【公开课教案】Unit 5Reading for Writing 人教版(2019)必修第二册.docx
高中英语人教版必修二Unit 5 Reading for Writing教学设计主题语境:人与社会音乐授课类型:读写课授课时长:60分钟(一)教学思路本节课依托“音乐”的单元主题语境,基于单元整体教学设计,采用“三段七步”读思写整合教学模式,从结构、内容、语言为学生写作搭建支架,以保证学生顺利完成语言的独立输出撰写一篇演讲稿。将教学过程大体分为“读”“思”“写”三个阶段,具体分为话题导入、目标阅读、思路探究、写作构思、技巧学练、初稿写作、习作改评七个步骤。此读写教学观基于共享知识理论和全语言教学观,通过分析性阅读的方法指导写作,强化读写的共享知识,促进学生写作能力的发展。在写作课堂上采用语篇互动,实现由读者到作者的顺利过渡。 第一阶段为“读”的阶段,分为两个步骤:首先通过英文歌曲导入话题,并创设音乐会的情境,布置写作任务;再进行三次目标阅读,解构文本,分析、归纳文本的结构、内容和语言,为后续的写作任务服务。第二阶段为“思”的阶段,分为三个步骤:首先由目标阅读转移到思路探究,由“读”转移到“思”。在思路探究中,帮助学生搭建写作框架,并由学生自主选择判断开头和结尾部分的撰写;在写作构思中,通过话题讨论积累正文部分写作内容素材;在技巧学练中,学生以阅读文本为支架,学习功能句以及修辞方法,并正确、灵活地加以运用。第三阶段为“写”的阶段,分为两个步骤:学生在任务情境驱动下运用本节课知识进行初稿写作,随后根据评价量表进行写作自评与互评,并进行习作评改,对初稿加工润色。具体流程如下:(二)教材分析What: 本次教学设计内容选自人教版高中英语新教材必修二Unit 5 Music中的 Reading for Writing。本板块为读写活动任务链,主题是写一篇关于音乐如何影响人生(How music can change a persons life)的演讲稿。阅读文章主要讲述了主人公Sarah Williams于生病期间,在音乐的影响下收获了快乐、力量与希望,并以此鼓舞、呼吁他人可以通过音乐树立积极向上的生活态度的故事,强调了音乐的对人们生活的正向影响,体现了“音乐是治愈心灵的良药(Music is the medicine of the mind)”的主旨。Why: 本单元中心话题和主题语境为“音乐”,属于三大语境中“人与社会”的主题,从属于该语境下“文学、艺术与体育”的主题群。本单元包含欣赏音乐、音乐的纽带作用、策划音乐节、音乐的疗愈功能、音乐鉴赏与评论以及音乐家等内容,主题贴近学生生活,能够激发学生学习兴趣,开阔思路。本文作者通过讲述自己与音乐的真实故事,旨在强调音乐具有疗愈人心、鼓舞精神的强大力量,以此呼吁人们享受音乐,不可低估音乐的内在力量,传达积极乐观的生活态度与价值观,体现了“音乐是治愈心灵的良药”的主旨。学生在教师引导下阅读演讲稿,联系生活与音乐相关的经历与感受,创造性地表达个人观点和态度并完成一篇演讲稿,在此过程中体悟音乐的力量,形成积极向上、热爱生活的价值观。How: 阅读文章体裁为说服性演讲稿(Persuasive Speech),目的是为了说服观众接受演讲者的观点。文章共有五个自然段,可分为三个部分,文章结构清晰,段与段之间衔接自然合理,结构如下:演讲需要使用具有表现力的语言(expressive language)使其更有说服力,让观众信服。本文的亮点和特色之一是使用大量修辞手法(rhetorical device),如重复、设问、引用、明喻、暗喻、拟人等,使作者的说理过程更加生动形象、令人信服,情感也层层递进,使人深受感触。同时,文章也使用”have an impact on”, “make me feel”, “help me.”, “give me .”等表示作用、影响的功能性语句体现音乐的力量。 因此,本次读写课教学设计主要围绕演讲稿的语篇结构和语言特征进行解读与教学,使学生掌握演讲稿的写作方法与技巧,培养读写结合的能力,深度挖掘主题意义。(三)学情分析本次教学设计授课对象为重点高中金华外国语学校的高一学生,学生英语基础扎实,英语学习热情高。学生对本单元主题“音乐”具有浓厚兴趣,能够理解主题语境并且掌握了相关表达。大部分学生能够通过略读(skimming)和扫读(scanning)的方法提取关键信息,对文章大意以及结构有初步认知。但是学生平时对演讲稿这类文体接触较少,对其文体特征和语言特征知之甚少,对simile, metaphor, repetition典型的修辞手法能够虽然有初步了解,而对于修辞手法的辨别、赏析以及运用能力较为欠缺。同时因缺少系统学法指导,学生构建演讲稿的写作框架仍存在困难,也未能自主运用评价量表中的标准指导、改进写作。总之,学生虽然已经掌握本单元主题语境下的相关语言知识,但是在解构和辨析语篇特征、内化并输出语言的能力仍有待提高。(四) 教学目标通过本节课学习,学生能够:1. 语言能力·在问题链引导下,梳理文本信息,把握演讲稿的文本结构,搭建写作框架;· 通过目标阅读,分析演讲稿语言特征,能够正确使用关于描述音乐积极作用的相关表达以及演讲稿开头和结尾的相关功能性语句。并分析其语言特征,赏析、辨别repetition, metaphor, simile, quote, rhetorical question等修辞手法并正确、灵活运用到写作中;·在三段七步“读思写”整合教学模式下完成一篇演讲稿初稿的撰写。2. 思维品质·结合生活经历创新性地表达个人观点,培养创新性思维;· 通过评价量表(checklist)的具体标准,尤其“切题性”(relevance)、“说服力”(persuasiveness)、“条理性”(coherence)、“表现力”(expressiveness)等角度客观全面评价自己以及同伴的作品,分析优缺点,培养批判性思维。3. 学习能力·通过快速浏览(skimming)理解文章大意,通过扫读(scanning)获取篇章具体信息,并将演讲稿的文本结构和语言特征内化为自己的知识加以运用,培养知识的迁移运用能力;·借助评价量表进行自我评价和同伴评价,诊断反思写作过程和结果,对初稿加工润色,发展写作监控能力,提升评鉴能力,实现以“评”促学。4. 文化意识·深度体悟音乐疗愈心灵、鼓舞人心的作用,树立积极乐观的生活态度和价值观。(五) 教学重难点(1) 教学重点·通过目标阅读提取、归纳文章组织架构和语言特征,搭建写作框架;辨别并恰当使用文中多种修辞手法,学习相关功能性语句运用到写作中。(2) 教学难点·学生需要独立产出演讲稿的初稿,并将评价量表与写作过程深度融合,以评价量表中的“切题性”(relevance)、“说服力”(persuasiveness)、“条理性”(coherence)、“表现力”(expressiveness)等标准指导写作、反思写作、改进写作。(六) 教学过程步骤一. 话题导入,创设情境 (4 mins)Activity 1: Free talk (3 mins)Students listen to the song When you believe and how do they feel after listening it. Activity 2: Create the situation and present the task (1 min)Teacher creates a situation in the closing of an School Concert, students are invited to give a speech on how music can change our life. Question1. After listening the song, how do you feel? 2. What can we learn from this song?【课堂实录】T: A powerful song with beautiful melody, do you like it? After listening this song, how do you feel? S1: Energetic! I like it.T: Yeah, Im also full of energy. Music is powerful, do you think so? So what can we learn from it?S2: When we meet with difficulties, we should be optimistic and hold our belief.T: You have a good understanding. We should hold the belief that “There can be miracles when you believe. ” mentioned in the lyrics. Music can give us power. Today our School Concert is drawing to a close. We are invited to give a speech on the topic “How music can change our life” on the closing ceremony. Are you ready?【设计意图】话题导入环节通过英文歌曲欣赏,学生能够分享自身感受,并联系实际讨论音乐对我们生活的帮助和影响,旨在激活图示,引发学生对话题的兴趣,为之后的教学环节作出铺垫,促进旧知与新识的融合。随后进行情境创设,将学生置于贯穿本单元的音乐会情境之中,贯彻单元整体教学模式,并以此布置写作任务,以任务驱动的方式激发学生的读写动机,为读写活动的开展奠定基础。步骤二. 目标阅读,解构文本 (20 mins)Activity 1 : Read for the main ideas. (4 mins)Students skim the passage and match the main idea with each paragraphQuestion1. Have you gotten the main ideas? Please match them with each paragraph.【课堂实录】T: Have you gotten the main ideas? Please match them with each paragraph.S3: Paragraph 1 is about the self-introduction and the topic.T: Youre right. Next paragrph.Students match the main idea with each paragraph and share their answers.【设计意图】此活动旨在运用连线练习帮助学生理清文章各段落大意,把握文章主旨,发展和巩固学生略读(skimming)的阅读技巧,同时也引导学生关注文章组织逻辑,为步骤三中演讲稿结构的思路探究作铺垫。Activity 2 : Read for specific information (6 mins)Students scan the passage and answer the following questions.1. What is the topic of Sarahs speech?2. What was her problem? How serious was her problem?3. What made her recover?4. How did music help her during her difficult time? 5. What was her advice to others?【课堂实录】T: Whats the topic of Sarahs speech? Or what does she mainly talk about?S4: How music has had an impact on her life.T: Exactly. In paragraph one we can find the topic. Second one, what was her problem?S5: She had a serious disease.T: So can you tell me how serious was it?S5: It was difficult to cure.T: What else? How did she feel?S5: Her body ached and she was afraid and alone.T: Yeah, she was really painful. But finally she recovered. What helped her recovered? Can you find the turning point?Ss: Music.T: Good. Music helped her recover. And how did it help her? What was the impact of music?S6: It gave her happiness, strength and brought her relief.T: How do you know and what else?S6: Paragraph 3. It also gave her hope and satisfaction.T: Exactly. In paragraph 3, she shared how music made her feel. We can feel that it is very sincere. And in paragraph 2 she also shared her personal experience with music. It also made the speech more persuasive and sincere. Lastly, what was her advice to others?S7: She hoped all of us will begin to treasure music.T: And to make it a part of our life, right? Good job.【设计意图】通过问题链引导学生把握文章主旨,快速梳理主体(body)部分的具体信息,从“个人经历与感受”“音乐的作用与影响”两个方面帮助学生理解正文内容,并由此引出演讲稿内容的要求之一“说服力”,使学生在目标阅读中体悟如何使演讲具有说服力,能够打动观众,这也会之后学生依据评价量表的标准写作提供思维支架,作出铺垫。Activity 3 : Read for language features (10 mins)1. Recognize the rhetorical device: Students read paragraph 2 and 3 again to recognize the rhetorical devices the author used as many as they can and then match the names of the rhetorical devices to the sentence in the passage. 2. Appreciate the function of the rhetorical device: Students are invited to read aloud the sentence in the chat and compare the original one and the revised one to appreciate the function of the rhetorical device.【课堂实录】T: Here are two versions of paragraph 3. I want to invite two of you to read them aloud.Ss read the two versions respectively.T: How do you feel? Which version do you like? S8: I like the second version. T: Yeah, I think the two speakers both have a clear tone. But I also like the second one. Why?S8: Because it is more powerful and impressive.T: What makes it more powerful?S8: The rhetorical devices.T: Exactly. With these rhetorical devices, the speech can be more attractive, impressive, eloquent and successful, do you think so?【设计意图】本环节旨在通过目标阅读使学生关注演讲稿的语言特征灵活运用各种修辞手法,是演讲更加有表现力。学生通过文章中具体句子和修辞手法的一一对应,能够理解多种修辞手法的定义和用法,辨别其不同;并通过对比,赏析、体会修辞手法的作用和功能,意识到演讲稿写作的一个重要要求表现力(expressiveness)。步骤三. 思路探究,搭建框架 (5 mins)Activity 1: Conclude the structure (3 mins)Students read the passage again to conclude the structure of the passage and extract the basic elements of a speech.插图Question1. Whats the structure of the speech?2. Whats the function of the real personal experience in Para.2?3. Whats the function of the expressive words in Para.3【课堂实录】T: Speech has its own unique structure. To start a speech, we should first.?Ss: Introduce ourselves.T: Before the self-introduction? What should we do?S9: Greet.T: Very good. We should first greet people and then introduce ourselves. Next?Ss: Give the topic.T: Exactly. We need to present our topic or the theme. Then here comes the body, the main part of our speech. What does it include? In the body, we should first.?S10: Share our story about music.T: Yes, share our personal experience with music, to make our speech more.? Teacher points at the blackboard and gives students the hint.Ss: Sincere and persuasive.T: Perfect! The real personal experience can be more likely to impress and convince the audience. How about the next part? What is it about? S11: It is about the author's personal feeling about music.T: As well as the impact of music, isn't it? Great! In paragraph 3, we may find the author uses many powerful words to show the impact of music. It can make the speech more.? More expressive, more powerful, are you clear? OK, and then we need to.? What point should we cover?Ss: Advice.T: Exactly, we need to give our advice to appeal the audience, right? Meanwhile, relating your experience with the audience is also necessary. Finally, close the speech, saying “thank you.”This is a complete structure of the speech. It makes our speech more logical and coherent. So when we write the speech, keep it in mind.【设计意图】通过问题链的形式再次解构文本,分析正文部分的语篇结构,并运用思维导图帮助学生搭建写作结构支架,将学生关注点转移到“写作”步骤。同时,在梳理文本结构时,引导学生关注演讲稿写作的另一个要求,即“条理性”(coherence);在分析第三段内容时,引导学生关注文本的语言特征,使他们意识到演讲稿的语言需要“表现力”(expressiveness),预知修辞手法的知识,为步骤五作铺垫。Activity 2: Choose the beginning and the ending (2 mins)Students are required to choose the proper expressions for the beginning and the ending of the speech with the aid of multiple choice. They should make a comparison between the two different expressions and explain which one is better.Distinguished teachers and dear fellow students: Beginning:A. Hello, everyone! Today I will give you speech here.B. Good evening! Im Tom. I feel extremely honored to be here and to deliver a speech on the subject “How music have an influence on my life”._Ending:A. Im really appreciated that music can keep company with me. I will continue to enjoy it and be optimistic about life! Thank you for your listening!B. Of course, I hope none of have to go through these rough patches. But if you are in the same plight, you can turn music for help. I sincerely wish that all of you can enjoy music and find your happiness. Thank you for your listening!【教学实录】T: Now its your turn to write the beginning and the ending of the speech. There are two multiple choices for the beginning and the ending. For the beginning, which one do you think is more suitable?S12: I think is B. T: Why do you think so? Why not A?S12: Because A doesnt include a self-introduction.T: Great. Self-introduction is necessary. Moreover, we should use formal expressions like “I feel extremely honored to” to show our politeness. Are you clear? What about the ending?S13: A is better. Because it shows the authors appreciation for music.T: But you know the speech is for all of the audience. So we should relate our own experience to the audience, do you agree?S13: Yes.T: So B is better. Because relating personal story to the audience helps to appeal them, to persuade them, to involve them. 【设计意图】此活动旨在通过选择题的形式辅助学生撰写演讲稿的开头和结尾,关注语言正式性、与观众的联系等要点,将抽象的要点转变为具体的语言表达,为语言的输出搭建具体的语言支架。步骤四. 写作构思,话题讨论 (5 mins)Activity 1: Brainstorming (5 mins)Group work: Think of ways that people experience music, and how music can help people. 【教学实录】T: Only some useful expressions are not enough. To write a speech, we should share our personal experience and feelings to make it more persuasive and sincere. Lets have a brainstorming to think of ways that people experience music, and how music can help people. Its a group work, 3-5 a group and group 1-4 you should think about the first question and group 5-8 the second one, are you clear?Ss: Yes.T: OK, 3 minutes, here we go. Students discuss with each other.T: Time is up. Which group want to have a try.S14: We can experience music by listening to music, singing, playing instruments.T: Good ideas. What about the second one? How music can help people?S15: It gives us courage and instruction.T: Especially when we meet difficulties, right?S6: I think it can make us relaxed.T: Excellent. It can be relaxing.S17: Music can keep us company in our daily life.T: Good idea. Definitely, music do help us and change our life a lot.【设计意图】 此步骤旨在帮助学生构思写作的内容要点,在搭建写作框架、学习撰写开头和结尾后,再将学生关注点放到写作内容中的个人经历、感受与音乐影响这两部分关键内容上,并再次强调“真挚动人”和“说服有力”两大标准。通过小组的头脑风暴活动进行话题素材讨论,再次激活图示,实现旧知与新识在写作任务驱动下的关联。在小组讨论中学生集思广益,培养创造性思维,也为之后的初稿写作积累内容素材,顺利地实现语言输出。步骤五. 技巧学练,巧用修辞 (7 mins)Activity 1: Learn functional sentence pattern (3 mins)Students are required to find the useful functional sentence pattern that can indicate the impact of music in the passage. Then use them to express their ideas in the formal part.Question1. Can you find out some useful structures that can indicate the impact of music in the passage? 【课堂实录】T: To express our ideas more clearly, we need to use some functional sentence pattern. Can you find out some useful structures that can embody the impact of music in the passage? Ss share the useful expressions of musics impact they find.Except these in the passage, do you have other useful expressions?S18: Music can have a great impact on our life.T: Great. Or we can use have an influence on, they are similar. What else?S19: Music can always be there, freeing our soul, supporting us, connecting us with each other.T: Fantastic! Beautiful expressions! We can use some specific verbs to indicate the power of music, right?【设计意图】通过阅读文本中的功能句提取和拓展为学生撰写主体部分搭建语言支架,为学生写作提供语言素材,使学生能关注文本的利用,在模仿的基础上进行自己的创新,培养学生运用已学知识并加以创新的能力。Activity 2: Apply rhetorical devices (4 mins)Students discuss in group about how to use rhetorical devices to revise the expressions in the formal part.【教学实录】T:Group 3, how do you revise the original sentence? S20: Music is the light that can give us instruction when we confront with difficulties.T: Excellent. You use metaphor to make it more vivid. Good idea. What about group 6?S21: Music can keep us company in our daily life, communicating with us and