(中英文)耐火材料库浅层平板载荷试验检测报告 - 副本.doc
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(中英文)耐火材料库浅层平板载荷试验检测报告 - 副本.doc
耐火材料库平板载荷试验Plate Load Test of Refractory Storage检 测 报 告Test report编号/No:ZBY001中材国际赞比亚分公司Sinoma International Engineering Company Limited26 Jun 20121. 子项简介 General Introduction of The Department 工程名称Project name赞比亚3000T/D熟料水泥生产线Zambia cement 3000T/D Production line子项名称DepartmentNameRefractory Storage耐火材料库建设面积Building area-设计要求Design requirement200KPa结构类型Foundation type天然地基Natural Ground检测目的Test purpose地基承载力是否满足设计要求To test if the bearing capacity of foundation reach meet design requirement层 数Total floor number1检测数量Test number1抽样方式/Random sampling-检测日期Test date2012年6月23日2012年6月24日2324 Jun 2012检测依据Test standard建筑地基基础设计规范(GB500072002)Code for Design of Building Foundation (GB500072002)2. 技术方法及试验设备 Technical method and test equipment2.1、技术方法/technical method本次浅层平板承载力载荷试验方法依据建筑地基基础设计规范(GB50072002)执行。The shallow plate load test is carried out according to Chinese standard Code for Design of Building Foundation (GB500072002).(1)荷载分级/Load gradations加载分级10级,最大加载量不应小于设计要求的2倍。Total 10 loading gradations. Maximum load shall not be less than two times of the design requirement.(2)沉降测读/Settlement sensing/reading每级加载后,按每隔10、10、10、15、15min,以后为每隔半小时测读一次沉隆量,当在连续两小时内,每小时的沉隆量小于0.1mm时,则认为已趋稳定,可加下一级荷载。After the loading of each gradation, settlement will be sensed/read every 10、10、10、15、15 minutes and then every 30 mins. If settlement remains less than 0.1 mm for successive two hours, the load can be concluded as the stable and next gradation can be loaded.(3)终止加载条件及卸载方法 Load termination condition and unloading method 按照规程,当试验过程出现下列情况之一,终止加载并卸荷。The load shall be terminated and unloaded on the following condition:承压板周围的土明显地侧向挤出;The soil surrounding bearing plate is extruded obviously;沉降s急骤增大,荷载沉降(qs)曲线出现陡降段The settlement increase sharply or the qs curve drops sharply.在某一级荷载下,24小时内沉降速率不能达到稳定.The settlement speed rate cannot remain stable within 24 hours.沉降量与承压板宽度或直径之比大于或等于0.06。The settlement against the width/diameter of the pressure plate equals or surpasses、 试验设备/Test equipment本次试验采用堆载法,由主梁和工字钢搭成堆载平台,上面均匀堆放砼块,构成加载反力系统。加载反力装置能提供的反力不得小于最大加载量的1.2倍。加载采用静载分析仪控制千斤顶自动加载,试验用千斤顶容许压力大于最大加载时压力的1.2倍。浅层平板的沉降变形,通过二只对称布置于沉压板角点上的量程为50mm位移传感器,其分辨率为0.01mm。Heaping method is adopted for the test. The main beam and I steel forms a loading platform. Concrete cubes will be stacked on the platform averagely. The platform and the concrete cubes form the reaction force system. The reaction loading gauge shall provide more than 1.2 times of maximum load. The load is automatically loaded by a jack, which is controlled by a dead load analysis device. The bearing load capacity of the jack shall be more than 1.2 times of maximum load. The settlement is observed by two displacement sensors which are fixed up symmetrically on the pressure plate by magnetic holder. The sensors are of 50mm measuring range and 0.01m division.3. 工程地质概况 Geotechnical condition. 详见该工程地斟资料。Please check the geotechnical investigation report for details.4. 测试结果分析Test result analysis本次浅层平板承载力载荷试验按建筑地基基础设计规范(GB50072002)执行。由试验数据绘制出所测浅层平板的Q-s曲线,详见附图。The shallow plate load test is carried out according to Chinese standard Code for Design of Building Foundation (GB500072002). The testing data has already been converted into Q-s curve. Please see the appendix. 5. 结论Conclusion1. 检测点承载力特征值小于设计要求的200kPa,建议承载力特征值fak140 kPa; The characteristic value of bearing capacity of the testing spot is less than designed 200kPa, Suggested characteristic value of bearing capacity is 140 kPa. fak140 kPa. 2、由于检测点数量仅为1点,不能对该子项地基承载力评价。Since only one spot of the department is tested, the test result cannot be the evaluation standard for the foundation of the department.6. 其他/Other1、附表:加载试验数据表、Q-s曲线;Appendix: load test data list Q-s curve;2、本报告共计5页This report has total 5 pages.加载试验数据表/Load test data list.承压板规格/ plate size:0.707X0.707m (0.5m2) 加载级Load gradation荷载Load(KN)本级沉降 settlement of the grade(mm)累计沉降/Accumulative settlement(mm)1206.326.322402.448.763602.4010.264801.6711.9351001.5913.5261201.6515.1771401.1916.3681604.5520.9191804.8725.78102005.2831.06Q-S曲线/Q-S curve 5 / 5