carried out practice line pi oneer standard,and post spurs members concentrated service months,activities,education guide members always everywhere bearing in mind identity,base d job post,active play role.To devel op differentiated learning education guide party members in accordance with their own situation,target the problems to,base d on the work done.Pay attention to the room and room for grass-roots party organizations,grass-roots party organizations have more autonomy in education,making education more ground,full of vitality,good effect.Finally,highlig ht the normal long-term.To highlight the characteristics of recurrent education,with long flowing,continuous line of per severance the perseverance to promote educational efforts to realize the partys ideological and political construction of routine institutionalization.Wit h the party branch as the base unit.Play the role of party branches should be,is the key to educational success.Each branch must take stricteducation and management responsibility of party members,educati on based on learning t o make specific arrangements,fully mobilize the enthusiasm of party members involve d in the education,ensure the Organization in place,measures in place,put in pla ce.To the party organization as the basic form.In the standardized development of learning,make learning more effective efforts,and w ill adhere to the good party group,organized part y,party members and the Ge neral Assembly,tell a good party lectures,can drive a good topic about,prevent showy without substance,Sham mules.T o implement the education management system for basic support.Democratic mutual evaluation on party members in accordance with the regulations,the real performance criteria and or der established,sound carefully dispose of unqualified party members,to further improve the dredge export team,pure self cleaning mecha nism.Party leading cadres should adhere to and implement the central group learning system,to which branch of learning exchanges,participation i n a dual organization with comrades.Focus on recurrent education,you al so need to continue to strengthen the building of grass-roots party organizations.Now,the city also has 88 village party organizations are weak and lax,first Secretary of the village,but conversion requires a process.Recentl y,the citys party organization focused investigation,check out a total of lost members 4,507,Pocket members 1037,find there are 640 lost party members are not contacted 148 Pocket party members and implementation of organizational relationshi ps.Educational management of party members into the Organization,there is a lot of work to do.Weak and lax party continue d reorganization as an important task,finish perfect organization,with a good team,Good system.Special hig hlights of grass-roots party organizations,to be dealt with first in pla ce,further education,reorganization,transformation and educationalinteraction.In short,through solid and effective work initiativesroken problem,fill the short Boar d,so that the majority of party members and fully qualifie d,comprehensive skills of grass-roots party organizations,grass-roots party level upgrade.Comrades,do a two learning education is of great significance,responsibilities,carry significant implications.City levels party and general members cadres,to deep awareness two learn a do learning education of importance and need,to height of political consciously and full of political e nthusiasm,put two learn a do learning education carried out g ood,for coordination advance four a full strategy layout,and achi eved Thirteen-Five good start,and speed up construction mor e high ecological vitality happiness of City provides strong powerful guarantee.Two,starting from the revered Constitution re spe cted the party Constitution was XI Jinping,General Secretary to the partys request,18 six plenary session of the Central Commission for discipline inspection report five experience first.Full strictly administering the party,first of all,to exalt the party Constitution,and pipe the whole party,the ruling party of the party Constitution.Revered Constitution reflected in awe.Party a party of ideals and beliefs purpose,summed up the partys fine tradition and style;a clear party members and what can be done and what must be done,what cannot be done.Each Communist Party Constitution to awe and wary eye enhanci ng the sacred sense of responsibility and mission.Hearts filled with party Constitution,hol d the party line,BA obligations unconditionally carry out party members,according to the Constitution of direction towards standards efforts.Respect reflected in the st udy the party Constitution means.Some party members joined the party Constitution on the shelf,not to learn,some long-term party according to the Constitution of the partys organizat ion,the party is not required to pay membership dues,loose concept,party organizations of the party organization,and turned a blind eye on the tasks assigned by the Organization,were forgotten,forgotten vows performance the party Constitution.Constitution is the fundamental standard of our Communists are slim,the party Constitution to repeatedly learn,practice,thinking,learning and thinking,thinki ng and row,row,ever-spiraling increase in the learning process.Respect party lines reflected in practi ce.Two to learn a basic Constitution Party rules,series of speeche s,the key to be qualified party members.To be qualified party members,standards are not high,but if he does take a ruler of the party Constitution to card,truly it is not easy.Carry out study a nd education,every party must control the partys eight obligations,ask,look for gaps,identify problems,clear direction,work to solve specific problems.Actively practicing i n the production life of the eight obligations,to play a vanguard and exemplary role,truly a party banner.Two fight to highlight grass-roots party organizations 1 观潮教学目标:1识字写字、正确读写词语。2边读边想象画面,能联系上下文或结合生活实际体会词句的含义,并能与他人交流感受。3.有感情的朗读课文,研讨35 段,领略钱塘江大潮汹涌而来的气势,感受“天下奇观”,背诵第三、四自然段。重点、难点:1体会“潮来之时”大潮非凡的气势。2.启发学生根据课文内容想象画面,同时要注重感情朗读。3.引导学生有感情地朗读课文,体会景物描写的方法,感悟文章的语言美。教学准备:学生课前搜集有关钱塘江大潮的资料;教师准备课件等。教学过程:一、预习探究1.收集钱塘江大潮的文章和图片2.初读课文,借助拼音,读准词语,学写生字。3.请同学们投入地读课文,看看会给你带来什么样的感受,思考课文是按什么顺序写的。二、合作交流(一)交流资料,导入新课。1同学们,每年的农历八月十八,成千上万的中外游客都要聚集到我们浙江省海宁市的盐官镇,知道这里为什么吸引了那么多的游客吗?你能说说你比对钱塘江大潮的了解吗?2.生谈对钱塘江大潮的了解。3.师述:钱塘潮是浙江省杭州湾钱塘江口的涌潮,也叫“海宁潮”。只有每年农历八月十八日在海宁县所见到的大潮最为壮观。因钱塘江口呈喇叭形,外宽内窄,外深内浅,潮波传播时受到约束而形成。景象雄伟壮观,有声有色,令人赞叹不已。自古以来,许多文人墨客都二次个人二次备课carried out practice line pi oneer standard,and post spurs members concentrated service months,activities,education guide members always everywhere bearing in mind identity,base d job post,active play role.T o devel op differentiated learning education guide party members in accordance with their own situation,target the problems to,base d on the work done.Pay attention to the room and room for grass-roots party organizations,grass-roots party organizations have more autonomy in education,making education more ground,full of vitality,good effect.Finally,highlig ht the normal long-term.To highlight the characteristics of recurrent education,with long flowing,continuous line of per severance the perseverance to promote educational efforts to realize the partys ideological and political construction of routine institutionalization.Wit h the party branch as the base unit.Play the role of party bra nches should be,is the key to educational success.Each branch must take stricteducation and management responsibility of party members,educati on based on learning t o make specific arrangements,fully mobilize the enthusiasm of party members involve d in the education,ensure the Organization in place,measures in place,put in pla ce.To the party organization as the basic form.In the standardized development of learning,make learning more effective efforts,and w ill adhere to the good party group,organized part y,party members and the Ge neral Assembly,tell a good party lectures,can drive a good topic about,prevent showy without substance,Sham mules.T o implement the education management system for basic support.Democratic mutual evaluation on party members in accordance with the regulations,the real performance criteria and or der established,sound carefully dispose of unqualified party members,to further improve the dredge export team,pure self cleaning mecha nism.Party leading cadres should adhere to and implement the central group learning system,to which branch of learning exchanges,participation i n a dual organization with comrades.Focus on recurrent education,you al so need to continue to strengthen the building of grass-roots party organizations.Now,the city also has 88 village party organizations are weak and lax,first Secretary of the village,but conversion requires a process.Recentl y,the citys party organization focused investigation,check out a total of lost members 4,507,Pocket members 1037,find there are 640 lost party members are not contacted 148 Pocket party members and implementation of organizational relationships.Educational management of party members into the Organization,there is a lot of work to do.Weak and lax party continue d reorganization as an important task,finish perfect organization,with a good team,Good system.Special highlights of grass-roots party organizations,to be dealt with first in pla ce,further education,reorganization,transformation and educationalinteraction.In short,through solid and effective work initiativesroken probl em,fill the short Board,so that the majority of party members and fully qualified,comprehensive skills of grass-roots party organizations,grass-roots party level upgrade.Comrades,do a two learning education is of great significance,responsibilities,carry significant implications.City levels party and general members cadre s,to deep awareness two learn a do learning education of importance and need,to height of political consciously and full of political enthusiasm,put two learn a do learning education carried out g ood,for coordination advance four a full strategy layout,and achieved Thirteen-Five good start,and spee d up construction more high ecological vitality happi ness of City provides strong powerful guarantee.Two,starting from the revered Constitution respected the party Constitution was XI Jinping,General Secretary to the partys request,18 six plenary session of the Central Commission for discipline inspecti on report five experience first.Full strictly administering the party,first of all,to exalt the party Constitution,a nd pipe t he whole party,the ruling party of the party Constitution.Revered Constitution reflected in awe.Party a party of ideals and beliefs purpose,summed up the partys fine tradition and style;a clear party members and what can be done and what must be done,what cannot be done.Each Communist Party Constitution to awe and wary eye enhancing the sa cred sense of responsibility and mission.Hearts filled with party Constitution,hold the party line,BA obligations unconditionally carry out par ty members,according to the Constitution of direction towards standards efforts.Respect reflected in the study the party Constitution means.Some party members joined the party Constitution on the shelf,not to learn,some long-term party according to the Constitution of the partys organization,the party is not required to pay membership dues,loose concept,party organizations of the party organization,and turned a blind eye on the tasks assigned by the Organization,were forgotten,forgotten vows performance the party Constitution.Constitution is the fundamental standard of our Communists are slim,the party Constitution to repeatedly learn,practice,thinking,learning and thinking,thinki ng and row,row,ever-spiraling increase in the learning process.Respect party lines reflected in practi ce.Two to learn a basic Constitution Party rules,series of speeche s,the key to be qualified party members.To be qualified party members,standards are not high,but if he does take a ruler of the party Constitution to card,truly it is not easy.Carry out study a nd education,every party must control the partys eight obligations,ask,look for gaps,identify problems,clear direction,work to solve specific problems.Actively practicing i n the production life of the eight obligations,to play a vanguard and exemplary role,truly a party banner.Two fight to highlight grass-roots party organizations2 纷纷亲临江边,目睹了大潮的壮丽景象,还给后人留下了诸如“日落江湖白,潮来天地清”、“八月十八潮,壮观天下无”的优美诗句。雄伟壮观的钱塘江潮当之无愧的被人们誉为“天下奇观”了。(板书“天下奇观”)4.这节课,我们和作者一起去观赏一年一度的钱塘江大潮吧!(板书课题)(二)交流预习收获1师:“观潮”和“天下奇观”两个词语中都有一个“观”字,这两个“观”字意思一样吗?生:“观潮”的观是“看”的意思。生:“奇观”的“观”是景象的意思。2.请同学们读读课文,看看课文是按什么顺序写的,读后你有什么感受。3.交流:师板书:“潮来前”、“潮来时”、“潮退后”。生汇报初读感受(壮观、气势磅礴、天下奇观.)三、品读体验小组合作,品读重点,感悟“奇”(一)小组合作探究:钱塘江大潮为什么被称为天下奇观呢?请找出让你感到震惊的句子,反复读。(二)交流,引导感悟,研读重点句子。大潮来时,江面上出现了那些惊心动魄的景象?哪些地方最让你感到惊奇?边读边想想画面,在课文中适当做出批注。1.奇:“潮来前”平静(1)生读相关的句子,分别用一个词来概括此时江面的特点。师板书(平静)(2)看图想象,体会人们此刻的心情,感情朗读。2.奇:“潮来时”猛 a.听到的:(板书)(1)生读相关的句子:午后一点左右,从远处传来隆隆的响声,好像闷雷滚动;过了一会儿,响声越来越大;那声音如同山崩地裂,好像大地都被震得颤动起来;(板书:闷雷滚动潮头怒吼山崩地裂)carried out practice line pi oneer standard,and post spurs members concentrated service months,activities,education guide members always everywhere bearing in mind identity,base d job post,active play role.To devel op differentiated learning education guide party members in accordanc e with their own situation,target the problems to,base d on the work done.Pay attention to the room and room for grass-roots party organizations,grass-roots party organizations have more autonomy in education,making education more ground,full of vitality,good effect.Finally,highlig ht the normal long-term.To highlight the characteristics of recurrent education,with long flowing,continuous line of per severance the perseverance to promote educational efforts to realize the partys ideological and political construction of routine institutionalization.Wit h the party branch as the base unit.Play the role of party branches should be,is the key to educational success.Each branch must take stricteducation and management responsibility of party members,educati on based on learning t o make specific arrangements,fully mobilize the enthusiasm of party members involve d in the education,ensure the Organization in place,measures in place,put in pla ce.To the party organization as the basic form.In the standardized development of learning,make learning more effective efforts,and w ill adhere to the good party group,organized part y,party members and the Ge neral Assembly,tell a good party lectures,can drive a good topic about,prevent showy without substance,Sham mules.T o implement the education management system for basic support.Democratic mutual evaluation on party members in accordance with the regulations,the real performance criteria and or der established,sound carefully dispose of unqualified party members,to further improve the dredge export team,pure self cleaning mecha nism.Party leading cadres should adhere to and implement the central g