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    试卷第 1 页,共 11 页 初中英语句子填空专题训练 150 题含答案 1我向四周看了看,但什么也没看到。I _ _ but saw nothing.2研究表明,那些寿命长的人与他人相比,更加外向。(outgoing)The study shows that those living the longest are _ other people.3那是一支红色的钢笔。That is a _ _ 4钟南山被认为是中国最好的医生之一。Zhong Nanshan is _ _one of the best doctors in China.5你的成功取决于你学习努力的程度。Your success _ how hard you work at your lessons.6让我们考虑一下食物和饮料吧 Lets _food and drink.7吉姆和他的表弟去同一所学校上学。Jim _his cousin.8记者询问了这位流行歌手关于她的饮食习惯。The reporter asked this pop singer _ 9他的英语书在教室里老师的讲台上。His English books_ 10现在许多人都喜欢每天在晚饭后做运动。Now many people like _every day.11他的弟弟没有足球,但是他有两个乒乓球拍。_ 12你的妹妹早餐喜欢吃草莓和西红柿吗?_ 13对我来说学好英语很难。_ 14她长大后想成为一名出色的工程师。She _ _ _ a famous engineer when she grows up.试卷第 2 页,共 11 页 15安娜从来不骑自行车上班。Anna _ _ a bike to work.16请不要在课上听音乐。Please dont_music in class.完成句子 17我们不知道如何说服他放弃这个念头 We_how to persuade him to give up the idea 18我们希望你们在聚会上玩得愉快 We hope youll_ at the party 19动物园里有各种各样的动物 There are_ animals in the zoo 20春节在中国是最重要的节日 The Spring Festival is_festival in China 21昨天我用了筷子和勺子而不是叉子和刀 Yesterday I used_ and a spoon instead of a_ and a knife 22你曾听说过那些古老的谚语吗?_ you ever_ those old sayings?23谚语充满了深层的含义 Sayings are full of_ 24百闻不如一见 Seeing_ 25谚语是来自几代人的经验 Sayings come from the_ of people 26事实和你所想的完全不同 The truth is quite_ what you think 27李叔叔年轻的时候对集邮非常感兴趣。Uncle Li _ _ _ _ stamps when he was young.28我许多年前参加过他们的游戏。I _ _ _their game many years ago.29那只狗在追一只兔子。试卷第 3 页,共 11 页 That dog was _ _ a rabbit.30那位著名的作家已经写了十部科幻小说。The famous writer _ already _ ten science fictions.31叶嘉莹先生认为中国诗词对她一生产生着巨大的影响。Mr.Ye Jiaying thinks Chinese poetry really _ a great _ to her whole life.32Kate always _ her friends on weekends.凯特总是在周末和朋友们闲逛。(hang)33罗纳尔多 17 岁时就在为国家队效力了。Ronaldo _ _ his _ _ when he was 17 years old.34这件白色的短 T 恤衫是我妹妹的。This _ _ Tshirt is my sisters.35他们想来你的生日聚会吗?Do they _ to _ _ your birthday party?36他比他的哥哥更健壮吗?_ he _ _ his brother?37让我们打棒球吧。那听起来不错。Lets play baseball.That _ _.根据汉语意思完成句子,一空一词.38玻璃杯里有多少酸奶?_ _ yogurt is there in the glass?39你能往西瓜汁里加些牛奶并且混合大约 3 分钟吗?Can you pour some milk into the watermelon juice and _them _ for about three minutes?40昨天他们唱歌庆祝祖国生日。They _the birthday of their motherland_ _songs yesterday.41桌上有多少杯绿茶?大概有五杯。_ _ cups of green tea are there on the table?Maybe five cups.42你需要一些牛奶吗?_ you need _milk?试卷第 4 页,共 11 页 43它们是世界上仅存的最古老的虎种。They are _ _ _ _ _ living in the world.完成句子 44做家务帮助培养孩子的独立性 Doing chores_ _ _childrens _.45我们要拆掉这些旧建筑,建一个新学校 Well _ _ the old buildings to build a new school.46令我惊讶的是,没有一个学生可以每天睡八小时。_ _ _,no student can sleep for 8 hours a day.47当暴风雨来临时,她在干什么?What was she doing _ _ _ of _?48他不能把自己变成人形,除非能把尾巴藏起来 He cant _ himself _ a man unless he can hide his tail.49浏览一下你的笔记,删掉不重要的东西。_ _your note and _ _ something unimportant.50杰克非常富有,买辆车对他来说没什么大不了的。Jack is very rich and buying a car is no _ _.51他静静地坐在那里,没人知道他在想什么。He sat there_ _ and nobody knew what he was thinking.52他们爱上了这座城市。They _ _ love with the city.53这个女孩可以去医院看望生病的孩子使他们振奋起来。The girl could visit the _ kids in the hospital to _ _ _.54学校的午饭真好吃。_ _ the lunch from school canteen is!55当我走到那里的时候,那辆自行车突然倒下了。When I walked there,the bicycle _ suddenly.试卷第 5 页,共 11 页 56蒂娜不再这里住了。Tina doesnt live here _.57我们学校每年都会组织各种类型的教育活动来促进学生们的成长。Our school has all kinds of _ _ to help students development every year.58这辆自行车是汤姆的。The bike _ _Tom.59你决定好婚礼的日期了吗?Have you _ _ a date for the wedding?60为了落实“双减”政策,许多新校规被制定来减轻学生的负担。To carry out the“double reduction”policy,many new school rules _ the pressure on young students.61这台电脑一开始就报废了。The computer _ _ in the _.根据汉语意思完成句子 62“他的铅笔盒在哪里?”“在他的书包里。”_ is _ pencil box?_ _ in his schoolbag.63钥匙在哪里?_ _ the keys?64我不知道。I _ _.65“它在桌子下面吗?”“不,它不在。”_ it _ the table?_,it_.66他决定改变他的生活并且许诺做一个更好的人。He decides _ his life and _ a better person.67Coco 也是我家中的一位成员。Coco is _ my _,too.68她杰出的工作赢得了使馆工作人员和当地政府的高度赞赏。Her excellent work _ the embassys members,but also from the local government.69你的朋友擅长讲英语吗?试卷第 6 页,共 11 页 _ your friend _ _ _ English?翻译(根据中文提示完成句子)70他只不过是个小孩子,你应该对他耐心点。He is just a small child,so you must _ _ _ him.71假如你没有钱了,你会怎么做?What _ _ do if you _ _ any money?72_(如果老虎住在野外),they will hunt for their own food.73除非有医生的证明,否则你必须参加体育测试。Youre required to take _ in the P.E.test _ you have a doctors note.74也许你会为他们不能找到解决空气污染问题的方法而担心。Maybe you fear that they wont _ _ _find the solutions to the problem of air pollution.75地震中受灾的孩子需要很多帮助,但最重要的是爱。(词数不限)The children who have suffered from the earthquake need plenty of help,but _ they need love.76王老师对她的学生总是很有耐心。Ms.Wang is always _ _ her students.77如果你不快点儿,就赶不上火车。If you _ _ up,you _ the train.78_(如果你饿了),you can buy some food.(词数不限)79别横跨街道除非交通灯变成绿色。(词数不限)Dont go across the street _.80一天一苹果,医生远离我。An apple a day .81他坐起来摸了摸我的头。He _ _ and _ my head.82琳达总是愿意去关心她的朋友。Linda _ _ _ _ care about her friends.试卷第 7 页,共 11 页 Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子。每空格限填一词)83How _computers are used!(wide)84_ is connected with humans feelings.(memorize)85You shouldnt do anything that may _ your chances of being successful.(low)86We enjoyed an _ American film last night.(amaze)87We telephoned for _ information about the trip to Hainan.(far)88There are _ memorizing methods that can help you to remember better.(variety)89The old people should have regular _ check.(healthy)90All I know is that he works for a big _.(organize)根据所给中文意思完成句子,每空限填一词。91我到达时,他们正在吃早餐。They were _ _ when I arrived at their house.92去查看一下是谁在按门铃,问他要什么。_ _ who is ringing the doorbell and what he wants.93我看也不看就删掉了垃圾邮件。I _ _ junk mail without reading it.94至少我们没有损失时间,这就算是幸运的了。_ _ we didnt lose time.Thats something lucky for us.95时间一分一秒地过去,艺术家坐着沉默不语。The artist sat _ _ while the minutes passed.96你相信纸是由木头制成的吗?Do you believe that paper _ _ _ wood?二、用所给单词的正确形式填空 97Different countries have _(difference)body language.98Look,your sister _(make)the beef soup.99He goes to school _(quick)after he eats a quick breakfast.试卷第 8 页,共 11 页 100The old man often _(catch)fish in the small river.101Dont _(bring)the phones to school.102The boss left his office _(angry)without saying a word.103Shes _(live)here ever since she was ten.104He comes from a _(Europe)country.105Look!The dog is_(die)soon.106The old man walked _(slow).107People may describe the same person _(different).108The girl is _(skate)on the river now.109She is _(friendly)than her mother.用所给词的适当形式填空 110Lets _(pour)the water into the container.111Over the years Ive come to the _(conclude)that shes a very great musician.112The boy is _(call)Jimmy.He is lovely.113Do you think that he could _(possible)be right?114Take your _ (raincoat),children!Its raining outside.115My last class _(finish)at 3:00 in the afternoon.116My family _(go)to the beach every summer.117I like the food my mother cooks.She cooks _(well)than my father.118Many people _(reply)to the actors words on the Internet last week.119Listen,she is singing.She sings very _(good).120Wall Street is at the _ end of Manhattan Island.(south)用词的适当形式填空 121He often makes some_(mistake)when he writes the long sentence 1221 want to make a birthday card because my cousins birthday is_(come)123Youre too_(patient)with her.Shes only a child 124Wolves are_(active)during the winter 125There are many fresh_(grape)on the plateHelp yourselves!126一 Are you able to_(paint)the whole building,Ann?一 NoI need your help!127It is far from hereYou had better_(take)a taxi.试卷第 9 页,共 11 页 128It took more or less a whole day_(clean)the ceiling 129Dont _(sleep)with the windows open in cold winter.130Put up some_(color)pictures on Lucys bedroom wall 131_(not listen)to music in class.132The man _ the purse from the young woman.(steal)133Has Tom ever _(travel)to China?134It is the _ house that I have ever seen before.(ugly)135 Wow,your drawing is so amazing!How did you make it?Thanks a lot.I _(take)an online course last summer holiday.136His parents are really _(understand).If he _(have)problems,he can _(talk)to them.137I felt very terrible after_(eat)that icecream.用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空 138What do you _(do)on weekends?I usually _(play)soccer.139Does your mother _(watch)TV every night?No,she _(not)She usually _(use)the Internet.140My cousin _(come)to my house yesterday,and we _(do)homework together.141Look!Some children _(swim)in the river.142When I got to the school gate,I heard the students _(sing)143The job is _ finished by the workers.Their boss is very happy and gives them a 7day holiday.(success)144 _(be)you here just now?No,I _(be not)here.145She _(clean)the room when I _(go)to see her.根据句子意思,用括号中所给单词的正确形式填空。(每空限填一个单词)146All the family members are busy getting ready for my fathers _(forty)birthday party.147The old lady living on the _(five)floor sometimes dances with her 试卷第 10 页,共 11 页 husband on the square.148Daniel _(real)wants to visit the Great Wall some day.149There are_(thousand)of books in our school library.150Isnt it very _(comfort)to have an ice cream after running?151Millies flat is on the _(twentyone)floor of the building.152My parents and I often chat with each other in the_(live)room after dinner.153Daniel likes playing football and he plays it very_(good).154Our school is the _(big)one in our county(县).155My dream home has _ (tenth)rooms.156The teacher with some students _(be)in the classroom now.157What _ weather it is!(please)Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms.(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子,每空格限填一词。)158I bought three _ of nuts for my brother.(packet)159_,the policeman caught the thief.(final)160Tomorrow is my cousins _ birthday.(nine)161Doctor Wang gave a _ on healthy ways of life.(suggest)162My daughter like prawns better than meat because they are _.(taste)用所给词的适当形式填空。163Look!The girl has two _(piano).164Mr.Lin likes to write some _(story)for children.165Miss Zhao is our English teacher and she _(teach)us well.166Bruce is in a _(swim)club.167Bob wants _(join)the Chinese club.168He _(pay)much money for the swimming lesson.169All of you wear the mask _(correct),please.170My mother looked _(angry)at my brother without saying a word.171_they_(like)the World Cup?试卷第 11 页,共 11 页 172My sister_(not have)a soccer ball.173Bruce only_(watch)sports on TV!174Michael_(have)a computer.175Lets _(go)to play soccer.176Does your father _(play)sports every day?177We can see some _(basketball)in the classroom.178Were _ at the _ news(excite).179Tom is a bad worker,but Jim is even_(bad)than him.B)用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。180The box is too heavy for me _(carry)I want someone to help me.181Yesterday we went to the hospital to help some _(able)people.182We were all moved by the mans _(kind)183Dont put off _(make)a plan.Its only one week from now.184The car hit my bike,and my bike is _(break)now.185An accident will happen if you drive _(careful).186Please tell me who did the _(bad)of the three,Tom,Gina or Lucy.187Some people think their money is _ because of some TV ads in some ways.(steal)188Nowadays,_ furniture is very expensive because it is natural.(wood)答案第 1 页,共 24 页 参考答案:1 looked around【详解】根据汉英对照可知,本题考查动词短语 look around“四周看看”。根据后句“but saw nothing”可知,空格处的时态为一般过去时。故填 looked around。2more outgoing than【详解】根据语境可知应用形容词比较级,outgoing“外向的”,其比较级为 more outgoing;than“比”,介词,后接比较的对象,故填 more outgoing than。3 red pen【详解】红色的:red,形容词修饰名词 pen“钢笔”,a 后加名词单数。故填 red;pen。4 considered/regarded as【详解】动词 consider/regard 表示“认为”,动词搭配 consider/regardas 意为认为某人/某物是,钟南山和认为之间是被动关系。此处表示“被认为是”,此处用一般现在时的被动语态 is considered/regarded as。故答案为 considered/regarded as。5depends on【详解】“取决于”为 depend on;根据句意,该句应用一般现在时,主语“your success”是第三人称单数,谓语动词 depend 用单三形式 depends,故填 depends;on。6think about 7goes to the same school with 8about her eating habits 9are on the teachers desk in the classroom 10to play sports after dinner 11His brother doesnt have a soccer ball,but he has two pingpong bats.12Does your sister like eating strawberries and tomatoes for breakfast?13Its very difficult for me to learn English well.【解析】6think about 意为“考虑”;let sb do sth 意为“让某人做某事”;空格在 Lets 后面,判断填动词原形;故填 think about。7go to school 意为“去上学”;go to the same school 意为“去同一所学校上学”;with 意为“和一起”;本句陈述现阶段发生的事情,判断句子时态是 一般现在时;主语 Jim 是单数第三人称,谓语动词+s/es;故填 goes to the same school with。答案第 2 页,共 24 页 8ask sb about sth 意为“询问某人关于某事”;her eating habits 意为“她的饮食习惯”,eating 现在分词当定语;故填 about her eating habits 。9on 意为“在上面”;the teachers desk 意为“老师的桌子”;表“某物在某地”的结构是“be+介词短语”;主语 his English books 是复数形式,be 动词形式用 are,故填 are on the teacher s desk in the classroom 。10like to do sth 意为“喜欢做某事”;play sports 意为“做运动”;after dinner 意为“饭后”;空格在 like 后面,判断填不定式,故填 to play sports after dinner。11根据中文提示,前后句意含有转折之意,连词用 but;陈述现阶段的事情用一般现在时;“他的弟弟没有足球”是否定句,助动词用 doesnt 后面的动词要用原形;用“不定冠词+单数名词”表泛指;“他有两个乒乓球拍”是肯定句,谓语动词用单数第三人称形式 has;故填 His brother doesnt have a soccer ball,but he has two pingpong bats。12根据中文提示可知句子是一般疑问句;主语“你的妹妹”是单数第三人称,所以助动词用 does,does 后面的动词要用原形;like doing sth 意为“喜欢做某事”,故填 Does your sister like eating strawberries and tomatoes for breakfast?13根据中文提示,判断用固定句型 Its+adj.+for sb+to do sth 意为“做某事对某人来说是”;difficult 意为“困难的”,learn English well 意为“学好英语”;故填 Its very difficult for me to learn English well。【点睛】根据汉语意思完成句子,解答时要先确定要完成的句子的种类,判断是属于肯定句还是否定句、一般疑问句、祈使句、感叹句还是特殊疑问句;再根据中文的提示判断句子的时态;最后,利用所学的句式和短语作答。检查时要通读句子,看答案是否符合要求、句子的成分是否齐全、表达是否合乎英语习惯,如果限定词数,要考虑缩写。题 1、3、4、5、8 根据固定搭配或固定句型作答;题 2、6、7 根据语法作答。14 wants to be【详解】想成为:want to be。表“想要”时一般现在时可表示将来,主语是 she,动词用单三 wants。故填 wants;to;be。15 never rides【详解】表达“从来不”用副词“never”,放在实义动词前。表达“骑自行车”用动词短语“ride a bike”句子是一般现在时,主语是第三人称单数,谓语动词用三单形式“rides”。故填 never;rides。答案第 3 页,共 24 页 16listen to【详解】对比中英文,此空缺少“听”的英文。listen 表示“听”,是不及物动词,接宾语时要与介词 to 一起连用,是固定搭配:listen to music“听音乐”,此句是否定祈使句,结构为:dont+动词原形+其他,所以此空填动词原形,故填 listen to。17have no idea/do not know 18have a good time 19all kinds of 20the most important 21 chopsticks fork 22 Have heard 23deep meanings 24is believing 25experience of generations 26different from 【解析】17根据中英文对照,此处缺“不知道”,在英文中表达为 have no idea/do not know,故答案为 have no idea/do not know。18根据中英文对照,此处缺“玩得愉快”,在英文中表达为 ave a good time,故答案为have a good time。19根据中英文对照,此处缺“各种各样”,在英文中表达为 all kinds of,故答案为 all kinds of。20根据中英文对照,此处缺“最重要的”,在英文中表达为 the most important,故答案为the most important。21根据中英文对照,此处缺“筷子”,“叉子”,在英文中表达为 chopsticks,fork,故答案为 chopsticks,fork。22根据中英文对照,此处缺“听说过”,在英文中表达为 have heard,根据此句是一般疑问句,所以 have 提前,故答案为 Have,heard。23根据中英文对照,此处缺“深层的含义”,在英文中表达为 deep meanings,故答案为deep meanings。24“百闻不如一见”是谚语,在英文中表达为 Seeing is believing 句中已经有 Seeing,故答答案第 4 页,共 24 页 案为 is believing。25根据中英文对照,此处缺“几代的经验”,在英文中表达为 experience of generations,故答案为 experience of generations。26根据中英文对照,此处缺“不同”,在英文中表达为 different from,故答案为 different from。27 was#had interested#interest in collecting【详解】be interested in doing sth.以及 have interest in doing sth.都可以表示“对做某事感兴趣”。collect“收集”,是动词。根据句意可知句子时态是一般过去时,主语是第三人称单数,be 动词用 was,have 要变成 had。故填 was/had;interested/interest;in;collecting。28 took part in【详解】短语“参加”是 take part in,时间状语是 many years ago(许多年以前),是表示过去的事情,要使用一般过去时,故动词 take 要变成过去时 took,故填 took part in。29 running after【详解】追赶:run after,由语境可知,此处表示过去正在进行的动作,用过去进行时was/were doing。故填 running;after。30 has written【详解】“写”为 write,动词;根据句中状语 already 可知,句子应是现在完成时,构成形式为:have/has done;主语“The famous writer”是第三人称单数形式,故助动词应用 has,write 的过去分词是 written。故填 has;written。31 has effect【详解】“产生巨大的影响”是动词短语 have a gre


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