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    东城高二期末英语作文篇1:东城高二期末英语作文 Dear tom, How are you? I wonder if you could sell some Chinese knots for me. I made them myself with red silk threads, cloth and other materials. They look really beautiful in the shape of a diamond, about 5 inches long and 4 inches wide. In china, these knots stand for friendship, love and good luck. People can either give them as gifts to friends or hang them in their houses. They are only 12.99 US dollars each. If anyone wants to know more about the knots, let them write to me. Also, do let me know if you need further information. Thank you! Li hua. 2021东城高二期末英语作文 篇2:高二东城期末作文 一片快要归根的秋叶。 远处的朝霞像是一幅画卷在眼前缓缓开放,像是天际被打翻了的调色盘,几种颜色融合在一起,美丽的不真实。而我却只觉得寂寥,由于它意味着我的日子又少了一天。 不知从什么时候起,我不再期盼朝霞,甚至希望它永久不要到来,由于它意味着我的生命离终点又近了一点。 我困难地随风摇摆了几下身体,感觉身体中的水分和一些什么东西在飞速消逝。 是时间?生命?亦或是芳华?我不知道,更不敢知道。最初来到这个世界上,我就告知自己,尽管叶子的生命短暂,我也要用绿色装扮这个美丽的世界,就无憾了。可是,现在,那种心情已经被时间磨砺得微乎其微了。 越是接近这一天,我越是动摇。我们这一生,就只是为了绽放、凋谢吗? 这世界太过奇妙,以致我的那颗初心渐渐被私心替代。我不想离开。我还没看够这世界的奇妙,还没绽放出自己最美的姿态我发觉我在这个世界上有了太多牵挂。这不是一件好事。离去是必定,可我不甘心。 我轻叹一声,看着自己微微泛黄的身躯,有些哀痛。突然,旁边传来“吱呀吱呀”几声,我偏头一看,发觉是旁边一片叶子的叶柄有些松动。陪我度过许多仿徨日子的他,也要走了。 “我要走喽。”他略带欢快的语气让我有些惊异。“你不怕吗?这世间这么奇妙,你舍得离开吗?”我感觉他的身体摇曳得更加厉害。 “怕?来年春天,被我们滋养而成长的新叶子会如雨后春笋一般钻出。这就是我们生命的意义,或许也是一种生命的连续。” “可” “其实,我也舍不得啊。谁不想在奇妙中多停留一段时间。可我们活着的意义,也是生命的意义是为了连续,为后代奉献。”听着他说的话,我愣住了。 “还记得你刚刚诞生的想法吧?为这个世界奉献一片绿色,一些生气。记住,不忘初心,方得始终。”他连续说着。突然,又一阵风吹来,他晃了晃身子,以示作别。我愣愣地看着他离去的背影。 不忘初心,方得始终。 是啊,或许从我见到光的那一刻起,命运就是注定了的。我注定要在绽尽一世芳华后,叶落归根。 生命太过奇妙,甚至让我错以为这种奇妙会始终始终持续下去。 唤醒我的是那颗初心。 我们是为奉献而活的,不断生长又不断凋零。生,为芳华;死,为奉献。这就是我们。为后代和生命的连续,倾尽一生。这是我的初心,我们的初心,更是数不清的叶子的初心。这些初心,凝成了生生不息的生命。 2021高二东城期末作文 篇3:东城期末作文高三 一个时代有一个时代的记忆,一个时代的记忆都有其谱写者。当那个时代的谱写者都已逝去时,时代便结束了,便彻彻底底地走进了历史。只是我们从不知道最终一个离去的人是谁,不知道那个在历史上刻骨铭心的时代终究是何时终结。只是终有一天,当我们再想在人世间找到一点那个时代的印记时,才会猛然发觉,那个时代已然静默无声。 就像,我们说了许多次、听了许多遍、那个距离我们并不遥远的时代。黑白照片里看不见鲜血的红色,看不见照亮天际的火光,看不见将士脸上的灰渍。可我分明却闻到了浓重的血腥味儿,听到了震耳的炮鸣声,听到了战士们的嘶吼与冲锋的号角。流血、硝烟、号角是组成那个时代的元素,伤病、分别、死亡就如今日的吃饭睡觉一样平常。何处有净土?何处有家乡?但无论如何,对于那个时代的人们来说,那就是属于他们的时代,躲不得,逃不掉。“假使我们不去打仗,敌人用刺刀,杀死了我们,还要用手指着我们骨头说:“看,这是奴隶!” “上战场,为国为家去打仗,山河不重光,誓不还家乡”京华烟云里的一句战歌,直叫人落泪。那时的战士,尚年少,尚青春,可他们却上了战场,去用生命谱写他们的时代。 看阅兵,印象最深的不是军人们整齐划一的步伐,不是武器装备的强大,而是走在最前面的老兵。百发皤然,老泪纵横。穿上曾经的军装,带上勋章,他们仿佛又回到了从前,仿佛又回到了年少时间。他们会想起那时的战场吗?会想起那时的战友吗?会想起曾经他们的那个时代吗?会想起曾经一身戎装的模样吗?怎么不会?那是他们的时代,怎会遗忘?那是他们的信仰,怎能遗忘?“只解沙场为国死,何须马革裹尸还”的誓言就如同留下的伤疤一样,刻骨铭心。 曾经的他们,是国家的中坚,是民族的守护者、捍卫者,是那个时代的主角。而今,他们已然退场。他们之中或许没有我们所熟知的将领,没有今日的抗日片中的英雄,他们或许只是当时静静无闻的一名战士,现在只是一位一般的老人。他们的眼睛看不见了,耳朵听不着了,曾经的事记不清了,但他们永久都没有遗忘他们的时代。由于那个时代里掩埋着他们的家人、战友,掩埋着民族的耻辱、国家的危亡,掩埋着他们的热血、他们的青春。那是他们的时代。我们不能将他们遗忘,由于他们是曾经那个峥嵘年月的缔造者,我们怎能遗忘他们、遗忘他们的年月? 篇4:高三东城期末作文 随着社会的进展,科技在进步,但许多人的思想道德却在“退步”,不是原来的谦和宽容,而是粗鲁自私的解决事情,也遗忘了“礼貌待人”这个词的原本模样。 孔子曾说过:“不学礼,无以立。”是的,一个人要想在社会上立足,就必需面对各种各样、性格迥异的人,而面对他们的唯一准则就是谦逊、礼貌待人。孔子是这样说的,也是这样来要求自己的。 一次,孔子得知他的同学宫敬权奉鲁国国君之命去朝拜天子,觉得这是一个向守藏史老子请教“礼制”学识的好机会,于是与宫敬权同行。到达京都的其次天,孔子便徒步前去访问老子。老子听闻,赶忙放下手中的笔整顿衣冠出迎,孔子见一位年逾古稀、精神矍铄的老人,急趋向前,向老子行了弟子礼。入座后,老子问孔子为何而来,孔子离座回答:“我学识浅薄,对古代的礼制一无所知,特地向老师请教。”老子见他这样恳切,便发表了自己的见解。这则小故事告知我们,一个人要想猎取更多学问,与他带给别人的第一印象特别亲热。而且不管是谁,他道德的的体现与本身地位与权势丝毫没有联系。礼貌待人并不是可以装出来的一种行为,而应是特殊一般地贯彻于人类生活中的习惯。 假如一个人足够留意礼节,哪怕是在特殊要紧的关头,也会留意言行举止。比如我们上册教材中的晏子使楚一文中的晏子,就是一个智勇双全的人,在唇枪舌剑中也能不乱分寸,始终保持淡定的典范。文中的晏子用谦和礼貌的态度奇异地还击了出自楚王口中的使人颜面扫地的话语,这可谓是“礼貌待人”的一种最佳境界。 时间总是马不停蹄地向前走,现如今的二十一世纪还存在着一些不文明的现象。在我看来,“礼”被赐予了更多含义:是对父母的孝顺,对老师的敬重,还有对祖国的宠爱。留心观看,会发觉一些不和谐的音符。早晨,向老师问好的声音聊聊无几。升国旗时,乐声比歌声“宏亮”,这就属于对祖国的“不礼貌”。生活中大多数还是好的一面,无论是地铁、火车、公交车上都能看到好心人彬彬有礼地让座,这是一种礼貌待人的诠释。 虽然社会仍在持续进展、转变,但不要遗忘礼貌待人是人生的基本准则。 篇5:高三东城期末作文 高三东城期末作文 钟表滴滴嗒嗒,地催人入眠,在空旷的房间里,我独自一人靠在沙发上,谁会想到今日是我的生日。电视里的人无精打采的表演着,爸妈刚刚打来电话说今日不能回来,于是注定今日的孤独。 突然,一阵清朗的铃声使原本分散的时间又流淌开来,我近乎狂喜地飞奔过去,全然不顾被桌子磕伤的苦痛,拿起电话,原来是姥姥让我中午去她家吃饭,我只得谎称自己要和伴侣们在一起 挂了电话,我踱步走出房门,独拘束大街上游荡。毕竟生日是一个人的节日,外面的世界丝毫找不到喜悦的气息。天空仍是往日的天空,照旧是阴霾的灰色。行人拖动疲乏的身躯踽踽独行,汽车不耐烦的扯着那只大喇叭。初冬的寒风吹落了树梢头上最终一片树叶,打在我的身上,思绪也随之飘回从前。 那是一年前的今日,同样的一个落叶满地的季节,我和我的"伴侣们一起在欢声笑语中用一片片落叶装饰着我的生日Party。那一刻,令我永生不能遗忘。而如今,物是人非,转瞬间,缘尽人去,消逝的无影无踪。这些天来,他们似乎都刻意躲着我。常常背着我一起隐秘协商事情,看到我过去便立即散开了。或许他们已经不把我当伴侣了,真应了那句“君子之交淡于水”。一阵风袭来,冬日的寒气侵袭着我单薄的身躯,我用力裹紧外衣,转身朝家走去。 走进家门,门竟然放开着,莫不是小偷,我惊慌地跑了进去,眼前的一切是我惊呆了,桌子上放满了贺卡和礼物,墙上用树叶拼成了“happy birthday”的字样,一切的一切,与一年前的情景竟是如此的相像,我,是在做梦吗?正在木然的看着这些的时候,隔壁房间冲出了我的伴侣们,立即欢闹声响彻全屋,冬日的寒冷被友情的暖流冲逝了。此时此刻,我全明白了,千百交织的心情分散成一句话“君子之交浓于情”。 篇6:高二期末英语作文 高二最新期末英语作文 Today, as I had nothing to do, so I opened my computer and found a movie to watch. I thought about the movie that my friend asked me to watch, it was called 13 Is Going on 30. The story told about a 13 years old girl wanted to be a woman, so that she could have the beautiful face and perfect body shape. She wanted to date any handsome guy she liked. Then the magical thing happened, she became 30 and she got everything. But she felt lost, because her life was totally messed. I had the same feeling with the girl when I was at her age, I wanted to grow up quickly. But now, when I look at that age, I think it is better to cherish what I had at that time. Every stage of life has its happiness, so there is no need to skip the stage. 篇7:高二期末英语作文 高二期末英语作文 Echo,my favourite teacher,is a pretty and slim lady.One of the most important reason that I like her is that she is very sincere.When she talks to others,she always has a smile on her face. I think Echo is a natural teacher beacuse she has a lot of good methods on teaching.She is not only quite friendly, but also humorous.Her class is full of fun that you have never feel bored.To improve our grades,she usually gives us some advices about how to learn English well.What"s more,she sacrificed her own time to help every student,no thought of gain.Sometimes,she nearly has no time to have lunch.When I ask her questions,she must spare no effort to make me understand,with patience and careness.I have never seen such a good teacher as her before. A good teacher can point out the direction and give you endless strength when you get into trouble.I"m lucky enough to have such a good teacher present to my life.I"m thankful her help very much. 【译文】 呼应,我最宠爱的老师,是一个漂亮和苗条的女士。最重要的一个缘由,我宠爱她,她很真诚。当她与别人说话时,她的脸上总挂着微笑。 我认为回声是自然的老师由于她有很多好的教学方法。她不仅很友好,而且幽默。她的课布满乐趣,你从未感到无聊。来提高我们的成果,她经常给我们一些建议关于如何学好英语。更重要的.是,她牺牲自己的时间去关怀每一个同学,没有想到收获。有时,她几乎没有时间吃午饭。当我问她问题,她必需不遗余力地让我理解,急躁和关怀。我从未见过她这样一个好老师。 一个好老师可以给你指出的方向和无尽的力气,当你陷入逆境。我很幸运有这样一位好老师给我的生活。我特殊感谢她的关怀。 篇8:英语作文高二期末 英语作文高二期末1 I was born in an ordinary family, but the love my parents gave me made me feel that I was the happiest girl in the world. Before I went to middle school, my parents decided to let me live in the hometown, where I spent the good time. I was surrounded by green trees and clean water. Every day, I would play funny games with my friends. When I went to middle school, I left hometown and moved to the city to live with my parents. I needed to focus my attention to study. Every night, my father would check my homework and if I had questions, he would help me to solve them. My mother always made delicious dessert for us. When I finished homework, we ate them together and talked happily. I had the good time of my childhood. 英语作文高二期末2 Everybody has his or her interest, and interests differ widely from person to person because of age, sex health and education. To some extent, interest also reflects one"s ability or wish. Interest plays an important part in our daily life. As a middle school student interest is of great importance in study. If you want to learn something well, you have to show interest in it, which is quite possible. Once you have found your way into the subject, you may have also found a world of curiosities. In our times, interest may not only result in skill and knowledge but also lead to great inventions and discoveries. To be a successful person in the world one should develop one"s interest. 英语作文高二期末3 Someone asks me what on earth happiness means? I can"t give you the exact definition of it, but I"m sure if you love and help others, you"ll get it. I"ll never forget an old lady. She lives in a small house alone. It"s said that her husband and her son died in a traffic accident. How bitter her life is!But the old lady often helps others with a smile. Whenever it snows, she is always the first to clean the paths. She looks after several children living nearby. I am one of them. I often remember the stories she told us and her kind smile. Perhaps she is unlucky, but I think she is a happy person. Her life is full of laughter and love. But I"m sad to see some people getting their happiness in bad ways.They speak loudly in cinemas and meeting rooms; they destroy trees to enjoy themselves and they laugh at others" shortcomings. Perhaps they feel happy at that time, but they will never get true happiness because they have lost their personality. Now I know what happiness is. It means kindness, love and unselfishness. Above all, only bringing happiness to others can make you yourself get it. 英语作文高二期末4 Water is very important to us. If you dont have water for three days, you will die. We can use water for flowers, swimming, washing and many different things. We use it to cook, make electricity, and put out fires and so on. We use millions of liters of water every day. Do you know how does the water come to your home? It travels through water pipes. Some are long and wide but some are short and narrow. Then the water travels through the water pipes to the reservoirs. Then it travels through the water pipes to the river and to the special factories that purify the water. When the water is purified, we can drink it. Please dont leave garbage in the water on which we line, and keep the water clean. 英语作文高二期末5 Dim lamp, I looked at the cup of tea, boiling water, the impact of time and time again, let me feel the fragrance of tea. That bitter taste in his mouth, a point slightly sweet, but also by my greedy mouth to the occupation, and eyes dim, hazy outlines of the memory, can no longer be hazy memory already. Work as much as “cook a meal,” a playful little, the teacher"s serious “inhibition” the laughter of the Miao, the pressure of the heavy, “created” in the dreams of us - growing pains. Open the heavy book of memories, that little thoughts, perhaps tired of back and some memories back. “At first” arrive, I am a fragile being “enemy” aimed at the “vulnerability” opened a fierce shot, that vulnerable, I, in the “blood” at the expense of ground could be a “sleeping inside burning the midnight oil to see volume, Dreaming rang Beishi ”and I once again stood up. Those days are dark, puzzled me, and learn and sometimes I have to find a seat has not yet withered and yellow grass, and sometimes a desk, windowsill side to see the rows of trees standing in the distance is hard, for the only be able to issue a final touch of Brilliant Green. What are those trees? I have no way of knowing what effect this relationship? As long as they are trees, would be sufficient. When I looked at them a daze, the heart will be a myriad of thoughts, when my eyes back to the tree when the mood suddenly see the light, the pressure disappeared and instead engaged in learning among busy. 英语作文高二期末6 Perhaps autumn is the most pleasant season of the year. The weather is neither too hot nor too cold. It is the best time for going on a trip. Last Sunday we went to the countryside. There was golden wheat all over the fields/The fields were covered with golden wheat. Large and colourful apples and pears were hanging on the trees. We could see some peasants were busy getting in the crops in the fields, and others were picking fruits under the trees. All the baskets were full of lovely fruits. It was also the fruit of the peasants" labour. “ No pains, no gains. ” What a magnificent/beautiful picture(it was)! It seemed as if we were wandering in a splendid/wonderful world. I love autumn. I love the harvest time. 英语作文高二期末 篇9:高二英语作文期末 Aerobic exercise is a series of activities which can improve our heart-lung function by maintaining longer, including running, bicycling, swimming and so on. It brings a lot of benefits to our body and psychology. 有氧运动是在长期坚持下可改善心肺功能的一系列活动。有氧运动包括跑步、骑单车、游泳等。这种运动特别有益于身心健康。 Physically, taking aerobic exercise advances our physical health and reduces our agony. It promotes our heart and lung function by increasing their expansion and contraction, which is beneficial for resisting pressure from longtime labor or extra-strength work. And it improves fat consumption and metabolism, which lay a solid foundation for disease prevention. Meanwhile, it helps keep our body in a good shape by consuming the overfull calories. 生理上,做些有氧运动可以提高我们身体健康,削减我们的苦痛。做有氧运动可增加心肺的伸缩,以提高心肺功能,有益于抵抗长期的劳作和加班带来的压力。它还能促进脂肪的消耗,促进新陈代谢,预防疾病。同时,有氧运动还能消耗多余热量,有益于保持良好体型。 Psychologically, acting aerobic exercise also conduces to our psychological health. We are able to be more confident and positive that we have capacity of doing something at the best, just like finishing our plans or achieving our destinations in exercise. Thus we can ventilate our negative feelings by doing workout so that we can strive for our dreams again. 心理上,进行有氧运动还有利于我们的心理健康。通过户外熬炼我们能消退负面心情,才能再次为幻想奋斗。 Hence, for the wellbeing of body and mind, let us have some aerobic exercise together. 因此,为了我们的身心健康,让我们一起来做有氧运动吧! 看了“高二英语作文期末”的人还宠爱: 篇10:高二期末英语作文 When we hear about the celebrity and business tycoon, the first reaction is admiration. We envy their success and great fortune, we dream to be one of them. The biggest success seems to own much money, actually, owning fortune doesnt mean to be successful, fortune is not the necessary condition of success. The key points of true success are friendly relationships and a fulfilling life. If we dont have close personal relationship with family and friends, life would become boring, we will feel empty in our hearts. The money we earn would be worthless if we dont have someone to share with. Even though we are millionaires, we still be losers if we were friendless and alone. Wealth may attract more people to flatter us, but when we have trouble, they will vanish quickly, leaving us alone. 篇11:高二期末英语作文 How to Use the Dictionry? When you are reading something in English, you may often come across a new word. Whats the best way to know it? You may look it up in an English-Chinese Dictionary. It will tell you a lot about the word, the pronunciation, the part of speech, the Chinese meaning and also how to use this word. But how can you find it in the dictionaiy both quickly and correctly7 First, all the English words are arranged in thealphabetical order. In the dictionary you can first see the words beginning with the letter A, then B, C, D, E,. That means, if there are two,words “desert” and “pull”, “desert” will be certainly before “pull”. Then if there are two words both beginning with the same letter, you may lo0k at the second letter. Then the third, the fourth, . For example,“pardon” is


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