重庆滤油机 重庆最好的滤油机 滤油机价格ZYD双级真空.doc
重庆滤油机 重庆最好的滤油机 滤油机价格?ZYD双级真空滤油机重庆工能滤油机制造有限公司ZYD-30-300一、产品简介适用于110KV以上大型输变电压设备及国家主要电网上,特别适用于海拔在500米以上的地区。二、特点 1、高于国家标准,一次过滤击穿电压可提至 35KV ,减少一般滤油机多次加热导致油质老化的危害。 2、高真空、大抽速,抽速功率333L/s。 3、纳米分子材料过滤及复式三维立体闪蒸,脱除变压器油中的水分、气体、杂质及重金属离子,提高油的耐压强度和质量。 4、安全可靠的航空材质加远红外线加热系统,最优化管路设计,避免油品碳化。 5、数显式智能温控仪克服了传统的指针式温控仪只能设置一个加热点的缺陷,可在20-80任意设置上、下限,更直观显示了油品的即时温度。 6、先进的红外线液位控制系统,全自动控制,人机分离作业。 7、采用VK(微克)技术,有效除去溶解水等微量水份。 8、可带电运行。三、优势本机与单级真空滤油机相比,其脱水、脱气、除杂效果更快更彻底,油极限耐压值更高,且能恢复劣质化油的抗氧化性、酸碱水溶性等综合指标。本机具有桥式真空连接系统,既可作滤油机使用,也可作为独立真空源,对电力绝缘设备进行真空注油。ZYD double stage vacuum oil filterZYD-30-300I. IntroductionApplicable 110KV power transmission over large voltage electrical equipment and national main line, especially for more than 500 meters above sea level in the area. Feature 1, higher than the national standard, a filter breakdown voltage can be raised to 35KV, reduce the heat caused many ordinary oil filter oil damage of aging. 2, high vacuum, high pumping rate, pumping speed power 333L / s. 3, nano-molecular materials, three-dimensional filtering and double flash, the removal of moisture in transformer oil, gas, impurities and heavy metal ions, to improve the compressive strength and quality of oil. 4, safe and reliable air material plus far infrared heating system, the most optimum pipeline design, to avoid oil carbonization. 5 digital intelligent temperature controller to overcome the traditional Pointer temperature controller can only set an additional hot spot defects, may be arbitrarily set in 20-80 , the lower limit, more real-time visual display of the oil temperature. 6, advanced infrared liquid level control system, automatic control, machine separated operation. 7, by VK (micrograms) technology to effectively remove dissolved water and other trace water. 8, can be electrically charged to run. advantage The machine with the single-stage vacuum oil compared to dehydration, degassing, cleaning effect of faster and more thoroughly the value of higher oil pressure limit, and can restore low-quality of oil oxidation, pH and other water-soluble Comprehensive index. The machine has a bridge connecting the vacuum system can be Purifier use, but also as an independent vacuum source, the vacuum oiling the power equipment insulation.技术参数technical parameter指标名称Index name单位UnitZYD30ZYD50ZYD100ZYD150ZYD200ZYD250ZYD300流量FlowL/min3050100150200250300工作真空度Working vacuumMpa0.080.099工作压力Working pressureMpa0.3恒温控制范围Temperature control2080电源Power supplyV 50Hz,380V (或根据用户需要) 50Hz, 380V (or according to user needs be)工作噪声Working noisedB(A)75758080808285电加热功率Electrical heating powerKw303045607590120总电功率Total electric powerKw35.537.552.571.486.5102.5135进(出)口管径Import (export) diametermm25324250506060设备重量Equipment weightKg4505509001150145016001950外型尺寸Dimensionsmm1250×900×17001400×950×18501750×1250×19001800×1300×19502000×1400×21002050×1500×21002500×1800×2400油击穿电压Oil Breakdown VoltageKV65油中含水量Water content in oilPPm5 (GB/T260)油中含气量Gas content in oil%0.1(GB/T243)含杂质粒度Impurities size15无游离碳 15 (no free carbon)备注:设备外型尺寸和设备重量随着技术参数的改变而改变Note: The device dimensions and weight equipment, along with the changes of technical parameters