山东理工大学成人高等教育英语教学法复习题I . Explain the fol lowing terms.1) Discourse competence2) Mistake3) Critical period hypothesis4) Implicit knowledge5) Sight vocabulary6) Pragmatic competence7) task8) active vocabulary9) Exercises10) Denotative meaning (of a word)Fi I I in the blanks v/ith proper words.1. The elements that contribute to the qualities of a good language teacher can be categorized into three groups: , and2. Task-based language teaching has stressed the importance to combine teaching with teaching.3. Questions have been classified using different criteria. For example, it can be classified into and open questions, display questions andquestions, lower-order and questions.4. There are two kinds of stress that are important to achieving good pronunciation. They are stress and stress.5. In meaningful practice the focus is on , or6. Our realistic goal of teaching pronunciation should be:,and7. Receptive / passive vocabulary refers to words that one is able to andin reading or listening but unable to in speaking or writing.8. Littlewood(1981:20)divides communicative speaking activities into two types: activities and activities.9. The main purpose for reading aloud is to with others while silent reading isfor or information.10. The most popular teaching stages are three P's model, which include:, and.11. The theory of learning is referred to as behaviorism, which has three major stages, “,and reinforcemenf.12. Grant (1987) designed a questionnaire, which can be used as checklist when teachers select textbooks for their students.III. Judge the fol lowing statements true (T) or fa Ise (F).( )1. The main aim of English language teaching is promoting the students "'overall language ability'*.()2. Students need to be able to write International Phonetic Alphabets. (IPA)( )3. When ihe teacher joined the students, he should not dominate or appear to be authoritative.( )4. Students need to be given detailed grammar rules if they are to learn a foreign language successfully.( )5. The process approach to writing highlights accurate choice of words, complete sentence structure, paragraph organization and systematic model.( )6. Languages consist of "words" with equivalents from one language to another.( )7.When we read, our eyes are constantly moving from letter to letter, word to word and sentence to sentence.( )8. When the structural view of language was combined with the stimulus-response principles of Bchaviouristic psychology, TBLT emerged.( )9. Portfolios may increase the workload of teachers and students, but if used properly, it shouldn't.IV. Answer the fol lowing quest ions br iefly.1. How do you interpret bottom-up model for teaching reading?2. What does it mean to know a word?3. What does *'structural view on language,1 advocates?4. What do effective readers do?5. What's the cognitive theory of language learning?6. What are the features of communicative language teaching?7. What are the three steps in helping learners learn to use resources according to Ryan?8. What are the seven intelligences proposed by Gardner? Can you explain them briefly?9. What are the measures for indisciplined acts and badly behaving students suggested by Harmer?参考答案1. Discourse competence refers to one's ability to creat coherent written text or conversation and the ability to understand them.2. A mistake refers to a performance error that is either a random guess or a 'slip of tongue*, and it is a failure performance to a known system'.3. Critical Period Hypothesis states that if humans do not learn a foreign language before a certain age(perhaps around puberty),then due to changes such as maturation of the brain, it becomes impossible to learn the foreign language like a native speaker.4. implicit knowledge refers to knowledge that unconsciously exists in our mind, which we can make use of automatically without making any effort.5. Words that one is able to recognize immediately are often referred to as sight vocabulary.6. It is concerned with the appropriateness use of the language in social context. The choice of the vocabulary and structure depends on the setting, the relative status of the speakers, and their relationships.7. Task has four main components: a purpose, a context, a process, a product.8. Active vocabulary refers to words that one is not only able to recognize and comprehend but also able to use automatically in speaking and writing.9. the activities which focus on individual aspects of language, such as vocabulary, grammar or individual skills.10. Denotative meaning of a word or a lexical item refers to those words that wc use to label things as regards real objects in the physical world.11.1. ethic devotion, professional qualities, personal styles2. form-fbeused, communication-focused3. closed, genuine, higher-order4. word-level stress, phrasc-lcvcl / scntcncc-lcvcl stress5. production, comprehension, exchange of meaning6. consistency, intelligibility, communicative efficiency7. recognise, comprehend, use automatically8. functional communication, social interaction9. share information, getting, extracting10. Presentation, practice and production11. Stimulus, response12. Three-partIILl.T 2. F 3.T 4. F 5. F 6. F 7. F 8. F 9. TM1. Some teachers teach reading by introducing new vocabulary and new structures first and then going over the text sentence by sentence. This is followed by some questions and answers and reading aloud practice. This way of teaching reading reflects the belief that reading comprehension is based on the understanding and mastery of all the new words, new phrases, and new structures as well as a lot of reading aloud practice. Also, this reading follows a linear process from the recognition of letters, to words, to phrases, to sentences, to paragraphs, and then to the meaning of the whole text.2. 1) Knowing a word means knowing its pronunciation and stress; 2) knowing a word means knowing its spelling and grammatical properties; 3) knowing a word means knowing its meaning; 4) knowing a word mean knowing how and when to use it to express the intended meaning.3. Watson and Raynor formulated a stimulus-response theory of psychology, in which all complex forms of behavior are seen as composed of simple muscular and glandular elements that can be observed and measured. They claimed that emotional reactions are learned in much the same way as other skills. The key point of the theory of conditioning is that Uyou can train an animal to do anything if you follow a certain procedure which has three major stages, stimulus, response, and reinforcement.Based on the theory of conditioning, Skinner suggested language is also a form of behavior. It can be learned the same way as an animal is trained to respond to stimuli. This theory of learning is referred to as behaviorism.4. They have a clear purpose in reading;read silently;read phrase by phrase,rather than word by word;concertrale on the important bits,skim the rest,and skip the insignificant parts;use different speeds and strategies for different reading tasks; perceive the information in the target language rather than mentally translate; guess the meaning of new words from the context, or ignore them; have and use background information to help understand the text.5. What's the cognitive theory of language learning?According to Chomsky, language is not a form of behavior, it is an intricate rule-based system and a large part of language acquisition is the learning of this system. There are a finite number of grammatical rules in the system and with a knowledge of these rules an infinite number of sentences can be produced. A language learner acquires language competence, which enables him to produce language. Though Chomsky's theory is not directly applied in language teaching, it has had a great impact on the profession. One influential idea is that students should be allowed to create their own sentences based on their understanding of certain rules.6. What are the features of communicative language teaching?Based on the concept of communicative competence and aiming at developing such competence, communicative language teaching has the following features:1) It stresses the need to allow students opportunities for authentic and creative use of the language.2) It focuses on meaning rather than form.3) It suggests that learning should be relevant to the needs of the students.4) It advocates task-based language teaching. Students should be given tasks to perform or problems to solve in the classroom.5) It emphasizes a functional approach to language learning. Also, to be competent in the target language, learners should acquire not only linguistic knowledge, but also the culture of that language.7. What arc the three steps in helping learners learn to use resources according to Ryan ?The first step is a consciousness-raising discussion of available resources. The teacher can ask the students to discuss and share what resources they use to extend learning outside the classroom. Then the teacher will model by presenting and practicing some techniques to exploit resources: gathering information from newspapers in readily understandable form or using photos and names in headline to predict the contents of articles. Finally, the teacher can introduce the theoretical assumptions underlying the selection of resources and techniques.8. What are the seven intelligences proposed by Gardner? Can you explain them briefly?Verbal/Linguistic Intelligence: the ability to use words effectively, both orally and in writing.Musical Intelligence: sensitivity to rhythm, pitch, and melody.Logical/Mathcmatical Intelligence: the ability to use numbers effectively and reasons as well.Spatial/Visual Intelligence: sensitivity to form, space, color, line, and shape.Bodily/Kinesthetic Intelligence: the ability to use the body to express ideas and feelings, and to solve problems.Interpersonal Intelligence: the ability to understand another person mood, feelings, motivation, and intentions.Intrapcrsonal Intelligence: the ability to understand yourself, your strength, weakness, moods, desires, and intentions.9. What are the measures for indisciplined acts and badly behaving students suggested by Harmer?1) Act immediately. If possible, indisciplined acts should be immediately stopped so that less damages is caused. The longer a disciplined problem is left unchecked, the more difficult it is to taken action.2) Stop the class. If the discipline is so disruptive as to hinder the progress of the whole class, the teacher should stop the class and make it clear what is wrong.3) Rearrange the seats. If troublesome students are sitting together, the teacher should separate them. Besides, if students are moved to the front of the class they may behave better.4) Change the activity. If the class seems to be getting out of control, or if indiscipline occurs due to inappropriacy of the activity, a change of activity will often restore the class.5) Talk to students after class. If a student is continually making trouble, the teacher should talk to that student after class. The student should be given a chance to explain why he/she behaves in this way.6) Use the instruction. When problems become extreme it will be necessary to use the institution-the school or institute-to solve the problem.