【英文演说】 英语演讲大赛范文演讲技巧简介.docx
【英文演说】 英语演讲大赛范文演讲技巧简介Prepared Speeches 全国英语演讲大赛 演讲范文 131 What's Right with the World?People often doubt(怀疑) whether the younger generation has what it takes(=ability能力) to face(面对) the challenges(挑战) of the future. Do the post-90s(90后), the me-(我这一代人) and e-generation, share the values(价值观) their parents and grandparents worked so hard to honor(=respect尊重) and maintain(=keep信守,保持)? With all the problems ws need to solve, with all that is wrong and can go wrong(出错), will the young(=young people) be able to do what 's right?The answer seems clear. On October(十月) 24, a group of post-90s from Changjiang University were having a picnic(野餐) on the riverbank(岸边) when they saw two small boys struggling(奋力挣扎) in the water. Without a moment's hesitation(犹豫), they formed(组成) a line(一排;一个队伍) and entered the deadly(危险的;致命的) currents(水流) to save the boys. During the 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake(地震), the TV coverage(=report报道) relayed(轮番报道) countless(=many) images(照片) of members of the younger generation(年轻一代) giving blood(献血), volunteering(志愿) to help, nursing(救护) the sick(病人;患者) and rescuing(=save挽救) the victims(地震事故中的受害者) from the rubbles(瓦砾;残骸) even as the aftershocks(余震) continued.These brave acts(英勇壮举/行为) of Chinese post-90s are not isolated(各自独立的;无关联的) examples(个案) of the heroism(英勇行为) of the younger generation. In China and in other countries, the younger generation(年轻一代) shows determination(决心;坚定) and optimism(乐观) in a world that often seems wrong and nothing but wrong. Despite(尽管) the challenges(挑战) we have inherited(继承) - an ailing(存在问题的) and warming(不断变暖的) planet(星球;地球), a risky(=dangerous有风险的) globe economy(全球经济) and uncertain(不确定的) employment(就业), wars and conflicts(冲突) - we remain optimistic(乐观的) and willing(自愿的); to find what is right(好的一面;正确的一面) in and with ourselves and our world.Our determination(决心;坚定) is also our way to honor(=respect尊重) and acknowledge(=admit承认) the values(价值观) of the elders.(上一代人;老人) It is an expression(表达) of gratitude(感激) for the education(教育) and upbringing(抚养;养育) that reflects(体现;折射出) the values(价值观) rooted(根深蒂固的存在于) in our culture. This determination, ladies and gentlemen, this love shown by the young(年轻人) to the elders(老者;老人), is what is, and always will be, right with the world.Thank you very much!Prepared Speeches 全国英语演讲大赛 演讲范文2 32 What's Right with the World?Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen!Witnessing(=seeing看到) global change(全球的变化), flu threat(流感威胁), deforestation(砍伐森林), we exclaim(大声疾呼), "What's wrong with the world?!" By "wrong", we mean something is out of order(无序;失去秩序), against rules(规章), and beyond(超出) all understanding.Also we wonder, "What, then, is still right with the world?" What is still in order, acceptable(可接受的) and favorable(让人赞成的) today? My answer is that we still have philosophers(哲学家).So why is it right with the world to have philosophers? Because philosophers see the boundaries(范围;界限); they see the whole picture(事物的完整整体全面的了解) and hence(=so因此) know the limits.Every single(=one 每一个) thing in the world has its boundaries, and what is so important about this is that only when you meet(看到) the boundaries can you really know something in a full sense(完全地;彻底地). Take this studio(演播室;录音棚) for example. We see the screens(屏幕), the audience(观众), the cameras(摄像机), but we never fully comprehend(=understand) what a studio is until we touch(碰触) the rough(粗燥的) walls and the ceiling(天花板).We human beings(人类) have our natural(自然的) boundaries(界限) too. You leave the city, walk through the suburbs(郊区), step out of (走出)civilization(人类文明) and watch back(回顾;往后看), you finally see that we are but(=only) one of the species(物种) in the world. We are finite(有限的), in mind(思维) and in might(体力;力量). What is fundamentally "wrong" with the world today is that we forget such finitude(有限性;局限性) and start to fancy(=imagine幻想;想象) ourselves being almighty(万能的;有无限权力的).Nature, however, is a judge(裁判;法官), more powerful(强大的), quicker, more just(公正的) than anyone. We produce air-conditioners(空调器) to get us cool; nature repays(回报) us with global warming(全球变暖). We cut forests(砍伐森林) for urban(都市的) splendor(壮丽); nature buries(埋葬) it with sandstorms(沙尘暴).It is right with the world to have philosophers because philosophers see the boundaries; they mark(标示;做记号) the safety line(安全线) for us that we cannot transgress(违反;越界); they teach us the necessary self-restraint(自我克制;自我约束) to achieve(成功实现) harmony(和睦;和谐) in the world. In one word(总而言之), philosophers guide(引导;引领) the world to the right.Thank you!英语演讲评判要求:1. 演讲内容(40%):要求紧扣主题,观点鲜明,内容生动,具有新意,演讲结构清晰,论据充足,逻辑性强。2. 语言表达(40%):要求用词恰当,发音准确,吐字清晰,语调准确,表达流畅,富有感染力。3. 综合印象(20%):要求举止得体,仪表大方,富有表现力,能够灵活运用眼神,表情和身体语言与听众交流。演讲环节中的评分标准:定题演讲:40% ; 即兴演讲:40%; 现场问答: 20%英语演讲稿的写作技巧简介(1)-内容英语演讲涉及一下三方面:l 内容 contentl 结构structurel 语言 language内容 content 涉及以下两部分:1. 观点 viewpoints2. 支撑观点的材料 supporting materials1. 观点:要言之有物,即:演讲者知道自己想要传递给听众什么观点或信息注意事项:a) 所选题材和角度一定是演讲者本人有感触的或能让听众受到感动的通常一些话题(诸如:全球化,奥运,教育等)比较宽泛宏观,或者被人多次谈及过,演讲者就应找到一个你可以切入的,适合自身的角度。比如:谈奥运,则可以切入:奥运的颜色,奥运的口号,奥运的精神,奥运的影响等;b) 所选题材和角度一定是新颖的,独创的或是听众感兴趣的例如:”我眼中的最伟大发明” ,有人就写计算机,网络,音乐,学校,电,指南针,印刷术,电视等,但演讲人则写的是“眼镜”In the past few days, I was troubled(受到困扰) by a really controversial(有争议的) topic. What is the greatest invention(发明)? I did a little survey(=research调查), and was dazzled(=confused感到迷惑) by many brilliant(=good) ideas such as wheels, paper, clock, language, agriculture, penicillin(盘尼西林), and so on. All of them are so great that I cant stop admiring(钦佩) the power(能力;力量) of mens innovation(革新;创新). However, I am still quite uncertain(不确定的) what the greatest invention in my eyes(在我眼里;在我看来看) is. Then this happened. I woke up this Friday morning and whats wrong? I couldnt find my glasses! How could I live without them? Eyeglasses are always a part of me: They are the very first thing I put up when I wake up in the morning and the last thing I take off before I go to sleep. I was so terrified(=afraid/frightened/scared害怕的) at the thought of(一想到。) walking outside of my dorm(寝室), bare-eyed(裸眼的). And suddenly, flick(啪的一弹). The sparkles(火花,灵感=inspiration) came out and I found my answer: The greatest invention in my eyes is the eyeglasses.c) 所选题材和角度一定是具体的在某些自我命题的演讲论题中,往往会涉及有争议性的问题,比如:安乐死,死刑有无必要,同性恋等,因为存在很多不同的观点,涉及很多具体问题,要在一篇三至五分钟的演讲中完全解释清楚较为困难。另外某些演讲问题很宽泛,比如:因特网,东西方文化的碰撞等。因此都需要演讲者江演讲内容缩小范围,缩小到一个具体的角度,从而在给定的时间内用充足的材料和逻辑性强的阐述讲述清楚。例如:某一演讲的初稿主题是:希望学生参与学校的决策过程,增加学生的自主权。内容过于宽泛,参与哪些事物的决策过程?为什么有这种必要性?出现了什么问题?怎么参与? 经过修改后,第二稿的主题缩小后,就更具体了-针对学生对该校学生成绩实行正态化分布计分法(Score Normal Distribution)政策的不满和该政策的弊端,建议学生去反映问题,参与决策。以下是演讲的开头部分: Though you work hard in your major course during the whole semester(学期), your score, 84, is far from your expectation(期望). As your teacher has admitted, some students scores have to be lowered(被降低) randomly(随机地;任意地) in order to meet some requirements(达到要求) of the Academic Division(正态化分布). You are discontented(不满的) because this score cannot represent(代表) your actual performance(实际表现) in your coursework effectively.This is my own experience and I believe most of you would have similar ones because the Academic Division(教务处) has adopted “Score Normal Distribution” policy(正态化分布计分法) since last semester. Since I have learnt something about testing in my statistics courses(统计学), I find some weaknesses(缺陷) in this policy. Besides, I have read some related articles(文章) and talked with my classmates and teachers to verify(验证;确认) my doubts(怀疑) about this policy. So, today I want to talk about the faults(缺陷;不足) of this policy and encourage you to take action(采取行动) to make university administration abolish(废除;去除) normal distribution requirement.d) 所选题材和角度一定是新颖的,独创的或是听众感兴趣的Questions For Session 3 (第三次培训话题)1. What is more important in your career, to make money or to be satisfied with your work?2. If you were given the chance to study and work in Sweden, What preparations do you think you should make? Why?2. 支撑观点的材料l 实例 examplesl 统计数据 statisticsl 引语testimonyl 实例的作用:所举实例,应该要给人深刻印象或者生动的。并且实例应该贯穿整篇文章的主题;或用来解释某一抽象或复杂的主题;或者通过实例来强调你的重要观点;例如:Babara Bush前美国第一夫人的演讲choices and changes中借用了一个例子来引出美国Wellesley大学的精神-追寻多样化。 Wellesley(大学), you see, is not just a place, but(不是。而是) an idea, an experiment(实验) in excellence() in which diversity(多样性) is not just tolerated(承认;容忍), but is embraced(欢迎;主动接受). The essence(精华;实质) of this spirit(精神) was captured(捕捉;体现) in a moving(动人的) speech about tolerance(容忍) given last year by a student body(学生会) president(主席) of your sister colleges(兄弟院校). She related(=tell) the story by Robert Fulghum about a young pastor(牧师) who, finding himself in charge of(负责) some very energetic(精力充沛的) children, hits upon(偶然想到) the game called “Giants(巨人),Wizards(巫师), and Dwarfs(侏儒;矮人).” “You have to decide now,” pastor instructed(命令) the children, “Which you are-a giant, wizard or dwarf.” At that, a small girl tugging (用力拉) at his pants leg(裤腿) asks, “But where do the mermaids(美人鱼) stand?” And the pastor tells here there are no mermaids. And she says, “Oh, yes, there are-I am a mermaid.”实例分为两种:事实型(factual)或者假设型(hpyothetical).事实型是指:根据已经发生的故事作为实例,假设型实例则是演讲者假设某一种情况或场景的发生,这种场景可能是听众在日常生活中经常遇到的,经历的一种写照,从而和听众形成呼应,感同身受,从而激起听众的某种情绪(比如:恐惧,害怕,同情,自豪,内疚等)比如下面由美国演讲者提供的假设型实例,就激发了听众对自身安全的担心以及他们对安全问题严重性的认识。 You are tired; you're hungry. You've just spent a long day at College Library and you can't wait to(等不及做。;急不可耐得做。) get back to your room. Glancing(瞥一眼) outside, you realize how quickly it becomes dark. You don't think much of it, though, as you bundle up(收拾;打包) and head out(=walk out) into the gusty(阵阵吹拂的) wind. Not until you spy the shadows on the sidewalk or hear the leaves rustling beside you do you wish you weren't alone. You walk quickly, trying to stop your imagination from thinking of murderers(谋杀犯) and rapists(强奸犯). Only when you are safely inside your room do you relax and try to stop your heart from pounding(剧烈跳动) out of your heart. Can you remember a time when you felt this way? I would be surprised if you never have. The FBI(美国联邦调查局) reported last year that there were 3 murders(谋杀), approximately(=about 大约) 430 aggravated assaults(严重暴力袭击), 1,400 burglaries(入室行窃), and 80 rapes(性侵犯) here in Madison(美国纽约麦迪逊大街) alone. Where these statistics(统计数字) are quite alarming(=frightening/scaring令人恐惧害怕的), they don't compare to(与。类似) the numbers of larger metropolitan areas(都市区域).注意事项:1.实例切忌过长,过多。(参见CCTV大学生演讲比赛范文第31篇) 2. 实例切忌哗众取宠,偏离主题,或无法有效支持你的观点;例如: According to an article(文章) from Nature(美国科技刊物自然), a survey(调查) in California(美国加利福尼亚), USA found that among the 5000 barbers(理发师) they followed(跟踪调查), their chance(可能性) of suffering from deadly(致命的) blood cancers(血癌) is six times(倍) more than the average people(普通人). But that's still not all. Have you ever read the news that a British woman called Dave in Birmingham(英国伯明翰) suddenly died just because she used the product of a world famous brand(品牌) - L'Oreal(欧莱雅). Richard palm, a scientist of Oxford University(英国牛津大学) said that her sensitiveness(敏感程度) to that hair dye(染发剂) was the direct cause(直接原因) to her death. The Time(美国时代周刊) reported that L'Oreal had been accused(被指控) by hundreds of women from UK, Denmark(丹麦), etc. They were all victims(受害者) of its company's products. Of course, this case is only occasional(偶然性的), but who would like to be the next victim?该美国演讲者想要劝告观众不要染发,所以在上面给出了一些例子来告诉大家染发的危害。但我们仔细阅读一下第三个例子,就发现该例子是说:欧莱雅这个品牌也不是很可靠,遭到过很多用户的投诉,而并不是具体告诉观众:用了染发产品可能带来的危害,所以该例子和上面所要说明的主题并不相关。 3. 实例切忌空洞,泛泛而谈,模糊不清;例如:Poor Example: Being blind(失明) can bring you a lot of difficulties(困难).请对比以下实例Effective example: I'd like you all to close your eyes for a minute. Imagine that it is early morning. The alarm(闹钟) rings(响), but you must feel for(用手触摸) it to turn it off(关闭). You get up and search for(寻找) your clothes(衣服). You go downstair(下楼) to make breakfast(做早餐), and you touch(用手碰触) the food to find out(搞清楚) what there is to eat. After breakfast, you carefully go to the door, step(=walk走) outside and listen for the sound(声音) of oncoming traffic(交通). Hearing none, you gingerly(=carefully小心地) cross(穿过) the street to the bus stop(车站) on the other side(路对面). You wait for the sound(声) of the creaking(嘎吱嘎吱的) brakes(刹车) to stop in front of you. When the bus doors squeak(嘎吱嘎吱的) open, you carefully make your way(=walk走) up the steps(台阶), You give what you hope is the correct change(零钱;车费) to the bus driver. You then feel for(用手感受) an empty seat. You've make it(成功) one more day! This what it feels like to be blind. And that's what we are talking about here - a real problem that happens to humanbeings(人) just like you and me. You can open your eyes now.l 统计数据 statistics注意事项:1. 在引用和摘取统计数字时,需要说明来源和出处。且需要保证来源是公正的,没有偏向性。例如:一个学生在谈到养老院(nursing homes)严重缺乏时,如此应用数据:Poor Example:But until 1998, in our country there are only 51,000 nursing homes with 104,200 beds, compared with 110,000,000 old people in our country.Effective Example: According to the interview(采访) with Yuan Xinli, Deputy Director(副主任) of the Office of National Committee(全国委员会) on Aging(老年人) in November 2005, presently(=now) there are 40,000 care centers(护理中心) for senior citizens(=old people老年人) in China. The number of beds in these centers accounts for(占) only 0.8% of China's total(总数的) aging population(老年人口). According to the national standard(国家标准), the rates(比例) should reach 5% to 8 % to meet practical needs(满足实际的要求). Moreover(此外), most Chinese nursing homes(养老院) are small. The largest one in Beijing has only about 500 beds. China therefore(=so) has a long way to go(有很长的路要走) to set up(设立) more and better homes for the aged(=old people).Questions For Session 4 (第四次培训话题)1. Do you think that you can buy good health? (In your view, how can we keep good health? Why?)2. Would you like to change your life style? What's your ideal(理想的) life?16