2023年云南在职攻读硕士联考考试真题卷(9)本卷共分为1大题50小题,作答时间为180分钟,总分100分,60分及格。一、单项选择题(共50题,每题2分。每题的备选项中,只有一个最符合题意) 1.But let no one think that pleasure is immoral. Pleasure in itself is a great good, all pleasure, but its consequences may be such (31) the sensible person eschews, certain varieties of (32) . Nor need pleasure be gross and sensual. They are wise in their generation (33) have discovered that intellectual pleasure is the most satisfying and the most enduring. It is well to (34) the habit of reading. There are (35) sports in which you can engage to your own satisfaction after you have passed the prime of life; there are no games except patience, chess problems and crossword puzzles that you can play without someone to play them with you. Reading suffers (36) no such disadvantages; there is no occupation-except perhaps needle-work, but that leaves the restless spirit (37) liberty- which you can more easily (38) up at any moment, for any period, and more easily put (39) when other calls press upon you; there is no other amusement that can be obtained in these happy days of public liberties and cheap editions at so small a (40) . To acquire the habit of reading is to construct for yourself a refuge from almost all the miseries of life.AinBfromCatDwith 2.But let no one think that pleasure is immoral. Pleasure in itself is a great good, all pleasure, but its consequences may be such (31) the sensible person eschews, certain varieties of (32) . Nor need pleasure be gross and sensual. They are wise in their generation (33) have discovered that intellectual pleasure is the most satisfying and the most enduring. It is well to (34) the habit of reading. There are (35) sports in which you can engage to your own satisfaction after you have passed the prime of life; there are no games except patience, chess problems and crossword puzzles that you can play without someone to play them with you. Reading suffers (36) no such disadvantages; there is no occupation-except perhaps needle-work, but that leaves the restless spirit (37) liberty- which you can more easily (38) up at any moment, for any period, and more easily put (39) when other calls press upon you; there is no other amusement that can be obtained in these happy days of public liberties and cheap editions at so small a (40) . To acquire the habit of reading is to construct for yourself a refuge from almost all the miseries of life.AgetBholdCtakeDlook 3.But let no one think that pleasure is immoral. Pleasure in itself is a great good, all pleasure, but its consequences may be such (31) the sensible person eschews, certain varieties of (32) . Nor need pleasure be gross and sensual. They are wise in their generation (33) have discovered that intellectual pleasure is the most satisfying and the most enduring. It is well to (34) the habit of reading. There are (35) sports in which you can engage to your own satisfaction after you have passed the prime of life; there are no games except patience, chess problems and crossword puzzles that you can play without someone to play them with you. Reading suffers (36) no such disadvantages; there is no occupation-except perhaps needle-work, but that leaves the restless spirit (37) liberty- which you can more easily (38) up at any moment, for any period, and more easily put (39) when other calls press upon you; there is no other amusement that can be obtained in these happy days of public liberties and cheap editions at so small a (40) . To acquire the habit of reading is to construct for yourself a refuge from almost all the miseries of life.AbelowBintoCacrossDaside 4.But let no one think that pleasure is immoral. Pleasure in itself is a great good, all pleasure, but its consequences may be such (31) the sensible person eschews, certain varieties of (32) . Nor need pleasure be gross and sensual. They are wise in their generation (33) have discovered that intellectual pleasure is the most satisfying and the most enduring. It is well to (34) the habit of reading. There are (35) sports in which you can engage to your own satisfaction after you have passed the prime of life; there are no games except patience, chess problems and crossword puzzles that you can play without someone to play them with you. Reading suffers (36) no such disadvantages; there is no occupation-except perhaps needle-work, but that leaves the restless spirit (37) liberty- which you can more easily (38) up at any moment, for any period, and more easily put (39) when other calls press upon you; there is no other amusement that can be obtained in these happy days of public liberties and cheap editions at so small a (40) . To acquire the habit of reading is to construct for yourself a refuge from almost all the miseries of life.AcostBlostCmomentDpoint 5.根据马克思主义法学对于法的起源与演进的观点,下列哪一个选项是错误的?()A法律的产生经历了由个别调整到规范调整、一般性规范调整到法律的调整的发展过程B法律的产生经历了由原始社会法、奴隶社会法、封建社会法、资本主义法、社会主义法的发展过程C法律的产生经历了法律与宗教规范、道德规范的浑然一体到法律与宗教规范、道德规范的分化,法律的相对独立的发展过程D法律的发展经历了由习惯到习惯法、再由习惯法到制定法的发展过程6.某地法院在审理案件过程中发现,该省人民代表大会所制定的地方性法规规定与国家某部委制定的规章规定不一致,不能确定如何适用。在此情形下,根据我国宪法和立法法,下列哪种处理办法是正确?()A由国务院决定在该地方适用部门规章B由全国人民代表大会决定在该地方是适用地方性法规还是适用部门规章C由最高人民法院通过司法解释加以决定D由国务院决定在该地方适用地方性法规,或者由国务院提请全国人民代表大会常务委员会裁决在该地方适用部门规章7.下列符合宪法相关规定的是()。A在一次乡人大代表的选举中,甲乙丙3名村民告诉大队长赵某他们的选择跟随赵某的决定,并招呼赵某不用将选票发给他们,由赵某代填并投票即可B在人民代表大会闭会期间。某市人大代表郑某因病去世,该市人大常委会立即决定对此进行补选,并推举了两名代表候选人C甲乙丙丁4个人参加竞选某县的两个人大代表名额,其中只有甲符合当选条件。遂安排得票较多的乙丁进行补选,虽然两个人的支持率都略低于选票的33%,但乙还是比丁高出1票顺利当选D某市人民法院的院长由于严重滥用职权,该市人民代表大会遂决定罢免其院长的职务,并报经上一级人民法院院长提请该级人民代表大会常务委员会批准8.下列关于司法解释审查说法正确的是()。A最高人民法院、最高人民检察院作出的司法解释应当在公布之日起5日内报全国人民代表大会备案B国务院、中央军事委员会、各专门委员会认为最高人民法院、最高人民检察院作出的具体应用法律的司法解释同法律规定相抵触,可以向全国人民代表大会常务委员会书面提出审查要求C社会团体、企业事业组织以及公民认为此司法解释与法律规定相抵触,可以向全国人民代表大会常务委员会书面提出进行审查的建议,由常务委员会工作机构进行研究,送有关专门委员会进行审查,提出意见D有关专门委员会认为司法解释与法律相抵触,可以直接要求最高人民法院、最高人民检察院予以修改9.甲县检察院检察长郑某与某黑社会性质团伙勾结,对此团伙的犯罪行为放纵包庇,引起极大民愤,经调查,甲县副县长蒋某也参与其中。在该县人民代表大会开会期间,共有324名正式代表,其中25名代表书面联名向县人大常委会提出对于蒋某和郑某的罢免案。对此,下列选项中判断正确的是()。A该县人大开会期间,只有主席团和常务委员会才可以提出罢免案B25名代表提出的罢免案无法启动对蒋某的罢免程序C在合法罢免程序下,郑某并不属于可被罢免人员之列D罢免案需要经出席会议代表的过半数通过10.张家村与李家村毗邻,李家村的用水取自流经张家村的小河,多年来两村经常因用水问题发生冲突。2006年春,为根本解决问题,县政府决定将这条小河的水流交给乡水管站统一调配。张家村人认为;小河历史上就属于张家村所有,县政府无权将这条河的水流交乡水管站统一调配,遂将县政府告上法院。请问:根据现行宪法和法律,下列哪一说法是正确的?()A张家村告得有理,因为水流属于村民集体所有,政府无权收归国有B张家村告得有理,因为这条小河的河床属于张家村集体所有,这条小河里的水流当然也属于村民集体支配C县政府的决定合法,因为水流属于国家所有,政府当然有权调配河水的供应D县政府的决定合法,因为水流虽然居于张家村所有,但李家村人也应享有喝水用水的权利,为解决李家村用水问题,政府可以将水流供应统一调配11.NASA is releasing several images taken by the Hubble Space Telescope, which is the closest yet look at the red planet. Altogether there are four images, which show the entire planet. Each view shows the planet as it completes one quarter of its daily rotation. In these views the north polar cap is turned toward the Earth and is clearly visible at the top of each picture. The images were taken in the middle of the Martian northern summer, when the polar cap was at its smallest size. During this season the sun shines continuously on the polar cap. Previous spacecraft observations have shown that this summertime polar cap is composed of water ice, just like Earth’s polar caps.The Hubble Telescope pictures reveal that great changes have occurred on the surface of Mars in the past 20 years. The Martian surface is ever changing. Some regions that were dark 20 years ago are now bright red; some areas that were bright red are now dark. Winds move sand and dust from region to region, often in huge dust storms. Over long timescales many of the larger bright and dark markings remain stable, but smaller details come and go as they are covered and then uncovered by sand and dust.How is the image of the north polar cap of Mars ?()AVague.BClear.CCannot be seen.DBarely visible.12.I doubt that any historically valid treatment of that presidential administration can emerge for at least another decade, if then. I confess that when I came out of the White House I signed up to do an insider volume, but sober, professional second thoughts have led me to put that project on ice until at least 1980. The problem is that I simultaneously know too much, and not enough. I know what I thought was happening. But I cannot fully document what happened. And I have seen enough highly classified documents to know that most of what the observers thought was happening was at best half right, at worst dead wrong. This has steered me in a different direction as far as writing is concerned. I am now preparing what is frankly and unashamedly an ex parte memoir, My Experiences in Washington. It is based on what I believed to be true, on the picture as I conceptualized it, of the presidential administration under which I worked.According to the speaker, the problem with "insider volumes" is that they ().Atell things that should not be toldBlack historical perspectiveCare too sensationalDoften intentionally distort the truth13.Is there something as truth For a good many centuries the search for truth has been(31) the noblest activity of the human mind, but the seekers after truth have come to such(32) conclusions that it often seems that very little progress has been made. (33) ,there are many people who reel that we are actually going backward. They (34) , often contemptuously, that we have accumulated more knowledge than our ancestors, but they think we are farther from the truth than ever, or even that we have (35) the truth that we once possessed.If people look for anything long enough without finding it, the question naturally arises(36) the thing is really there to find. You have seen a picture of an animal with a lion’s head, a goat’s body, and a serpent’s tailand maybe an eagle’s wings for good (37) . There is plenty of evidence that each part of this animal (38) but there is no (39) evidence that the parts ever occur in this combination. It is at least conceivable that the seekers after truth have made a similar mistake and invented an (40) combination.31()AregardedBconsideredCponderedDreferred14.A group of 11 delegates from the Chinese university returned home last week. They came in second place with 13 other university teams.The conference is the world’s largest university-level UN simulation. It is held each April, for a week, in New York, to give students a chance to debate international affairs. It is meant to mirror the real-life business of the UN.Teams from more than 23 countries gathered this year to discuss and debate serious issues such as the AIDS epidemic and water shortages.Some UN senior staff members, U.S. professors, and former student participants formed the judge panel.The Chinese team applied to take part in the event and was assigned to represent Japan this year, working on various committees and arguing Japan’s position on resolutions to problems like international migration.According to Li Xiaocong, the Chinese team leader, their efforts in mding approaches to resolutions made them stand out. Li attributes their success to solid training.Whats the purpose of the conference ?()ATo give students a chance to debate international affairs and to mirror the real-life business of the UN.BTo enlarge students’ fields of vision.CTo learn about other cultures.DTo learn about how to portray their own.15.ABThe media director is responsible for the following except ().Areviewing advertising expensesBoverseeing media agreements for outdoor advertisingCexecuting media strategyDthe welfare of the employees16.I doubt that any historically valid treatment of that presidential administration can emerge for at least another decade, if then. I confess that when I came out of the White House I signed up to do an insider volume, but sober, professional second thoughts have led me to put that project on ice until at least 1980. The problem is that I simultaneously know too much, and not enough. I know what I thought was happening. But I cannot fully document what happened. And I have seen enough highly classified documents to know that most of what the observers thought was happening was at best half right, at worst dead wrong. This has steered me in a different direction as far as writing is concerned. I am now preparing what is frankly and unashamedly an ex parte memoir, My Experiences in Washington. It is based on what I believed to be true, on the picture as I conceptualized it, of the presidential administration under which I worked.When the speaker says that he "put that project on ice", he means that he ().Aput it in the refrigeratorBgave up on it completelyCtook a rather cold attitude towards itDput it aside until later17.NASA is releasing several images taken by the Hubble Space Telescope, which is the closest yet look at the red planet. Altogether there are four images, which show the entire planet. Each view shows the planet as it completes one quarter of its daily rotation. In these views the north polar cap is turned toward the Earth and is clearly visible at the top of each picture. The images were taken in the middle of the Martian northern summer, when the polar cap was at its smallest size. During this season the sun shines continuously on the polar cap. Previous spacecraft observations have shown that this summertime polar cap is composed of water ice, just like Earth’s polar caps.The Hubble Telescope pictures reveal that great changes have occurred on the surface of Mars in the past 20 years. The Martian surface is ever changing. Some regions that were dark 20 years ago are now bright red; some areas that were bright red are now dark. Winds move sand and dust from region to region, often in huge dust storms. Over long timescales many of the larger bright and dark markings remain stable, but smaller details come and go as they are covered and then uncovered by sand and dust.What is the summertime polar cap composed of ?()ADust.BSand.CWater ice.DVolcanic rocks.18.A group of 11 delegates from the Chinese university returned home last week. They came in second place with 13 other university teams.The conference is the world’s largest university-level UN simulation. It is held each April, for a week, in New York, to give students a chance to debate international affairs. It is meant to mirror the real-life business of the UN.Teams from more than 23 countries gathered this year to discuss and debate serious issues such as the AIDS epidemic and water shortages.Some UN senior staff members, U.S. professors, and former student participants formed the judge panel.The Chinese team applied to take part in the event and was assigned to represent Japan this year, working on various committees and arguing Japan’s posi