信息安全与密码学 课程简介.docx
课程简介:信息安全与密码学课程主要包括两大方 面内容,一方面是信息系统安全的理论,包 括网络与信息安全概述,密码学的相关概念 和数学知识,流密码,分组密码和公钥密码 体制等;第二方面是信息系统的安全技术, 包括数字签名和身份认证,这是电子商务安 全的非常重要的分支,是实现电子交易安全 的核心技术之一,在实现身份认证、数据完 整性、不可否认等功能方面具有重要的应用, 还有安全协议,计算机病毒及防范,防火墙 和入侵检测技术,访问控制技术的原理及应 用等,同时还包括无线局域网安全、移动通 信系统安全等越来越受到人们广泛关注的 技术,最后介绍信息系统安全评估的相关知 识。Syllabus:Information Security and Cryptography is composed of two main parts. The first part is the theory of information system security, including summary of network and information security, conceptions and mathematic knowledge relating to cryptography, stream cipher, block cipher, public key mechanism and so on. The second part is security technology of information system which covers several subfields. Digital signature and identity authentication is one subpart which is one of the most important fields of electric business security and the core technology of realizing secure electric trade, playing a significant role in data integrity and non-repudiation. Another subpart is the theory and application of security protocols, resistance to computer virus, firewall and intruder detection, access control, etc. In addition, security of WLAN and Mobile Communication System which is being paid more and more attention is also included. Finally the course is supposed to be ended by the introduction to the theory of information system security assessment.