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    会计学1新视野大学英语第三读写教程新视野大学英语第三读写教程BUSectionA课后练习答案课后练习答案Pre-reading activities P2n n1 1 I I think think there there are are mainly mainly threethree reasons reasons leading leading to to most most peoples peoples failure failure to to achieve achieve success success in in the the end.end.First,First,they they do do not not have have the the passion.passion.All All the the successful successful people people love love their their work work and and they they have have a a strong strong passion passion for for it.it.Second,Second,most most people people are are not not clear clear about about what what they they want.want.They They do do not not know know the the exact exact destination destination that that they they want want to to reach,reach,so so they they end end up up going going nowhere.nowhere.Finally,Finally,most most people people do do not not focus focus on on what what they they want.want.They They are are only only focusing focusing on on and and thinking thinking about about what what they they don don not not want,want,but but the the successful successful people people think think about about their their dreams dreams and and their their goals goals and and how how they they can can achieve them all the time.achieve them all the time.n n2.2.In In my my opinion,opinion,there there are are at at least least three three steps steps apart apart from from the the ones ones introduced introduced in in the the talk.talk.First,First,we we should should learn learn to to adopt adopt suitable suitable strategies,strategies,which which are are critical critical to to making making your your action action efficient efficient and and effective.effective.Second,Second,we we should should realize realize the the significance significance of of learning,learning,which which can can provide provide us us with with sufficient sufficient knowledge knowledge and and skills skills needed needed for for achieving achieving our our goals.goals.And And finally,finally,we we should should create create or or find find opportunities rather than wait for opportunities to find us.opportunities rather than wait for opportunities to find us.第1页/共25页Script n nIs Is it it really really possible possible to to achieve achieve anything anything you you want want in in your your life?life?The The answer answer is is a a“yes”.“yes”.As As long long as as you you are are committed committed to to your your goals goals and and you you are are passionate passionate about about your your dreams,dreams,you you will will eventually eventually accomplish accomplish them.them.To To Accomplish Accomplish amazing amazing results results in in your your life,life,you you have have to to be be 100 100 percent percent committed committed and and you you must must be be willing willing to to sacrifice sacrifice your your time time and and effort.effort.Here Here are are three three steps steps that that you you may may follow to make your dreams come true.follow to make your dreams come true.n nStep 1-Map your goals outStep 1-Map your goals outn n Write Write down down your your goals goals and and develop develop a a detailed detailed blue-print blue-print of of how how you you are are not not going going to to achieve achieve them.them.Without Without goals,goals,you you are are not not going going to to stay stay focused focused on on the the direction direction you you are are heading;heading;you you will will be distracted by your Surroundings.be distracted by your Surroundings.第2页/共25页n nStep 2-Believe in yourselfStep 2-Believe in yourselfn nYou You must must believe believe that that you you can can attain attain your your goals goals and and that that your your dreams dreams will will come come true.true.If If you you dont dont believe believe in in what what you you do,do,you you will will never never achieve achieve what what you you seek.seek.This This is is common common sense.sense.Belief Belief is is what what drives drives you.you.You You need need to to have have a a firm firm belief belief before before you you can can achieve something.achieve something.n n Step 3-Take action Step 3-Take actionn n Take Take massive massive and and consistent consistent action.action.Success Success is is all all about about taking taking consistent consistent action action each each day.day.Without Without taking taking action,action,nothing nothing will will come come true.true.It It is is not not that that one one day day you you wake wake up up and and you you have have a a million million dollars dollars in in your your bank.bank.Success Success will will not not come come automatically.automatically.You have to work for it;you have to bring about the results.You have to work for it;you have to bring about the results.第3页/共25页Understanding the text P9n n1 He achieved fame for his wit,wisdom,civic duty,and abundant courage.n n2 They were thought to be slow learners in childhood,but they overcame their childhood difficulties and made magnificent discoveries that benefit the entire world today.n n3 His strong will.n n4 It means to keep their focus on achieving a positive end result,instead of letting small problems get in the way of good results.第4页/共25页Understanding the text P9n n5 Because they have the will to overcome profound obstacles and 5 Because they have the will to overcome profound obstacles and to work diligently in the pursuit of their goals,and have the to work diligently in the pursuit of their goals,and have the passion for success.passion for success.n n6 Because firms preferred to hire less qualified men rather than 6 Because firms preferred to hire less qualified men rather than risk hiring a female lawyer,which was unprecedented.risk hiring a female lawyer,which was unprecedented.n n7 We should never give up on our dream,and one day we can 7 We should never give up on our dream,and one day we can change the world and make it a better place.change the world and make it a better place.n n8 The secret of success is built upon a burning inward desire-a 8 The secret of success is built upon a burning inward desire-a robust,fierce will and focus-that fuels the determination to act,robust,fierce will and focus-that fuels the determination to act,to keep preparing,to keep going even when we are tired and fail.to keep preparing,to keep going even when we are tired and fail.第5页/共25页Critical thinking P91 You may have tried and failed many times before you finally get success.But it does not matter.What matters is whether you can summon up(鼓起鼓起)all your courage again and again to face the hardships standing in the way of success.2 Luck,talent,good relationships with your colleagues,etc.第6页/共25页Critical thinking P9n n3 3 When When I I have have realized realized that that I I am am pursuing pursuing something something that that is is hard hard to to achieve,achieve,I I would would try try to to stick stick to to the the goal.goal.But But l l will will begin begin to to think think of of what what I I can can do do to to improve improve the the situation.situation.When When it it still still doesnt doesnt work,work,I I would would try try to to analyze analyze what what the the problem problem is is and and then then make make some some changes and probably reset my goal.changes and probably reset my goal.n nYesYes,sometimes sometimes we we are are pursuing pursuing the the wrong wrong goal goal which which can can never never be be achieved,achieved,only only to to find find ourselves ourselves in in deep deep frustration frustration and and profound profound fatigue.fatigue.In In this this situation,situation,I I may may give give up up the the wrong wrong goal goal and and set set up up another another goal goal that is achievable.that is achievable.第7页/共25页Critical thinking P94 4 Following Following the guidance of senior people.the guidance of senior people.Getting Getting sound advice from our parents.sound advice from our parents.Setting Setting a correct goal.a correct goal.Achieving Achieving success step by step.success step by step.Developing Developing good interpersonal relationships.good interpersonal relationships.第8页/共25页Words in use P9l whereby l whereby 2 2 pursuit pursuit 3 3 inhibit inhibit 4 4 maintain maintain 5 5 patriotic patriotic 6 6 transcended transcended 7 7 endeavors endeavors 8 8 dedication dedication 9 9 prestige prestige 10 10 nominatenominate第9页/共25页Word building P11Words Words learned learned New New words formedwords formed-antantinhabitant inhabitant inhabitinhabitparticipate participate participantparticipantattend attend attendantattendantpollute pollute pollutantpollutantdescend descend descendantdescendantcontest contest contestantcontestanttolerate tolerate toleranttolerantresult result resultantresultant-fulfulneglect neglect neglectfulneglectfulresource resource resourcefulresourcefulboast boast boastfulboastfulrespect respect respectfulrespectful第10页/共25页Word building P11l resultant l resultant 2 2 tolerant tolerant 3 3 pollutants pollutants 4 4 inhabited inhabited 5 5 contestants contestants 6 6 descendants descendants 7 7 attendants attendants 8 8 respectful respectful 9 9 participants participants 10 10 neglectfulneglectful11 resourceful 11 resourceful 12 boastful12 boastful第11页/共25页Banked cloze P12n n1 F 2 G 3 H 4 J 5 E n n6 A 7 N 8 I 9 K l0 M第12页/共25页Expressions in use P12n nl l removed from removed from n n2 2 failed in failed in n n3 3 in the pursuit of in the pursuit of n n4 4 deviated from deviated from n n5 5 precludes;from precludes;from n n6 6 triumph over triumph over n n7 7 work their way into work their way into n n8 8 written offwritten off第13页/共25页Structured writing Structured writing P15P15TheyThey saysay therestheres nono placeplace likelike home.home.InIn mymy case,case,therethere isntisnt muchmuch thatthat is is goodgood aboutabout mymy apartment.apartment.MyMy apartmentapartment hashas givengiven meme nothingnothing butbut headaches.headaches.FromFrom thethe dayday I I signedsigned thethe lease,lease,IveIve hadhad toto dealdeal withwith anan uncooperativeuncooperative landlord,landlord,anan incompetentincompetent janitor,janitor,andand inconsiderateinconsiderate neighbors.neighbors.FirstFirst ofof all,all,mymy landlordlandlord hashas beenbeen uncooperativeuncooperative sincesince thethe firstfirst dayday I I movedmoved toto thethe apartment.apartment.HeHe didntdidnt letlet meme bringbring mymy fishfish intointo thethe apartment.apartment.HeHe saidsaid thatthat petspets areare notnot allowedallowed eveneven thoughthough itsits justjust a a fish.fish.BecauseBecause ofof that,that,I I mustmust leaveleave mymy fishfish atat mymy parentsparents house.house.HeHe alsoalso forbidsforbids meme fromfrom usingusing waterwater fromfrom 9 9 a.m.a.m.untiluntil 3 3 p.m.p.m.BecauseBecause ofof that,that,I I mustmust wakewake upup atat 7 7 a.m.a.m.everyevery dayday toto taketake a a bath.bath.OfOf coursecourse I I complainedcomplained aboutabout thisthis toto him,him,butbut hehe saidsaid thatthat is is thethe apartmentsapartments rule.rule.BeforeBefore I I leasedleased thethe apartment,apartment,hehe didntdidnt saysay thatthat therethere areare suchsuch rulesrules inin thethe apartment.apartment.第14页/共25页Structured writing P15Structured writing P15IveIve hadhad problemsproblems notnot onlyonly withwith mymy landlordlandlord butbut alsoalso withwith anan incompetentincompetent janitor.janitor.TheThe janitorjanitor is is a a retiredretired policeman.policeman.HeHe triedtried toto fixfix thethe pipepipe inin thethe apartment,apartment,butbut hehe floodedflooded thethe apartmentapartment instead.instead.HeHe alsoalso brokebroke mymy airair conditionerconditioner whenwhen hehe triedtried toto fixfix it.it.BecauseBecause ofof that,that,mymy apartmentapartment becomesbecomes asas hothot asas a a desertdesert everyevery afternoon.afternoon.NotNot onlyonly that,that,butbut hehe alsoalso brokebroke mymy antiqueantique vasevase thatthat costcost meme$100.$100.EvenEven worse,worse,whenwhen hehe pluggedplugged hishis USBUSB flashflash drivedrive intointo mymy laptoplaptop toto copycopy mymy songs,songs,thethe virusesviruses fromfrom hishis flashflash drivedrive spreadspread intointo mymy laptop.laptop.I I hadhad toto reformatreformat mymy laptop,laptop,andand becausebecause ofof that,that,allall ofof mymy importantimportant documentsdocuments areare gone.gone.第15页/共25页Structured writing P15Structured writing P15PerhapsPerhaps thethe worstworst troubletrouble ofof allall hashas beenbeen withwith thethe inconsiderateinconsiderate neighborsneighbors whowho livelive inin thethe apartmentapartment aboveabove me.me.MyMy neighborsneighbors areare twotwo universityuniversity students.students.TheyThey havehave livedlived upstairsupstairs forfor aboutabout oneone year.year.TheyThey likelike toto party,party,soso I I cantcant sleep.sleep.ThisThis happenedhappened notnot onlyonly once,once,butbut everyevery SaturdaySaturday night.night.I I triedtried toto speakspeak toto them,them,butbut theythey suggestedsuggested puttingputting inin earear plugsplugs whenwhen ImIm aboutabout toto sleep.sleep.OnOn toptop ofof it it all,all,theythey alwaysalways turnturn upup thethe volumevolume ofof theirtheir musicmusic toto thethe maximum.maximum.SometimesSometimes,mymy apartmentapartment seemsseems likelike a a small,small,friendlyfriendly oasisoasis surroundedsurrounded byby hostilehostile enemies.enemies.I I nevernever knowknow whatwhat otherother troubletrouble is is goinggoing toto comecome fromfrom next:next:thethe landlord,landlord,thethe janitor,janitor,oror thethe neighbors.neighbors.HomeHome maymay bebe wherewhere thethe heartheart is,is,butbut mymy sanitysanity is is thinkingthinking aboutabout movingmoving out.out.第16页/共25页Translation P16n nGlobal Global citizen citizen is is someone someone who who identifies identifies with with being being part part of of an an emerging emerging world world community community and and whose whose actions actions contribute contribute to to building building this this communitys communitys values values and and practices.practices.n n世界公民是指一个人承认自己是新兴的全球社区的一分世界公民是指一个人承认自己是新兴的全球社区的一分世界公民是指一个人承认自己是新兴的全球社区的一分世界公民是指一个人承认自己是新兴的全球社区的一分子,而且其行动对全球社区的价值打造和实践活动有所子,而且其行动对全球社区的价值打造和实践活动有所子,而且其行动对全球社区的价值打造和实践活动有所子,而且其行动对全球社区的价值打造和实践活动有所贡献。贡献。贡献。贡献。n nGlobal Global citizenship citizenship believes believes that that humankind humankind is is essentially essentially on and each individual has the power to change things.on and each individual has the power to change things.n n世界公民相信人类从本质上来说是一个整体,任何个人世界公民相信人类从本质上来说是一个整体,任何个人世界公民相信人类从本质上来说是一个整体,任何个人世界公民相信人类从本质上来说是一个整体,任何个人都有改变事物的能力。都有改变事物的能力。都有改变事物的能力。都有改变事物的能力。n n In In our our interdependent interdependent world,world,global global citizenship citizenship encourages encourages us us to to recognize recognize our our responsibilities responsibilities toward toward each other and learn from each other.each other and learn from each other.n n在我们这样一个相互依


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