UK/China Water Resources Demand Management Assistance Project中英合作水资源需求管理项目WRDMAP Glossary of Terms : Chinese and English术语汇编(中英对照)(初版) Water Resources Demand Management Assistance Project水资源需求管理援助项目WRDMAP Glossary of Terms : Chinese and English术语汇编(中英对照)“Acquire new knowledge whilst thinking over the old, and you maybecome a teacher of others.”Confucius“温故而知新,可以为师矣”孔子Preface前 言 本术语表是水资源需求管理项目术语表的初级版本,是在水资源需求管理项目中汇编而成,该项目是由英国国际发展部出资、水利部负责实施的双边合作项目。在水行业发展项目初期就开始编写术语表,随后在水资源需求管理援助项目(WRDMAP)启动之前进一步对术语表进行了修订和更新。WRDMAP项目决定将目前版本的术语表印刷成册,尽管专家们指出它还存在诸多不足之处。在项目起始阶段对术语表尽可能地进行了修正。WRDMAP项目计划在2006年底重新印制术语表,在第二版中将纳入来自相关各方的修改意见和建议。This draft/preliminary version of the Water Resources Demand Management Project Glossary has been assembled under the Water Resources Demand Management Project funded by DFID and carried out by MWR. The Glossary was started during the earlier Water Sector Development Project and was subsequently further developed during the period prior to the commencement of WRDMAP. It has been decided to print this version despite the fact that WRDMAP experts have identified many shortcomings in the document. These have been corrected to the extent possible during the Inception Phase of the Project. However, it is intended to reprint an improved second edition at the end of 2006 incorporating comments and modifications, suggestions received. 本术语表的编写目的是为项目人员提供水资源管理方面的常用术语、短语以及技术、机构缩略语,以便促进项目中方人员与国际专家之间的相互理解和交流沟通。在因学科、机构或地理区域的不同而常常导致术语的翻译出现很大差别的情况下,本术语表将尤其有助于口、笔译人员在翻译工作中使用更加统一的中英术语。The purpose of this document is to provide in English and Chinese commonly used water resources management terms and phrases and technical and agency abbreviations for the benefit of facilitating better understanding and communication amongst and between Chinese counterparts and international personnel working on the Project. This document is intended to be particularly useful in assisting interpreters and translators in carrying out their important role by using more uniform terminology in both languages where often terms can be interpreted or translated very differently depending upon discipline, agency, or geographic area. 本术语表不是开创性的,不是不可更改的,也不是一本水资源管理术语词典。给予“定义”的目的是按照词典编纂惯例为常用术语或短语提供一种“描述性”的解释。本术语表并不是根据传统词典的“规定性”解释方式精确定义的。为此,对于一些术语和短语,对其在其他学科、机构或地理区域可能常见的用法或者替换词进行了解释。同时,还应当指出的是不是所有的英文术语都按照字母顺序排列,为了方便起见,有的术语排列在近似词或者与主题相关的词后面。This document is neither the seminal nor definitive glossary nor dictionary of water management terms and phrases. The objective of the “definition” is to provide a “descriptive” explanation of the term or phrase based on lexicographical practice of current usage. It is not a glossary of precise definitions based on traditional dictionary practice of “prescriptive” explanation. For this reason, with some terms and phases, there is an explanation of its application or alternative words that may be commonly encountered in other disciplines, agencies or geographic areas. It should also be noted that not all entries are in alphabetical order but sometimes more conveniently located next to similar words or subject matter issues. 虽然本术语表的现有内容在很多方面都需要“审视”,勿庸置疑,还可以将更多的词语和短语添加到术语表中,并对所提供的定义进行修改。如果您对术语表有任何的意见和建议,包括添加和删除术语、修改定义、解释和译文、调整格式和版面等等,请通过电子邮件发送给WRDMAP项目的管理助理王玥女士(wangyue)。There are undoubtedly many more terms and phrases that can be added and/or variations to the definitions provided whilst the existing contents needs attention in many areas. It is requested that any reader who may have comments or contributions to the contents adding, deleting or correcting definitions and explanations, translations, or format, please send your comments to the WRDMAP Project Management Assistant Wang Yue wangyue. Advisory Team Leader, ATL, Beijing, January 2006.咨询专家组长(ATL)2006年1月于北京 English 英文Definition 定义pin- yin 拼音Chinese 中文Definition 定义abstractRemove or withdraw water from any source, either temporarily or permanentlyqu shui取水临时性或永久性地将水从任何水源移走。abstraction feePayment to a government agency, e.g. water resource department, for the right to abstract waterqu shui fei取水费为取水的权利向政府部门(例如水利部门)交纳的费用。discharge feePayment to a government agency, e.g. environment department, for the right to discharge wastewaterpai wu fei排污费为排放污水的权利向政府部门(例如环境部门)交纳的费用。feePayment to government or a government agency for the right to use water, e.g. abstract water or discharge wastewater, or for the costs of issue and administration of permits or licensesFei费为用水(例如取水或者排放污水)的权利或者用水许可证或执照的发放和管理成本向政府或者政府部门交纳的费用。chargePrice of water supply or wastewater discharge payable to the government agency or other company providing the serviceshou fei,shui fei水费,收费 应当向政府机构或者其它提供服务的公司支付的供水或者污水排放价格。abstraction licenseThe authorization granted by a water agency or other regulatory authority to allow the abstraction of water from a water sourcequ shui xu ke 取水许可由水利机构或者其它管理部门所发放的允许从某个水源取水的授权证书。accountabilityBeing answerable to a person or organization to ensure that tasks are carried out in accordance with specific instructions or legislation. This term is generally used when the accountable person or organization may delegate the actual execution of the tasks to another person or organization. Compare with responsibility.wen ze, wen ze zhi问责,问责制对某个人或者组织负责,以保证按照具体的指令或者法规的要求开展工作。本术语通常用于应当承担责任的个人或者组织可以将工作的具体开展托付给另一个人或者组织的情况。比较责任。action planQualitative description of a set of actions to be taken in order to achieve one or more objectives. Often prepared as inspiration for formulation and planning of more specific programmes or projects.xing dong ji hua行动计划对旨在实现一个或者多个目标的一系列行动所做的定性说明。常常是为制订、筹划比较具体的计划或者项目提依据而准备的。leakage detectionMethods to identify water losses from distribution networks, fittings and household appliances, e.g. field inspections, analysis of night flows and water pressure, using geophones or listening sticks shen lou jian ce 渗漏检测检查配水管网、设备和家庭器具水的流失的方法,例如进行现场检查,分析夜间流量和水压,利用地音探听器或者听音棒探听。leakage controlSystematic program to minimize leakage from water distribution networks by use of appropriate materials, pressure tests of new piping, leakage detection campaigns, maintenance and repairshen lou kong zhi 渗漏控制最大限度地减少配水管网渗漏的系统性计划,包括使用适当的材料,对新管线进行压力试验,开展渗漏检测运动,进行维护和修理等。agencyAny department, statutory authority, commission or similar organization established by legislation and/or subject to government controlji gou, ji guan, bu men机构,机关,部门依法成立并且(或者)受政府管辖的任何部门、法定机构、委员会或者类似的组织。allocationProcedures to share available water resources among competing users and uses, including the resulting distribution of watershui fen pei水分配在竞争性用水户与用途之间分配水资源的过程,包括向用户配水。aquatic environmentThe physical, chemical or ecological environment existing within lakes, rivers and other water bodiesshui huan jing水环境湖泊、河流及其它水体的物理、化学或者生态环境。aquiferA water-bearing underground formation of permeable rock or sediment able to hold, transmit and release significant quantities of waterhan shui ceng, xu shui ceng含水层,蓄水层由渗透性岩石或者泥沙组成的能够储存、传输和释放较多水量的地层。groundwater mining Withdrawal of groundwater in amounts that exceeds the average rate of recharge of the aquiferdi xia shui kai cai地下水开采地下水开采量超过了含水层的平均补给速度。assimilative capacityThe capacity of a water body to receive wastewater or toxic materials without detrimental effects and without damage to the aquatic environment or humans who consume the waterna wu neng li纳污能力水体接纳废水或有毒物质而不会带来有害影响以及给水环境或者使用该水体的人带来损害的能力。audit (end-use)Procedure to check whether water is used according to plans or permits and having the intended social, economic or environmental impactsshen ji (zhong duan yong shui)审计(终端用水)检查用水是否符合计划或许可证的规定、是否产生预期的社会、经济或者环境影响的过程。audit (financial)Examination of financial records of an agency or company to determine if the records are accurate and provide a realistic account of the financial status of the agency or companyshen ji (cai wu)审计(财务)检查机构或者公司的财务记录,以确定记录是否准确,是否反映了该机构或者公司的实际财务状况。audit (water)A systematic assessment of the amount and nature of water use by different end users (residential, commercial, or industrial) in order to identify potential areas for reduction, conservation or efficiency improvement of the water useshen ji (shui)审计(水)对不同终端用户(居民、商业或者工业用户)用水的数量和性质进行系统的评估,以确定在哪些方面还有潜力减少用水、节水或者提高用水效率。available resourceThe maximum reliable amount of water that can be abstracted from a water source taking account of various factors (probability of the minimum flow in a river or the safe yield of a borehole(?)etc)ke li yong shui zi yuan liang可利用水资源量从某个水源可以开采的最大可靠水量,由河流最小流量概率或者井孔的可靠产水量决定。available supplyThe maximum reliable amount of water that can be supplied by a water supplierke gong shui liang可供水量供水机构可提供的最大可靠供水量。average-day demandAverage daily water use from a distribution system as measured by the annual water production divided by 365ri ping jun xu shui liang日平均需水量以年水产总量除以365得出的配水系统平均日用水量。avoided-costThe costs that a water supply company avoids through reduction of water consumption and water losses, including both operating and capital costsbi mian fei yong避免费用供水公司通过减少用水和水损避免的费用,包括运行费用和资本费用。background leakageWater losses from small leaks that are uneconomic to locate and repairben di shen lou本底渗漏微小渗漏造成的水损,查找、维修这些微小渗漏是不经济的。baselineDescription, usually quantitative, of an existing situation that is used for comparison when conditions are altered. Mainly used in development projects for comparison of the “before-after” situation. May include both social, economic, environmental and operational parameters. See also benchmarkingji xian基线对现状的描述,通常是定量的,用来在条件变化时进行比较。主要在开发项目中用于“前-后”状况的比较。可以包括社会、经济、环境及运行参数。见基准借鉴。“Basin Vision”A view or image of the desirable future condition of water resources and water use in a river basin. Applied in river basin planning to help formulate action plans. liu yu zhan wang流域展望对流域的水资源与用水未来理想状况的观点或者设想。在流域规划中用于帮助制订行动计划。benchmarkingA systematic process using a set of indicators to measure and compare an organization's operation, working practices and performance against other organizations operating under similar conditions or recognized as having the best possible performance. Used to establish performance targets and improve management and working methods.ji zhun jie jian, guan qu te xing zhi biao zong he ping gu ti xi基准借鉴,灌区特性指标综合评估体系利用一组指标对一个组织的运行、工作方法和绩效进行度量并与其它处于类似条件下或者被认为达到可能最佳绩效的组织进行比较。用于建立绩效目标,改善管理和工作方法。beneficial useThe use of water for a socially, economically, or environmentally useful purpose. Commonly the following uses are recognized as beneficial: domestic, municipal, industrial, irrigation, mining, hydroelectric power, navigation, recreation, livestock raising, public parks, wildlife and game preserves.you yi yong shui, you xiao yong shui有益用水,有效用水出于经济、社会或环境方面的有益目的而用水。通常以下各方面的用水都被认为是有益的:生活、市政、工业、灌溉、采矿、水电、航运、娱乐、牲畜饲养、公园、野生动物保护区等。benefit-cost analysisAn evaluation of total benefits to total costs of an actual or proposed water programme or project, used to compare and rank alternative investment strategies or project designs. Usually expressed in monetary terms as Internal Rate of Return or Economic Internal Rate of Return.xiao yi fei yong fen xi, cheng ben xiao yi fen xi效益费用分析, 成本效益分析对实际或者建议的水资源计划或项目的总效益与总费用进行评价,用于对不同的投资战略或者项目设计方案进行比较排序。通常以货币指标表示成内部回收率或者经济内部回收率。discount rateThe discount rate is the interest rate that national banks charge on loans to commercial banks. The discount rate is used to evaluate whether government investments in water projects are financially and economically viable, see Internal Rate of Return and Economic Internal Rate of Return.zhe xian lü, tie xian lü折现率,贴现率是国家银行对向商业银行的贷款利率。用于评价政府的水利项目投资在财务和经济上是否可行。见内部回收率和经济内部回收率。Internal Rate of Return (IRR)Measure of the financial viability of a project calculated as the average annual profit over the life-time of the project using prices that include government duties, taxes and subsidies. The investment in a project is acceptable to the investor if IRR is equal to or higher than the interest which could be obtained from an alternative use of the invested capital. For water projects which mainly rely on government funding IRR is compared with the central bank discount rate. See also Economic Internal Rate of Return.nei bu hui shou lü, nei bu shou yi lü内部回收率,内部收益率衡量项目财务可行性的指标,以根据包括政府关税、税收和补贴在内的价格计算的项目使用期限内年平均利润表示。如果内部回收率等于或者大于将投资资本用于其它方面的利息,该项目的投资对投资者是可以接受的。对主要依赖于政府投资的水利项目,则将内部回收率与中央银行折现率进行比较。见经济内部回收率。IRRInternal Rate of Return 内部回收率的缩写。Economic Internal Rate of Return (EIRR)Measure of the economic efficiency of government investment in a water project calculated as the average annual profit over the life-time of the investment, using prices that exclude government duties, taxes and subsidies. The investment is economically attractive to government if EIRR is equal to or higher than the central bank discount rate, which reflects the interest that could be gained by lending the invested capital to other purposes.jing ji nei bu hui shou lü经济内部回收率衡量政府水利项目投资经济效率的指标,以根据不包括政府关税、税收和补贴在内的价格计算的项目使用期限内年平均利润表示。如果经济内部回收率等于或者大于中央银行折现率,该投资在经济上对政府是有吸引力的,该折现率反映了将投资资本借给其它方面可获得的利息。EIRREconomic Internal Rate of Returnjing ji nei bu hui shou lü经济内部回收率经济内部回收率的缩写。benefitsThe positive or desired results of a water project. Benefits may be social, environmental or economic in nature. See also tangible, intangible and net benefits.xiao yi, li yi, shou yi效益,利益,受益水利项目的正面或者理想结果。从其性质来说效益可以是社会、环境或者经济的。见有形效益、无形效益和净效益。best management practiceAn empirically proven, cost-effective and beneficial way of managing a company that is widely accepted among sector professionals as the standard to followzui jia guan li fang fa, zui jia guan li mo shi最佳管理方法, 最佳管理模式经过实践证明、成本有效、有益的公司管理模式,在专业领域内被公认为学习的榜样。bilateral donorA development aid agency which provides grants and loans from funds provided by a single donor country directly to the recipient country, e.g. DFID (UK), AusAID (Australia) and Danida (Denmark)shuang bian yuan zhu ji gou双边援助机构利用自单一援助国提供的资金直接向受援国提供赠款和贷款的开发机构,例如英国的DFID,澳大利亚的AusAid、丹麦的Danida等。bilateral development assistanceDevelopment assistance provided directly from the donor country to the recipient county shuang bian kai fa yuan zhu双边开发援助直接由援助国向受援国提供的开发援助。biodiversityThe variety and variability among living organisms and the ecological complexes in which they occur. The term encompasses different ecosystems, species, and genes.sheng wu duo yang xing生物多样性生物界及其赖以生存的生态综合体的多样性和变化性。该术语涵盖不同的生态系统、物种和基因。block tariffA water tariff structure with step-wise increase or decrease of the price per unit water from one block to the next. Used mainly as an increasing block tariff to a) supply the basic needs of water at a price that is affordable to poor