商务英语 谈判策略英语.pptx
商务英语商务英语 谈判策略英语谈判策略英语Principled NegotiationPrincipled negotiation is the name given to the interest-based approach to negotiation set out in the best-known conflict resolution book,Getting to Yes,first published in 1981 by Roger Fisher and William Ury.The book advocates four fundamental principles of negotiation:1)separate the people from the problem;2)focus on interests,not positions;3)invent options for mutual gain;4)insist on objective criteria.第1页/共14页1)Separate the people from the problem means separating relationship issues(or people problems)from substantive issues,and dealing with them independently.People problems tend to involve problems of perception,emotion,and communication.第一,始终强调在触及实质问题时,人与问题一定要分开分别处第一,始终强调在触及实质问题时,人与问题一定要分开分别处理。理。People problems also often involve difficult emotions fear,anger,distrust and anxiety for example.These emotions get intertwined with the substantive issues in the dispute and make both harder to deal with.Fisher,Ury and Patton suggest five tactics for disentangling and defusing emotional problems in the negotiation process.第2页/共14页2)Negotiating about interests means negotiating about things that people really want and need,not what they say that want or need.第二,主张谈判的重点应放在利益上,而不是立场上,因此第二,主张谈判的重点应放在利益上,而不是立场上,因此必须随时把握住谈判各方的利益,尽量克服立场的争执。必须随时把握住谈判各方的利益,尽量克服立场的争执。3)By focusing on interests,disputing parties can more easily fulfill the third principle-invent options for mutual gain.第三,在决定如何实施方案前,先构思各种可能的选择,谈第三,在决定如何实施方案前,先构思各种可能的选择,谈判者应该安排一段特定的时间,构思各种可能的解决方案,判者应该安排一段特定的时间,构思各种可能的解决方案,创造性地努力避免或削弱各方利益上的冲突,为对方谈判者创造性地努力避免或削弱各方利益上的冲突,为对方谈判者主动提供某些解决问题的建设性提案的机会;主动提供某些解决问题的建设性提案的机会;This means negotiators should look for new solutions to the problem that will allow both sides to win,not just fight over the original positions which assume that for one side to win,the other side must lose.第3页/共14页4)The fourth rule is to insist on objective criteria for decisions.While not always available,if some outside,objective criteria for fairness can be found,this can greatly simplify the negotiation process.This gives both sides more guidance as to what is fair,and makes it hard to oppose offers in this range.第四,坚持客观的标准,谈判者应设法引入尽可能多的具有科第四,坚持客观的标准,谈判者应设法引入尽可能多的具有科学优点的客观标准。客观标准具有较高的权威性,不容易受到学优点的客观标准。客观标准具有较高的权威性,不容易受到非难,通过对客观标准的引入及其应用来逐步达成协议,有利非难,通过对客观标准的引入及其应用来逐步达成协议,有利于提高谈判效率,减少无谓的争执。于提高谈判效率,减少无谓的争执。第4页/共14页A typical caseThere were two people who argued with each other.The reason why they argued was that one of them wanted to close the window while other wanted to open it.They have been quarrelling with each other for a long time without a satisfied solution.Then a librarian came and asked them why they wanted to open the window.The answer were that for getting fresh air and for avoiding the noise.After knew the reasons for them,the librarian dealed with the problem by opening the next rooms window.有两位男人在图书馆里争吵且互不相让,一位想关窗,有两位男人在图书馆里争吵且互不相让,一位想关窗,一位想开窗。他们为了窗户应开多大吵个没完:一条缝一位想开窗。他们为了窗户应开多大吵个没完:一条缝?半半开开?四分之三四分之三?没有一种解决方法能使双方满足。没有一种解决方法能使双方满足。图书管理员进来了。她问其中一位为什么要开窗户图书管理员进来了。她问其中一位为什么要开窗户?回回答是:答是:“使空气流通。使空气流通。”她问另一位为什么想关上,回答是:她问另一位为什么想关上,回答是:“避免噪音干扰避免噪音干扰”,管理员想了一会儿之后,打开了旁边房,管理员想了一会儿之后,打开了旁边房间内的窗户:既可使空气流通,又可避免噪音。间内的窗户:既可使空气流通,又可避免噪音。第5页/共14页The librarian followed the second rule of principled negotiation“focus on interests,not positions”.If he just focused on positions but not the interests,the negotaition would have a deadlock.In fact,the librarian found the hidden interests that were fresh air and quiet.So he tried to handle this problem by reconciling both sides of interests but not the positions.And this way can be very efficient because every interest can be satisfied by many ways and the common interests are more than other interests.Because all of these,the librarian can solve the problem quickly and prefect.Analysis第6页/共14页A true caseThe Japanese company wanted to buy Chinese companys calcium carbide(电石电石).This is the fifth year of their transactionsar.Last year the our price had been reduced by$30 each ton by the Japanese company and this year it was reduced by$20 each ton.(which means from$410 each ton to$390 each ton).日本某公司向中国某公司购买电石。此时,是他们间交易的第日本某公司向中国某公司购买电石。此时,是他们间交易的第五个年头,去年谈价时,日方压了中方五个年头,去年谈价时,日方压了中方3030美元美元/吨,今年又要吨,今年又要压压2020美元美元/吨,即从吨,即从410410美元压到美元压到390390美元美元/吨。吨。第7页/共14页Accoarding to the Japanese company,they had got many prices from different companies.There were$430 each ton,$390 each ton,$370 each ton.As both sides had a long-term cooperation with each other,they needed to give ground.The Chinese found out that$370 each ton was quoted by the self-employed and$430 each ton was quoted by the company with a low production capacity.In addition,the Chinese company needed this business to keep producing so they agreed with the price of$390 each ton.据日方讲,他已拿到多家报价,有据日方讲,他已拿到多家报价,有430430美元美元/吨,有吨,有370370美元美元/吨,也有吨,也有390390美元美元/吨,并且双方之间有长远合作,要求让步。吨,并且双方之间有长远合作,要求让步。据中方了解,据中方了解,370370美元美元/吨是个体户报的价,吨是个体户报的价,430430美元美元/是生产是生产能力较小的工厂供的货,供货厂的厂长与中方公司的代表共能力较小的工厂供的货,供货厂的厂长与中方公司的代表共4 4人组成了谈判小组,由中方公司代表为主谈。谈判前,工人组成了谈判小组,由中方公司代表为主谈。谈判前,工厂厂长与中方公司代表达成了价格共同的意见,工厂可以在厂厂长与中方公司代表达成了价格共同的意见,工厂可以在390390美元成交,因为工厂需定单连续生产。美元成交,因为工厂需定单连续生产。第8页/共14页With these situation,the Chinese company decided to negotiate with the Japanese company.During the negotiation,the Chinese representatives analysized the situation to the Japanese company and told them that the price cant be too low because we were a big company so our products all had good quailties.All negotiation focused on interests and our representatives all had mild mannered.In the end,they concluded a transaction with$400 each ton.Both sides were sarisfied.公司代表讲:公司代表讲:“对外不能说,价格水平我会掌握。对外不能说,价格水平我会掌握。”公司代公司代表又向其主管领导汇报,分析价格形势;主管领导认为价格表又向其主管领导汇报,分析价格形势;主管领导认为价格不取最低,因为我们是大公司,讲质量,讲服务。谈判中可不取最低,因为我们是大公司,讲质量,讲服务。谈判中可以灵活,态度温和,但利益最重要,步子要小,若在以灵活,态度温和,但利益最重要,步子要小,若在400400美元美元以上拿下则可成交,拿不下时把价格定在以上拿下则可成交,拿不下时把价格定在405-410405-410美元之间,美元之间,然后主管领导再出面谈,请工厂配合。中方公司代表将此意然后主管领导再出面谈,请工厂配合。中方公司代表将此意见向工厂厂长转达,并达成共识和工厂厂长见向工厂厂长转达,并达成共识和工厂厂长起在谈判桌上起在谈判桌上争取该条件,中方公司代表为主谈。经过交锋,价格仅降了争取该条件,中方公司代表为主谈。经过交锋,价格仅降了l0l0美元美元/吨,在吨,在400400美元成交,比工厂厂长的成交价高了美元成交,比工厂厂长的成交价高了1010美美元吨。工厂代表十分满意,日方也满意。元吨。工厂代表十分满意,日方也满意。第9页/共14页AnalysisThe Chinese compay followed the first rule of principled negotiation“separate the people from the problem”.When they negotiated with the Japanese comany,they just emphasized on the problem but not the people.So they can deal with the price problem objectively and dont annoy anyone.They also kept their good manner all the time.第10页/共14页Secondly,they followed the rule of“focus on interests,not positions”.Obviously,both sides care about the interests.So when they negotiated with the Japanese company,they chose to focus on interests instead of the positions.Because focused on positions would cause quite a lot of arguements.That would hurt both sides interests.And to get the interests,both sides will be willing to make a concession and therere large number of the ways to get interests.第11页/共14页Thirdly,they followed the rule of“insist on objective criteria”.They told to the Japanese company that they were a big company and thier products had good qualities.Thats the objective criteria.Generally,the objective facts will less cause arguements because they give both sides more guidance as to what is fair,and makes it hard to oppose offers in this range.第12页/共14页 Thanks for watching!第13页/共14页感谢您的观看。感谢您的观看。第14页/共14页