2023年天津软件水平考试考试模拟卷(8)本卷共分为1大题50小题,作答时间为180分钟,总分100分,60分及格。一、单项选择题(共50题,每题2分。每题的备选项中,只有一个最符合题意) 1.借助用户口碑宣传的网络营销方法是()。A邮件列表B病毒营销C搜索引擎注册D许可E-mail营销2.商务客户管理不包括()。A客户信息查询B客户信息统计C客户信息分析D客户信息发布3.()搜索引擎没有自己的数据,当用户输入检索关键词时,将用户请求同时向多个搜索引擎提交,并将返回结果进行重复排除、重新排序等处理后,作为自己的结果返回给用户。A元B目录C蜘蛛D机器人4.以下椭圆框圈出的网络广告是一种()。A网幅广告B按钮广告C弹出式广告D文本链接广告5.商业性机构网站的域名类型是()。AgovBorgCcomDnet6.在入侵检测技术中,()负责判断并产生警告信息。A事件产生器B事件分析器C事件数据库D响应单元7.物流具有物质、价值和()三种表现形式。A信息B存储C加工D配送8.远程办公经常会借助VPN技术实现,VPN技术是通过()来实现数据传输的。AInternetBDDNCIntranetDVAN9.DDoS攻击的目的是()。A窃取账户B远程控制其他计算机C影H向网络提供正常的服务D篡改网络上传输的信息10.IEEE制定的无线局域网标准是802.11,主要用于解决办公室局域网和校园网中用户与用户终端的无线接入。其中()的传输速率可以达到300Mbps以上。A802.11aB802.11bC802.11gD802.11n11.企业呼叫中心服务属于()应用。ASCMBOACCRMDDSS12.以下关于射频技术的叙述中,错误的是()。A射频技术基本原理是电磁理论B射频是条码技术的一种应用C射频识别信息具有保密性D射频识别标签具有可读写能力13.现代物流系统的5S目标不包括()。A节约空间B零库存C迅速及时D优质服务14.电子商务物流配送特有的活动是()。A搬运B保管C包装D分拣配货15.SNMP协议属于TCP/IP协议簇中的()。A应用层B传输层C网络层D网络接口层16.NAT技术是将私网地址转换为可用的公网地址,在下列IP地址中,()是可用的公网地址。A10.10.20.4B14.25.4.10C172.16.24.120D192.168.1.1017.在HTML文档中,标记的type属性的值为()时表示一个单选按钮。AtextBcheckboxCradioDpassword18.写XML文档必须遵守一定的规则,以下规则中正确的是()。A文档必须以XML声明开始B元素名称不区分大小写C属性值必须加符号作为开始标记,符号作为结束标记D元素可以嵌套和交叉19.防火墙实现的功能不包括()。A防止内网病毒传播B过滤不安全的服务C控制对特殊站点的访问D限制外部网对内部网的访问20.确定新系统的基本目标和逻辑功能是电子商务系统开发生命周期中()阶段的工作任务。A系统设计B系统分析C系统规划D系统实施21.在ASP组件中,()可以方便地在Web页面中插入广告的播放器。AAd RotatorBBrowser CapabilitiesCDatabaseAccessDFile Access22.能力成熟度模型(CMM)的第3级为()。A可重复级B已管理级C优化级D已定义级23.关键成功因素法(CSF)包含4个步骤:识别关键成功因素,了解企业目标,识别测量性能的数据,识别性能指标和标准。其正确的顺序为()。ABCD24.按照网站三层逻辑结构,网站调整页面格局和风格,只需改动网站的()。A数据层B表示层C应用逻辑层D网络层25.在数据库中,()数据库的存储容量最大。AAccessBSqlserverCMysqlDOracle26.电子商务网站的基本构件中,()使工作人员和商业伙伴通过因特网共享资源、协同工作。A目录服务器B网站服务器C内容管理子系统D工作流和群件子系统27.Extreme Programming (XP) is a discipline of software development with (71) of simplicity, communication, feedback and courage. Successful software development is a team effort - not just the development team, but the larger team consisting of customer, management and developers. XP is a simple process that brings these people together and helps them to succeed together. XP is aimed primarily at object-oriented projects using teams of a dozen or fewer programmers in one location. The principles of XP apply to any (72) project that needs to deliver quality software rapidly and flexibly.An XP project needs a (73) customer to provide guidance. Customers, programmers, managers, are all working (74) to build the system that’s needeDCustomers - those who have software that needs to be developed - will learn simple, effective ways to (75) what they need, to be sure that they are getting what they need, and to steer the project to success.(71)处应填()。AimportanceBkeysCrolesDvalues28.以下关于网上单证设计的叙述中,正确的是()。A网上单证设计是指网上客户订单设计B网上单证设计不需要与购物车链接C网上单证设计遵循简洁明了原则D网上单证设计要求客户填写信息越详尽越好29.Extreme Programming (XP) is a discipline of software development with (71) of simplicity, communication, feedback and courage. Successful software development is a team effort - not just the development team, but the larger team consisting of customer, management and developers. XP is a simple process that brings these people together and helps them to succeed together. XP is aimed primarily at object-oriented projects using teams of a dozen or fewer programmers in one location. The principles of XP apply to any (72) project that needs to deliver quality software rapidly and flexibly.An XP project needs a (73) customer to provide guidance. Customers, programmers, managers, are all working (74) to build the system that’s needeDCustomers - those who have software that needs to be developed - will learn simple, effective ways to (75) what they need, to be sure that they are getting what they need, and to steer the project to success.(72)处应填()。Asmall-sizedBmoderately-sizedClarge-sizedDhuge-sized30.Extreme Programming (XP) is a discipline of software development with (71) of simplicity, communication, feedback and courage. Successful software development is a team effort - not just the development team, but the larger team consisting of customer, management and developers. XP is a simple process that brings these people together and helps them to succeed together. XP is aimed primarily at object-oriented projects using teams of a dozen or fewer programmers in one location. The principles of XP apply to any (72) project that needs to deliver quality software rapidly and flexibly.An XP project needs a (73) customer to provide guidance. Customers, programmers, managers, are all working (74) to build the system that’s needeDCustomers - those who have software that needs to be developed - will learn simple, effective ways to (75) what they need, to be sure that they are getting what they need, and to steer the project to success.(73)处应填()。Apart-timeBcasualCseldomDfull-time31.Extreme Programming (XP) is a discipline of software development with (71) of simplicity, communication, feedback and courage. Successful software development is a team effort - not just the development team, but the larger team consisting of customer, management and developers. XP is a simple process that brings these people together and helps them to succeed together. XP is aimed primarily at object-oriented projects using teams of a dozen or fewer programmers in one location. The principles of XP apply to any (72) project that needs to deliver quality software rapidly and flexibly.An XP project needs a (73) customer to provide guidance. Customers, programmers, managers, are all working (74) to build the system that’s needeDCustomers - those who have software that needs to be developed - will learn simple, effective ways to (75) what they need, to be sure that they are getting what they need, and to steer the project to success.(74)处应填()。AtogetherBby themselvesCseparatelyDalone32.Extreme Programming (XP) is a discipline of software development with (71) of simplicity, communication, feedback and courage. Successful software development is a team effort - not just the development team, but the larger team consisting of customer, management and developers. XP is a simple process that brings these people together and helps them to succeed together. XP is aimed primarily at object-oriented projects using teams of a dozen or fewer programmers in one location. The principles of XP apply to any (72) project that needs to deliver quality software rapidly and flexibly.An XP project needs a (73) customer to provide guidance. Customers, programmers, managers, are all working (74) to build the system that’s needeDCustomers - those who have software that needs to be developed - will learn simple, effective ways to (75) what they need, to be sure that they are getting what they need, and to steer the project to success.(75)处应填()。AtellBknowCcommunicateDfeedback33.软件可行性研究一般不考虑()。A是否有足够的人员和资金来支持系统开发B是否有足够的工具和相关的技术来支持系统开发C待开发软件是否有市场、经济上是否合算D待开发的软件是否会有质量问题34.软件测试的目的是()。A评价软件的质量B发现软件的错误C找出软件的所有错误D证明软件是正确的35.()属于软件详细设计阶段的任务。A算法设计B功能设计C调用关系设计D输入/输出设计36.以下设施中,存取速度较快的是()。A主存BacheC寄存器D高速磁盘37.计算机网络拓扑通过网中结点与通信线路之间的几何关系表示()。A网络结构B网络层次C网络协议D网络模型38.应用层DNS协议主要用于实现()的网络服务功能。A网络设备名到IP地址的映射B网络硬件地址到IP地址的映射C进程地址到IP地址的映射D用户名到进程地址的映射39.在IE地址栏输入的“http:/A协议B主机C地址D资源40.在以下四个网址中,()不符合网址命名规则。AB.eduCWWWD.jp41.建立计算机网络的主要目的是实现计算机资源的共享。计算机资源主要指计算机()。A软件与数据库B服务器、工作站与软件C硬件、软件与数据D通信子网与资源子网42.下列关于UNIX的叙述中,()不正确。UNIX是一个单用户多任务操作系统UNIX支持很多文本编辑器UNIX文件系统可以安装或卸载A和BC和D43.在Internet上用于收发电子邮件的协议是()。ATCP/IPBIPX/SPXCPOP3/SMTPDNetBEUI44.在IP协议中用来进行组播的IP地址是()地址。AA类BC类CD类DE类45.在数据库、数据挖掘、决策支持、电子设计自动化应用中,由于服务器处理的数据量都很大,因而常常需要安腾处理器。安腾处理器采用的创新技术是()。A复杂指令系统计算CISCB精简指令系统计算RISCC简明并行指令计算EPICD复杂并行指令计算CPIC46.在路由器互联的多个局域网中,每个局域网的()。A数据链路层协议和物理层协议必须相同B数据链路层协议必须相同,而物理层协议可以不同C数据链路层协议可以不同,而物理层协议必须相同D数据链路层协议和物理层协议都可以不相同47.关于信息插座与电源插座之间的间距描述中,正确的是()。A信息插座与电源插座的间距不小于10cm,安装信息插座与旁边的电源插座应保持20cm的距离B信息插座与电源插座的间距不小于20cm,安装信息插座与旁边的电源插座应保持30cm的距离C信息插座与电源插座的间距不小于30cm,安装信息插座与旁边的电源插座应保持40cm的距离D信息插座与电源插座的间距不小于40cm,安装信息插座与旁边的电源插座应保持50cm的距离48.在机房布置中,为便于操作,机柜和设备前面预留的空间不小于()。A1000mmB1500mmC1800mmD2000mm49.VLAN在现代组网技术中占有重要地位,若一个局域网由多个VLAN组成,下列说法不正确的是()。A当站点从一个VLAN转移到另一个VLAN时,可以不改变物理连接BVLAN中的一个站点可以和另一个VLAN中的站点直接通信C当站点在一个VLAN中广播时,其他VLAN中的站点不能收到DVLAN可以通过MAC地址、交换机端口等进行定义50.32位计算机中的32是指该计算机()。A能同时处理32位二进制数B能同时处理32位十进制数C具有32根地址总线D运算精度可达小数点后32位