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    Lets enjoy our class!talk with my friends on QQ watch movies or listen to music-What do you usually do on computers?-I usually play gamesbuy things onlinedo your homeworkUnit 1 How do I write my homework on the computer?Module 7 ComputersWhat are they?screen skri:nkeyboard ki:b:d mousemauscomputerWhat are they?printer print打印机paper peip printprint打印打印Lets play a game!1、click the mouse klk 点击点击2、print the document dkjumnt 文件文件文件文件3、use the keyboard4、connect the screen to the computer k nekt 连接连接keyboard ki:b:d mouse mausscreen skri:nconnect k nekt turn onlearn l:ndocument dkjumntclick klkn.键盘键盘n.鼠标鼠标;老鼠老鼠n.屏幕屏幕v.连接连接 打开打开 v.学;学习学;学习n.文件文件v.点击点击Words and expressionsuse ju:z save seiv box bx finally fainli print print paper peip v.使用使用v.保存;挽救保存;挽救 n.盒子盒子;(电脑屏幕上的框电脑屏幕上的框)adv.最后最后v.打印打印n.纸纸Words and expressionsfirstnextfinallyconnectto 连接连接turn on 打开打开1.First,_ the screen to the computer.2.Next,_the to the computer.3.Finally,_ the computer.connect keyboardconnectturn onconnectturn onListen and complete.What to do How to do do homework(1)First,_a new doument.click the mouse on the new document.(2)Next,you write your _in the document._the keyboard.write the name in the_,then click save.(3)Finally,you put the _ in the printer and print the document.openhomeworkusepaperbox()Write your homework.()Print your document.()Open a new document.()Save the document.()Put some paper in.2513Listen again and number them in order.4Turn your books to page 42,read the conversation in Activity 4by yourselves for 4 minutes and choose the best answers.1.You can click _ on “new document”to open a new document.A.the mouse B.the keyboard C.the printer D.the screen2.Where do you write your homework?A.on the paper B.in the new documentC.in your notebook D.on the desk3.How do you save the document?A.click“save”and write a name for itB.click the mouse and open the documentC.use the keyboard and click the mouseD.print the document and put some paper in4.You can write its name_.A.on the paper B.in the box C.on the telephone D.in the document5.How do you print the document?A.Click the mouse and open the documentB.Click“save”and write a name for itC.Put the paper in there first and then click“print”and“OK”D.Write your homework in the new document1.Work in groups of two and act out the dialogue in your group 2.Try to find out the phrases and difficulty points.Language Language pointspoints1.open a new document 打开一个新文件打开一个新文件2.click the mouse 点点击击鼠鼠标标3.use the keyboard 使用使用键盘键盘4.write your homework 写作写作业业5.write a name 写一个名字写一个名字6.save the document 保存文件保存文件7.print the document 打印文件打印文件8.connect.to.把把.连连接接.9.turn on 打开打开How do you open a new document?Where do you write your homework?How do you save the document?Where do you write its name?What do you do next?How do you print it?Read these sentences.+?Language point.特殊疑问词一般疑问句Lingling is learning to write her homework on the computer.Betty is helping her.First,_ a new document,use the mouse and click“new document”.Next,use the _ to write her homework in the new _.Then,_“save”and write a name it in the box.Then click“save”again.Finally,click“print and“OK”to _ the document.opendocumentkeyboardclickprintRetell and Fill in the blanks according to the tableFind out the steps in groups of four.First Next Next Then Finally open a new document,use the mouse and click“new document”.write homework in the new document.save the document.click“save”again.print it.Find out the steps in groups of four.First Next Next Then Finally open a new document,use the mouse and click“new document”.write homework in the new document.save the document.click“save”again.print it.Find out the steps in groups of four.First Next Next Then Finally open a new document,use the mouse and click“new document”.write homework in the new document.save the document.click“save”again.print it.What to do How to dodo homeworkplay games listen to musicHow do I listen to the music on the computer?First,turn on the computer.Next,click the mouse on the music document.Finally,I can listen to the music.How do I?What to do How to dodo homework click use saveprintplaywatch play games listen to musicwrite emails see a film Chat on QQwatch TVA:What do you usually do on the computer?B:I usually _on the computer.A:How do you _on the computer?B:First,I turn on the computer.Next,I click the document with the mouse.Finally,I can see the film.A:Oh,I see.Make a dialodge.see a filmsee a film1.open a new document 打开一个新文件打开一个新文件2.click the mouse 点点击击鼠鼠标标3.use the keyboard 使用使用键盘键盘4.write your homework 写作写作业业5.write a name 写一个名字写一个名字6.save the document 保存文件保存文件7.print the document 打印文件打印文件8.connect.to.把把.连连接接.9.turn on 打开打开Homework1.Copy the new words and phrases.2.Read the dialogue.3.Make a dialogue.单项选择单项选择。1.-_the printer_ the computer.Then you can print your document.-I see.A.Connect;to B.turn;on2.-How can I go online?-Click“Internet Explorer”with the_.A.keyboard B.mouse3.-I dont know how to make tea.-First,you get some hot water ready._ put the tea in the cup._ pour the hot water into the cup.A.Next;Finally B.And;And4.-Dont _ this pen to do your homework.-Is there anything wrong with it?A.make B.useThank you


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