2023年宁夏自学考试考试模拟卷(5)本卷共分为2大题50小题,作答时间为180分钟,总分100分,60分及格。一、单项选择题(共25题,每题2分。每题的备选项中,只有一个最符合题意) 1.I havent got _ money left.AeveryBeachCmanyDmuch 2._ 11:30 yesterday they had already had lunch.AOnBAtCByDWith 3.They _ that shopping center when I _ here last year.Awere building, wasBare building, wasCbuild, wasDhave built, am 4.Compared _ advanced countries, we still have a long way to go in this field.AforBatCwithDon 5.Mary doesnt like TV plays very much, she only _ the news and sports programs.AwatchesBlooks atCseesDnotices 6.I dont know _ it is true.AwhatBwhetherCorDas 7.Its unlikely _ he will became boss in two years.AwhatBthatCwhichDwhen 8.Its wrong to set children _ their own mother.AagainstBforCtoDat 9.Since you need the book badly, you might as well _ a copy though it is expensive.AbuyBto buyCbuyingDbought 10.Dont tell Lao Lin about it, _Awill youBwont youCcan youDcant you 11.He claimed _ that mountain alone.AclimbingBto have climbedCto climbDclimbed 12.Wed better hurry _ its getting dark.AandBbutCunlessDas 13.There is something wrong with my computer. Ill have it _.ArepairedBrepairCrepairingDrepairs 14._ busy he is, he always finds some time to read every day.ANo matter whatBNo matter howCNo matter whenDNo matter where 15.Look, _ .Athere he goesBthere goes heChe goes thereDhe there goes 16.I dont mind _ by bus, but I hate standing in queues.Ato travelBtravelingCtravelDhaving traveled 17._ my parents could understand me !ANot onlyBAs toCAs ifDIf only 18.The tourists went _ far that they got lost.AtooBsuchCveryDso 19.The English verb system has a _ complicated tense system than some other languages.AveryBmoreCratherDmost 20.At their next wedding anniversary, Tom and Sally _ for twenty-five years.Awill get marriedBwill have marriedCwill be getting marriedDwill have been married 21.The student band gave an excellent performance at the celebration, but there were only two teachers present. I wish more teachers _ the play.Ahave seenBwere about to seeCwould seeDcould have seen 22.I know this is the fight train. The ticket agent said it would be on _.ATrack TwoBthe Two TrackCSecond TrackDthe Track Second 23.Under _ circumstances will latecomers be admitted to the conference.AnoBanyCallDsome 24.John is an excellent boss _ he is looked up to by all of his employees.AbutBandCwhileDor 25.We dont really know who broke _ Tommys house last night.AoutBdownCintoDthrough 二、多项选择题(共25题,每题2分。每题的备选项中,有多个符合题意) 1.对在国外开展营业推广活动的公司,重点应考虑的三个方面的因素有_A中间商的能力B竞争者作法C政治环境D法律限制E零售商的能力 2.采用市场调查方法中的访问法的原因有_A花的时间少B费用小C能获得准确的情报D有较大灵活性E访问人可根据具体情况改变提问引导深入 3.中华人民共和国对外贸易法适用于_。A国际服务贸易B技术进出口C中华人民共和国单独关税区D货物进出口 4.债券场外交易的交易方式是_A现货交易B期货交易C期权交易D自营买卖E代理买卖 5.构成金融市场最基本的两个因素是_A价格B信息中介C参与者D交易中介E交易对象 6.对利息率的形成起关键作用的因素包括_A通货膨胀风险B违约风险C流动性风险D期限风险E基差波动风险 7.技术分析的假设条件包括_A市场弱式有效B交易零成本C交易行为包含一切信息D价格沿趋势移动E历史会重演 8.开放式基金的基本交易种类是_A回购B申购C转换D赎回E变更 9.测评的指标体系包括_A测评内容B测评要素C测评指标D计分标准E评价反馈 10.计量人力资源成本常用的方法是_A估测成本法B历史成本法C重置成本法D分析成本法E机会成本法 11.人力资源规划预测包括_A人力资源培养预测B人力资源使用预测C人力资源需求预测D人力资源供给预测E人力资源储存预测 12.整体薪酬激励计划的方式有_A以激发员工积极性为基础B以提高效益为基础C以节约成本为基础D以分享利润为基础E以改善管理为基础 13.常用的工作设计有_A工作调整B工作轮换C工作扩大化D工作趣味化E工作丰富化 14.下列选项中,对美育描述正确的是_A最大的优势在于它是协调性的B可以消解人性各方面的冲突C是一个综合的有机体D是万能的E既是感性教育、趣味教育,又是人格教育 15.与审美感觉相比,审美知觉具有_等特征。_A综合性B整体性C持久性D连续性E想像性 16.人格美大致可以分为_A心灵美B语言美C行为美D服饰美E人体美 17.下列选项中,说法正确的有_A社会主义精神文明的核心内容是人的全面发展B所有的教育都关涉到人自身的成长和发展C美育是一种协调教育D没有美育,人的全面发展不能最终实现E造就什么样的人是美育的一个“终极关怀” 18.学校美育的计划性体现在_A目的性B排除了随意性C合理性D系统性E整体性 19.家庭美育的形式有_A景观美育B胎儿美育C游戏一艺术美育D环境美育E生态美育 20.小学美育的实施,一般要使用以下哪几种方法_A体悟法B教师诱导法C欣赏法D活动法E实践法 21.美育理论具有很强的综合性、实践性,它涉及到_等许多学科。_A哲学B美学C教育学D艺术学E心理学 22.美育与智育的区别体现在_A目的不同B任务不同C思维方式不同D实施途径不同E教育效果不同 23.在少儿的学前期和学龄初期,审美感兴能力的萌芽主要体现为_A审美态度的萌芽B审美知觉的萌芽C审美趣味的萌芽D审美想像的萌芽E审美理想的萌芽 24.资本输入国在引进国际直接投资时,对本国贸易也会产生影响,其贸易效应可分解为三个方面,分别是_A反向进口效应B进口替代效应C出口创造效应D进口引致效应E出口引致效应 25.我国服务贸易主要逆差项目为_A运输B保险C专有权使用D专有权特许E咨询服务