EICC 有关EHS 审核所需的文件清单.pdf
EICC Document list/EICC 文文檔清單檔清單 Please provide the below documents for review:請在審核當天提供以下資料以供審核:C-Environment C1.1:EIA(Environment impact assessment)report,Approval for EIA+Acceptance report of the environment protecting+Waste discharge permit(if applicable),Radiation safety permit of X-Ray equipment,other legal required environment permits,procedure to timely renew these documents to ensure they keep valid.環境影響評價報告,環境影響評價批復,環保竣工驗收報告,排汙許可證,X-Ray(或其他幅射儀器)機器輻射安全許可證,檔定期審查的程式去確保這些許可證不會過期。C1.2:legal environment reports of recent 3 years which required to submitted to local environment authorities 最近 3 年的年度排汙申報登記 C2.1:Sample reports of the pollution prevention and resource reduction(energy,water,materials),EHS targets of the most recent year and current year,the progress report of the targets in current year.工廠節能減排的案例及報告(能源,水資源,原材料),工廠上年度及本年度環境目標,完成情況報告 C3.1 Hazardous waste dispose contract,certificate of the unit to transfer the hazardous waste,certificate of the unit to dispose the hazardous waste,hazardous waste transfer manifest(recent 3 years);Documented procedures for reception,storage,dispensing,use,return and disposal 危險廢棄物處理合同,道路運輸許可證,危廢處理供應商的危險廢棄物經營許可證,危險廢棄物轉移聯單(最近 3 年),廢物接收,儲存,分配,使用,回收和處置的書面程式 C3.2:Chemical training records of workers(training material and attendance sheet)員工化學品培訓記錄(培訓教材及簽到表)C3.3:Onsite assessment report for the hazardous waste dispose supplier 最近 2 年內對危險廢棄物處理供應商的現場審查報告 C4.1:Valid contract signed with waste contractors,transfer manifest,license of the contractor to dispose the solid waste 固體廢物承包商的資質文件,處理合同及轉移記錄 C4.2:Monitoring reports for wastewater discharge(recent 3 years),Maintenance records of the wastewater treatment facilities,wastewater operator certificate or training record.廢水檢測報告(最近 3 年),廢水處理設施運營資質證書/廢水處理人員操作工證,廢水處理設施維護記錄 C5.1:Monitoring reports for air emission(recent 3 years),Maintenance records of the waste gas treatment facilities,waste gas treatment system operator training records 廢氣檢測報告(最近 3 年),廢氣處理設施維護記錄,廢氣處理人員的培訓記錄 C5.2:Monitoring reports for boundary noise(recent 3 years)廠界噪音檢測報告(最近 3 年)C6.1:Internal Hazardous substance control limit,Hazardous substance in the product management procedure,ROHS testing procedure to the incoming material and related records 工廠有害物質內部控制限值,產品有害物質控制管理程式,來料有害物質檢測程式及檢測記錄。C6.2:Raw materials purchasing and content control procedure,COC of the supplier,the materials ROHS report from the 3rd lab,MSDS of the material 原材料採購管有害物質理程式,供應商的不含有害物質聲明書,原材料協力廠商檢測報告,原材料成分說明書。B-Healthy and Safety B1.1:legal required occupational permits and licenses,procedure to timely renew these documents to ensure they keep valid 廠房竣工驗收報告,年度防雷檢測報告,檔定期審查的程式去確保這些許可證不會過期。B1.2:Occupational safety hazards identified list and control action plan,Onsite Safety inspection records(recent 3 months)工作場所危險源識別清單及控制措施記錄,現場安全巡檢記錄(最近 3 個月)B1.3:PPE Management procedure,PPE training records PPE 管理程式以及員工的培訓記錄 B2.1:legal required emergency preparedness permits and licenses,procedure to timely renew these documents to ensure they keep valid 消防驗收報告或消防驗收備案表 B2.2:Fire-fighting equipment inspection record 消防設施巡檢記錄 B2.3:Emergency preparedness and response procedure,fire emergency response plan,chemical leak response plan.應急準備與回應程式,消防緊急事故預案,化學品洩漏應急預案 B2.4:Regular Inspection records for emergency exit signs,lights and pathway.(Recent 3 months)消防通道,應急燈和緊急出口標示的定期檢查記錄.(最近 3 個月)B2.5:Emergency training records of workers 員工緊急事件培訓記錄 B2.6:Fire evaluation and chemical leak drill records(Recent 3 years)消防演習記錄,化學品洩漏演習記錄(最近 3 年)B2.7:Training records for the emergency responders 化學品洩漏應急人員培訓記錄 B3.1:Social insurance receipts,legal required permits and licenses on occupational injury and illness,procedure to timely renew these documents to ensure they keep valid.社會保險繳費收據 B3.2 the work-related injury reports of recent 3 years,incident/accident investigate and handle procedure.最近 3 年的工傷事故報告,事件/事故調查處理常式 B3.3:Certificate or external training records of the first aid persons,medical treatment procedure,and medical service operation permit of the in-house infirmary 急救人員培訓記錄/證書,醫療救護程式,廠內醫療室醫療服務營業檔 B3.5:Medical treatment procedure 醫療救護程式 B4.1:legal required permits and licenses on Industrial Hygiene,procedure to timely renew these documents to ensure they keep valid 職業病危害因素申報表,職業病危害預評價報告,職業病危害控制效果評價報告,職業病危害防護設施驗收批復 B4.2:Occupational disease healthy check report,including before pre-hired,hired and after-hired;Monitor report of Occupational-disease-inductive factors(recent 3 years)職業病體檢報告,崗前崗中和離崗,職業危害因素檢測報告(最近 3 年)B5.2:list of the high physical demanding working position,control action plan for the listed high physical demanding work 高體力風險崗位識別清單,高體力風險工作的控制措施。B6.1:Register of the special equipment,annual inspection certificate,operator certificate,procedure to timely renew these documents to ensure they keep valid 工廠內特種設備使用登記證,年檢記錄,操作員工證件,檔定期審查的程式去確保這些許可證不會過期。B6.2:Working instruction of Machine 機器操作指引 B6.3:Machine safety management procedure,machine regular maintenance records,training records on machine safety 機器安全管理程式,機器安全點檢記錄,機器安全培訓記錄 B7.1:Kitchens sanitary permit,kitchen workers healthy certificate 食堂衛生許可證,廚工健康證 B7.2:Dormitorys cleaning record,Drinking water testing record,pest control record 宿舍清潔記錄,飲用水測試報告,害蟲防治記錄 B7.3:Safe food handing procedure,cleaning records of canteen and kitchen(past 3 months)食品安全管理程式,餐廳和廚房最近 3 個月的清潔記錄 B7.4:Food safety training records for the kitchen workers 廚工食品安全培訓記錄 E-LE Management System E0.1:SA8000 certificate,ISO14001 certificate,OHSAS18001 certificate.勞工管理體系證書,環境管理體系證書,健康安全管理體系證書 E1.1:Facilitys EHS policy 工廠的環境健康安全政策 E2.1:Appointment letter of the EHS management representative,EHS management manual(1st level document of the EHS management system),training records for workers and management team on their responsibility on labor and ethic.工廠 EHS 管理者代表任命書,EHS 管理手冊(體系一級文件),對員工和管理層培訓勞工和道德方面的職責的培訓記錄。E2.2:Management review procedure,Annual EHS management system review records 管理評審程式,年度環境健康安全管理評審記錄。E3.1:Procedure to identify,track and implement of applicable legal and customer requirements on EHS,EHS law list 對適用的法律法規及客戶要求進行識別跟蹤並執行的程式,環境健康安全管理法律法規清單。E4.1:EHS risk identify,evaluate and control procedure,Facilitys EHS risk identify list,training records for the management team on the procedure.環境健康安全管理風險識別評估控制程式,工廠內的環境健康安全管理風險識別清單,針對管理層進行風險評估程式的培訓材料。E5.1:Objective and target control procedure,Annual EHS targets,regular reviewing records for the progress against the target.目標指標控制程式,年度環境健康安全管理目標,定期跟蹤目標完成情況的記錄。E6.1:Training program/calendar for all workers on policy/procedure/job related targets and performance targets on EHS,training records for all employees and management team.針對環境健康安全管理部分給所有員工培訓政策/程式/工作相關的目標指標及績效的培訓程式或計畫,給所有工人和管理層進行相關培訓的記錄。E7.1:Communication program for the policy,practice and performance of EHS with workers/Suppliers/Customer and related communication records,針對環境健康安全管理方面政策、實踐及績效與員工/供應商/客戶溝通的方案以及記錄。E8.1:Procedure for workers to anonymous report grievance and compliant,training records to workers on how to report grievance and compliant.員工匿名申述舉報程式,對員工培訓該程式的記錄 E8.2:Procedure to obtain the workers feedback,action records to respond the workers feedback.員工回饋獲取程式,針對員工回饋實施的行動計畫 E9.1:Internal audit procedure,annual internal audit reports for Labor and Ethic management system 內審程式,年度內審報告 E10.1:Non-conformance correct and prevent procedure,non-conformance corrective reports of the internal audit and regular inspection.不符合項糾正及預防程式,內審和定期檢查中發現的不符合項改善報告。E10.2:Regulator citations/violation notices received in the past 3 years on EHS,corrective reports for the violations.最近 3 年內在環境健康安全管理方面的政府開出的違紀單以及相關的改善報告。E11.1:Document control procedure,record control procedure 檔控制程式,記錄控制程式。E12.1:Communication records with suppliers on EICC code requirements,contract with the suppliers.與供應商溝通 EICC 行為準則要求的記錄,與供應商簽訂的合同。E12.2:Evaluate procedure for the suppliers on EICC code requirement implementation,Evaluate records such as SAQ and onsite audit reports,the suppliers corrective action plan.供應商 EICC 行為準則符合情況評估程式,評估記錄例如 SAQ 評價表和現場審核報告,供應商的改善計畫。