房介通软件业务操作流程 房介通 BS 软件中业务的操作流程 一.房源管理 1.添加房源 点击业务菜单下的房源管理,选择添加所需房源的用途(住宅、别墅、商铺、写字楼、厂房、商住楼、仓库、地皮、车位),如下图所示:添加完房源信息点击保存,会出现添加房源跟进的对话框,保存即可。如下图所示:二(客源管理 1.添加客源 点击业务菜单下的客源管理,选择添加,填写客源信息,保存即可。inside,and lateral tie circle hooks all the flat to prevent exposure and avoid rust spots in the concrete surface.In order to avoid contradictions between reinforcement and position on the tension bolt and eject pull bolt position on the ground,and sets the vertical identity stem.When it encounters a dash of split bolt and steel,adjacent rows of steel to make proper adjustments,but adjustments must be within the specification allows.Concrete blocks:columns,wall structure suitable for color of concrete and plastic clamping 2,客源跟进 双击打开客源详细页面,点击跟进列表右侧的可以进入跟进编辑 页面录入跟进。方法 2.在客源列表下面显示跟进列表的右侧,点击写跟进,也可以进入跟进 编辑页面录入跟进。方法一如下图可示:方法二如下图可示:inside,and lateral tie circle hooks all the flat to prevent exposure and avoid rust spots in the concrete surface.In order to avoid contradictions between reinforcement and position on the tension bolt and eject pull bolt position on the ground,and sets the vertical identity stem.When it encounters a dash of split bolt and steel,adjacent rows of steel to make proper adjustments,but adjustments must be within the specification allows.Concrete blocks:columns,wall structure suitable for color of concrete and plastic clamping 三(外出登记 添加外出登记 点击业务菜单下的外出登记,选择添加,如下图所示:注:外出登记中外出事由分为带客看房、外出采客、外出踩盘、总部办事、空看、午餐、其 他,如果外出事由是带客看房,必须填写客户名称,选择客户就必须做了预约的客户才能选 择。如下图所示:inside,and lateral tie circle hooks all the flat to prevent exposure and avoid rust spots in the concrete surface.In order to avoid contradictions between reinforcement and position on the tension bolt and eject pull bolt position on the ground,and sets the vertical identity stem.When it encounters a dash of split bolt and steel,adjacent rows of steel to make proper adjustments,but adjustments must be within the specification allows.Concrete blocks:columns,wall structure suitable for color of concrete and plastic clamping 四(预约带看 1.选择客源资料,双击打开房源信息,选择预约带看,如下图所示:2.选择预约带看的房源信息,点击确定预约即可。如下图所示:inside,and lateral tie circle hooks all the flat to prevent exposure and avoid rust spots in the concrete surface.In order to avoid contradictions between reinforcement and position on the tension bolt and eject pull bolt position on the ground,and sets the vertical identity stem.When it encounters a dash of split bolt and steel,adjacent rows of steel to make proper adjustments,but adjustments must be within the specification allows.Concrete blocks:columns,wall structure suitable for color of concrete and plastic clamping 3.点击外出登记,双击外出登记的记录,弹出一个对话框,编辑带看记录,保存生成带看日 期,如下图所示:inside,and lateral tie circle hooks all the flat to prevent exposure and avoid rust spots in the concrete surface.In order to avoid contradictions between reinforcement and position on the tension bolt and eject pull bolt position on the ground,and sets the vertical identity stem.When it encounters a dash of split bolt and steel,adjacent rows of steel to make proper adjustments,but adjustments must be within the specification allows.Concrete blocks:columns,wall structure suitable for color of concrete and plastic clamping 4.注销 双击要选择的外出登记记录,弹出一个对话框,点击注销即可,如下图所示:五(资料房源 资料房源:记录不太确认的房源信息、出售意向房源信息、楼盘资料房源信息等。注:批量 房源资料可编辑成 excel 文档,提交给房介通客服部导入到资料房源中 如下图所示:inside,and lateral tie circle hooks all the flat to prevent exposure and avoid rust spots in the concrete surface.In order to avoid contradictions between reinforcement and position on the tension bolt and eject pull bolt position on the ground,and sets the vertical identity stem.When it encounters a dash of split bolt and steel,adjacent rows of steel to make proper adjustments,but adjustments must be within the specification allows.Concrete blocks:columns,wall structure suitable for color of concrete and plastic clamping 六.跟进查询 1,跟进查询功能:此功能是为了方便查询某个业务员、或某个部门的人在某个时间段内的 跟进记录 如下图所示:,2.选择列表中的跟进记录,可以打开房源信息,如下所示:inside,and lateral tie circle hooks all the flat to prevent exposure and avoid rust spots in the concrete surface.In order to avoid contradictions between reinforcement and position on the tension bolt and eject pull bolt position on the ground,and sets the vertical identity stem.When it encounters a dash of split bolt and steel,adjacent rows of steel to make proper adjustments,but adjustments must be within the specification allows.Concrete blocks:columns,wall structure suitable for color of concrete and plastic clamping 七.操作记录 操作记录是指员工在系统上操作动作的记录。点击菜单栏业务模块下的操作记录,进入操作记录页面,查询方法为条件查询,在操作记录列表上方的查询栏进行条件查询。如下图所示:八量化统计 量化查询是指对员工的工作量进行查询和统计管理。操作方法介绍:点击菜单栏业务模块下的量化查询,进入量化查询页面,默认显示当月的量化统计,查询方法为条件查询,在列表上面的查询栏进行条件查询。注:点击带有链接方式的数字,可查看具体的增加内容信息。inside,and lateral tie circle hooks all the flat to prevent exposure and avoid rust spots in the concrete surface.In order to avoid contradictions between reinforcement and position on the tension bolt and eject pull bolt position on the ground,and sets the vertical identity stem.When it encounters a dash of split bolt and steel,adjacent rows of steel to make proper adjustments,but adjustments must be within the specification allows.Concrete blocks:columns,wall structure suitable for color of concrete and plastic clamping 新增盘源是指新录入的房源信息 新增房源是指修改房源状态后的房源 注:以上所有操作中标红项为必填项 inside,and lateral tie circle hooks all the flat to prevent exposure and avoid rust spots in the concrete surface.In order to avoid contradictions between reinforcement and position on the tension bolt and eject pull bolt position on the ground,and sets the vertical identity stem.When it encounters a dash of split bolt and steel,adjacent rows of steel to make proper adjustments,but adjustments must be within the specification allows.Concrete blocks:columns,wall structure suitable for color of concrete and plastic clamping