For Ford Internal Use Only CQI-9 Special Process:Heat Treat System Assessment For Ford Internal Use Only For Ford Internal Use OnlyAIAG PUBLICATIONS An AIAG publication reflects a consensus of those substantially concerned with its scope and provisions.An AIAG publication is intended as a guide to aid the manufacturer,the consumer and the general public.The existence of an AIAG publication does not in any respect preclude anyone from manufacturing,marketing,purchasing,or using products,processes,or procedures not conforming to the publication.CAUTIONARY NOTICE AIAG publications are subject to periodic review and users are cautioned to obtain the latest editions.MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE Recognizing that this AIAG publication may not cover all circumstances,AIAG has established a maintenance procedure.Please refer to the Maintenance Request Form at the back of this document to submit a request.APPROVAL STATUS The AIAG Quality Steering Committee and designated stakeholders approved this document for publication in March 2006.Published by:Automotive Industry Action Group 26200 Lahser Road,Suite 200 Southfield,Michigan 48034 Phone:(248)358-3570 Fax:(248)358-3253 AIAG Copyright and Trademark Notice:The contents of all published materials are copyrighted by the Automotive Industry Action Group unless otherwise indicated.Copyright is not claimed as to any part of an original work prepared by a U.S.or state government officer or employee as part of the persons official duties.All rights are preserved by AIAG,and content may not be altered or disseminated,published,or transferred in part of such content.The information is not to be sold in part or whole to anyone within your organization or to another company.Copyright infringement is a violation of federal law subject to criminal and civil penalties.AIAG and the Automotive Industry Action Group are registered service marks of the Automotive Industry Action Group.2006 Automotive Industry Action Group Special Process:Heat Treat System Assessment CQI-9 Issue:1.00,Dated 3/2006 Replaces:N/A,Dated:N/A 1For Ford Internal Use OnlyFOREWORD Automotive Industry Action Group(AIAG)committees are made up of volunteers from member companies in the automotive industry.The work of preparing process audits is done by AIAG technical committees.The main task of technical committees is to prepare Automotive Standards and System Requirements.Draft documents adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the Steering Committee for review and consensus approval.Publication of the documents requires approval by the Quality Steering Committee.The Quality Steering Committee would like to acknowledge and thank the following individuals and their companies who have contributed time and effort to the development of this document.Special Process:Heat Treat System Assessment CQI-9 Issue:1.00,Dated 3/2006 Replaces:N/A,Dated:N/A 2For Ford Internal Use Only ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Core Members:Pete Batche Textron Fastening Systems Co.Mel Dilley DaimlerChrysler Corp.Curt Holmes Metaldyne Ed Jamieson Bodycote Thermal Processing Young Kim Ford Motor Company Brett Lenhausen General Motors Corporation Philip Mikula TRW,Inc.Murli Prasad General Motors Corporation Supporting Members:Todd Bensinger DaimlerChrysler Corp.Scott Brodersen DaimlerChrysler Corp Dave Calkins DaimlerChrysler Corp Leonard Gadzinski Textron Fastening Systems Co.Tim Green BSI Americas,Inc.Dave Hernacki Commercial Steel Treating,Corp.Dean Higdon Textron Fastening Systems Co.Medina Kaknjo Ford Motor Company Jeff Martin ZF Friedrichshafen,AG Mike Oberg Induction Services,Inc.Mike Wiezbowski DaimlerChrysler Corp Special Process:Heat Treat System Assessment CQI-9 Issue:1.00,Dated 3/2006 Replaces:N/A,Dated:N/A 3For Ford Internal Use OnlyTABLE OF CONTENTS AIAG PUBLICATIONS.1 CAUTIONARY NOTICE.1 MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE.1 APPROVAL STATUS.1 FOREWORD.2 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS.3 1.0 INTRODUCTION.5 1.1 GENERAL.5 1.2 PROCESS APPROACH.5 1.3 HEAT TREAT SYSTEM ASSESSMENT GOALS.5 1.4 ASSESSMENT PROCESS.5 1.5 ASSESSOR QUALIFICATIONS.6 1.6 OTHER REQUIREMENTS.6 2.0 SCOPE.7 2.1 GENERAL.7 2.2 APPLICATION.7 3.0 THE HEAT TREAT SYSTEM ASSESSMENT PROCEDURE.94.0 SPECIAL PROCESS:HEAT TREAT ASSESSMENT FORMS.10 APPENDIX A PROCESS TABLES.39 APPENDIX B GLOSSARY.56 ABOUT AIAG.60MAINTENANCE REQUEST.61 Special Process:Heat Treat System Assessment CQI-9 Issue:1.00,Dated 3/2006 Replaces:N/A,Dated:N/A 4For Ford Internal Use Only 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 General The work of preparing CQI 9:Special Process:Heat Treat System Assessment(HTSA)was carried out through the AIAG Heat Treat Work Group.These heat treat requirements are complementary to customer and product standards.The HTSA can be used to assess an organizations ability to meet the requirements in this assessment,as well as customer,regulatory,and the organizations own requirements.The HTSA can also be used between an organization and its suppliers.In the HTSA,the word“shall”indicates a requirement.Where the term“such as”is used,any suggestions given are for guidance only.1.2 Process Approach The HTSA supports the automotive process approach as described in ISO/TS16949:2002.1.3 Heat Treat System Assessment Goals The goal of the HTSA is the development of a heat treat management system that provides for continual improvement,emphasizing defect prevention and the reduction of variation and waste in the supply chain.The HTSA,coupled with an internationally recognized quality management system and applicable customer-specific requirements,defines the fundamental requirements for heat treat management systems.The HTSA is intended to provide a common approach to a heat treat management system for automotive production and service part organizations.1.4 Assessment Process Ongoing assessments shall be conducted annually,unless otherwise specified by the customer,to re-examine the continuing compliance with the HTSA.Each assessment shall include a review of the organizations systems using the HTSA.Successive Job Audits(Section 4.0 of this document)shall sample parts from different automotive component manufacturers that require compliance to the HTSA document.The assessment shall use the process approach to auditing as identified by the requirements of ISO/TS 16949:2002.Special Process:Heat Treat System Assessment CQI-9 Issue:1.00,Dated 3/2006 Replaces:N/A,Dated:N/A 5For Ford Internal Use Only1.5 Assessor Qualifications Assessors shall have the following specific experience to conduct the HEAT TREAT SYSTEM ASSESSMENT portion of the assessment:Be an experienced quality management system(QMS)internal auditor(e.g.,ISO 9000:2000,ISO/TS 16949:2002)1.6 Other Requirements The organization shall keep records as evidence of compliance to the requirements identified in the HTSA,as well as all appropriate action plans to address any unsatisfactory ratings.These records shall be readily available for review by any customer requiring compliance to the requirements within this document.Special Process:Heat Treat System Assessment CQI-9 Issue:1.00,Dated 3/2006 Replaces:N/A,Dated:N/A 6For Ford Internal Use Only 2.0 SCOPE 2.1 General This document specifies process requirements for an organization or its suppliers performing applicable heat treating,who need to demonstrate ability to consistently provide product that meets customer and applicable regulatory requirements,and enhance customer satisfaction through the effective application of the system,including processes for continual improvement of the system.The Heat Treat System Assessment is applicable to sites where customer-specified parts for production and/or service are processed throughout the automotive supply chain.2.2 Application All requirements of the HTSA are generic and are intended to be applicable to all organizations performing the heat treat operations addressed in this document,regardless of type,size,and product.Four Process Tables have been developed and the appropriate table(s)is to be referenced during the assessment.The Process Tables are specific to heat treat processes as noted below:Process Table 1 Ferrous Carburizing Carbonitriding Carbon Restoration or Correction Neutral Hardening(Quench and Temper)Austempering Martempering Tempering Precipitation Hardening Aging Process Table 2 Ferrous Nitriding(Gas)Ferritic Nitrocarburizing(Gas or Salt)Process Table 3 Aluminum Heat Treating Process Table 4 Induction Heat Treating(Ferrous)Special Process:Heat Treat System Assessment CQI-9 Issue:1.00,Dated 3/2006 Replaces:N/A,Dated:N/A 7For Ford Internal Use Only These Process Tables contain requirements for:1.Process and Test Equipment 2.Pyrometry 3.Process Monitor Frequencies 4.In-Process/Final Test Frequencies 5.Quenchant and Solution Test Frequencies The Process Tables specify the tolerances of process parameters and the frequencies for checking process control parameters and parts.The Requirements/Guidelines in the HTSA form will notify the assessor when to refer to the Process Tables.Special Process:Heat Treat System Assessment CQI-9 Issue:1.00,Dated 3/2006 Replaces:N/A,Dated:N/A 8For Ford Internal Use Only 3.0 THE HEAT TREAT SYSTEM ASSESSMENT PROCEDURE 1.Obtain current copy of CQI-9 Special Process:Heat Treat System Assessment Guideline from AIAG.2.Identify all heat treat processes to which CQI-9 Special Process:Heat Treat System Assessment Guideline applies(see CQI-9,2.2).Record these processes on the HTSA.3.Complete the HTSA,determining the level of compliance.Sections 1-3 shall be completed first and independent of any job audits performed.A minimum of one job audit(Section 4)shall be performed during each assessment.4.Address each“unsatisfactory”item and determine corrective action,including root cause analysis and implementation of the corresponding corrective action(s).Records of corrective action,including verification,shall be maintained.5.Assessments shall be conducted annually unless otherwise specified by the customer.Special Process:Heat Treat System Assessment CQI-9 Issue:1.00,Dated 3/2006 Replaces:N/A,Dated:N/A 9For Ford Internal Use Only 4.0 SPECIAL PROCESS:HEAT TREAT ASSESSMENT Cover Sheet11 Section 1-314 Section 1:Management Responsibility&Quality Planning15 Section 2:Floor and Material Handling Responsibility22Section 3:Equipment27Section 4:Job Audit33 Special Process:Heat Treat System Assessment CQI-9 Issue:1.00,Dated 3/2006 Replaces:N/A,Dated:N/A 10For Ford Internal Use Only Instructions for completing the Cover Sheet 1.Facility Name:Name of the facility being assessed.One form shall be used for each facility.The facility may have several buildings or physical locations in the same general area.If there is a separate management team(Quality Manager and Metallurgist)or different management system,then these locations shall be considered as separate facilities.2.Address:The street address of the facility being assessed;P.O Box numbers may be given as additional information.3.Phone Number:The phone number of the facility.If there is no common phone number for the facility,the phone number of the Operations Manager or Quality Manager shall be used.4.Fax Number:The fax number of the facility.5.Number of Heat Treat Employees at this Facility:The number of employees,salaried and hourly,associated with the heat treat operation at this facility.6.Captive Heat Treater(Y/N):Enter“Y”if this facility heat treats components for their own company.Enter“N”if the company does not heat treat any components for their own company.7.Commercial Heat Treater(Y/N):Enter“Y”if this facility heat treats components for companies other than their own company.Enter“N”if this facility does not heat treat any components for other companies.8.Date of Assessment:Enter the date(s)of the assessment.An alphanumeric format shall be used to avoid confusion with different numeric formats.Example:May 3 4,2006 9.Date of Previous Assessment:List the date of the previous CQI-9 Special Process:Heat Treat System Assessment of this facility.10.Type(s)of Thermal Processing at this Facility:Place a checkmark to designate all thermal process(es)performed at this facility.This information determines the appropriate Process Table that shall be used during the assessment.Processes not listed on the cover sheet are not part of the Heat Treat System Assessment.11.Current Quality Certification(s):The heat treater shall list their current quality certifications,e.g.,ISO/TS 16949:2002,ISO 9000:2002.Certifications may be from 3rd party sources or customer quality certifications.If customer quality certification is given,then the year of the last assessment by the customer shall also be given.Special Process:Heat Treat System Assessment CQI-9 Issue:1.00,Dated 3/2006 Replaces:N/A,Dated:N/A 11For Ford Internal Use Only 12.Date of Re-assessment(if necessary):If“Not Satisfactory”findings were observed from the original assessment,then the heat treater shall address each item and determine correct action,including root cause analysis and implementation of the corresponding corrective action(s).The date of the re-assessment shall be given here,and the appropriate Question(s)from Sections 1 4,in the original assessment,shall be modified to reflect that the evidence,relating to the implementation of the corrective action(s),has been observed.Also,the“Number of Not Satisfactory Findings”shall be modified as appropriate.13.Personnel Contacted:List the name(s),title(s),phone number(s),and email address(es),if available,of the principal participants from the heat treaters organization.14.Auditors/Assessors:List the name(s),Company(ies),phone number(s)and email address(es),if available,of the auditor/assessor(s).15.Number of“Not Satisfactory”Findings:Enter the number of“Not Satisfactory”findings observed during the assessment.Special Process:Heat Treat System Assessment CQI-9 Issue:1.00,Dated 3/2006 Replaces:N/A,Dated:N/A 12For Ford Internal Use OnlySpecial Process:Heat Treat Process Assessment Facility Name:AddressPhone NumberType(s)of Thermal Processing at this Location:Fax NumberProcess Table 1CarburizingNumber of Heat Treat Employees at this Location:CarbonitridingCarbon CorrectionCaptive Heat Treater(Y/N)Neutral HardeningCommercial Heat Treater(Y/N)Austempering/MartemperingTemperingDate of Evaluation:Precipitation Hardening/AgingDate of Previous Evaluation:Process Table 2Nitriding(Gas)Ferritic-Nitrocarburizing(Gas or Salt)Process Table 3Aluminum Heat TreatmentProcess Table 4Induction Heat TreatingCurrent Quality Certification(s)Date of Re-evaluation(if necessary):Personnel Contacted:NameTitlePhoneEmailAuditors/AssesorsNameCompanyPhoneEmailNumber of Not Satisfactory FindingsSpecial Process:Heat Treat System Assessment CQI-9 Issue:1.00,Dated 3/2006 Replaces:N/A,Dated:N/A 13For Ford Internal Use Only Instructions for completing Sections 1 3 Sections 1-3 contain questions and the requirements/guidance for each question.The Sections are:Section 1 Management Responsibility&Quality Planning Section 2 Floor and Material Handling Responsibility Se