2023年云南职称英语考试真题卷本卷共分为1大题50小题,作答时间为180分钟,总分100分,60分及格。一、单项选择题(共50题,每题2分。每题的备选项中,只有一个最符合题意) 1.John is collaborating with Mary in writing a book.A. cooperatingB. mergingC. combiningD. associating 2.Practically all species of animals communicate either through sounds or through soundless codes.A. SimultaneouslyB. AlmostC. AbsolutelyD. Basically 3.Nerve signals may travel through nerve or muscle fibers at speeds as high as two hundred miles per hour.A. velocitiesB. impulsesC. ratiosD. percentage 4.When she was invited to the party, she readily accepted.A. willinglyB. suddenlyC. firmlyD. quickly 5.A deadly disease has affected these animals.A. contagiousB. seriousC. fatalD. worrying 6.Don't get upset about trivial matters.A. unexpectedB. unusualC. unimportantD. uncertain 7.Even in a highly modernized country, manual work is still needed.A. expressiveB. physicalC. exaggeratedD. dubious 8.I rarely wear a raincoat because I spend most of my time in a car.A. normallyB. seldomC. continuouslyD. usually 9.Mary was compelled to take in washing to help support her family.A. pleadedB. appealedC. forcedD. instructed 10.Evolution has hardly changed the horseshoe crab over millions of years.AcarefullyBprobablyCscarcelyDslowly 11.Genetics is the study of the biological factors that influence heredity and determine variation in living things.AduplicateBaffectCclarifyDimprove 12.The atmosphere,a narrow band of gases surrounding the Earth,is maintained by gravitational pull.AclearBfreezingCthinDpoisonous 13.There are notices to the contrary,a great deal of technical writing is at best awkward and at worst actually unclear.AdenialsBlawsCattemptsDideas 14.Enamel,the hardest substance in a human being's body,covers the entire crown of the tooth.AwholeBinseparableCsuperficialDmain 15.Structurally,the inside of early Christian churches was simple.AlayoutBdesignCinteriorDcontent 16.Glassmaking was the first major industry in the United States.AprofitableBproductiveCsizableDspecialized 17.It is difficult to get young people to plan for their old age, which seems very distant to them.AimpossibleBfarawayCobservableDfearful 18.An oyster produces a pearl by coating a grain of sand inside its shell with nacre, a secretion of its body.AmakesBattainsCbindsDcures 19.Every country represented in the Olympics has a National Olympic Committee that selects the athletes who compete in the games.AchoosesBhonorsCsupportsDtrains 20.The polar regions are generally covered with ice and snow.AareasBrocksCmountainsDseas 21.Grouping stars by constellations is a handy way of mapping the sky.AniceBfunnyCmanualDconvenient 22.Seasonal variations in tides are due mainly to the gravitational pull of the moon.AmerelyBmostlyClikewiseDsomewhat 23.Although fish have no vocal organs,they still are able to make noises.AsignalsBbubblesCsoundsDripples 24.Written records seldom tell social scientists all that they want to know about past cultures.AusuaIlyBfrequentlyChardly everDnever 25.Kit Carson, an American frontiersman, was one of the most sensational heroes of the Old West.AexcitingBdistractingCenigmaticDostentatious 26.Swallows nest in barns, sheds, chunneys and other secluded places.AisolatedBhighCcomfortableDrural 27.Throughout the year 1979, there was a sharply rising rate of inflation in the United States.AgrimlyBsteeplyCconstantlyDroughly 28.In 1860 Andrew Johnson often risked his life by telling crowds of people that secession from the Union would be harmful.AtheftBwithdrawalCeducationDjudgement 29.The city of New Orleans showed its appreciation for Eleanor McMain's work in social reform by giving her the Times-Picayune award for out-standing service in 1920.AdemonstratedBpublishedCrepeatedDpostponed 30.The community college is the most rapidly growing segment of higher education in the United States.AcoreBideaCsectorDproblem 31.Penguins do not suffer from the cold in Antarctica because their feathers secrete a protective oil.AhideBwarmCproduceDabsorb 32.Trees, shrubs, flowers, and grass give character and interest to the parks.AvinesBvegetablesCbushesDweeds 33.If wool is submerged in hot water, it tends to shrink.AsmellBfadeCunravelDcontract 34.Cameras take the sharpest pictures when they are held still.AclearestBfastestCmost interestingDmost beautiful 35.The sensation of a "lump in one's throat " arises from an increased flow of blood into the tissues of the pharynx and larynx.AexplanationBdiseaseCfeelingDunpleasantness 36.Some insects rely on the tiny hairs scattered over their bodies to sense sound waves.AdetectBamplifyCsendDdisguise 37.Scott seized the opportunity to present his proposal to the director.ArealizedBgraspedCrenderedDdelivered 38.The most widely seen sculptural work done by Augusta Savage was probably "Lift Every Voice and Sing", shown at the 1939-1940 New York world's fair.AviewedBpaintedCcirculatedDdiscussed 39.In most places, the edges of the continents slope gradually before making a sharp drop to the ocean floor.ArandomBsuddenCdangerousDbrief 40.The audience at the music hall Uapplauded/U enthusiastically after the piano solo.AlaughedBclappedCjumpedDchatted 41.Thinking of the interesting stories helped the time to pass, and the work seemed less Utough/U.AroughBdurableCvigorousDarduous 42.Why is it that small children are so Uenergetic/UAeffectiveBvigorousCactiveDbusy 43.As soon as we arrived at the campsite, we Uerected/U our tent.Aput upBput outCput up withDput off 44.UApart from/U one or two minor mistakes, I thought the concert was excellent.AexceptBexcept forCexcept fromDexcepting 45.A sea pen the size of a football field awaits the whale in a Uisolated/U bay in Westman Islands.AincludedBsecludedCselectedDsecret 46.The whale will be fed if he doesn't Uhunt/U for himself.AforageBresearchCforbidDattack 47.The landscape can change Uabruptly/U after a rainstorm in the Great Sahara Desert.AquicklyBcompletelyCgraduallyDslightly 48.Theatre censorship has been Uabolished/U in Britain.Amade fun ofBdone away withCmade off withDput up with 49.UBurdened/U with being a superwife, supermom, super church member, and superwoman, Jennifer feels she has lost control of her Life.AOverworkedBOverwhelmedCDismissedDAmazed 50.It has been said that the history of Uhumanity/U is one of the survival of the fittest.Ahuman beingBhumankindCprotagonistsDmankind