吐血整理!!新版读后续写之各种“说”和“叫”1. murmur / whisper She stroked his hair and murmured ,“ Dont worry.You ll be all right.2.utterSo nervous was he that he could no longer utter a single word . He smacked his lips but did not utter a word 吧嗒两下嘴He uttered a snorting laugh 他嗤笑了一声。( A look of utter confusion swept across his handsome face .)3. stammer / stutter 结巴 His face turned pale and began to stammer . 4.mumble 嘟囔“ I dont understand ,” the Inspector mumbled , passing a hand through his hair .巡官一边嘟囔道,一边用手捋了一下头发。5. mutter / grumble 咕哝;嘀咕;嘟囔;发牢骚 He stumped off , muttering under his breath .他嘴里嘟哝着,脚步重重地走了。 The dogs made a noise , a rough , grumbling sound .6. howl / roar 怒吼; He howled like a wounded animal as blood spurted from his body当鲜血从他身体喷射出来的时候,他像受伤的动物一样嚎叫。Her heart was pounding and the blood roared in her ears .她的心怦怦跳着,热血在耳中澎湃。7. mock / tease 嘲笑 At the most solemn moments he will flash a mocking smile or make an ironic remark闪现嘲弄的微笑或说一句讽刺挖苦的话8. scold 责骂; snap at sb 厉声说 He scolded them for arriving late . She snapped at Celia ,“ You have a nerve.”她怒气冲冲地对西莉亚说:你脸皮可真厚( She had stored up all her anger and eventually snapped .她所有的愤怒郁积在一起,终于爆发了。( 蛋塔味的纸 The wind had snapped the tree in two风把树喀嚓一声刮断了。)9. growl 低声说(生气地说)His voice deepened to a growl他的声音变成了低沉的怒吼。 His fury was so great he could hardly speak . He growled some unintelligible words at Peter 冲着皮特不知咆哮些什么。The car growls along rutted streets 在车辙纵横的街上一路轰鸣。10.exclaim( cry / shout / yell / scream / cheer )She opened her eyes and exclaimed in delight at the scene.11.swallow She swallowed hard and forced back her tears.12. blurt脱口而出I was looking for Sally, he blurted, and his eyes filled with tears. He blurted out the answer without thinking.13.sigh give / heave / let out a sigh She sighed with relief that it was all over . The wind sighed through the valley风在山谷里呼啸而过14.ask/ question / inquire / enquire 15.answer/ respond / reply 16.argue/ debate / quarrel 17.discuss /express / inform / remind plain/ warn 19.declare/ claim / state 20.repeat/ admit / deny / introduce 21.promise/ admit / comfort 象声词,拟声词补充野兽动物怎么叫1、狮子( lion ) roar , howl ;2、老虎( tiger ) roar , howl ;3、豹子( panther ) howl 4、大象( elephant ) trumpet ;5 、豺( jackal ) howl 6、狼( wolf ) howl 7、狗( dog ) bark , yap (小狗狂吠), bay (猎犬狂吠), howl , growl (低声吼叫), snarl (吡牙咧嘴低声吼叫), whine (哀鸣), woof 汪汪叫8、狐( fox ) bark ,9、猫( cat ) mew , miaow , meow ,10、鼠( mouse ) squeak (吱吱叫)11、猪( pig ) oink (哼叫) grunt 12、猴( monkey ) chatter (吱吱叫)13、鹿( deer ) call , cry 14、牛( cattle ), below (公牛吼叫), low (哞哞叫) moo (母牛哞哞叫)15、羊( sheep , goat )咩咩叫 baa , bleat 16、马( horse ) neigh (嘶吼), whinny (欢鸣)17、驴( ass , donkey ) bray , hee - haw 虫子怎么叫:1、青蛙( frog ) croak 2、蜜蜂( bee ) buzz 3、蟋蟀( cricket ) chirp (唧唧叫)4、蚊子( mosquito ) buzz 5、苍蝇( fly ) buzz 飞禽怎么叫;1、公鸡( cock ) crow (雄鸡啼叫) cackle (咯咯叫), cluck (咯咯叫)小鸡( chicken ) cheep (吱吱叫)2、鸭( duck ) quack (嘎嘎声)3、鸽子( dove , pigeon ) coo (咕咕叫)4、天鹅( swan ) cry 5、乌鸦( crow ) caw ,6、鸟( bird ) chirp , twitter 7、布谷( cuckoo ) cuckoo 各类物体的响声:1、 金属磕碰声当啷 clank ,叮当,哐当 clang 2、门窗咯咯响 rattle 3、金属、瓷器连续撞击声丁零当啷 jingle , jangle , cling clang 4、鼓声、敲门声咚咚 rub - a - dub ,敲门声吧嗒吧嗒 rat - tat , rat - a - tat 5、 脆响的(关门)声吧嗒 click 6、猛地关门 slam 7、敲打木头(门)声梆梆 rat - tat 8、重物落下声咕咚,砰的一声 thud , flop , thump He fell with a flop into the water .他扑通一声掉进水里。 The box fell to the floor with a thump .盒子砰的一声掉到了地板上9、东西撞击声啦 crash 10、风吹动树枝叶声飒飒 sough ,树叶、纸、衣服等沙沙作响: rustle 11、树枝等折断声嘎巴 crack , snap 12、飞机螺旋桨转动,发动机嗡嗡声 whirr 13、雨点敲击房顶噼里啪啦 patter 14、润水流动咕咕作响 gurgle 15、溪水、泉水流动声潺潺 burble , babble 16、液体溅出声,哗啦哗啦声 splash 6学科网(北京)股份有限公司