马丽丽河南科技大学护理学院Nursing English护理专业英语010203Words and expressionsListening practiceText analysisUnit2 Nursing Process0201Words and expressions常用词汇及短语PART ONE1.Words and expressionsoverlap 重叠;重合;重复verify 证实,核对,检查retrievable 可检索的04河南科技大学护理学院 马丽丽swollen 肿胀的accountable 应负责的impair 削弱,损害1.Words and expressionspriority 应优先解决的问题incorporate 包含,合并diabetes 糖尿病05河南科技大学护理学院 马丽丽hierarchy 等级制度cardiac arrest 心搏骤停resistance 抵抗,反抗1.Words and expressionsinsulin 胰岛素disposition 倾向,天性transition 转变,过渡06河南科技大学护理学院 马丽丽pancreas 胰腺appropriately 合适地,适当地coordinator 协调者02Listening practice听力练习PART TWO2.Listening practiceWarm-up Tasks:Nursing Skill Training08河南科技大学护理学院 马丽丽03Text analysis课文分析PART THREE3.Text analysisNursing process is an orderly,systematic and scientific method of identifying and treating clients responses to actual or potential health problems.There are five steps:assessment,nursing diagnosis,planning,implementation and evaluation.Nursing Process:10河南科技大学护理学院 马丽丽3.Text analysisNursing Process:11河南科技大学护理学院 马丽丽Nursing assessmentNursing evaluationNursing implementationNursing diagnosisNursing planning3.Text analysisThe characteristic of nursing process12河南科技大学护理学院 马丽丽lgoal-oriented lindividuallscientificlsystematicldynamiclinterrelated3.Text analysislsystematically gathering datalsorting,organizing and validating the dataldocumenting the data in a retrievable wayNursing Assessmentdynamicorganizedcompleteaccurate13河南科技大学护理学院 马丽丽3.Text analysisNursing Assessment14河南科技大学护理学院 马丽丽dataSubjective data(symptoms)Objective data(physical signs)be gathered by talking to patientsor family membersbe observed,measured by health assessment,verified by medical record3.Text analysisThe purpose of nursing assessment:Provide the basis for developing nursing diagnosis and planning nursing care.15河南科技大学护理学院 马丽丽the content of datapsychosocial conditiongeneral informationresults of health examinationliving conditionself-care ability3.Text analysisDefinition:Nursing diagnosis is a clinical judgment about individual,family or community responses to actual or potential problems and life process.16河南科技大学护理学院 马丽丽Nursing diagnosis为选择护理措施提供依据provide the basis for selection of nursing interventions3.Text analysis17河南科技大学护理学院 马丽丽NANDA(North American Nursing Diagnosis Association)北美护理诊断协会Nursing diagnosisbe chosen fromNANDA listproblems relate to patients and his family3.Text analysis18河南科技大学护理学院 马丽丽statement form of nursing diagnosis:PESproblemetiologysymptoms or signs3.Text analysis19河南科技大学护理学院 马丽丽If the patient has multiple problemscritical thinking skills establish prioritiesMaslows hierarchy of needsusually first priorityunexpected situations3.Text analysisNursing planning is made to provide consistent,continuous care that will meet the patients unique needs.20河南科技大学护理学院 马丽丽Nursing planningpatient goalsnursing orders3.Text analysis21河南科技大学护理学院 马丽丽patient goals-the desired results of nursing carelclearlconciselObservablelmeasurablelrealisticdirectly related to the patients problem as stated in the nursing diagnosislwhat to do lhow muchlhow farlhow longlhow well出院前 病人 每隔一日 排出 柔软成型的大便(预期目标)time subject adverbial of condition predicate the desired result3.Text analysis22河南科技大学护理学院 马丽丽nursing orders(护护嘱嘱)-the necessary interventions to achieve the goals when to performhow to performnursing actionsindependent nursing actions collaborative nursing actionsdependent nursing actions3.Text analysisNursing implementationA kind of nursing behaviors which the actions necessary for achieving the goals and expected outcomes of nursing care.23河南科技大学护理学院 马丽丽The purpose:promote wellness,prevent disease,restore health and facilitate copying with altered functioning.3.Text analysis24河南科技大学护理学院 马丽丽Nursing implementationlperform,assist or direct the performance of activities of daily livinglcounsel and teach the client or familylprovide direct care to achieve client-centered goalsldelegate,supervise,and evaluate the work of staff memberslrecord and exchange information relevant to the clients continued health care 3.Text analysisnursing planningimplementationnursing assessmentimplementation25河南科技大学护理学院 马丽丽under normal conditionsunder urgent conditionsThe patients condition could change and the patient may respond to the interventions as expected.3.Text analysisNursing evaluation measures the patients response to nursing actions and the patients progress towards achieving goals.Nursing evaluation:26河南科技大学护理学院 马丽丽3.Text analysislanalyze the success of the goals and interventions lexamine the need for adjustments and changesevaluation reassessmentNursing evaluation:27河南科技大学护理学院 马丽丽The call button is here.You may push it if you need a nurse.这是呼叫按钮,如果你有需要就按它。28河南科技大学护理学院 马丽丽This is your bedside table for such things as toilet articles.这是床头柜,你可以放洗漱用具。She is the head nurse of the ward.她是病房的护士长。Admission into hospitalThis is Ward 3 and here is your room.这是3号病房,是你的房间。Lunch is at 12:30.Patients can have a rest after that.午餐时间是12点半,饭后病人可以休息。29河南科技大学护理学院 马丽丽The ward rounds and treatment start at 9 a.m.9点开始查房和做治疗。Your family may stay here with you from 9 a.m.to 9 p.m.你的家人可以从早上九点到晚上9点在这里陪护你。Admission into hospitalYou can have your meals,watch television and enjoy various recreations in the common room.你可以在休息室吃饭、看电视以及进行各种娱乐活动。Our clinical dietitian is available to advise on special diets.我们有临床营养师指导特殊饮食。30河南科技大学护理学院 马丽丽Will you show me where the common room,bathroom and telephone are?请告诉我休息室、浴室和电话在哪好吗?How is your appetite?你的胃口怎么样?Admission into hospitalHello,Im on duty tonight.你好,我今晚值班。马丽丽河南科技大学护理学院Nursing English感谢各位聆听Thanks for Listening