A三点估算 B参数估算 C以量化为基础的估算 D自下而上的估算 28.以下哪个是项目范围基准的组成部分_ A项目工作说明书 B采购工作说明书 C合同工作说明书 D项目范围说明书 29.The high-level project schedule constraints have just been determined.What project management process group are you in A)Initiating.B)Planning.C)Executing.D)Monitoring and controlling.30.All of the following are parts of an effective change control system EXCEPT_.A)procedures B)standards for reports C)meetings D)lessons learned 31.项目成功的原因往往是相似的,但失败的原因是多种多样的。以下哪项最好地描述了导致项目失败的主要原因_ A没有项目管理办公室、没有项目章程、没有项目管理计划 B干系人需求不清楚、团队成员地理位置分散、团队建设不力 C缺乏高级管理层的支持、项目团队内部不协调、项目经理的缺乏领导能力 D组织文化、干系人需求不清楚、项目目标不可测量 32.你是一个 IT 开发项目的项目经理。项目拥有完整、经批准的范围基准,包括项目范围说明书、工作分解结构和 WBS词典。项目团队中的一位编程专家在工作过程中发现增加某个小功能,可以大大提高系统的运行速度。他自行增加了这个小功能,没有给项目进度和成本带来负面影响。你应该如何处理这种情况_ A他改善了项目产品功能,且没有对进度和成本带来不利影响,应该受到表扬 B把这个改进作为项目的重要经验加以推广 C批评这位专家,因为他的行为可能给项目其他方面带来负面影响 D由于这项变更已经发生,因此就需要准备一份变更追踪表用来追踪变更效果 33.在某工程建设中,作为业主方的工程建设开发公司不仅在工地现场建设了计算机网络供承建工程的各方和监理单位使用,而且还为他们统一配备了 P3 软件,以供他们开展项目管理;并且早在工程招标阶段就把对项目管理的要求列入了投标条件,最终以合同形式规范项目管理活动。以上描述主要说明以下哪一方面()A项目管理办公室的主要职责是协调各项目的资源 B项目管理办公室负责建立统一的项目管理系统,以便各项目能比较一致地运用项目管理方法 C业主方的建设开发公司所采用的是项目式组织,所以必须设立项目管理办公室 D项目管理办公室应该参与项目合同的签订 34.尽管项目的全部可交付成果都已经提交出来并符合要求,但是某个主要干系人仍然抱怨项目没有对相关人员进行如何使用项目产品的培训,并声称项目不能就这样结束。在认真检查项目管理计划和项目文件之后,项目经理确认在项目范围内并未列入这个培训。项目经理应该_。A修改项目计划,把培训工作添加进去 B与项目团队开会讨论这个问题 C把该干系人的抱怨报告给管理层,让管理层来解决 D按原定计划开始项目收尾工作 35.The following information is available about a particular task in your project plan:early start(ES),25 days;late start(LS),30 days;early finish(EF),50 days;late finish(LF),55 days.Based on this information。you can deduce that()A.the project float is 5 days B.the project may get delayed C.the task is not on the critical path D.the task is on the critical path 36.You have been working on a very large software development project that has made use of over 230 people.Finally,all the scope of work is completed,it would be BEST to_.A)throw a party for the team members B)make sure the project is integrated with other projects C)begin to focus on your other projects D)analyze project success or failure 37.根据客户的要求,项目变更控制委员会已经批准了对项目可交付成果做重大变更。根据这个变更,项目的质量标准也要做相应变更。项目质量标准的变更应该通过以下哪个过程来完成_ A规划质量 B实施质量保证 C实施质量控制 D项目质量管理 38.在你的大型建筑项目实施期间,美国建筑业协会发布了新版本的技术规范。在认真学习了这个新的技术规范之后,你认为它有利于改进建筑项目的质量。你召集团队相关成员,讨论根据新的技术规范来修改项目的质量标准。你们正在做的工作属于_。A规划质量 B实施质量分析 C实施质量保证 D实施质量控制 39.During execution of a project which is performed for a customer on a T&M(time and material)contract base,a new project manager is taking over the assignment.He discovers that two members assigned to the project have charged time without performing any work for the project customer.Upon further investigation,he determines that this occurred because there have been no other project assignments open for these employees.The customer is unaware of these facts.Which of the following should he do A)Try to find some productive work for these staff members in the project and leave them on the team.B)The best thing is to do nothing.The customer will not realize the problem anyway.C)Try to find a responsible person for the over-assignment who can be made accountable.D)Take the two people off the team immediately and arrange for the refund of the excess charges to the customer.40.All technical work is completed on the project.Which of the following remains to be done A)Verify scope.B)Risk response plan.C)Staffing management plan.D)Lessons learned.41.以下关于项目成本与生命周期成本的说法都是正确的,除了_。A项目成本是生命周期成本的一个组成部分 B旨在降低项目成本的项目决策可能导致生命周期成本上升 C生命周期成本是包括项目成本、项目产品使用成本和报废成本在内的全部成本 D生命周期成本是指在整个项目生命周期中所发生的全部成本 42.A project team is suffering from misunderstandings between team members who have different cultural backgrounds.The project manager is evaluating how to improve communication and collaboration.Which of the following statements is not true A)Only those who realize that cultural differences are a resource to be fully utilized will survive in international project business.B)There is a common ground for people from different cultures on which they can interact without unsolvable conflicts.C)Cultural differences will always remain an obstacle to be overcome for cross-cultural projects.D)Cross-cultural competence is a critical lever for competitive advantage in international project business.43.A project manager has just been assigned to a new project and has been given the project charter.The FIRST thing the project manager must do is_.A)create a project scope statement B)confirm that all the stakeholders have had input into the scope C)analyze project risk D)begin work on a project management plan 44.Which of the following statements is NOT true regarding arrow digramming method A)Schedule activities are represented by arrows.B)The length of the arrow represents the expected duration of the activity.C)The tail of the arrow represents the start of the activity.D)The head of the arrow represents the finish of the activity.45.为了压缩历时,你希望对项目进行快速跟进。你从项目的进度计划中得到如下关于各活动的浮动时间的信息:活动B 为 2 周,活动 C 为 1 周,活动 D 为 0 周,活动 E 为 3 周,活动 F 为 1 周,活动 G 为 0 周,活动 H 为 4 周,活动 I 为 0周。你将对哪个活动进行快速跟进_ AB 和 E BC 和 F CH 和 I DD 和 I 46.你所管理的是一个跨国团队,其中包括来自 4 个不同国家的成员。在一次团队会议之后,你发现来自某个国家的 3个成员在一起议论,嘲笑其他某个国家的成员所说的英语很不标准,简直让人听不懂。处理这种情况的最好办法是_。A在下次会议上公开批评这 3 个成员 B处罚这三个成员,并向其他团队成员通报情况 C请被嘲笑的成员在业余时间补习英语,尽量说得标准一些 D私下批评这 3 个成员,并为项目团队提供适当的沟通培训 47.某大型设备制造和安装项目正在紧张进行中。为了按期完工,项目团队在上周末进行了加班工作。但是,在今天(周二)下午,项目经理突然决定将项目竣工日期向后推迟两周。项目经理这样做的理由是_。A项目发生了紧急情况 B项目发生了范围蔓延 C项目经理无视职业道德 D成员不愿意继续加班 48.一位项目经理刚刚被派到一个新项目上,并得到了一份项目范围说明书。这个项目经理必须做的第一件事是_。A创建 WBS 和 WBS 词典,建立项目范围基准 B确认所有项目干系人的需求都已包括在工作范围中 C建立项目管理团队 D制订项目管理计划 49.在编制人力资源计划时,你发现来自职能部门的一名成员需要经过 3 天的培训,才能具备某种特定的技能,来完成某个特定的工作包。由于专业的限制,项目团队中没有其他人可以替代该成员。你应该_。A在进度计划中增加 3 天时间 B要求他利用业余时间完成这 3 天的培训 C把该培训作为项目工作之一,加入项目计划中,并进行风险分析 D要求用一个不需培训的成员来替换该成员 50.项目的完成日期将改变,如果_。A关键路径缩短了 B项目资源被缩减了 C风险应对计划变更了 D进度计划修改了