Rev 11 of 263Dec 2013This course is the property of United Technologies Corporation and except for use by employees or other authorized persons on behalf of United Technologies,is delivered on the express condition that it and the information contained in it are not to be used,disclosed,or reproduced in whole or in part,for any purpose without the express written consent of United Technologies Corporation.THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS NO TECHNICAL DATA SUBJECT TO THE EAR OR THE ITAR.2013 United Technologies CorporationProcess Certification For Supplier供供应商商过程程认证2DATA SUBJECT TO THE EXPORT CONTROL RESTRICTIONS ON THE FIRST PAGE OF THIS DOCUMENTCopyright United Technologies Corporation2HOUSEKEEPING注意事项注意事项Exits,alarms,evacuations出口,警报,紧急疏散Bathrooms洗手间Begin&end times 开始及结束时间Breaks,lunch 休息,午餐时间Cell phones,e-mails,network connections 手机,电子邮件,网络连接 Attendance,participation,credit出席、参加、分数Classroom courtesies 教室纪律3DATA SUBJECT TO THE EXPORT CONTROL RESTRICTIONS ON THE FIRST PAGE OF THIS DOCUMENTCopyright United Technologies Corporation3AGENDA课程安排课程安排8:00 Welcome and Introductions欢迎介绍 What is ProCert all about?什么是过程认证 ProCert in the ACE toolbox 过程认证在ACE工具中的地位9:45BREAK 休息10:00 Define KCs and KPCs to be certified 定义关键特性及关键产品特性 SIPOC process mapping 过程图和SIPOC 12:00LUNCH午餐1:00 Process FMEA 过程失效模式及后果分析 3:00BREAK休息3:15 Identify KCs 定义关键特性 Establish good measurement建立好的测量系统4:45 Daily wrap-up and feedback 总结及反馈5:00 End of day 1Day One AgendaDay Two Agenda8:00 Welcome back 欢迎 Day 1 review 第一天回顾 Establish good measurement(continued)建立好的测量系统(继续)9:45BREAK 休息10:00 Assess current state of process评估过程现状 Process stability 过程稳定性 Process control 过程控制12:00LUNCH1:00 Achieve stability and capability 达到稳定和能力水平 Implement control plan 实施控制计划 Maintain the certified process 保持认证的过程3:00BREAK 休息3:15 Team report outs/小组汇报 4:45 Closing comments and feedback小结和反馈5:00 End of day 24DATA SUBJECT TO THE EXPORT CONTROL RESTRICTIONS ON THE FIRST PAGE OF THIS DOCUMENTCopyright United Technologies Corporation4LEARNING OBJECTIVES 学习目标学习目标Understand and apply ProCert strategies and tactics in assembly/manufacturing operations.了解和应用过程认证在装配/制造运营过程中战略和方法Know when and how to apply the following tools了解什么时候且如何应用下列工具:(a)SIPOC process mapping 过程流程图及SIPOC(b)Process FMEA 过程失效模式及后果分析(c)KC identification methods 定义及识别KC的方法(d)Measurement system analysis(MSA)测量系统分析MSA(GR&R and AbA studies)(e)Statistical process control(SPC)统计过程控制(Control charts and capability)(f)Control plans 控制计划(g)Self-audits 自我审核Become familiar with the statistical ideas that drive certain ProCert tools.熟悉推动过程认证工具的统计思路。5DATA SUBJECT TO THE EXPORT CONTROL RESTRICTIONS ON THE FIRST PAGE OF THIS DOCUMENTCopyright United Technologies Corporation5FEEDBACK AND SURVEY 反馈与调查反馈与调查!Participant feedback helps us continuously improve our course content and delivery.学员反馈能够帮助我们持续改进课程内容及交付。oPlease fill out the survey at the end of the course.在课堂结束时填写调查问卷。oMore urgent problems and opportunities should be brought to the instructors attention immediately.紧急问题和机会应立即引起讲师注意。6DATA SUBJECT TO THE EXPORT CONTROL RESTRICTIONS ON THE FIRST PAGE OF THIS DOCUMENTCopyright United Technologies Corporation6oName 姓名oSite&Division 公司&部门oACE role,and experience with ProCert ACE 角色,以及关于Pro-Cert工具的经验oCourse expectations 课程期望INTRODUCTIONS 介绍介绍7DATA SUBJECT TO THE EXPORT CONTROL RESTRICTIONS ON THE FIRST PAGE OF THIS DOCUMENTCopyright United Technologies Corporation7AGENDA 课程安排课程安排Introduction:What is ProCert all about?介绍:什么是过程认证介绍:什么是过程认证ProCert in the ACE toolbox 过程认证过程认证ACE工具工具Define&Document,Map&定义定义&文档,图文档,图oSIPOC process mapping SIPOC和过程图和过程图oProcess FMEA 过程失效模式及后果分析过程失效模式及后果分析oKCs identified 识别识别KCs关键特性关键特性&Measure&测量测量Assess&Analyze 评估评估&分析分析oProcess stability 过程稳定性过程稳定性oProcess capability 过程过程能力能力Improve&Implement 改进改进&实施实施Control&Capability 控制控制&能力能力Certify&Sustain 认证认证&保持保持 Closing comments 小结小结DATAINFORMATIONKNOWLEDGEDECISIONS/ACTION8DATA SUBJECT TO THE EXPORT CONTROL RESTRICTIONS ON THE FIRST PAGE OF THIS DOCUMENTCopyright United Technologies Corporation8WHAT IS A PROCESS?什么是过程什么是过程Everything we do(all work)is a process.我们做的每件事都是一个过程。我们做的每件事都是一个过程。The tools we learn here will work everywhere!这个工具可以用在任何地方这个工具可以用在任何地方A process transforms inputs to outputs.一个过程将输入转化转化为输出A useful process adds value during the transformation.有用的过程在转化过程中会增加价值增加价值Larger processes are made up of smaller ones.大的过程是由更小的过程组成的Smaller processes can be linked to make larger ones.小的过程可以相互联系起来组成大的过程Outputs from one process become inputs to the next.一个过程的输出可以作为下一个过程的输入The box contains those things necessary to complete the transformation(machines,people,methods,etc.)框中包含了完成转化所需的所有东西(机器、人、方法等等)Process过程过程Process过程Process过程Outputs输出输出 Inputs输入输入Inputs输入输入Outputs to 输出给输出给customers客客户户9DATA SUBJECT TO THE EXPORT CONTROL RESTRICTIONS ON THE FIRST PAGE OF THIS DOCUMENTCopyright United Technologies Corporation9WHAT THE CUSTOMER WANTS客户希望的是什么?客户希望的是什么?Whatever“it”is,customers want three things 不论“它”是什么,客户希望的是三件事:They want it to work.希望它可工作They want it on time.准时They want it to offer value for money.能够物有所值“it”itProcesses with problems fail at one or more of these things.这三个中任何这三个中任何一项或多项出错,过程都会一项或多项出错,过程都会出现问题出现问题10DATA SUBJECT TO THE EXPORT CONTROL RESTRICTIONS ON THE FIRST PAGE OF THIS DOCUMENTCopyright United Technologies Corporation10WHY WONT“IT”WORK?“它它”为什么不工作?为什么不工作?Customers have critical-to-quality expectations.客户有对关键质量点的期望期望These expectations are turned into measurable targets and specifications for the product.这些期望变成可测量的产品目标及规范。If every product were exactly“on target”every time,there would be no quality problems.如果每次生产的每个产品都完全的“达到目标”,则将没有质量问题Quality problems happen when there is to too much variation in the process,causing the process outputs to be“off-target.”当过程有太多变差变差时会发生质量问题,过程输出则“偏离目标”Reduce the variation in the process,and you will reduce the quality problems.减少减少过程变差则会减少质量问题过程变差则会减少质量问题11DATA SUBJECT TO THE EXPORT CONTROL RESTRICTIONS ON THE FIRST PAGE OF THIS DOCUMENTCopyright United Technologies Corporation11THE SNOWFLAKE CONJECTURE雪花猜想雪花猜想The natural process which generates snow has never produced two snowflakes that are exactly the same.在自然界没有任何2片产生的雪花可以完全一样No process that generates parts has ever produced two parts that are exactly the same.没有任何一个过程产生的2个产品/零件可以是完全一样的12DATA SUBJECT TO THE EXPORT CONTROL RESTRICTIONS ON THE FIRST PAGE OF THIS DOCUMENTCopyright United Technologies Corporation12A BOLD STATEMENT一个大胆的说法一个大胆的说法Process output will not be at the proper target value if.如果出现如下状况,过程输出将不会达到目标如果出现如下状况,过程输出将不会达到目标 the process is not properly centered on the target value,and/or.过程不在目标中心中心 excessive variation of the process output allows some output to be too far from the target,and/or.过程输出的过度变差变差造成一些输出会偏离目标很远 the specified target is incorrect for the application.应用环境中的具体目标设定不正确不正确.and every quality problem that ever will occur 以及任何任何即将发生的质量问题is due ultimately to a process output that is not at its proper target value.都是由都是由于过程的输出没有达到目标值于过程的输出没有达到目标值 Every quality problem that has ever occurred任何任何发生过的质量问题Cost toscrapDeviation from target 偏离目标偏离目标COPQLowerTargetUpperSpecSpecCost torework$13DATA SUBJECT TO THE EXPORT CONTROL RESTRICTIONS ON THE FIRST PAGE OF THIS DOCUMENTCopyright United Technologies Corporation13A COMMON THEME OF QUALITY质量的共同主题质量的共同主题Understand the customers form,fit,and function(F3)requirements.了解客户对加工成型、适配和功能的要求Identify the Key Characteristics(KCs)that impact the F3 needs of the customer.识别出影响客户F3需求的关键特性Control the process to the required KC target values.控制过程的关键特性达到目标值目标值Minimize the variation around those targets.围绕目标值最小化相关的变差变差Whatever we MAKE or DO,we must不管我们生产不管我们生产/做什么,我们必须做什么,我们必须14DATA SUBJECT TO THE EXPORT CONTROL RESTRICTIONS ON THE FIRST PAGE OF THIS DOCUMENTCopyright United Technologies Corporation14VARIATION:THE ULTIMATE ROOT CAUSE变差:最终的根源变差:最终的根源When it comes to variation,worry about two things:当产生变差,应关注2件事:Variation in the KCs of the parts we produce.所生产产品的关键特性的变差Variation in the processes we use to produce them.生产过程的变差Reducing or eliminating process variation will减少或消除过程变差将:Help to meet our customers quality expectations.帮助我们满足客户的质量期望Reduce factory defect escapes to the customer.减少工厂交付给客户的缺陷逃逸Reduce scrap,rework,and repair.减少报废,返工,和返修Process Certification is the method and a toolset for improving and managing a process so that process and product variation is reduced or eliminated.过程认证是通过提高和管理过程来减少或消除过程及产品变差的方法和工具。15DATA SUBJECT TO THE EXPORT CONTROL RESTRICTIONS ON THE FIRST PAGE OF THIS DOCUMENTCopyright United Technologies Corporation15These parts and assemblies are KEY PROCESS OUTPUTS(KPOs).They are the things a process produces that have value.这些零件和组装品是关键过程输出(KPOs),他们是生产过程中输出的有价值的物品。KEY PROCESS OUTPUTS(KPOs)关键过程输出关键过程输出Suppose this is the product we produce:假设这是我们生产的产品:假设这是我们生产的产品:Each part in the machine is an output of some manufacturing process.机器中的每个零件都是一些制造过程的输出。The machine itself is the output of an assembly process.该机器本身是一个装配过程的输出。For the machine to function properly,all of the parts must do the job they were designed to do.每个零件必须都按设计的要求完成任务,机器才能正常运转。For manufacturing and assembly processes,think of the KPOs as the physical things produced by the process that we can touch.对于制造及装配过程,将KPO视为生产过程产出的能够触及的实物。16DATA SUBJECT TO THE EXPORT CONTROL RESTRICTIONS ON THE FIRST PAGE OF THIS DOCUMENTCopyright United Technologies Corporation16KEY PROCESS INPUTS(KPIs)关键过程输入关键过程输入To produce our product:生产我们的产品:生产我们的产品:For manufacturing and assembly processes,think of the KPIs as the physical things required by the process that we can touch.对于制造和装配过程,将KPIs视为该过程所需要的且可以触及的实物。Many things are needed in these processes in order to make the parts and assemble the product:raw materials,purchased parts,WIP parts,machines,tools,and so forth.生产及装配产品过程中有很多需要的东西:原料、采购件、半成品、机器、工具等。These are the KEY PROCESS INPUTS(KPIs)to a process.Without them,the parts and products cannot be produced.这些是一个过程的关键过程输入,没有他们,零件或产品将会无法生产出来。17DATA SUBJECT TO THE EXPORT CONTROL RESTRICTIONS ON THE FIRST PAGE OF THIS DOCUMENTCopyright United Technologies Corporation17KEY CHARACTERISTICS(KCs)关键特性关键特性If the KCs are not correct,something will go wrong.若关键特性出错,则会出现问题。Parts wont fit together.零件不能适配在一起Assembly will be difficult.装配会很困难Processes wont run well.过程运行不好Finished product wont work right.成品缺陷And so on.等等Part KCs.零件关键特性Piston diameter活塞直径Linkage pin shear strength连接销的剪切强度Casting porosity铸件的气孔Product KCs.产品关键特性Output power输出功率Efficiency效率Feed rate进料速度Roller pressure滚轮压力Blade stroke 刀片的行程Operator certification操作工的认证KEY CHARACTERISTICS for parts and assemblies are the measurable or inspectable features that must be correct in order for the device to work properly and meet the customers requirements.产品和零件的关键特性是指:为了使设备正常工作并达到客户要求必须正确的可测量或可检验的特性KEY CHARACTERISTICS for the processing equipment are the measurable or inspectable machine,tool,or other process settings that must be correct in order to produce the product.过程设备的关键特性是指:为了保证生产,机器、工具或其他过程设置必须正确的可测量或可检验的特性。18DATA SUBJECT TO THE EXPORT CONTROL RESTRICTIONS ON THE FIRST PAGE OF THIS DOCUMENTCopyright United Technologies Corporation18SEMANTICS术语术语UTC is made up of many different companies across the globe,and the terms used are not always consistent.UTC由全球很多不同公司组成,用到的术语并不总是一致的Most agree on the term KPO,and that KPOs have KCs.大部分都用KPO,以及KPOs有 KCsSome divisions have subsets of KPO-KCs they call KPCs(Key Product Characteristics).一些事业部将KPO-KCs的子集称为KPCs(关键产品特性)。Some divisions call machine and tool settings KPIs.Others may call machine settings KPPs(Key Process Parameters).一些事业部将机器和工具的设定称为KPIs,有些也可能称机器设定为KPPs(关键工艺参数)While the language may not be consistent,the concepts and the model are.叫法可能并不完全一致,但概念和模型是一样的。Process Step过程过程Customers客户客户Suppliers供应商供应商Key Process 关键过程关键过程Inputs 输入输入(Which have measured or inspected Key Characteristics测量或检验哪些测量或检验哪些关键特性关键特性)Key Process Outputs输出输出(Which have measured or inspected Key Characteristics)Internal tothe process内部过程内部过程Machines,tools,people,methods,meas.gauges,environment,etc.机器、工具、人、方法、量具、环境等。(Which have measured orinspected Key Characteristics测量或检验测量或检验哪些关键特性哪些关键特性)19DATA SUBJECT TO THE EXPORT CONTROL RESTRICTIONS ON THE FIRST PAGE OF THIS DOCUMENTCopyright United Technologies Corporation19WHAT IS A VALUE STREAM?什么是价值流什么是价值流A value stream is the collection of all activities required to produce a product that is sold to a customer.一个价值流价值流是指生产一个销售给客户的产品的所有活动的集合Therefore,a value stream is a process.因此,一个价值流是一个过程Manufacturing/assembly process制造制造/装配过程装配过程Suppliers供应商VS ProductCustomer客户客户Work station 1工位1Work station 2工位2Work station 3工位3Work station 4工位420DATA SUBJECT TO THE EXPORT CONTROL RESTRICTIONS ON THE FIRST PAGE OF THIS DOCUMENTCopyright United Technologies Corporation20WHAT IS CRITICAL WORK?什么是关键工作什么是关键工作Critical work is the collection of all activities required to perform a particular task critical to the production of a product.关键工作关键工作是指生产一个产品必须完成的非常关键的特殊任务的集合Therefore,all critical work is a process.因此,关键工作是一个过程。21DATA SUBJECT TO THE EXPORT CONTROL RESTRICTIONS ON THE FIRST PAGE OF THIS DOCUMENTCopyright United Technologies Corporation21VALUE STREAMS&CRITICAL WORK价值流和关键工作价值流和关键工作Once the KCs of the brazing process(for example)are understood,brazing can be certified wherever it appears in any value stream.例如:一旦钎焊工序的关键特性(KCs)被充分理解,则不论钎焊工序出现在哪个价值流中都可以被认证。XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXProduct DProduct EProduct AProduct BProduct CProduct FValue stream processesTorqueBrazingCritical work processesMillingTurningEtcValue streams run through the factory.价值流贯穿整个工厂Critical work runs across the value streams.关键工作贯穿整个价值流However,remember但是,请记得:但是,请记得:Processes like brazing are not value streams.像钎焊这样一个过程不是价值流Brazing is only an assembly operation within a work station within a value stream.钎焊仅是某个价值流中的某个工位内的一个装配操作。The full benefit of ProCert within ACE comes when the complete value stream is addressed.当整个价值流被认证时,ACE中的过程认证带来的最大的好处会得到充分的体现。22DATA SUBJECT TO THE EXPORT CONTROL RESTRICTIONS ON THE FIRST PAGE OF THIS DOCUMENTCopyright United Technologies Corporation22PROCERT IS DATA DRIVEN过程认证是数据驱动的过程认证是数据驱动的Without data,there is no hope.没有数据就没有希望DATA数据Exploration,transformation&analysis探索探索、变换、分析变换、分析INFORMATION信息KNOWLEDGE知识DECISIONS/ACTION决策/行动Comprehension&extrapolation理解与推断理解与推断Investigation&interpretation调查和解释调查和解释Data rich,information poor数据丰富,信息匮乏.A good decision,made in the absence of data-driven knowledge,is merely a lucky one.在缺乏数据驱动知识的情况下,即使做出好的决定也仅是幸运而已Knowledge inspires confidence.知识激发信心23DATA SUBJECT TO THE EXPORT CONTROL RESTRICTIONS ON THE FIRST PAGE OF THIS DOCUMENTCopyright United Technologies Corporation23KEY LEARNING POINTS关键学习点关键学习点All work is a process.所有的工作都是一个过程Process variation is the underlying cause of quality issues.质量问题的根源是过程变差。KCs are the critical part features and process parameters that must be managed in order to assure quality parts and products.KCs是为确保零件或产品质量而必须被管理的关键零件特性及工艺参数。Process certification is data driven.过程认证是数据驱动的。24DATA SUBJECT TO THE EXPORT CONTROL RESTRICTIONS ON THE FIRST PAGE OF THIS DOCUMENTCopyright United Technologies Corporation24AGENDA课程安排课程