【公开课教案】Unit 3 Reading for Writing人教版(2019)必修第二册.docx
Unit 3 The Internet “Reading for Writing”教学设计1. 教学分析1.1 教学内容分析本课教学内容选自人教版普通高中教科书英语教材必修二第三单元The Internet的Reading for Writing板块中的Write a blog post部分,主要任务是应用文写作中的博客写作。主题语境为人与社会,旨在培养学生如何在网络生活中保护自己的技能与。课文是一篇分享如何在网络生活中保护浏览体验与个人隐私的博客文章,正文主要分为开头、主体和结尾三个部分。开头部分交代了这封倡议信的写作目的;主体部分提出了三个具体可行的网络安全方案;结尾部分是呼吁更多的人加入对如何在上网时保护信息安全的讨论。文本的主线是“提出问题提供建议发出倡议”。文章结构清晰,语言简洁,内容明确,适合学生学习和模仿。就文章结构来看,该文包含了一般应用文的必要组成部分,包括具体问题、解决方案以及呼吁,为学生的应用文写作提供了一个可模仿的框架。就语言来看,该文有很多非正式语体应用文的功能句式,如“many years.have taught me a thing or two”“theres the golden rule of.”“do you have some advice for.”等等,为学生的写作输出提供了语言支撑。就内容来看,文章话题为宣传、倡导上网时保护信息安全和维系良好体验的方法,属于实用的互联网话题,具有一定的普遍性和时效性。学生可以通过独立阅读和小组讨论来提取文章的结构以及功能句型,并在教师的引导下提炼写作技巧。1.2 学情分析本课学生来自Z省某普通高中高一年级,大部分学生已有七年的英语学习经历。他们对互联网这一话题很感兴趣,对如何获得更好的上网体验以及如何保护信息安全也了解颇多,这为本课的学习提供了有利条件。此外,经过初中阶段的英语学习,他们已有了一定的应用文写作基础以及基本的语言能力。但是,很多学生缺乏互联网话题的相关词汇,不熟悉博客的结构、功能句式和写作技巧等,不能独立完成一封高质量的博客写作。因此,教师应采取读写结合教学法,指导学生从结构、语言和内容三个视角解读该教材文本,通过解读赏析模仿运用,为顺利完成倡议信的写作搭建支架。此外,教师应指导学生开展自主学习、合作学习和探究学习,进而提高学生的分析、归纳和表达能力。1.3 学习目标1.3.1 语言能力A)掌握互联网主题下的词汇如blog,post,troll,cyberbully等;B)理解并使用博客常用的非正式语体如“Today I thought Id blog about a question that has been asked many times.”;C)能够根据结构“提出问题提供建议发出倡议”撰写博客文章。1.3.2 思维品质能利用所学的写作技巧和网络上的相关信息,使写作更有逻辑性,更具说服力。1.3.3 文化意识能够意识到互联网的两面性,并学会在新的信息环境中保护自己的隐私安全,并能追求更高质量的网络体验。1.3.4 学习能力能借助评价核查表监控写作过程,并对写作结果进行自我评价和同伴评价,评价写作成果。1.4 教学重难点A) 如何指导学生提取网络博客的结构和功能句型(重点);B) 如何指导学生运用所学结构、功能句型和写作技巧,写一封关于网络安全(online safety)的博客文章(难点)。2. 教学思路本节课以网络安全为主题,依据学生现有的综合语言能力与语言发展需求,运用“三段七步”读思写整合教学模式,从读、写两个角度为学生搭建结构、语言、内容、技巧四种类型的支架,以保证学生顺利完成本课写作任务写一篇关于网络安全的博客文章。第一阶段为“读”的阶段,包括两个教学步骤:首先通过视频引入话题,创设情境,提出本课写作任务,并要求学生进行简要猜想,预测博客文章的主要内容,为下一步解读文本做好准备。随后进行两次目标阅读,通过追问引导学生分析、提取博客的结构、功能句型以及写作技巧。第二阶段为“思”的阶段,包括三个教学步骤:在完成阅读目标后,对源文本的结构框架、功能句型、写作技巧进行整理与回顾,探究网络安全主题的博客文章的写作思路,并补充更多的相关句型。随后小组讨论网络安全问题以及解决方案、倡议呼吁等,以积累素材,确定思路。在口头汇报的基础上,引导学生运用本课所学技巧对要点进行打磨与润色,并分享改进后的观点内容和语言表述。第三阶段为“写”的阶段,包括两个教学步骤:学生运用所学知识独立完成本课的写作任务,并利用评价核查表监控、评价自己的写作。随后以小组为单位,根据评价核查表评改习作,并推选出本组最佳,再由教师组织全班同学开展学生范文赏析,合作互动和评价修改。3. 教学过程3.1 情境创设,导读预测(5分钟)【教学问题】Q1: Whats the problem in the video clip?Q2: What contents would be included in a blog post trying to address the problem?【课堂实录】Watch a video clip.T: Whats the problem demonstrated in the video clip?Ss: Online safety.T: Yes, you are right. Our private information is being leaked and it would endanger our safety. Why is our private information so important? What would happen should bad people manage to have it?S: They know everything about us. / They use it to hurt us. / They take our money online.T: Great! Therefore we need to do more to protect our privacy in order to have a safer and more enjoyable experience online. But therere other factors that can contribute to our bad experience, right? Have you encountered one of those people that would be very mean with you when they dont even know who you are?Ss: Yes.T: Exactly. So can you come up with some ideas to avoid all these unpleasant online experiences?S: Dont tell anyone your real name. / Ban the accounts of people who are mean to others.T: Wonderful! You all have a lot of good ideas. Have you ever read one of those blog posts that you can share all these great tips to others? Do you want to try to write one?Ss: Yes!T: Excellent! Lets look at one of these blogs first.【设计说明】通过讨论网络安全问题引出写作话题,学生就该主题语境,分享已知,了解新知,激活话题背景知识。随后进行情境创设,布置写作任务,预测阅读文本内容,有利于激发学生的读写动机,也为后续阅读提供对比和参照。学生在这一过程中不断思考主题,进行语言输出,同时形成对源文本的阅读期待,为读写活动的开展创造良好的前提。3.2 文本解构,目标阅读(8分钟)【教学问题】Q1: Whats the main idea of the blog post? Write a title for it.Q2: What guidelines does the author provide for staying safe online?Q3: Whats the structure of this blog post?【课堂实录】Read the passage independently.T: OK I think everyone has finished reading. So can anyone tell me whats the main idea of this blog post?Ss: Online safety.T: Yes, its also about online safety. But can we be more specific here: what does the author mainly talk about this blog?S1: Some advice to stay safe in surfing the Internet.T: Great! Is that all?S2: Theres also some suggestions to avoid being mean when chatting online.T: Thats right. So you may have noticed, the title of this blog had been removed. If you were the writer, what title would you make?S: Some advice to stay safe online. / Online safety. / How to stay safe online. T: Thank you for your eloquent choices! So when we are to make titles, we try to summarize the main idea, but not over-simplify. I think How to Stay Safe Online will be a great idea. Now speaking of summarization, can you tell me how many suggestions the author gives in this blog?Ss: Three.T: Yes. What are they?S: Dont comment or click things that make you uncomfortable. / Protect your privacy. / Be polite to others.T: Thats true. So these three suggestions would be the main part of the passage. Are there any other parts?Ss: Yes.T: How many are there?S: Two.T: Wonderful! So the first part is about?S: The topic.T: Yes, or shall we say that it states the purpose of the passage?S: Yes.T: Very good. So how do we know its about the purpose?S: “Today I thought Id blog about a question that has been asked many times.”T: Yes! And the third part? Whats that about?S: To call on people to discuss it.T: Thats right! Or we can say its the appeal. It encourages people to pay attention to the online safety issue and share more useful tips on it. So do you feel this blog persuasive? Ss: Yes.T: What kind of sentence does it use quite often to help achieve that?S: Imperative sentences.T: Thats great! Imperative sentences are often used in this kind of informal writings, and they can keep your advice simple, clear and strong. What other writing techniques can you identify?Ss confusingT: How does the author prove that those suggestions do work? Is there any example?Ss: Yes.T: Great! Giving examples is a very useful writing technique. Is there anything else? How does this blog show the importance of these tips?S: By showing the consequences of not following them.T: Yes! Thats comparison, right? Comparison is also a technique we need to comprehend.【设计说明】这一活动旨在帮助学生理解文本的内容意义、分析文本的语篇结构,同时获取写作所需的功能句型。学生在教师的引导下对源文本进行解构与整合,对文本各部分进行分析、概括、归纳,提取倡议信的写作框架与功能句型,为后续完成写作任务做好结构和语言上的准备。这一活动也有利于培养学生的概括分析能力,使学生更好地体会语言的功能,促进其理解与运用。3.3 范文回顾,思路探究(2分钟)【教学问题】Q: How to write a blog post?【课堂实录】T: Now lets conclude how to write a persuasive letter. How many parts are usually there?Ss: Three.T: Thats correct. What are they?S: Introduction, body and ending.Write it on the blackboard.T: True. So in the introduction part, we should write?Ss: Purpose.Write it on the blackboard.T: Then in the body parts?Ss: Suggestions.Write it on the blackboard.T: Youre absolutely right. Finally in the ending part, we need to?Ss: Appeal.Write it on the blackboard.T: Great! We have an appeal. How can we do that? What does the author say?S: “do you have some good advice for staying safe? Post your comments below!”T: Very good. We can find a lot of patterns like this that we can use in our own writings. And remember to use imperative sentences to make you sound more determinative.【设计说明】这一活动旨在帮助学生梳理阅读文本的写作思路,总结此类应用文的写作方法与技巧,为学生后续模仿写作奠定基础。3.4 话题讨论,写作构思(5分钟)【教学问题】Q1: Do you have any more tips for how to surf the Internet safely?Q2: What specific contents should be in a blog post addressing online safety?【课堂实录】T: Now everyone, we need to discuss specific contents of the writing task. You need to discuss some more tips for how to surf the Internet safely, and try to make an appeal. Everyone should express your opinions to make the discussion better.Ss discuss in groups.T: Times up! Lets invite a group to share with us. Any volunteers?S: We believe that a big part of what makes the surfing experience bad or even compromises safety is hate speech, which often threatens us by targeting gender, sexuality, race, nationality, etc. Thats why we need to actively use the reporting tools provided by the platforms and ask them to intervene to protect ourselves. It is also important to be familiar with how to block and cancel our account and to clear the information after knowing that we may be in danger.【设计说明】这一活动旨在引导学生构思写作的内容要点。小组合作讨论读前布置的写作任务,有利于在内容和语言上提供支架,一定程度上降低写作难度,使更多学生能做好准备,顺利地实现语言输出。此外,学生在讨论的过程中将脑海中笼统抽象的想法转化为具体详细的观点,培养了逻辑思维,训练了语言组织和表达的能力。3.5 要点打磨,技巧学练(3分钟)【教学问题】Q: How to make the content more persuasive and convincing?【课堂实录】T: And in order to make your points more persuasive, you need to use three techniques, what are they?Ss: Imperative sentences, examples and comparisons.T: Excellent. Now please express your suggestions with imperative sentences. Later, we will invite some of you to share your ideas.Ss thinkingT: Times up. Any volunteers?S: Use the reporting tools provided by the platforms. / Use a one-time email registration service rather than the one with a real name. / Use encrypted communication software.T: Great! Then, try to give some examples to support it and use comparisons to show otherwise.【设计说明】这一活动旨在引导学生使用阅读中所学的写作技巧来完善要点,将技巧学练落到实处,以便在独立写作中更好地运用和巩固写作技巧,从而提高写作质量。3.6 独立输出,初稿写作(10分钟)Write a blog post addressing online safety.ChecklistIs there an introduction?Yes / NoAre there suggestions?Yes / NoIs there an appeal?Yes / NoImperative sentences?Yes / NoGiving examples?Yes / NoMaking comparisons?Yes / No【课堂实录】T: Now everybody, its time to finish the blog post by your own. Dont forget the structure and functional sentence patterns we have learned. In your blog, there should be an introduction, some suggestions in the body and an appeal in the end. And in order to make your writing persuasive, you need to use some imperative sentences. Please use the checklist to monitor your writing and do a self-assessment after writing. If you need my help, just raise your hand. Lets start now!Ss write on their own.【设计说明】这一活动旨在模仿阅读所得、读后所思,创新地将要表达的思想观点转换成文字,完成写作任务,检验学习效果。学生结合所学独立进行语言输出,在这一过程中将语言知识转化为语言能力,进一步内化、迁移、创新,并在写作中升华了主题意义。设计评价核查表旨在引导学生监控自己的写作过程,检查自己的写作成果,帮助其培养这一习惯和能力,逐步提升其写作素养及写作水平。3.7 师生互动,习作评改(7分钟)Appreciate, evaluate and polish the blog posts in groups and then with the teacher.【课堂实录】T: Now lets do a peer-assessment. Lets take Jacks writing for example. Is there an introduction?Ss: Yes. Identify the introduction.T: Great. Then does he state his suggestions?Ss: Yes. Identify the suggestions.T: You got it. Does he write the appeal?Ss: Yes. Identify the appeal.T: Does he use imperative sentences? Examples? Comparisons?Ss: Yes. Identify the techniques.T: Youre right. Now lets evaluate and revise your writings in groups. After evaluating and discussing, each group should choose the best one and we will evaluate them together.【设计说明】这一活动包括教师评价和同伴评价,旨在根据评价核查表,对照写作目标要求评价习作的完成质量,给学生提供机会赏析同伴的习作,并结合老师及同学的评价修改完善自己的作文,有利于提高学生的语言赏析能力、合作协商能力以及批判性思维。此外,这一评价形式加强了教师和学生之间的互动,实现了多元评价。附录:板书学科网(北京)股份有限公司