For Senior 2Enjoy After-class Reading No.1HighSchoolofZiboMoZhiqiangFor Senior 2Threetopics1.Adreamcomestrue2.Activistsfreedogs3.MakinggreatspeechCLASSCOMPETITIONFOURGROUPSGROUPA,B,C,&DTRYYOURBESTTOFINISHYOURTASKS!TOBETHEWINNER!ReadingReading Reading the passage carefully Reading the passage carefully Reading the passage carefully Reading the passage carefully and complete the form below.(within and complete the form below.(within and complete the form below.(within and complete the form below.(within 3 words)3 words)3 words)3 words)for Senior 2PartOneA dream comes true.Meeting The Author of“Twilight”!Focuson1The thrilling story is overcoming the world!Q1:Whose dream comes true?(2P)Q2:Whats the dream?(2P)Q3:Whats Gaos impression of Stephenie Meyer?(2P)Step I:Read and find out answers:Gao Qiuqius dream.Meet with the author of Twilight Warm,lively,talktive passionate1RGo1)GaoQiuqiufeltexcitedwhen(3P)Stepheniemovedtowardshertable.()2)TenTwilightfansfromTaiwanhavetwodaysmeetswithStephenieMeyer()3)StephenieMeyerisamotheroffourchildren.()4)DuringthemeetwithStephenie,GaoQiuqiuaskedher10questions.()Step II:True or False1RGoTFFFTalkativepublicationStep III:Words collection Writedownasmanywordsaccordingtothewords“talk-a-tive”&“public-a-tion”.talk v.talk-a-tive adj.public adj.public-a-tion n.2R1p/1wordReadingReading Reading the passage carefully Reading the passage carefully Reading the passage carefully Reading the passage carefully and complete the form below.(within and complete the form below.(within and complete the form below.(within and complete the form below.(within 3 words)3 words)3 words)3 words)for Senior 2PartTwoActivist free dogs.Activists free dogsFocuson2TrueorFalse:1)After seeing a truck packed with hundreds of dogs on a BeiFang highway,a man put out a call on his Micro blog.()2)More than 300 people responded to the mans call and show up at the high way.()3)All the dogs were stolen from their owners and they had been locked in the truck for 2 days.()4)The legal worker thought that the animal rights supporters must act within the law.()5)The rescue of dogs caused a 15-hourss traffic jam on the highway.()Step I Grasp the Main Idea3RGoFFFTT(5p)发出呼吁发出呼吁出现出现:露面露面根据根据参加参加提供提供(钱物钱物)使处于危险中使处于危险中违法违法采取行动采取行动与与类似类似putoutacallshowupaccordingtotakepartinputupputindangerbreakthelawtakeactionsimilartoStepII:Phrasecollection3RWorkingroup:Find out as many phrases as you can!2 minutes preparation.Write as many phrases on the blackboard 2 minutes:Go(1P/1P)StepIII:Sentence translation:In this case,they have no right to take extreme action that might have put many people on the high way in danger.在这种情况下在这种情况下,他们无权采取他们无权采取有有可能使许多在高速公路上的人们可能使许多在高速公路上的人们处于危险境地的处于危险境地的极端行动极端行动.Go3R(3p)ReadingReading Reading the passage carefully Reading the passage carefully Reading the passage carefully Reading the passage carefully and complete the form below.(within and complete the form below.(within and complete the form below.(within and complete the form below.(within 3 words)3 words)3 words)3 words)for Senior 2PartThreeMaking a great speech.Focuson3Making a great speechQuestion:How many pieces of advice does the speaker give us?What are they?StepI:Readandanswerthequestion.4RGoFour pieces:The first one isSecondlyThirdlyAnd Lastly(3p)HaveadiscussionandMakeaspeechof“HowtohaveaGreenliving(accordingtothecontentson)give4piecesofadvice).Youcanbeginlikethis:Ladiesandgentleman,Idliketogiveyousomeadviceonhowtoliveagreenliving.ThefirstoneisSecondlyThirdlyAndlastlyStepII:Learntogiveadvice(5P)Ladies and gentleman:I have the honor to Id like to give you some advice on how to live a green living.The first one is Secondly Thirdly And lastly I hope Thank you for listening.Begin your speech like this:5R(5P)ScoreBoardAssignments:1)Do you know the meaning of“MOTHER”?Finishreading:Six letters that mean the world.2)Write down approaches that will please your mother on Mothers DayThankYou