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    专题四 阅读理解 1.审标题审标题,通全文,明大意。,通全文,明大意。首首先先,对对于于有有标标题题的的阅阅读读材材料料,务务必必要要先先审审标标题题,从从标标题题中中我我们们可可以以想想像像材材料料的的内内容容和和走走向向,有有助助于于对对材材料料的的理理解解。其其次次,一一定定要要学学会会用用扫扫描描式式快快速速阅阅读读法法来来通通读读全全文文,对对那那些些无无关关紧紧要要的的地地方方可可一一扫扫而而过过,在在关关键键之之处处要要适适当当放放慢慢速速度度加加以以思思考考,重在初步了解重在初步了解阅读阅读材料的主旨大意。材料的主旨大意。2.读问题读问题,精复,精复读读,断答案。,断答案。初初步步了了解解了了阅阅读读材材料料的的主主旨旨大大意意之之后后,要要认认真真阅阅读读问问题题,明明确确考考查查角角度度,有有的的放放矢矢地地进进行行复复读读、精精读读,以以提提高高解解题题效效率率和准确性。和准确性。常常见题见题型的解型的解题题思路与技巧:思路与技巧:(1)事事实细节题实细节题 事事实实细细节节题题属属表表层层理理解解范范畴畴,答答案案一一般般都都能能在在原原文文中中直直接接找找到到,因因此此难难度度系系数数较较小小。该该类类问问题题往往往往以以what,who,which,when,where,why,how等等词词提提出出,是是对对文文中中某某句句、某某段段或或某某一一具具体体细细节节所所作作的的提提问问。此此类类问问题题我我们们只只需需看看准准题题目目要要求求,带带着着问题问题在原文中找到相关在原文中找到相关细节细节,便可迅速找到正确答案。,便可迅速找到正确答案。利用利用题题目的关目的关键词键词去去寻寻找文中找文中对应词对应词,在在对应词对应词周周围围找答案。找答案。范范例例Web language is popular.Today more and more Chinglish words are used by Chinese,especially the young Chinese.One example is“antizen”,an antizen is a college graduate(毕毕业业生生)who makes less money and lives in a small apartment,like a tiny and hard-working ant.问题问题Who like to use Chinglish?A.All the Chinese.B.The young Chinese.C.The antizens.D.The college students.【解解析析】选选B。本本题题属属细细节节理理解解题题。该该题题的的关关键键词词是是use Chinglish,这这个个我我们们可可以以在在第第一一段段第第二二句句“.Chinglish words are used by Chinese,especially the young Chinese”找找到到对应词。分析这句话可得答案对应词。分析这句话可得答案B。根据根据题题干内容,在原文中搜索干内容,在原文中搜索选择项选择项,对对号入座。号入座。(2011青青岛岛中考)中考)范例范例Heres an interview to a pilot about his life.(R=Reporter;P=Pilot)R:How much time do pilots actually spend flying a plane?P:It varies(WESJ)from about 20 minutes on some domestic(国国内内的的)flights to as much as 18 hours on international flights.It all depends on whether the flight is a short-or long-haul flight.R:Do pilots take breaks during flights or do they fly the whole time?P:Yes,we take breaks during long-haul flights.Airlines assign(指指派派)three or four pilots to long flights.We take turns flying the plane.R:If pilots are traveling all the time,how do they deal with jet lag(时时差差)?P:Jet lag is annoying for almost all pilots.I try to go to sleep as I would at home.R:How important is it to know the weight and size of the plane you are flying?P:It is very important.We weigh almost everything put into the airplane and make estimates(估估计计)according to the number of people on each flight.R:Do pilots eat the airplane food?P:Yes,we eat business class food!Airplane food changes every season and is very delicious if you dont hate eating lobster(龙龙虾虾)every day!The pilots on the same plane are supposed to make different meal choices so that if one of the dishes causes food poisoning,only one of them will be sick.That way,at least one pilot will always be well enough to fly the plane!问问 题题 What question doesnt the reporter ask in the interview?A.How to keep passengers safe?B.How long do pilots actually spend flying a plane?C.How to deal with jet lag?D.How to take breaks during flying?【解解析析】选选A。本本题题属属细细节节理理解解题题。全全文文记记者者共共问问了了五五个个问问题题。到到原原文文中中去去搜搜索索这这四四个个选选择择项项,我我们们会会发发现现B是是第第一一个个问问题题,C是第三个问题,是第三个问题,D是第二个问题,唯独找不到是第二个问题,唯独找不到A,故选故选A。(2)推理判断)推理判断题题 该该题题型型考考查查学学生生通通过过文文章章表表层层信信息息推推测测其其隐隐含含信信息息的的能能力力,要要求求学学生生对对作作者者的的态态度度、意意图图及及文文章章细细节节的的发发展展作作正正确确的的推推理理判判断断。该该类类题题虽虽然然在在原原文文中中不不能能直直接接找找到到答答案案,但但是是有有间间接接的的暗示和暗示和线线索,切索,切记记它不是它不是读读者本人的看法或者本人的看法或观观点。点。根据文中某个根据文中某个词词、句子或段落、句子或段落进进行推理。行推理。范范例例One day a young man walked into a pet shop and said to the shop assistant,“Could I have two mice and about twenty roaches(蟑蟑螂螂)?”“Why do you need these things?”the shop assistant was very surprised.“Well,”answered the young man,“Im moving out of my apartment(公公寓寓)and the landlord(房房东东)said that I should leave the house in exactly the same condition as I found it.”问问题题From the passage we know the apartment may be _ before the young man moved into it.A.very cleanB.just cleaned by the landlord C.tidy and comfortable D.dirty and full of insects(昆虫昆虫)【解解析析】选选D。根根据据文文章章中中的的句句子子“Im moving out of my apartment and the landlord said that I should leave the house in exactly the same condition as I found it.”可可知知年年轻轻人人买买老老鼠鼠和和蟑蟑螂螂的的原原因因是是房房东东要要求求房房屋屋必必须须和和年年轻轻人人搬搬进进来来时时一一模模一一样样。据据此此我我们们可可以以推推断断年年轻轻人人入入住住前前,公公寓寓一一定定是是很很脏脏,且且有有很很多多昆虫,故选昆虫,故选D。根据作者的根据作者的语语气、气、论调论调和和倾倾向向进进行推断。行推断。范例范例Bill:Do I have to take the test?Teacher:Do you want to pass the course?问题问题What did the teacher mean?A.Bill must study to pass.B.Bill wont pass unless he takes the test.C.Bill neednt take the test.D.Bill may miss the test.【解解析析】选选B。根根据据对对话话内内容容可可知知,比比尔尔不不想想参参加加考考试试,但但老老师师告告诉诉他他,不不参参加加考考试试,本本门门课课程程就就过过不不了了关关。由由此此可可推推知知应应选选B项。项。(3)词义词义猜猜测类测类 该该题题型型主主要要考考查查考考生生通通过过上上下下文文去去判判断断词词义义。词词义义题题的的考考查查有有两两种种:一一种种是是超超纲纲词词含含义义的的推推断断,另另一一种种是是熟熟词词生生义义的的推推断。断。根据前后的比根据前后的比较对较对照关系、照关系、对对它的定它的定义义、重述以及重述以及举举例等例等进进行猜行猜测测。范范例例Do you have any foreign friends?Do you know their characteristics(特征特征)?The Germans are very quiet and they always keep calm.They dont like to speak more words.They look very serious.They like different kinds of amusements.The Germans are very hard-working.They like tidiness,especially the women,who always keep their home clean.问问题题What does the underlined word“tidiness”mean in Chinese?A.整整洁洁 B.沉默的沉默的 C.文静文静 D.孤独的孤独的【解解析析】选选A。一一方方面面,由由下下文文“especially the women,who always keep their home clean.”可可知知他他们们爱爱整整洁洁、爱爱干干净净;另另一一方方面面,从从句句法法结结构构上上看看tidiness作作like的的宾宾语语,不不可可能能是是形形容容词;再者,词;再者,-ness是名词词缀,故选是名词词缀,故选A。利用同利用同义词义词、同位、同位语语以及构以及构词词法等法等进进行猜行猜测测。(2011沈阳中考)沈阳中考)范范例例If youre into sports,youve seen it happentennis players jump over the net to shake hands after a hard match;football players exchange jerseys(运运动动衣衣)after ninety minutes of knocking each other around;even boxers touch gloves at the beginning of each round.Players in every event,from spelling bees to golf(高高尔尔夫夫球球),act in this way.Its all part of sportsmanship(体体育育精精神神),a great tradition in sports and competition.It means playing and being calm all through the match.问问题题The underlined word“bees”in the passage means _.A.fly B.competitionC.guess D.research【解解析析】选选B。把把spelling bees,golf分分别别与与下下文文的的sports,competition对应起来,很容易猜到对应起来,很容易猜到bees和和competition是同义词。是同义词。(4)数字推算数字推算类类 该该题题型型要要求求学学生生根根据据文文章章提提供供的的数数据据及及内内在在的的关关系系作作出出简简单单的的计计算和推断。算和推断。理清有关数字的关系,列出数学算式。理清有关数字的关系,列出数学算式。范范例例You may know about“junk food”like French fries.But do you know about“junk sleep”?Recently,a British survey found that electronic(电电子子的的)products in teenagers bedrooms are affecting(影响影响)their sleep.The survey was done among 1,000 British kids from 12 to 16.It found that 30 percent of them got just 4 to 7 hours sleep every day.But doctors say they need 8 to 9 hours.问问题题_ of the children in the survey sleep only 4 to 7 hours a day.A.200 B.300 C.500 D.1,000【解解析析】选选B。根根据据文文章章的的第第三三段段第第一一、二二句句我我们们可可以以作作这这样样一个简单的计算:一个简单的计算:100030%=300,故答案为,故答案为B。(5)主旨大意)主旨大意类类 该该类类题题型型在在历历年年中中考考出出现现的的频频率率也也很很高高,难难度度系系数数较较大大。它它考考查查了了考考生生综综合合、概概括括、归归纳纳和和分分析析问问题题的的能能力力,要要求求考考生生通通过对过对文章的文章的阅读阅读,迅速把握文章或段落的主,迅速把握文章或段落的主题题中心。中心。从英从英语语文章中出文章中出现现主旨大意最主旨大意最频频繁的位繁的位 置置首尾句去找。首尾句去找。(2011泰安中考)泰安中考)范例范例A group of people asked this question to a group 4-to-8-year-old children.“What does love mean?”The answers were surprising.The children would answer like they did below.“When my grandmother hurt her knees(膝膝 盖盖),she couldnt bend(弯弯腰腰)over and paint her toenails(脚脚指指甲甲)any more.So my grandfather does it for her all the time,even when his hands hurt too.Thats love.”Rebecca-age 8 “Love is when someone hurts you.And you get so mad but you dont shout at them because you know it would hurt their feelings.”Samantha-age 6 “Love is what makes you smile when youre tired.”Terri-age 4 “I let my big sister pick on(捉捉弄弄)me because my mum says she only picks on me because she loves me.So I pick on my baby sister because I love her.”Bethany-age 4 “I know my older sister loves me because she gives me all her old clothes and has to go out and buy new clothes.”Lauren-age 4 “Love is when Mommy gives Daddy the best piece of chicken.”Elaine-age 5 “My mommy loves me more than anybody.You dont see anyone else kissing me to sleep at night.”Clear-age 5 “You really shouldnt say I love you unless you mean it.But if you mean it,you should say it a lot.People forget.”Jessica-age 8问题问题The passage mainly tells us about _.A.what“life”means to childrenB.what“family”means to childrenC.what“friends”means to childrenD.what“love”means to children【解解析析】选选D。主主旨旨大大意意题题。在在文文章章第第二二句句“What does love mean?”我们就能找到文章的主旨,据此可足以判断选我们就能找到文章的主旨,据此可足以判断选D。通通过过全文主要内容,全文主要内容,总结总结作者写作意作者写作意图图。范范例例Foolish(silly)Freddie lived in a small village.The people of the village laughed at him.They liked to show visitors how silly Freddie was.They thought this was a funny thing to do.One day,a visitor came to the village.“Watch this,”a villager said,and called to Freddie.“Come and play a game,Freddie,”he shouted.Freddie walked slowly towards him,a silly smile on his face.“Look!Freddie,”the villager said,“Ive got something for you.”He showed Freddie a dollar coin and a much larger 50-cent coin.“Which would you like?”he asked Freddie.Freddie took the 50-cent coin at once.The villager laughed.“See how foolish he is,”he said.“He always does that.Hes too silly to learn anything.”He walked away,leaving Freddie with the visitor.The visitor felt sorry for Freddie and said to him,“Although the 50-cent coin is bigger than the1 coin,the1 coin is worth(值值)much more.Two times as much.”“I know that,”Freddie said.“But once I take the1 coin,theyll stop playing the game.”问题问题The best title for the passage should be _.A.Clever VillagersB.“Foolish”Freddie C.Freddie and a Visitor D.A Visitor and the Villagers【解解析析】选选B。通通读读故故事事可可知知:弗弗雷雷迪迪一一点点也也不不傻傻,他他表表面面上上装傻,是为了可以继续做这样的游戏。装傻,是为了可以继续做这样的游戏。考点一考点一 判断正判断正误误型型阅读阅读理解理解 判判断断正正误误型型阅阅读读理理解解题题仍仍将将以以文文章章细细节节设设题题为为主主,以以推推理理判判断断为为辅辅,重重在在考考查查学学生生识识别别文文章章信信息息的的能能力力。近近年年来来,该该题题型型主主要要集集中中在在黑黑龙龙江江、吉吉林林、青青海海、陕陕西西、山山东东、四四川川、云云南南、福福建建等等省省市市。预预计计2013年年判判断断正正误误型型阅阅读读理理解解仍仍将将是是非非主主流流题题型,区域性特色明型,区域性特色明显显。根根据据短短文文内内容容,判判断断下下列列句句子子的的正正误误,正正确确的的用用“T”,错错误误的的用用“F”。(2012福州中考)福州中考)A farmers dog,Dolly,had puppies(小小狗狗),and the farmer needed to sell them.He painted a sign and put it in his yard.As he was putting up the sign,a little boy walked up to him.“Sir,”he said,“I want to buy one of your dogs.”“Well,”said the farmer,“these dogs are very expensive.”“Can I just look?”asked the boy.“Sure,”said the farmer and whistled(吹吹口口哨哨).“Here,Dolly!”he called.Dolly ran out from the doghouse and four little dogs followed her.The boy became excited.Then,the little boy noticed another dog.This one was smaller.It moved slowly and tried to catch up with the others.“I want that one,”the boy said,pointing to the little dog.The farmer said,“Son,you dont want that dog.He will never be able to run and play with you like these other dogs.”The little boy reached down and rolled up(卷卷起起)one leg of his trousers.He showed a cast(石石膏膏)on his leg and a specially made shoe.He said,“You see,sir,I dont run too well myself,and he will need someone who understands.”The world is full of people who need someone who understands.1.Dolly was a mother dog which had four baby dogs.2.One of the dogs moved slowly probably because its legs were weak.3.The farmer advised the boy not to choose the smaller dog.4.Nothing was wrong with the boys leg.5.We learn from the story that one should show love and understanding for the weak.剖析剖析 本本文文主主要要是是通通过过一一位位腿腿有有残残疾疾、走走路路不不便便的的孩孩子子买买狗狗时时没没看看中中健健康康、跑跑得得快快的的狗狗,却却偏偏偏偏看看上上体体形形小小、走走路路又又慢慢的的小小狗狗的的故故事事,诠诠释释了了一一个个生生活活哲哲理理生生活活中中人人们们要要彼彼此此爱爱护护、相相互理解。互理解。.词词数分析数分析 本本文文篇篇幅幅适适中中,全全文文共共有有202词词,其其中中含含有有生生词词(组组)4个个(puppies小狗小狗,whistled 吹口哨吹口哨,rolled up 卷起卷起,cast石膏)。石膏)。.体裁分析体裁分析 本本文文是是一一篇篇哲哲理理故故事事。文文章章先先由由一一个个农农夫夫要要卖卖掉掉小小狗狗展展开开故故事事,然然后后详详细细描描述述小小孩孩买买狗狗的的过过程程,最最后后通通过过孩孩子子的的话话语语揭揭示出本文的主示出本文的主题题生活中人生活中人们们要彼此要彼此爱护爱护、相互理解。、相互理解。.角度分析角度分析 1、2小小题题是是推推理理判判断断题题,3、4小小题题是是细细节节理理解解题题,第第5小小题题是主旨大意是主旨大意题题。.答案分析答案分析1.【解解析析】F。推推理理判判断断题题。由由短短文文第第六六段段第第一一句句中中“.four little dogs followed her.”及及第第三三、四四、五五句句可可知知Dolly除除了了前前面面提提到到的的四四只只小小狗狗之之外外还还有有一一只只体体形形更更小小的的小小狗狗。故故此此处处说说Dolly有四只小狗是不正确的,它至少有五只才对。有四只小狗是不正确的,它至少有五只才对。2.【解解析析】T。推推理理判判断断题题。由由短短文文第第六六段段第第五五句句“It moved slowly and tried to catch up with the others.”及及第第八八段段中中“He will never be able to run and play with you.”可可以以推推断断这这只只小小狗行动缓慢可能是因为它的腿虚弱无力。故此处说法正确。狗行动缓慢可能是因为它的腿虚弱无力。故此处说法正确。3.【解解析析】T。细细节节理理解解题题。由由短短文文第第八八段段中中农农夫夫所所讲讲的的话话“Son,you dont want that dog.He will never be able to run and play with you like these other dogs.”可可知知,农农夫夫确确实实建建议议男孩不要选择那只体形小的狗。故此处正确。男孩不要选择那只体形小的狗。故此处正确。4.【解解析析】F。细细节节理理解解题题。由由短短文文第第九九段段第第一一句句和和第第二二句句可可知知,这这个个男男孩孩的的腿腿上上打打着着石石膏膏并并且且穿穿着着特特制制的的鞋鞋,并并且且后后面面男男孩孩说说“.I dont run too well myself.”,可可以以确确定定他他的的腿腿是是有问题的。故此处错误。有问题的。故此处错误。5.【解解析析】T。主主旨旨大大意意题题。结结合合短短文文最最后后五五段段,特特别别是是最最后后一一句句话话“The world is full of people who need someone who understands.(这这个个世世界界充充满满了了需需要要别别人人理理解解的的人人。)”,可可以以提提炼炼出出这这篇篇短短文文的的主主旨旨是是号号召召大大家家对对弱弱势势群群体体奉奉献献出出爱爱和和理理解解。故此处主旨归纳是正确的。故此处主旨归纳是正确的。考点二考点二 选择选择型型阅读阅读理解理解 选选择择型型阅阅读读理理解解是是最最为为流流行行的的一一种种题题型型,因因为为它它设设题题角角度度灵灵活活多多样样,有有细细节节理理解解题题、推推理理判判断断题题、词词义义猜猜测测题题以以及及主主旨旨大大意意题题,能能够够较较客客观观全全面面地地考考查查学学生生的的阅阅读读能能力力。因因此此,预预计计2013年年中中考考选选择择型型阅阅读读理理解解仍仍将将是是主主流流题题型型。同同时时,文文章章体体裁裁将更加多将更加多样样化,化,选选材更加广泛,生活气息、材更加广泛,生活气息、时时代特色更加代特色更加浓浓郁。郁。阅阅读读下下列列短短文文,并并做做每每篇篇短短文文后后面面的的题题目目,从从各各题题A、B、C、D中中选选出能回答所提出能回答所提问题问题或完成所或完成所给给句子的最佳答案。句子的最佳答案。(2011潍潍坊中考)坊中考)Mr.White works in an office.He liked reading in bed when he was at school.It was bad for his eyes and now he is near-sighted.But he wouldnt want anybody else to know about it and he never wears a pair of glasses.It often brings him some trouble.One winter morning he was sent to a village school on business.He got off a bus at a stop in a small town.Then he had to walk there.The road to the village wasnt smooth.There were stones here and there.He fell over several times and it made his clothes very dirty.At last he got to the village.Suddenly it began to blow strongly and it got much colder.His hat was blown off while he was looking for the school.He had to run after it but he couldnt catch it.He was wondering why his hat ran into a house as if it had legs.And then he ran into the house,too.A big woman appeared and stopped him by shouting angrily,“What are you running after my hen for?”1.According to the passage,which of the following is true?A.Mr.White wears a pair of glasses.B.Mr.White works in a village school.C.Mr.White likes reading in bed in his office.D.Mr.White often has some trouble because of his near-sight.2.What was the weather like when Mr.White was walking to the village school?A.It was warm.B.It was windy.C.It was fine.D.It was cool.3.Mr.White couldnt get his hat because _.A.his hat had legsB.his hat was the big womansC.he couldnt see his hat at allD.he couldnt run as fast as his hat剖析剖析 本本文文主主要要叙叙述述了了Mr.White近近视视眼眼却却不不想想让让别别人人知知道道,所所以以他他不不戴戴近近视视镜镜,结结果果闹闹出出了了笑笑话话把把母母鸡鸡当当成成了了自自己己的的帽帽子子的故事。的故事。.词词数分析数分析 本本文文篇篇幅幅较较短短,全全文文190词词左左右右,其其中中含含有有生生词词(组组)3个个(near-sighted近近视视的;的;smooth平坦的;平坦的;blow吹,刮吹,刮风风)。)。.体裁分析体裁分析 本本文文属属记记叙叙文文,话话题题是是“生生活活趣趣事事”。文文章章先先对对故故事事的的主主人人公公Mr.White做做相相关关介介绍绍,为为后后面面发发生生的的故故事事作作铺铺垫垫。然然后后作作者者详详细细记记叙叙了了故故事事发发生生的的经经过过。结结构构清清晰晰,故故事事交交代代详详细细,读读者者易懂。易懂。.角度分析角度分析 第第1、2小小题题是是细节细节理解理解题题,第,第3小小题题属推理判断属推理判断题题。.答案分析答案分析1.【解解析析】选选D。细细节节理理解解题题。根根据据句


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