English Long Sentences 英语长句的翻译英语长句的翻译Week 10nStudents Presentationn公示语的翻译n Methods of Translating Long English Sentencesn Attributive Clausesn Homework exercises Teaching OutlinePublic Signn老弱病残孕专座n Courtesy Seatsn 顾客止步n Employees Onlyn 闲人免进n Staff Onlyn未经许可车辆不得入内n Authorized Cars Only小草有生命,脚下请留情n1)Little grass has life,please watch your step.n2)Please give me a chance to grow.n3)Grass grows in silence.Please leave it alone.n Stay off the grass!除了脚印什么都不要留下,除了记忆什么都不要带走。n Leaving nothing but your footprint;n take away nothing but your memories.n Keep off the grass!花木多可爱,请您别伤害!n Kindly spare the lovely plants.n Keep off the grass!身在绿海中,防火记心中!n While living in the trees,n remembering Preventing fire!n No fire!/No burning!友情提示:注意安全 请勿攀爬n Attention please:Be Aware of Securityn No Climbingn Danger!No climbing!警方提醒:贵重物品请随身携带,妥善保管,请勿存放车内n Police Reminding:Please take your valuable with you and put them in safe keeping.n Please take the valuable with you and put them in safe keeping.n乾隆皇帝弘历 nHongli the Emperor of Qianlongn Hongli,Emperor Qianlongn 隐居撰写 wrotein a seclude wayn live in seclusion and writen seclude oneself from society定语从句的翻译Attributive Clausesn I.A Comparative Study of English and Chinese Attributive.nII.Translation of Restrictive Attributive Clauses nIII.Translating Non-Restrictive Attributive Clauses nIV.Attributive Clauses Functioning as Adverbials I.I.A Comparative Study of English and Chinese A Comparative Study of English and Chinese Attributive StructuresAttributive StructuresnThis is the cat.这就是那只猫。nThis is the cat that killed the rat.n这就是那只捕杀了老鼠的猫。n This is the cat that killed the rat that ate the cake.n*这就是那只捕杀了偷吃了蛋糕的老鼠的猫。nThis is the cat that killed the rat that ate the cake that was put in the house.n*这就是那只捕杀了偷吃了放在房间里的蛋糕的老鼠的猫。nThis is the cat that killed the rat that ate the cake that was put in the house that Jack built.n*这就是那只捕杀了偷吃了放在杰克修建的房间里的蛋糕的老鼠的猫。II.Translation of Restrictive Attributive Clauses 1.Combination:把从句译为带把从句译为带“的的”的定语短语,放在被修饰的定语短语,放在被修饰词前,将复合句译成汉语单句。又称词前,将复合句译成汉语单句。又称“前置法前置法”。n The people who worked for him lived in mortal fear of him.n在他手下工作的人对他怕得要死。nPollution is a pressing problem which we must deal with.n污染是我们必须解决的一个迫切问题。nJuly and August are the months when the weather is hot.n七八月是天气很热的月份。nIn the room where the electronic computer is kept,there must be no dust at all.n在存放电子计算机的房间里,不能有一点儿灰尘。2.Division2.Division n如果从句结构复杂,译成汉语前置定语显得太长而不符合汉语表达习惯时,往往译成后置的并列分句。可以译成并列分句,重复英语先行词,如:nBetween these two tiny particles,the proton and the electron,there is a powerful attraction that is always present between negative and positive electric charges.n在质子和电子这两个微粒之间有一个很大的吸引力,而这个吸引力总是存在于正负电荷之间。n还可以译成并列分句,省略英语先行词,如:nNewton invented a paper lantern illuminated by a candle which he carried with him to light his way to school on dark winter mornings.n牛顿发明了一只点蜡烛的纸灯笼,在昏暗朦胧的冬天早晨上学时带着照路。2.DivisionnHe managed to raise a crop of 200 miracle tomatoes that weight up to two pounds each.n他种出了200个大得惊人的西红柿,每个重达两磅。nA fuel is a material which will burn at a reasonable temperature and produce heat.n燃料是一种物质,在适当温度下能够燃烧并放出热量。nThey worked out a new method by which production has now been rapidly increased.n他们制定出一种新方法,采用之后生产已迅速得到提高。nThey are striving for the ideal which is close to the heart of every Chinese and for which,in the past,many Chinese have laid down their lives.n 他们正在为实现一个理想而努力,这个理想是每个中国人所珍爱的,在过去,许多中国人曾为了这个理想而牺牲了自己的生命。3.Mixture n 溶合法是把原句中的主语和定语从句溶合在一起译成一个独立的句子的一种翻译方法。(There be 结构句子往往这样处理)nThere were men in that crowd who had stood there every day for a month.n在那群人中,有些人每天站在那里,站了一个月。There is a man downstairs who wants to see you.n楼下有人要见你。nFortunately,there are some chemical fuels that are clean and smokeless.n幸好有些化学燃料是洁净无烟的。nThere are some metals which posses the power to conduct electricity and the ability to be magnetized.n某些金属既能导电,又能被磁化。nThere are many people who want to see the film.n许多人要看这部电影。3.Mixturen 还有一些定语从句,译成汉语时可将英语主句压缩成汉语词组作主语,而把定语从句译成谓语,溶合成一个句子。n“We are a nation that must beg to stay alive,”said a foreign economist.n一位外国经济学家说道,“我们这个国家不讨饭就活不下去。”nWe used a plane of which almost every part carried some identification of national identity.n我们驾驶的飞机几乎每一个部件都有国籍的某些标志。nGood clocks have pendulums which are automatically compensated for temperature changes.n好的钟摆可以自动补偿温度变化造成的误差。III.Translating Non-Restrictive Attributive Clauses n 1.在译文中把原文从句后置,重复关系词所代表的汉译,译成并列分句。nI told the story to John,who told it to his brother.n我把这件事告诉了约翰,约翰又告诉了他的兄弟.nThis is a college of science and technology,the students of which are trained to be engineers or scientists.n这是一所科技大学,该校学生将被培养成工程师或科学工作者。2.前置法:一些较短的具有描写性的从句也可译成带“的”的前置短语,放在被修饰词前面nTransistors,which are small in size,can make previously large and bulky radios light and small.n采用体积较小的晶体管可以使先前那种大而笨的收音机变得又轻又小。nThe sun,which had hidden all day,now came out in all its splendor.n整天躲在云层里的太阳,现在又光芒四射地露面了.n The emphasis was helped by the speakers mouth,which was wide,thin and hard set.n 讲话人那又阔又薄又紧绷绷的嘴巴,帮助他加强了语气。n But Miggles laugh,which was very infectious,broke the silence.n 密格尔的富有感染力的笑声打破了静默。3.译成独立句译成独立句nOne time there was a violent thunderstorm,the worst I had ever seen,which obscured my objective.n有一次是暴风骤雨,猛烈的程度实为我平生所仅见。这场暴风雨遮住了我的目标。IV.Attributive Clauses Functioning as Adverbials n1.Translating into Chinese Adverbial Clauses of Cause n2.Translating into Chinese Adverbial Clauses of Result n3.Translating into Chinese Adverbial Clauses of Concession n4.Translating into Chinese Adverbial Clause of Condition n5.Translating into Chinese Adverbial Clauses of Purpose 1.Translating into Chinese Adverbial Clauses of Cause nWe know that a cat,whose eyes can take in many more rays than our eyes,can see clearly in the night.n我们知道,由于猫的眼睛比我们人的眼睛能吸收更多的光线,所以猫在黑夜也能看的很清楚。nYou must grasp the concept of“work”which is very important in physics.n你必须掌握“功”的概念,因为它在物理学中很重要。2.Translating into Chinese Adverbial Clauses of Result nThere was something original,independent,and heroic about the plan that pleased all of them.n这个方案富于创造性,独具一格,很有魄力,因此他们都很喜欢。nCopper,which is used so widely for carrying electricity,offers very little resistance.n铜的电阻很小,所以广泛地用来传输电力。3.Translating into Chinese Adverbial Clauses of Concession nHe insisted on building another house,which he had no use for.n他坚持要再造一幢房子,尽管他并无此需要.nElectronic computers,which have many advantages,cannot carry out creative work and replace man.n尽管电子计算机有许多优点,但是它们不能进行创造性工作,也不能代替人。4.Translating into Chinese Adverbial Clause of Condition nMen become desperate for work,any work,which will help them to keep alive their families.n人们拼命想得到工作,不管什么工作,只要能维持一家人的生活就行。nFor any machine whose input and output forces are known,its mechanical advantage can be calculated.n对于任何机器来说,如果知其输入力和输出力,就能求出其机械效率。5.Translating into Chinese Adverbial Clauses of Purpose nThey have built up a new college here,where students will be trained to be engineers and scientists.n他们在这里建了一所学院,以培养科技人才nIll try to get an illustrated dictionary dealing with technical terms,which will enable me to translate scientific literature more exactly.n我要设法弄一本有插图的技术名词词典,以便把科学文献译得更准确。References for further studyn 英汉互译实践与技巧 unit 9,名词性从句 unit 10,定语从句 unit 11状语从句n 英汉翻译基础教程 第四单元(p46-56)一、名词性从句q1.The King declared,“Whoever makes my daughter laugh shall marry her.”n 国王宣称:“谁要是能把我女儿逗乐了,就可以娶她做妻子。”q2.It was in vain that the old lady asked her if she was aware she was speaking to Miss Pinkerton.n 老太太问她明白不明白她是在对平克顿小姐说话,但这是白费心血。q3.I was clear that he was going to meet Miss Carr and wanted to be alone.n 很清楚,他是去看卡尔小姐了,所以要一个人去。n4.A principle of science tells what usually happens under certain conditions.n科学原理告诉我们在一定条件下所会发生的事情。n5.I replied that they had never brought up the subject in conversation.n我回答说,在谈话中,他们从没有提到这个问题。n6.She had explained that interviews were the only way to keep the case in public consciousness.n她曾解释道,接见记者是使公众不至忘却这桩案件的唯一办法。n7.The fact is that the old lady believed Rebecca to be the meekest creature in the world.n事实是,老太太以为丽贝卡是天下最驯良的小家伙n8.“If I have seen farther than other man,it is because I have stood on the shoulders of giants.”(Newton)n“假如我比别人望得远了一点,这是因为我已站在巨人的肩上。”(牛顿)n9.We know the fact that bodies possess weight.n我们知道物体具有重量这个事实。n10.The meeting was to take place at a hotel,the Park Hotel on Nanjing Road.n会议在一个酒店内举行南京路国际饭店。二、试译下列定语从句n11.Those who sacrifice themselves for the peoples cause are the real heroes of history.(前置法)n为人民事业牺牲自己的人是历史上真正的英雄。n12.He was not at ease with those who made diplomacy their profession,particularly ambassadors.(前置法)n他同那班以外交为职业的人特别是大使们合不来。n13.The great inviolate place had the ancient permanence which the sea cannot claim.(后置法)n这块没经骚扰过的伟大地区有着自古以来永远不变的性质,这种性质连大海都不能跟它相比。n14.He made the sound of sympathy which comes so readily from those who have an independent income.(后置法)n他发出了同情之声,这种同情声是那些有独立收入的人最容易脱口而出的。n15.There has never been a man around me who wrote so many memos.(溶合法)n在我周围的人中从没有一个象他那样写过那么多的备忘录。n16.The ambassador,who had long been interested in Asian affairs,was flattered.(前置法)n早就对亚洲事务感兴趣的那个大使,不禁受宠若惊。n17.I knew that John would tell his mother,who would probably tell Mary.(后置法)n我知道约翰准会告诉他妈妈,他妈妈多半又会说给玛丽听。n18.He took the idea to Admiral King,who liked it and ordered a secret study made to see if it could be done.(后置法)n他把这种想法向金将军上将汇报,金将军对这想法很感兴趣,命令进行秘密研究,看看是否可行。n19.Nevertheless,the problem was solved successfully,which showed that the computations were accurate.(独立句)n不过问题还是圆满地解决了。这说明计算机很准确。n20.I had a problem,which became clearly obvious just as I was to appear at the meeting.(译成独立句)n我遇到了一个问题。当我就要出席会议时,这个问题越发明显了。三、将下列具有状语功能的定语从句三、将下列具有状语功能的定语从句译成各种相对应的汉语偏正复句:译成各种相对应的汉语偏正复句:n1.He did not remember his father who died when he was three years old.n他三岁就死了父亲,所以记不起他父亲了。n2.He insisted on buying another coat,which he had no use for.n他坚持要再买一件上衣,虽然他并不用得着。n3.He wishes to write an article that will attract public attention the matter.n他想写一篇文章,以便能引起公众对这件事的注意。n4.Anyone who thinks that rational knowledge need not be derived from perceptual knowledge is an idealist.n如果译为理性认识可以不从感性认识得来,他就是一个唯心论者。n5.Those who are in favour please hold up their hands.n如果赞成,就请举手。四、试译下列状语从句n1.When the war started,she soon got caught up in some very different activities.n战争一爆发,她很快就卷进了一些迥然不同的活动中去。n2.We had barely dropped off to sleep when the doorbell began to ring.n我们刚要合眼入睡时,门铃就开始响起来了。n 3.They were obviously doing the right thing,and she would defend them,whatever anyone said.n显然他们这样做是对的;不管谁怎么说,她也要为他们辩护。n4.She had always taken that for granted as correct behavior,however much it went against the things you were told.n她总认为这是一种正当的行为,不管你所听到的是怎样不同。n5.Probably he had stood there for some time,because the ash of his cigar was discovered on the ground near the gate.n他可能曾在那里站过一会儿,因为门口地上发现了他的雪茄烟灰。五、段落n最近在高校毕业生择业问题上出现了一种倾向,这就是毕业生越来越青睐大公司,很少有人到研究单位。在崇尚物质的社会里,这是一个不可避免的问题。一方面,学生还没有走出校门,大公司便在竞相聘用他们,向他们提供具有诱惑力的薪水和福利待遇。另一方面,由于许多大企业,甚至包括一些政府部门往往看重直接经济效益,而相对来说,对长期的理论研究不感兴趣。所以研究人员不断地从纯理论研究领域流向实用工业。一你为在那里工作就比在研究领域里好找,工资也往往高。这些情况不仅严重影响青年人的择业观,而且还影响教育,许多大学老师哀叹,现在单纯为了学知识而学习的人越来越少了。