Unit 8新职业英语新职业英语新职业英语新职业英语ContentsListening&Speaking4 Warming-up1Reading A2Reading B3Language Lab7Language Lab7Writing5Mini-project6Language Lab7 8 EntertainmentWarm-1Warm-2 Self-employed As an Employee Advantages Advantages Disadvantages Disadvantages2,4,10,12,141,6,8,97,113,5,13You can enjoy more comfortable working conditions.You can choose who to work with.You can take pleasure in a low-risk and consistent environment.You may enjoy a feeling of good fellowship at work.You have concerns about various operational costsYou have to maintain a positive relationship with the boss no matter what kind of person he is.Reading AReading ATextTask 1Task 2Business Know-howText A-1Reading A1 1 Rich Rich AbermanAberman and Bill and Bill ClericoClerico faced a tough decision faced a tough decision as they as they approachedapproached the end of their senior year at Boston the end of their senior year at Boston College.Start an innovative online-payment processing College.Start an innovative online-payment processing business,or start graduate school and a new job?business,or start graduate school and a new job?Risk It When YoungReading A2 2 In the end,they decided to go the safe route In the end,they decided to go the safe routeAbermanAberman set out for law school at New York University and set out for law school at New York University and ClericoClerico took a job as an investment bankerand they took a job as an investment bankerand they promised themselves that theyd soon get back to start their promised themselves that theyd soon get back to start their business.But all too quickly,they saw themselves getting business.But all too quickly,they saw themselves getting sucked intosucked into the workaday world and their entrepreneurial the workaday world and their entrepreneurial ambitions ambitions slipping awayslipping away.3 3 “It only gets harder to start a company as time goes on,”“It only gets harder to start a company as time goes on,”says says AbermanAberman,25.“As you get used to a salary,you start,25.“As you get used to a salary,you start getting comfortable with a certain lifestyle,which makes it getting comfortable with a certain lifestyle,which makes it hard to leave for the uncertainty of being an entrepreneur.”hard to leave for the uncertainty of being an entrepreneur.”Text A-2Reading A4 4 ClericoClerico was worried that if he tried starting a company was worried that if he tried starting a company and failed,he would be six months out of school with no and failed,he would be six months out of school with no relevant job experience or tangible success.“In relevant job experience or tangible success.“In hindsighthindsight,I,I think that was a think that was a dumbdumb fear,”says fear,”says ClericoClerico,24.“You can always,24.“You can always go and get an entry-level job.”go and get an entry-level job.”5 5 So after just a few months,they changed So after just a few months,they changed coursecourse:AbermanAberman left law school and left law school and ClericoClerico quit his job,and they quit his job,and they founded founded WePayWePay,an online system for groups to manage their,an online system for groups to manage their fundsfunds.They.They scrapedscraped by on income from odd jobs by on income from odd jobsAbermanAberman taught LSAT courses while taught LSAT courses while ClericoClerico did financial consultingas did financial consultingas they worked to they worked to get their business off the groundget their business off the ground.Text A-3Reading A6 6 The decision The decision paid offpaid off,and a little over a year after founding,and a little over a year after founding the company,the company,AbermanAberman and and ClericoClerico have have raisedraised nearly nearly$2 million for$2 million for WePayWePay from from high-profilehigh-profile Internet investors.Internet investors.7 7 WePayWePay launched its service on March 30,allowing launched its service on March 30,allowing individuals and groups all over the world to establish an individuals and groups all over the world to establish an account and collect money in a variety of waysfrom paper account and collect money in a variety of waysfrom paper checks to credit cardsand then use a debit card to spend the checks to credit cardsand then use a debit card to spend the money in the account.They already have several thousand money in the account.They already have several thousand users,users,rangingranging from sports teams to fraternities to groups of from sports teams to fraternities to groups of roommates managing rent and roommates managing rent and utilitiesutilities.WePayWePay collects collects transaction fees ranging from 50 cents for bank account transaction fees ranging from 50 cents for bank account payments to 3.5 percent of credit-card payments for each payments to 3.5 percent of credit-card payments for each payment received;outgoing transactions are free.payment received;outgoing transactions are free.Text A-4Reading A 8 8 AbermanAberman and and ClericoClerico were able to get their college were able to get their college business idea back business idea back on trackon track after a minor detour,but they after a minor detour,but they strongly recommend starting right out of college.strongly recommend starting right out of college.9 9 “You have the degree “You have the degree under your beltunder your belt,and you,and you havent tied yourself into a particular lifestyle or career havent tied yourself into a particular lifestyle or career path,”path,”AbermanAberman says.“If you take a risk,and it fails,the says.“If you take a risk,and it fails,the worst that happens is that you have a unique experience worst that happens is that you have a unique experience that you can use as an that you can use as an impressiveimpressive factor to get you into factor to get you into graduate school or to shine in a job interview.”graduate school or to shine in a job interview.”Text A-5Reading A1010 Adds Adds ClericoClerico,“If you wait until,“If you wait until you work for a few years or go to you work for a few years or go to graduate school,you are just piling graduate school,you are just piling on reasons not to take the risk,and on reasons not to take the risk,and you reduce the chances that you you reduce the chances that you ever will have.”ever will have.”Text A-6A-Trans-1Reading A1 1 1 1 在波士顿学院就读的里奇在波士顿学院就读的里奇在波士顿学院就读的里奇在波士顿学院就读的里奇阿伯曼和比尔阿伯曼和比尔阿伯曼和比尔阿伯曼和比尔克克克克莱里克大四快毕业时遇到一个艰难的抉择:是开创莱里克大四快毕业时遇到一个艰难的抉择:是开创莱里克大四快毕业时遇到一个艰难的抉择:是开创莱里克大四快毕业时遇到一个艰难的抉择:是开创一项新型网上付款处理业务的事业,还是就读研究一项新型网上付款处理业务的事业,还是就读研究一项新型网上付款处理业务的事业,还是就读研究一项新型网上付款处理业务的事业,还是就读研究生抑或是找一份工作?生抑或是找一份工作?生抑或是找一份工作?生抑或是找一份工作?冒险趁年轻冒险趁年轻A-Trans-2Reading A2 2 2 2 最终,他们选择了那条安稳的道路最终,他们选择了那条安稳的道路最终,他们选择了那条安稳的道路最终,他们选择了那条安稳的道路阿伯曼阿伯曼阿伯曼阿伯曼去了纽约大学法学院继续深造去了纽约大学法学院继续深造去了纽约大学法学院继续深造去了纽约大学法学院继续深造,克莱里克则去了一家克莱里克则去了一家克莱里克则去了一家克莱里克则去了一家投资银行做高级职员投资银行做高级职员投资银行做高级职员投资银行做高级职员他们彼此承诺不久会重新他们彼此承诺不久会重新他们彼此承诺不久会重新他们彼此承诺不久会重新回来开创自己的事业。回来开创自己的事业。回来开创自己的事业。回来开创自己的事业。但很快他们就发现自己陷入但很快他们就发现自己陷入但很快他们就发现自己陷入但很快他们就发现自己陷入了日复一日平凡庸碌的工作中,而他们的创业野心了日复一日平凡庸碌的工作中,而他们的创业野心了日复一日平凡庸碌的工作中,而他们的创业野心了日复一日平凡庸碌的工作中,而他们的创业野心也逐渐消逝。也逐渐消逝。也逐渐消逝。也逐渐消逝。3 3 3 3 “随着时间的推移,要创立自己的公司变得越来随着时间的推移,要创立自己的公司变得越来随着时间的推移,要创立自己的公司变得越来随着时间的推移,要创立自己的公司变得越来越难,越难,越难,越难,”25252525岁的阿伯曼说到。岁的阿伯曼说到。岁的阿伯曼说到。岁的阿伯曼说到。“当你习惯了每个月当你习惯了每个月当你习惯了每个月当你习惯了每个月领薪水,你就开始适应某种固定的生活模式,从而领薪水,你就开始适应某种固定的生活模式,从而领薪水,你就开始适应某种固定的生活模式,从而领薪水,你就开始适应某种固定的生活模式,从而难以离开安稳的生活去创办自己的企业,迎接充满难以离开安稳的生活去创办自己的企业,迎接充满难以离开安稳的生活去创办自己的企业,迎接充满难以离开安稳的生活去创办自己的企业,迎接充满变数的挑战。变数的挑战。变数的挑战。变数的挑战。”A-Trans-3Reading A 4 4 克莱里克担心如果自己尝试开公司而又不成功的克莱里克担心如果自己尝试开公司而又不成功的克莱里克担心如果自己尝试开公司而又不成功的克莱里克担心如果自己尝试开公司而又不成功的话,那么在离开学校的这六个月时间里他既没有获得话,那么在离开学校的这六个月时间里他既没有获得话,那么在离开学校的这六个月时间里他既没有获得话,那么在离开学校的这六个月时间里他既没有获得相关的工作经验又没有取得切实的成就。相关的工作经验又没有取得切实的成就。相关的工作经验又没有取得切实的成就。相关的工作经验又没有取得切实的成就。“事后看来事后看来事后看来事后看来,我觉得那种害怕是很愚蠢的,我觉得那种害怕是很愚蠢的,我觉得那种害怕是很愚蠢的,我觉得那种害怕是很愚蠢的,”24242424岁的克莱里克说到。岁的克莱里克说到。岁的克莱里克说到。岁的克莱里克说到。“你随时可以找到一份入门级的工作。你随时可以找到一份入门级的工作。你随时可以找到一份入门级的工作。你随时可以找到一份入门级的工作。”5 5 5 5 因此几个月后,他们都改变了人生的方向:阿伯因此几个月后,他们都改变了人生的方向:阿伯因此几个月后,他们都改变了人生的方向:阿伯因此几个月后,他们都改变了人生的方向:阿伯曼离开了法学院,克莱里克则辞去了工作,他们一起曼离开了法学院,克莱里克则辞去了工作,他们一起曼离开了法学院,克莱里克则辞去了工作,他们一起曼离开了法学院,克莱里克则辞去了工作,他们一起创办了管理集体资金的网上系统创办了管理集体资金的网上系统创办了管理集体资金的网上系统创办了管理集体资金的网上系统WePayWePayWePayWePay。他们一边通过。他们一边通过。他们一边通过。他们一边通过打临工打临工打临工打临工阿伯曼讲授法学院入学考试的课程,克莱阿伯曼讲授法学院入学考试的课程,克莱阿伯曼讲授法学院入学考试的课程,克莱阿伯曼讲授法学院入学考试的课程,克莱里克则做财务咨询里克则做财务咨询里克则做财务咨询里克则做财务咨询艰难地度日,一边努力工作使艰难地度日,一边努力工作使艰难地度日,一边努力工作使艰难地度日,一边努力工作使公司的业务起步发展。公司的业务起步发展。公司的业务起步发展。公司的业务起步发展。A-Trans-4Reading A 6 6 6 6 他们的决定终于有了回报,公司创办一年后不他们的决定终于有了回报,公司创办一年后不他们的决定终于有了回报,公司创办一年后不他们的决定终于有了回报,公司创办一年后不久,阿伯曼和克莱里克就从一些知名的互联网投资久,阿伯曼和克莱里克就从一些知名的互联网投资久,阿伯曼和克莱里克就从一些知名的互联网投资久,阿伯曼和克莱里克就从一些知名的互联网投资商那里筹集了近两百万美元的资金。商那里筹集了近两百万美元的资金。商那里筹集了近两百万美元的资金。商那里筹集了近两百万美元的资金。7 7 7 7 WePayWePayWePayWePay于于于于3 3 3 3月月月月30303030日开始为世界各地的个人和团体日开始为世界各地的个人和团体日开始为世界各地的个人和团体日开始为世界各地的个人和团体提供服务。用户可以创建一个账户,收取从纸质支提供服务。用户可以创建一个账户,收取从纸质支提供服务。用户可以创建一个账户,收取从纸质支提供服务。用户可以创建一个账户,收取从纸质支票到信用卡等各种渠道的款项,然后通过借记卡使票到信用卡等各种渠道的款项,然后通过借记卡使票到信用卡等各种渠道的款项,然后通过借记卡使票到信用卡等各种渠道的款项,然后通过借记卡使用账户上的资金。两人已拥有数以千计的用户,包用账户上的资金。两人已拥有数以千计的用户,包用账户上的资金。两人已拥有数以千计的用户,包用账户上的资金。两人已拥有数以千计的用户,包括运动团体、学生组织乃至共同分担房租、水电和括运动团体、学生组织乃至共同分担房租、水电和括运动团体、学生组织乃至共同分担房租、水电和括运动团体、学生组织乃至共同分担房租、水电和煤气费的舍友。煤气费的舍友。煤气费的舍友。煤气费的舍友。WePayWePayWePayWePay对银行账户每笔进账收取对银行账户每笔进账收取对银行账户每笔进账收取对银行账户每笔进账收取50505050美分的手续费,对信用卡账户每笔进账收取美分的手续费,对信用卡账户每笔进账收取美分的手续费,对信用卡账户每笔进账收取美分的手续费,对信用卡账户每笔进账收取3.5%3.5%3.5%3.5%的的的的手续费,而出账则免手续费。手续费,而出账则免手续费。手续费,而出账则免手续费。手续费,而出账则免手续费。A-Trans-5Reading A8 8 8 8 尽管走了点弯路,阿伯曼和克莱里克还是实现尽管走了点弯路,阿伯曼和克莱里克还是实现尽管走了点弯路,阿伯曼和克莱里克还是实现尽管走了点弯路,阿伯曼和克莱里克还是实现了大学时的创业想法。不过,他们强烈建议如了大学时的创业想法。不过,他们强烈建议如了大学时的创业想法。不过,他们强烈建议如了大学时的创业想法。不过,他们强烈建议如果要创业,大学一毕业就应该开始。果要创业,大学一毕业就应该开始。果要创业,大学一毕业就应该开始。果要创业,大学一毕业就应该开始。9 9 9 9 “你已经有了学位,而且没有被特定的生活方你已经有了学位,而且没有被特定的生活方你已经有了学位,而且没有被特定的生活方你已经有了学位,而且没有被特定的生活方式或职业方向所束缚,式或职业方向所束缚,式或职业方向所束缚,式或职业方向所束缚,”阿伯曼说。阿伯曼说。阿伯曼说。阿伯曼说。“如果你冒险如果你冒险如果你冒险如果你冒险失败了,最糟糕的情况无非是你有了一次独一无二失败了,最糟糕的情况无非是你有了一次独一无二失败了,最糟糕的情况无非是你有了一次独一无二失败了,最糟糕的情况无非是你有了一次独一无二的经历,而这种经历能在你申请进入研究院学习工的经历,而这种经历能在你申请进入研究院学习工的经历,而这种经历能在你申请进入研究院学习工的经历,而这种经历能在你申请进入研究院学习工作面试时给人留下深刻的印象。作面试时给人留下深刻的印象。作面试时给人留下深刻的印象。作面试时给人留下深刻的印象。”A-Trans-6Reading A 10101010 克莱里克补充道:克莱里克补充道:克莱里克补充道:克莱里克补充道:“如果等工作几年如果等工作几年如果等工作几年如果等工作几年后或是已经读了研究生之后再创业,你会找后或是已经读了研究生之后再创业,你会找后或是已经读了研究生之后再创业,你会找后或是已经读了研究生之后再创业,你会找越来越多的理由不去冒险,从而减少了可以越来越多的理由不去冒险,从而减少了可以越来越多的理由不去冒险,从而减少了可以越来越多的理由不去冒险,从而减少了可以得到的机会。得到的机会。得到的机会。得到的机会。”v.to come near to someone or something in distance or time;to begin to deal with a problem,task,etc.in a particular way Reading Aapproache.g.e.g.It is not allowed to approach the forbidden area.e.g.e.g.As they approached the wood,a rabbit ran out of the trees.Tran:Tran:我认为拒不谈判不是处理这个问题的正确方法。我认为拒不谈判不是处理这个问题的正确方法。I dont think refusing to negotiate isI dont think refusing to negotiate is the right way to approach this problem.the right way to approach this problem.to involve someone in an activity or a situation,especially one they dont want to be involved in Reading Asuck someone into somethinge.g.e.g.The government should carry out a policy to help the teenagers who are sucked into a life of crime.Tran:Tran:我的父母忙于他们的研究工作,我只能自己照顾自我的父母忙于他们的研究工作,我只能自己照顾自 己己。My parents were getting sucked intoMy parents were getting sucked into their research jobs,so I had to look their research jobs,so I had to look after myself.after myself.to stop existing;to disappearReading Aslip awaye.g.e.g.Their support gradually slipped away.e.g.e.g.Those young guys were sucked into computer games and time slipped away quickly.Tran:Tran:又一个月过去了又一个月过去了。Another month has slipped away.Another month has slipped away.n.the ability to understand facts about a situation only after it has happened Reading Ahindsight e.g.e.g.By hindsight,I should have gone there earlier.e.g.e.g.We often realize mistakes weve made with hindsight.Tran:Tran:事后之见总是比当时之见要更加清楚。事后之见总是比当时之见要更加清楚。Hindsight is always clearer than onesHindsight is always clearer than ones view at the time.view at the time.a.(informal,especially AmE)stupidReading Adumb e.g.e.g.That was a pretty dumb thing to do.Tran:Tran:这真是个愚蠢的问题!这真是个愚蠢的问题!What a dumb question!What a dumb question!n.the general direction in which someones ideas or actions are movingReading Acoursee.g.e.g.The president appears likely to change course on some key issues.e.g.e.g.Politicians are often obliged to steer a course between different interests.Tran:Tran:事态自然而然地发展。事态自然而然地发展。Events took their natural course.Events took their natural course.n.a sum of money or other resources set aside for a specific purposeReading Afunde.g.e.g.The government supplied them with the fund to build the hospital.Tran:Tran:委员会应该建立一笔资金来维修这些建筑。委员会应该建立一笔资金来维修这些建筑。The committee should set up a fund toThe committee should set up a fund to maintain the buildings.maintain the buildings.v.to manage to win or get something with difficultyReading Ascrapee.g.e.g.The family scraped together some cash to send the boy to further his study abroad.e.g.e.g.That poor guy scraped a living by the craft of making furniture.Tran:Tran:我只能靠父母给的那些东西勉强度日。我只能靠父母给的那些东西勉强度日。I can just scrape on what my parents giveI can just scrape on what my parents give me.me.to start happening successfully Reading Aget(something)off the grounde.g.e.g.Without more money,the movie is unlikely to get off the ground.Tran:Tran:他帮我把小说出版。他帮我把小说出版。He helped me get the novel off theHe helped me get the novel off the ground.ground.(of a plan or action)to be successful and bring good resultsReading Apay offe.g.e.g.You are taking a risk on a bet that will pay off poorly.Tran:Tran:从长远看来这些努力是有回报的。从长远看来这些努力是有回报的。The effort pays off in the long run.The effort pays off in the long run.v.to bring or collect moneyReading Araisee.g.e.g.The local government raises money from the neighbors for a charity every year.e.g.e.g.He fails to raise the extra three thousand dollars.Tran:Tran:他们正在想尽一切办法筹措资金。他们正在想尽一切办法筹措资金。They are trying by all possible means toThey are trying by all possible means to raise funds.raise funds.a.(only before noun)receiving or attracting a lot of public attention on television,in newspapers,etc.Reading Ahigh-profilee.g.e.g.They have started a high-profile campaign to raise standards.Tran:Tran:知名人氏知名人氏 a high-profile figurea high-profile figurev.to include a variety of different things in addition to those mentioned;to vary between two particular amounts,sizes,etc.Reading Arangee.g.e.g.The paper deals with the nations problems,ranging from inflation to air pollution.e.g.e.g.There were 120 students whose ages ranged from 10 to 18.Tran:Tran:他兴趣广泛,从象棋到邮票无所不爱。他兴趣广泛,从象棋到邮票无所不爱。His interests range from chess to stamp.His interests range from chess to stamp.n.a service provided for the public,such as water,electricity,or gas;the state of being useful,profitable or beneficial.Reading Autilitye.g.e.g.Their research project has limited practical utility.Tran:Tran:最重要的事情是发展公共事业。最重要的事情是发展公共事业。The most important thing to do now isThe most important thing to do now is to develop the public utilities.to develop the public utilities.acting or thinking in a way that