5STHE SECRET TO JAPANESE SUCCESS nWHAT PROBLEMS DO U COMMONLY ENCOUNTER AT YOUR WORKPLACEnHIGH ABSENTEEISMnHIGH TURNOVERnDEMOTIVATED EMPLOYEESnDISORDERED/CLUTTERED ENVIRONMENTnMISTAKES/ERRORSnTHE SOLUTION TO ALL THESE PROBLEMS IS 5S 5S HOUSEKEEPING TECHNIQUEPRODUCTIVITY AND SAFETY ENHANCEMENT TECHNIQUEIDEA BEHIND 5SIDEA BEHIND 5SnIN ORDER TO ACHIEVE HIGH LEVELS OF QUALITY,SAFETY,AND PRODUCTIVITY,WORKERS MUST HAVE A CONDUCIVE WORKING ENVIRONMENTWHAT IS 5S?WHAT IS 5S?nDeveloped by the JapanesenHousekeeping SystemnHelps Create a Better Working Environment and a Consistently High Quality ProcessTHE 5S PRINCIPLESTHE 5S PRINCIPLESnSEIRI Organisation/Sort outnSEITON Orderliness/SystemizenSEISO The Cleaning/ShiningnSEIKETSU STANDARDIZEnSHITSUKE-Sustain/DisciplineDISCOVERY OF 5SDISCOVERY OF 5SnThirty years ago researchers started studying the secret of success of Japanese manufacturing companies n5S turned out to be the most impressive secretnThe factories were so well organized that abnormal situations were readily apparent DISCOVERY OF 5SDISCOVERY OF 5SnEquipments were so clean and well maintained that any problem such as a loose bolt or leaking oil could be easily seennThis passion of cleanliness and orderliness became a hallmark of Japanese organizationsADVANTAGES OF 5SADVANTAGES OF 5SnIf tools and materials are conveniently located in uncluttered work areasnOperators spend less time looking for items nThis leads to higher workstation efficiency,a fundamental goal in mass production ADVANTAGES OF 5SADVANTAGES OF 5SnA clean and tidy workplace leads to greater well being and increased motivationnCompany image improvesADVANTAGES OF 5SADVANTAGES OF 5SnHealth and Safety is ensurednMachine maintenancenQuality nProductivitynLean ManufacturingADVANTAGES OF 5SADVANTAGES OF 5SnRESULTS IN A PLACE EASIER TO MANAGEnSMOOTH WORKING NO OBSTRUCTIONnNO DEVIATION,NO PROBLEMSnB/C EVERYONE KNOWS WHERE THE THINGS ARE SPPOSEDF TO BEADVANTAGES OF 5SADVANTAGES OF 5SnTIME SAVING nQUICK RETRIEVALnACCIDENTS&MISTAKES MINIMIZEDnINCREASES SPACEnCREATES WORKPLACE OWNERSHIPADVANTAGES OF 5SADVANTAGES OF 5SnFOUNDATION OF ALL QC TOOLSnCONTINUOUS QUALITY IMPROVEMENTnLEAN MANUFACTURINGnKINDERGARTEN OF QUALITY TOOLS&TECHNIQUESADVANTAGES OF 5SADVANTAGES OF 5SnVISUAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEMnVISUAL CONTROL TO SEE THE ABNORMALITIESnSIMPLE SIGNALS THAT PROVIDE AN UNDERSTANDING OF THE CONDITION(NORMAL/ABNORMAL)nA LOOK AT THE PROCESS REVEALS ITS DIRECTION(RIGHT/WRONG)Lean ProductionLean ProductionnThe latest incarnation of JITnBased on Toyota Production System.nWaste eliminationnWidely used in automotive manufacturing&other repetitive mfg.Its a mindset&commitment to achieve a totally waste-free operation thats focused on your customers success achieved by simplifying and continuously improving all processesIts the elimination of waste Everywhere while adding customer valueLean production cuts costs&inventories rapidly to free cash,which is criticalIt also supports growth by improving productivity&quality,reducing lead times,and freeing huge amounts of resources.From the operations perspectiveFrom the operations perspectiveFrom the operations perspectiveFrom the operations perspectiveFor example,lean production frees office and plant space and increases capacity so companies can1.Add product lines 2.In-source component production3.Increase output of existing products without acquiring new facilities.KINERGARTEN OF ALL THE QC KINERGARTEN OF ALL THE QC TOOLSTOOLSn5S IS THE STARTING POINT OF ALL THE QC TOOLSnCOULD BE SAID AS THE PRE-REQUISITE OF ALL QC TOOLSMETHODOLOGY OF 5S1.ORGANISATION(SEIRI)1.ORGANISATION(SEIRI)nDecide what you neednRemove unnecessary clutternAll tools,gauges,materials,classified and then storednRemove items which are broken,unusable or only occasionally usedRED TAG TECHNIQUERED TAG TECHNIQUEnGIVE STAFF RED LABELSnASK STAFF TO GO THROUGH EVERY ITEM IN THE WORK PLACEnASK IF NEEDED&THOSE THAT ARE NEEDED,IN WHAT QUANTITYnNOT NEEDED RED TAG IT nSTORE IN THE RED TAG AREA RED TAGFor wavering itemsFor wavering itemsnPLACE THE SUSPECTED ITEMS IN THE RED TAG AREA FOR ONE WEEKnALLOW THE STAFF TO REEVALUATE THE NEEDED ITEMSnAT THE END OF WEEK THOSE WHO NEED ITEMS SHOULD BE RETURNEDREDTAGORGANISATIONORGANISATIONPRIORITYFREQUENCY OF USEHOW TO USELowLess than once per yearOnce per yearThrow awayStore away from the workplaceAvg.Once per monthOnce per weekStore together but offlineHighOnce Per DayLocate at the workplace2.ORDERLINESS(SEITON)2.ORDERLINESS(SEITON)nONCE YOU HAVE ELIMINATED ALL THE UNNEEDED ITEMSnNOW TURN TO THE LEFT OVER ITEMSORDERLINESS(SEITON)ORDERLINESS(SEITON)Organise layout of tools and equipmentDesignated locationsUse tapes and labels Ensure everything is available as it is needed and at the“point of use”ORDERLINESS(SEITON)ORDERLINESS(SEITON)Workplace Checkpoints:-nPositions of aisles and storage places clearly marked?nTools classified and stored by frequency of use?nPallets stacked correctly?nSafety equipment easily accessible?nFloors in good condition?3.SEISO(CLEAN/SHINE)3.SEISO(CLEAN/SHINE)nCreate a spotless workplacenIdentify and eliminate causes of dirt and grime remove the need to cleannSweep,dust,polish and paintSEISO(CLEAN/SHINE)SEISO(CLEAN/SHINE)nDivide areas into zonesnDefine responsibilities for cleaningnTools and equipment must be owned by an individualnFocus on removing the need to clean4.SEIKETSU(STANDARDISE)4.SEIKETSU(STANDARDISE)nGenerate a maintenance system for the first threenDevelop procedures,schedules,practicesnContinue to assess the use and disposal of itemsnRegularly audit using checklists and measures of housekeepingnReal challenge is to keep it clean5.SHITSUKE 5.SHITSUKE(SUSTAIN/DISCIPLINE)(SUSTAIN/DISCIPLINE)nMeans inoculate courtesy&good habitsnDriving force behind all 5SnDemings point number 1:Constancy of purposenMake it a way of lifenPart of health and safetynInvolve the whole workforce*nDevelop and keep good habitsLITMUS TEST FOR 5SLITMUS TEST FOR 5Sn30 SECOND RULEnONE MUST LOCATE THE ITEM WITH IN 30 SECOND IF 5S IS PROPERLY IMPLEMENTEDnALSO APPLIES TO THE ELECTRONIC RECORDS RETRIEVALWHAT U HAVE COME ACROSSWHAT U HAVE COME ACROSS AT THE END OF DAYAT THE END OF DAYFollowings can be harnessed form the 5S1.NEAT&CLEAN WORKPLACE2.SMOOTH WORKING3.NO OBSTRUCTION4.SAFETY INCREASES5.PRODUCTIVITY IMPROVESCont.Cont.6.QUALITY IMPROVES7.WASTAGE DECREASE8.MACHINE MAINTENANCE9.VISUAL CONTROL SYSTEM10.EMPLOYEES MOTIVATED11.WORKSTATIONS BECOME SPACIOUS1、有时候读书是一种巧妙地避开思考的方法。3月-233月-23Sunday,March 5,20232、阅读一切好书如同和过去最杰出的人谈话。07:56:4907:56:4907:563/5/2023 7:56:49 AM3、越是没有本领的就越加自命不凡。3月-2307:56:4907:56Mar-2305-Mar-234、越是无能的人,越喜欢挑剔别人的错儿。07:56:4907:56:4907:56Sunday,March 5,20235、知人者智,自知者明。胜人者有力,自胜者强。3月-233月-2307:56:4907:56:49March 5,20236、意志坚强的人能把世界放在手中像泥块一样任意揉捏。05三月20237:56:49上午07:56:493月-237、最具挑战性的挑战莫过于提升自我。三月237:56上午3月-2307:56March 5,20238、业余生活要有意义,不要越轨。2023/3/57:56:4907:56:4905 March 20239、一个人即使已登上顶峰,也仍要自强不息。7:56:49上午7:56上午07:56:493月-2310、你要做多大的事情,就该承受多大的压力。3/5/2023 7:56:49 AM07:56:4905-3月-2311、自己要先看得起自己,别人才会看得起你。3/5/2023 7:56 AM3/5/2023 7:56 AM3月-233月-2312、这一秒不放弃,下一秒就会有希望。05-Mar-2305 March 20233月-2313、无论才能知识多么卓著,如果缺乏热情,则无异纸上画饼充饥,无补于事。Sunday,March 5,202305-Mar-233月-2314、我只是自己不放过自己而已,现在我不会再逼自己眷恋了。3月-2307:56:4905 March 202307:56谢谢大家谢谢大家