Inthiscourse,wearealllearnersandteachers.Yourexperiencesandcapacitiesarevaluableresourcesforme.Respectforyourselfandothersisanessentialingredientincreatingapositivelearningenvironment.Ilookforwardtoworkingwithyoutocreatethiskindoflearningenvironment.Welcometotheclassofinterculturalcommunicationcourse!Welcome 1 INTERCULTURAL INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION COMMUNICATION People fail to get along because they fear each other;They fear each other because they dont know each other;They dont know each other becausethey have not communicated with each other.Dr.Martin Luther King,Jr.2I.Importance of studying ICC To behave as“good citizens”in the global village it is important for us to cultivate sufficient intercultural awareness;to achieve communicative competence;to study ICC.3II.Course Objectives/purposes The specific course objectives are as follows:1.To acquire knowledge related to ICC(terminologies and definitions);2.To develop skills that will increase your intercultural communication competence;3.To understand how communication processes differ among cultures;4.To cultivate the ability to study and explore the issues concerning intercultural communication.4III.Plan.Plan.1.Required Textbook:Communication Between Cultures(Third Edition)By Larry A.SamovarRichard E.PorterLisa A.Stefani20002.Time schedule:36 periods in one term.Time schedule:36 periods in one term.1).Introduction to Intercultural Communication;4periods 1).Introduction to Intercultural Communication;4periods 2).Part I Communication and Culture;8 periods2).Part I Communication and Culture;8 periods3).Part II The Influence of Culture;8 periods3).Part II The Influence of Culture;8 periods4).Part III From Theory of Practice;8 periods4).Part III From Theory of Practice;8 periods5).Part IV Knowledge into Action;8 periods5).Part IV Knowledge into Action;8 periods3.Evaluation will be based on:Evaluation will be based on:1)Attendance and participation.1)Attendance and participation.2)Project presentation and handout(2)Project presentation and handout(the required essay the required essay).).3)Final examination.3)Final examination.5IV.Course expectations/tasks1.Preview the text:Looking up the new words and expressions 1.Preview the text:Looking up the new words and expressions before class;Prepare what the teacher has asked you to do.before class;Prepare what the teacher has asked you to do.2.Take an active part in class discussions and performances.2.Take an active part in class discussions and performances.3.3.Choose and read two recommended textbooks on intercultural Choose and read two recommended textbooks on intercultural communication-one in Chinese and one in Englishcommunication-one in Chinese and one in English.Books Recommended:Books Recommended:1 1 Ron Scollon Suzanne Wong ScollonRon Scollon Suzanne Wong Scollon:Intercultural Intercultural Communication:A Discourse ApproachCommunication:A Discourse Approach ,外语教学与研究出版社,外语教学与研究出版社,2000*2000*2 2 贾玉新:贾玉新:跨文化交际学跨文化交际学,上海外语教育出版社,上海外语教育出版社,199719973 3 林大津:林大津:跨文化交际研究跨文化交际研究,福建人民出版社,福建人民出版社,199619964 4 胡文仲:胡文仲:文化与交际文化与交际,外语教学与研究出版社,外语教学与研究出版社,199719976V.Introduction to the textbookSynopsis This textbook gives you an understanding and appreciation of different cultures and provides you with the practical skills for improving your communication with people from other cultures.It provides excellent motivation for you through numerous compelling examples that force them to examine your own assumptions and cultural biases.Structuren The book is divided into four interrelated parts,including 10 chapters:(Look at P.F28)nPart I introduces the study of communication and culture(Chapter1-2);nPart II examines cultural patterns of behavior and then looks at the deep structures as the basic roots of cultural behavior(Chapter3-4)nPart III puts the theory of intercultural communication into practice;(Chapter5-9);nPart IV is concerned with the improvement of intercultural communication skills(Chapter10).7Structuren The book is divided into four interrelated parts,including 10 chapters:(Look at P.F28)nPart I introduces the study of communication and culture(Chapter1-2);nPart II examines cultural patterns of behavior and then looks at the deep structures as the basic roots of cultural behavior(Chapter3-4)nPart III puts the theory of intercultural communication into practice;(Chapter5-9);nPart IV is concerned with the improvement of intercultural communication skills(Chapter10).8VI.A brief introduction to the history of the study of ICCThe Development of the Discipline The Development of the Discipline 1.In 19461.In 19461.In 19461.In 1946 :The US government passed the Foreign The US government passed the Foreign Service Act and established the Service Act and established the Foreign Service Foreign Service Institute.The institute hired Edward T.Hall Institute.The institute hired Edward T.Hall 1959In 1959In 1959In 1959:The publication of The publication of thethe Silent LanguageSilent Language by the by the American cultural anthropologist,Edward T.Hall American cultural anthropologist,Edward T.Hall marked the emergence of ICC.marked the emergence of ICC.3.In 1966:3.In 1966:3.In 1966:3.In 1966:ICC was regarded as curriculum in the US.ICC was regarded as curriculum in the US. 1959In 1959In 1959In 1959:The publication of The publication of thethe Silent LanguageSilent Language by the American by the American cultural anthropologist,Edward T.Hall marked the emergence of cultural anthropologist,Edward T.Hall marked the emergence of ICC.ICC.3.In 1966:3.In 1966:3.In 1966:3.In 1966:ICC was regarded as curriculum in the US.ICC was regarded as curriculum in the US. 1970:In 1970:In 1970:In 1970:ICC was recognized as an independent area of study by the ICC was recognized as an independent area of study by the International Communication Association International Communication Association(国际传播学会国际传播学会)5.5.In 1972:In 1972:In 1972:In 1972:The first international conference on intercultural The first international conference on intercultural communication was held in Jmunication was held in Japan.6.6.In 1983In 1983In 1983In 1983:Gudykunst,American well known scholar in ICC,edited the Gudykunst,American well known scholar in ICC,edited the first text on intercultural communication theory,first text on intercultural communication theory,Intercultural Intercultural Communication Theories.Communication Theories.7.7.In the 1990sIn the 1990sIn the 1990sIn the 1990s Theory construction and testing continues.Theory construction and testing continues.10VII.The nature of the study of ICC:Interdisciplinary:1.1.LinguistsLinguists:Edward Sapir and Benjamin Whorf and their Edward Sapir and Benjamin Whorf and their hypothesis:the Edward Sapir-Whorf hypothesis(hypothesis:the Edward Sapir-Whorf hypothesis(萨丕萨丕尔尔 沃尔夫假设沃尔夫假设 )2.2.AnthropologistsAnthropologists Edward Hall and his works:Edward Hall and his works:TheThe Silent LanguageSilent Language 3.3.PsychologistsPsychologists:Gordon Allport and his classic study,Gordon Allport and his classic study,The Nature of The Nature of prejudiceprejudice 11VIII.A Approaches to the study of ICCpproaches to the study of ICCThree A Approaches:pproaches:1.the social science approach(sometimes called functionalist approach)2.the interpretive approach 3.the critical approach 12IX.RESEARCH AREAS OF ICC.n n1.IN USA,ICC RESEARCH COVERS:n n1).Cultural differences and impacts on many areas;n n2).Similarities and differences between different nations and cultures;n n3).Intercultural contact and occasions;n n4).Language and culture,bilingual education and translation;13n n5).Particular cultural pattern and its impact on cross_culture;n n6).Non_verbal communication;n n7).Cultural shock and acculturation(文化休克与文化适应);n n8).Nation,race and subculture(亚文化);n n9).prejudice against different nations,races and some of other countries.142.Features of ICC research in America n n3 3 features:features:features:features:n n1)They are internationally,domestically oriented.n n2)ICC researchers are mainly linguists,psychologists,sociologists and anthropologists.n n3)Many American universities have offered ICC course153.ICC for post graduates in America n n5 aspects:5 aspects:n n1.to teach post graduates terminologies and definitions 1.to teach post graduates terminologies and definitions related to ICC;related to ICC;n n2.to require them to examine problems about a culture;2.to require them to examine problems about a culture;n n3.to enable postgraduates to meet people from various 3.to enable postgraduates to meet people from various cultural backgrounds;cultural backgrounds;n n4.to acquaint postgraduates approaches to overcome 4.to acquaint postgraduates approaches to overcome cultural differences;cultural differences;n n5.to require them to investigate into cultures that 5.to require them to investigate into cultures that interest them.interest them.164.ICC study in China n n In China ICC study began as a serious In China ICC study began as a serious discipline for study in the early 1980s,lots of discipline for study in the early 1980s,lots of scholars have studied this area.Many books and scholars have studied this area.Many books and papers were written(papers were written(nearly 300 papers and 20-odd books nearly 300 papers and 20-odd books between 1981-2001between 1981-2001李炯英李炯英 解放军外国语学院学报解放军外国语学院学报20022002年第年第6 6期期).).n n胡文仲胡文仲:Aspects of Intercultural Communication,:Aspects of Intercultural Communication,,外语教学与研究出版社,外语教学与研究出版社,19991999n n胡文仲胡文仲:文化与交际文化与交际,外语教学与研究出版社,外语教学与研究出版社,19971997n n胡文仲胡文仲:跨文化交际学概论跨文化交际学概论,外语教学与研究出版,外语教学与研究出版 社社,1999,1999。n n贾玉新:贾玉新:跨文化交际学跨文化交际学,上海外语教育出版社,上海外语教育出版社,19971997n n林大津:林大津:跨文化交际研究跨文化交际研究,福建人民出版社,福建人民出版社,19961996年年1010月。月。n n关世杰:关世杰:跨文化交流学跨文化交流学,北京大学出版社,北京大学出版社,19961996n n邓炎昌、刘润清:邓炎昌、刘润清:Language and Culture1989.Language and Culture1989.17Part 1 Communication and CultureChapter 1 Intercultural Communication Interaction in a Changing WorldI.Importance of Intercultural Communication 1.1.Differences of todays ICC and ICC of the past:18the past encounters:confusing and hostile Causes:1)Lack cultural knowledge;2)Blame the alien for the differences.the present encounters:more abundant and more significant.Reasons:1)modern means of transportation systems 2)modern means of communication systems 3)globalization of world economy 4)mass migration 192.Threefold rationale for looking at these changes:2.Threefold rationale for looking at these changes:1).As the familiar gives way to a new and different world,the entire human race is a affected.2).Many of the events that have brought diverse groups together have been too subtle to detect and have taken place over a long period.Hence,we believe that many of them may have been overlooked.3)By demonstrating both the quantity and quality of these changes,we might be better able to arouse your interest in intercultural communication.20II.The Quantity of Intercultural Communication1.1.International Contacts n nThree international developments that made international contact more axiomatic and pervasive:n nNew technology and information systems;n nchanges in the world population;n na shift in the words arena;21 2.Domestic Contact 1)changes in the meaning of the word American.2)Definition of co_culture(subculture and subgroup)Co_culture is a culture that exists in a dominant culture in which the members,like the members of the dominant culture,share perceptions,values,modes of communication,and lifestyles that made them unique,different from the members of the dominant culture.221.1.Approaching Intercultural Communication2.2.The Content of Intercultural Communication3.3.A Philosophy of Intercultural Communication4.4.Studying Intercultural Communication5.5.Individualism Objectivity23Part Two Communication and Culture:The Voice and the EchoI.About the word CommunicationI.About the word Communication 1 1)Origin:The English word Origin:The English word“Communication Communication”originates from Latin word originates from Latin word“commoniscommonis”,which,which means common.The concept of communication is means common.The concept of communication is closely connected with the meaning of commonness(closely connected with the meaning of commonness(共共同同/共享共享)2)Meanings:2)Meanings:Some anthropologists and the authors of this book Some anthropologists and the authors of this book communication and culture are closely linked,the two communication and culture are closely linked,the two terms are virtually synonymous.terms are virtually synonymous.Culture is the foundation of communication Culture is the foundation of communication243)Translation in Chinese:“交际”(From the linguistic perspective,meaning intercourse)“沟通”(From the psychological perspective,meaning link up)“传播”(In mass mediem,It means methods of sending imformation by telephone)“交通”“传通”25II.The definitions of communication1.The Collins Cobuild English Language Dictionary:1.The Collins Cobuild English Language Dictionary:Communication Communication is defined as the activity or process of is defined as the activity or process of giving information to other people or to other living giving information to other people or to other living things using signals such as speech,body movements,things using signals such as speech,body movements,or radio signals.To sum it up,it is anything that adds or radio signals.To sum it up,it is anything that adds meaning to a message.Communication is an ever-meaning to a message.Communication is an ever-changing process and the present communications have changing process and the present communications have a great impact on the communication in the future.a great impact on the communication in the future.26 2.Oxford Companion to the English Language(McArthur,1993):Communication refer to the transmission of information(a massage)between source(sender)and reciever,by using signaling system.27 3.Any act by which one person gives to or receives from 3.Any act by which one person gives to or receives from another person information about that persons needs,another person information about that persons needs,desires,perceptions,knowledge,or affective states.desires,perceptions,knowledge,or affective states.Communication may be intentional or unintentional,Communication may be intentional or unintentional,may involve conventional or unconventional signals,may involve conventional or unconventional signals,may take linguistic or nonlinguistic forms,and may may take linguistic or nonlinguistic forms,and may occur through spoken or other modes.occur through spoken or other modes.(From the website)(From the website)4.This book(P.24)4.This book(P.24)28Ingredients of communication(组成交际的要素组成交际的要素)1.message/behavioral source(1.message/behavioral source(信息源信息源/行为源行为源)2.encoding2.encoding(编码)(编码)3.message3.message(信息)(信息)4.channel4.channel(渠道)(渠道)5.receiver/recepient/responder(5.receiver/recepient/responder(信息接受者信息接受者/反应者反应者)6.decoding6.decoding(译码)(译码)7.response7.response(反应)(反应)8.f