第 1 页 丹麦学校留学申请书经典 丹麦学校留学申请书 Dear _,“Life beats down and crushes the soul and art reminds you that you have one”Stella Adler.Where the line of normalcy is shaped differently in the eyes of artists,as everything is relative,there exists the freedom that only artists can create the space,colour and texture on which that line of normalcy lies,in order to make it one at all.To extent my egomania is an honest tool of my style,it is in need of elaboration and solidifying within the disciplines and professionalisms in studying art at college.As an AS Psychology student,I learnt that the perception of stress is relative“where I find the paranoia of my reality stressful,it is much of my escape that I share with many others to spend time doing Art Design(currently at A2)in free-periods and after school to produce more research,drawings,developed experiments and final pieces,from my C at GCSE to an A for AS.I am also predicted an A for A2.This drive came from a particular experience,which Id rather not speak of.第 2 页 More relevantly,I am experienced in etching and print-press,collagraph,photography,life sketches,multi-media and Photoshop.I have used a range of materials in previous artworks:works on canvas,and acrylic,installations,multi-media works and film editing,of which I am able to use iMovie and Cyberlink Power Director and have competent use of,as I take a personal interest in film-making.I have also voluntarily produced and edited advertisement films for 2 competing business studies classes where I was able to help creatively and equally,providing that it was their own equipment and concept.In studying English(Lit./Lang.)the analytical aspects have helped aquired the appropriate information behind concept.As an aspiring poet,I have contributed poems of my own to the schools English Literature Magazine(of students works)and have written for the 6th Form monthly Newsletter,Rant N Rave,for which I have written poetry and articles.I have also dispersed these creative energies in Music Technology.At the Dubai 92.0 FM Radio Station,I was able to take a glimpse into the radio industry,as well as accompany the radio-jockey Catboy on air.As there were 2 other students,we organized play lists;part of the job was to understand the business 第 3 页 aspect of airtime.In May 07,I was given the opportunity to work-shadow a General Planning Manager,involving the planning of layouts and structures of building shopping malls for Majid Al Futtaim,Dubai.This helped me realize the importance of relation between physical demands of construction and planning.I have obtained certificates and commendation letters,project certificates,best advertisement for Shakespeares 12 Night Play(playing one of the main characters roles as Maria),intermediate snowboarding,skiing,and have achieved the Duke of Edinburgh Bronze.As I have lived in and travelled countries from Malaysia to Switzerland,France to Saudi Arabia,I have more cause to find a universal message that not only makes us appreciate diversity,but unifies us as human beings.From a Marxist perspective,I deliberately refuse to accept the pyramid of our society.This is simply one constant idea and philosophy that even disturbs my sleep.Fully aware of the competition that goes on in the media industry,with my competitive and somewhat cynical characteristic;I am able to critically self-evaluate which forces me to better myself constantly improving my skills and techniques,adhering to the business aspects as well.Taking 第 4 页 first year studies or foundation art would help me explore more skill which I am capable in a more professional and disciplined manner as well as improve specified research work.My aspirations are based on my persistency,enabling me to work adaptively in the art business.I may work towards the Visual Communication,Painting,Intermedia art or Illustration,not sufficed to say the least,and followed entry into Second Year Studies to define my Specialism.Yours sincerely,xuexila 丹麦留学居留申请指南 一、居留申请 1.材料 需要预备好身份证明,出示自己本学校录用的通知复印件;以及办理了学校专业学习入学的同学证,还有自己合格的护照,以及确认好了的住宿的地址信息证明。然后是资金证明,这部分和申请签证的时候出示的保证金银行证明是重合的,大家只需要预备好材料的复印件,进行提交就可以了,金额的要求也是全都的,不需要额外预备。2.流程 直接拿着材料去负责的警局即可,不需要提前进行预约,由于审核和办理的流程是特别简洁的,去到现场之后,想要领号排队,在 第 5 页 等待期间需要填写好自己的申请表,确认资格。轮到自己之后,再去柜台提交自己的表格和材料,并且确认身份,需要回答基础问题,缴纳申请的手续费,然后就可以回家等待结果了,会直接将居留卡寄到预留的地址。二、居留续期 1.材料 由于是续期,大家已经有了居留的合法 身份,只是在原有的基础上进行时间的延长,需要证明的是大家还有合法的停留身份,即学业还未完成,续期一般是一年一年进行的,和签证一样。所以大家要出示的材料,主要就是本来的居留卡,本人的合法护照,学校开具的同学在读的证明,有这几样就足够了,大家可以顺当的完成自己的续期申请。2.流程 续期办理也不需要提前预约,代征才来哦啊直接去警局就可以了,而且窗口还是和正式居留申请分开的,这样速度会更快,究竟审核要花的时间更短,而且立刻就可以拿到结果。当然申请表还是要填的,再将自己的材料进行提交接受审核,一般非常钟就能够完成整个流程,大家从警局出来的时候,就是一个可以再停留一年的正式留同学。丹麦留学申请艺术院校需要做好的预备 一、肯定的艺术专业背景 一般来说,丹麦的艺术院校要求同学在申请的时候供应肯定数 第 6 页 量的作品,来鉴定同学是否具有学习相关专业的基本技能和天分。因此,去丹麦读艺术课程的同学,必需具有一个扎实的专业背景,这是胜利申请丹麦艺术类院校必不行少的条件。二、语言方面的预备 丹麦授课是用英语授课的,所以艺术类院校也同样如此,专业的艺术院校在录用同学的时候虽然主要看中的是艺术类分数,但是其具有语言力量的同学会比没有语言力量的更简单被录用,申请本科类专业的同学雅思成果要到达 5.5 到 6.0 分。三、费用方面的预备 学艺术,不管是在国内还是国外,都是一个费用极高的专业,在国外读艺术类专业费用会比国内的更高,因此去丹麦读艺术专业必需要有肯定的资金预备。四、院校的选择 丹麦的高校专业艺术院校众多,专业设置丰富。比较杰出的院校有丹麦皇家艺术院校、丹麦皇家音乐学院、丹麦奥尔胡斯音乐学校等。丹麦留学节约费用方法 一、办交通卡 基本上大家到了丹麦之后,就可以确认下自己的学校和住的地方的固定路程,假如较近的话,可以考虑买一辆自行车代步,二手车的价格是很廉价的,只需要两三百就可以买到不错的。而假如距离比较远需要乘车,要记得尽快的办好交通卡,这样 第 7 页 每次乘车不需要额外花时间购票,而且还会有比较高的出行折扣,同学的折扣是会比较大的,由于由政府补贴,一个月平均 300 元左右。二、自己做饭 同样即便是在食堂吃饭,大家一个月也需要也许 1800-2400 元,省钱的方法不多,由于不能够不吃,每天的三顿饭是不能够少的,不过可以考虑自己做,这样能够有效节约开销。这部分大家可以考虑快闭店的时候去,一般会进行打折销售,大家可以以更低的价格买到同样的东西,这部分也是会有效的省下生活支出的,不过自己做饭会比较耽搁时间,有人一起帮助。三、折扣购物 买日用品或者换季换衣服,大家也需要会省钱,有一个小技巧就是,在丹麦许多伤长消费,信誉卡都是会有折扣的,所以大家可以考虑自己办信誉卡,这样能够享受意想不到的折扣。买东西还需要制定好打算,由于零散购物确定会带来比较高的支出,有了规划之后,大家统一购物会进行取舍,也避开了乱花钱,是一个特别不错的选择。四、兼职打工 省钱省的是自己原来可能会花的钱,赚钱改善生活开头解决根源的方法,奖学金虽然丰富但是不是每一个同学都可以猎取,还是打工的门槛会相对低一些,换来的收入也能够有效的改善生活。大家可以从事的工作不少,但是肯定要支配好自己的时间,这样才能够不影响学习,建议大家仔细的进行预备,从合法渠道猎 第 8 页 取信息,并且签订好雇佣的合同,保障自己的权益。