初中英语说课稿(通用15篇)学校英语说课稿1 一、教学内容分析 (一)、学问背景及新课程、新教材 本单元围绕the Silver Screen(影视) 这一主题开展听、说、读、写多种教学活动。影视作为人类文明的一大体现,作为当今社会人们主要休闲、消遣方式之一,是一个特殊贴近生活、具有时代性、可挖掘性的教学主题。 本单元所选的语言素材涉及中外名片、著名演员、著名导演, 具有典型的时代气息,有利于同学了解外国文化,增加世界意识。正如新课程标准中的教学建议所提:学习中文影视文化有利于“拓展同学的文化视野,进展他们跨文化交际的意识和力气”;在利用现代教育技术观看影视片断、影视海报的教学过程中,“拓宽了同学学习和运用英语的渠道”;同时本单元的教学对老师本身的中外文化修养、宽敞的学问面等方面有特殊高的要求,体现了师生共同不断更新学问结构以适应现代社会进展对英语课程的要求的“与时俱进”的理念和思想。 (二)、教学重点难点 1. 语言学问重点与难点 (1)关系副词引导的定语从句和介词+关系代词引导的定语从句 (2)与影视相关的词汇 (3)有关发表个人观点的句型、结构 2. 综合学问重点与难点 (1)、对国外著名影星、导演及他们作品的了解。如教材中涉及的Meryl Streep,Keanu Reeves,Steve Spielberg等,以扩高校生学问面、文化视野。如何填补同学这方面学问缺乏的信息沟。 (2)、对国内著名影视导演及他们代表作品的了解。如何设计任务让同学从课内学问到课外学问的链接。 (3)、对影视界名人及电影的评价(comments)如何写影评(review)。 二、教学目标 (一)、学问技能 1. 学习、把握关系副词when,where.,why 引导的定语从句及介词+关系代词引导的定语从句。 2. 学习把握一些有关影视的词汇: 如: career, director, script, play a role in ,Oscar, award, studio, scene, follow-ups等。 把握其他一些课文中涉及的词汇: 如:graduate, attack, creature, oweto, take off等。 3. 学习把握一些用于争辩、评价电影的结构句式: 如:Whats the film about? What do you think about the story of the film? How do you feel about the film? I like / dont like the film because The film is about I think the ending of the film is 4. 提高同学语言听、说、读、写的力气及扮演角色、编写剧本、撰写影评等的综合语言运用力气。 (二)。 情感态度 1. 学习几位著名影星、导演执著于艺术、献身于艺术的敬业精神和对人类艺术的巨大贡献。 2. 从Keanu Reeves 艰辛的"成功途中(In the begin did many small jobs, then played in many cheap films.)我们可以学习到:要成就事业需付出辛勤劳动,要有持之以恒、坚持不懈的恒心与毅力。 3. 通过学习国外著名影视界人物,培育同学了解、敬重异国文化,体现国际合作精神。 4. 通过开展小组活动,指导同学乐观与人合作,相互学习,相互关怀,培育其团队精神。 (三)。学习策略 1. 认知策略 能总结定语从句的结构规律,并加以应用;在学习中借助电影海报图画、图表等非语言信息进行理解或表达。 2. 调控策略 利用影视资源,主动拓宽英语学习渠道,制造和把握学习英语的机会;乐观参与采访、表演、调查等英语学习活动。 3. 交际策略 充分利用采访、表演等真实交际活动提高用英语交际的力气,在其过程中能借助手势、表情等非语言手段提高交际效果,能克服语言障碍,维持交际。 4. 资源策略 通过了解影视学问,获得更广泛的英语信息,拓展所学学问。 (四)。文化意识 1. 了解英语国家影视界艺术家的成长经受、成就和贡献。 2. 通过学习,了解世界著名影视文化,培育世界意识。 3. 通过中外影视文化对比,加深对中国影视文化的理解。 三、教学步骤 (一) Warming up 这部分的重点是引出本单元的话题-电影,了解同学对电影的生疏程度并充分发挥同学的想象力。同时训练同学说的力气。 活动步骤: 1.师生互动:老师提一些问题如Do you like seeing films? How often? Favorite actor? Actress? Film? 在此过程中老师可呈现一些同学生疏并宠爱的名演员、名片的海报,从视觉上激发同学对本话题的爱好。 2.小组活动:老师选取几副不同题材的电影画面(可选取教材外的其它画面),要求同学进行小组合作,每小组选一幅画面进行争辩What is happening in this scene? What happens before/after the scene? 要求同学不拘泥于已知的电影内容,发挥自己的想象力,给出各种不同的观点。 3.班级活动:向班级其它同学描述本小组所选图片,其他同学可给出不同看法。 (二)listening 本单元的听力是培育同学捕获特定信息的力气,并让同学生疏interview这种形式。Task: To discuss what questions the reporters will ask when interviewing famous directors. 活动形式: 1. 师生互动:老师设置开放性的问题,进一步启发同学思考,并为过渡到听力部分做预备。问题可设置为:Of course these films now are very popular and successful, and what does the success of the films bring to the actors? 同学各抒己见,金钱、荣誉、名气,成为公众人物后带来一个问题They received a lot of interviews. 2. 小组活动:老师引出问题What questions will you ask when interviewing an actor?通过小组争辩,收集尽可能多的问题,一方面让同学猜想听力中可能会消逝的问题,同时也对interview这种形式有所了解。 3. 班级活动:完成听力练习 学校英语说课稿2 一、说教材 本册书是新版学校英语三班级上册。第四单元主要围绕日常生活中的交通工具开放教学,其次十二课是本单元的第四课,要求同学把握三种交通工具的说法并进行一些简洁的询问,对于三班级的初学者来说,有一点难度,这就需要老师在教学中奇异地运用各种方法反复操练本课难点。 教学目标(Teachingaims) 1、理解“三会”单词bike,taxi,train并在句型中进行操练。在巩固Ihavea的基础上学会Really?CanIseeit?Sure、等句子、使用这些句子进行简洁的沟通。 2、通过练习和唱歌,学习运用所学的单词,进行操练。 3、培育同学的语言交际力气,培育同学良好的学习习惯和审美情趣。 教学重难点(Keypoint) 1、“三会”单词的听说读写以及在句子中的运用。 2、创设情境进行对话的创编 二、说教法 本课我主要接受: 1、引导教学法,用最简洁的谜语引出将要学习的新内容,激发同学的学习爱好和学习热忱。 2、任务型教学法,结合教学内容制造性的设计切合同学实际生活的教学活动,吸引和组织他们乐观参与。 3、合作沟通教学法,将班内同学分成小组进行活动,让他感受学习英语的乐趣及沟通的意义。 三、说学法 在课堂教学中让同学多说,多练,形成自主探究,合作沟通式的学习,这样同学在沟通的同时,可以相互学习,培优补差,让他们树立起学习英语的信念,享受到自主学习的欢快,这样不仅可以培育他们学习英语的爱好,也可以使他们树立起自信,在以后的学习过程中,成为自己学习的仆人。 四、学情分析 学校三班级的同学是英语的初学者,他们对英语接触的不多,并没有很深化的了解,他们天真,活泼,开朗,机智,好表现,爱发觉,因此,他们爱玩,好动,不能自控,上课简洁分散留意力,做小动作,对所学学问不能准时的进行自我巩固与复习,依据同学的这一特点,我作为他们的老师,应当留意培育他们学习英语的爱好,培育他们自主学习的力气,深化了解同学的心里特点,多和孩子以及家进步行沟通与沟通,对于那些爱好高的孩子,要留意保持,连续培育,对于那些爱好不深厚的.孩子,要着重培育,多鼓舞他们,多表扬他们,多激发他们学习的潜能,结实树立他们学习的信念。 五、教学过程 1、热身复习(Warmingup) (1)Singasang、LiYanhasalittledoll. (2)Invitethechildrentoactthedialogueinlesson21ingroups. 2、学习单词(Learntonewwords) (1)、老师通过简洁的谜语引出将要学习的新单词:bike,taxi,train. (2)、拿出预备的图片,贴到黑板上领读,拼读,并画出四线三格,引到同学正确书写。 (3)、将所学单词用到Ihaveanew.。.这个句型中。 3、学习句型(Learntonewsentences) (1)同学在呈现过程中说到Ihaveanew.。.时,老师说:“Really?CanIseeit?”老师可以借助适当的动作让同学理解CanIseeit?的意义,然后引导同学仿照练习。 (2)、创设情景:Peter在小区门口遇到了杨明说:“Hi,YangMing、Ihaveanew bike.”大家想一想杨明说什么,同学会说:“ReallyCanIseeit?”Peter:Sure。 4、练习(Practice) 1、GetSSlistentothetapeandrepeatit. 2、GetSStopracticethedialogueinpairs 3、Invitethechildrentoactitoutingroups 5、学习歌曲(Singasang) 6、家庭作业(Homework) (1)Remembernewwords. (2)Makethewordscards. (3)Makethedialogueaccordingtothetext. 7、板书设计(Blackboarddesign) 1、学习单词,将图片贴到黑板上,并将对应的单词写在四线三格内。 2、学习句型,通过单词的练习引出句型:Ihaveanewbike、Really?CanIseeit?Sure、Lesson22 Picture:bikeIhaveanewbike. Picture:taxitaxi. Picture:traintrain. Really?CanIseeit? Sure. 学校英语说课稿3 一、Introduction(导言) 英语说课是英语教学中重要一环,也是衡量一位英语老师对教材把握、分析及老师本人对上课进程宏观把握力气有力手段,能从理论上指导老师贯彻教学大纲,真正做到教与学相结合,将教材、大纲、老师、同学、课堂融为有机整体,对不断提高老师教学力气和教研力气,有着突出作用。 二、说课基本原则 1. 遵循教学大纲要求,明确说课内容。把握说课与上课区分与联系,正确理解教材、教案说课、上课之间层进关系,走出说课即是“说教案”误区。 2. 以老师为主导,同学为主体,体现先进教学理念。 3. 详略得当,重点突出,体现说课完整性。 4. 与教案相结合,体现其可操作性。 三、说课基本程序 1. 说教材:科学分析教材,明确重点难点、教学目标和要求以及教材在单元中地位和作用。 2. 说同学:谈谈同学学问与力气结构,明确说课内容难易程度。 3. 说教法:谈谈本节课要实施教学手段、方法以及教具使用。 4. 说学法:谈谈学习方法运用以及将要实现目标。 5. 说教学程序:说为什么要设计该程序?目、意图何在?结果如何? 6. 说板书设计:谈谈板书设计依据和理由,力求体现说板书设计程序性、概括性和艺术性。 四、留意说课信息和反馈与总结 说课对象可以是专家、同行甚至是同学。向说课对象征询看法、猎取信息,力求不断改进和提高。 学校英语说课稿4 Good afternoon, everyone! Nice to meet you here! Im XXX, an English teacher from XXX Middle School. Today Im glad to have a chance to introduce my lesson to you. Now, Ill say something about my lesson: Lesson 22 Presents from Canada. Ill say this lesson from six parts. Part One. Analysis of the Teaching Material: (一)。Status and function. This is the sixth lesson in Unit 3, Junior English Book 3 (Learning English)。This unit focuses on the festivals in autumn in Canada and China. It mainly introduces three important festivals: Thanks giving, Mid-autumn Festival and a birthday. It is helpful for the Ss to learn about Western cultures. This lesson is mainly about posting presents and cards to Li Ming. The Ss will learn what to write in birthday cards, and its a chance to show their love to their classmates and parents. (二)。 Teaching aims: 1、Knowledge objects. A) Master the new words and phrases. B) Learn what to write in birthday cards and how to post them. 2、Ability objects: A) To improve the Ss listening, speaking, reading and writing abilities. B) To improve the Ss awareness and ability of cross-culture. 3、Moral objects. A) To cultivate the feelings of loving each other and caring about others. Make the Ss love their classmates and parents more deeply. B) To enable the Ss to take a great interest in learning English and take an active part in the activities in class. (三)。 Teaching Important Points 1) Master the new words and phrases. 2) Train students reading ability. (四)。Teaching Difficult Points How to improve students reading ability. Part Two Teaching methods 1. Multi-media teaching. It can help the students be interested in the lesson and learn the lesson happily and easily. 2、Encouragement and praise. 3. "Task-based" teaching method. "Task-based" language teaching has been one of the most important foreign teaching approaches during these years. The New English Curriculum requires teachers to use it .Its an effective and advanced teaching approach. Its widely used in many different countries. Part Three Learning methods: As an English teacher, your duty is not only to teach the students some English knowledge, but also to raise their skills of learning and using English. Such as: 1. Co-operation and competition-Students cooperate and compete with each other by working in groups. 2. Reading skills-How to read English Part Four Teaching Aids multi- media, the blackboard, objects. Part Five Analysis of the students The students are in Grade Eight now, and they have some interests of learning and speaking English, they are willing to co-operate and communicate with others in class, especially this lesson is related to their daily life: Giving presents to a friend. I think its easy for them to learn the lesson and they will take an active part in the activities in class. Part Six Teaching procedures Ill finish this in four steps. First, Ill divide the Ss into four groups and bring a competition into the class. In the end, lets see which group is the best. Step1. Greeting Greet and sing the song "Happy birthday to you " with the Ss. As we know: Well begun, half done. To have a good beginning, and motivate the Ss interest, I let the Ss sing the song together. So the Ss feel relaxed and happy in learning English. Step2. Pre-reading 1. Show some pictures about a birthday and talk about them with the Ss. 2. Think about it : A) Do you give birthday cards to your friends? B) What do you write in your cards? My purpose is to show the beautiful pictures with the multi-media to attract the Ss attention and make the Ss take an active part in speaking English, so that they have more interests in learning this lesson. Step3: While-reading 1. Fast reading Li Mings birthday is coming. Danny and Jenny will give birthday cards to him. Lets see what they write in their cards. Get the Ss to read the text silently and quickly, answer the questions: What are Jenny and Danny doing? What do they write in their cards? Where are they going at last? Why? 2. Careful reading 1. Get the Ss to read the text silently and carefully, then fill in the blanks. My purpose is: I use "Fast reading" method to let the Ss get the general ideas of the text and "Careful reading" method to let the Ss get the detailed information of the text. They help develop the Ss reading abilities. While reading, the Ss grasp the meaning of the new words and phrases from the context. 2. The Ss answer the questions. If they do them well, I will praise them and give red stars to them or their groups. Step4: Post-reading A) 1.Make up a new dialogue of posting birthday presents and cards according to the text, using the objects you have prepared. 2. Ask several groups to act it out. B) Show your love 1. Make a birthday card for one of your classmates. Dont forget to make your cards beautiful. 2、Get several groups to show their cards and read what they write to the class, praise and clap for them. On the above, I designed two tasks: make up a new dialogue and show your love. I use "Task-based" teaching method here is to develop and train the Ss ability of communication and also their ability of co-operation. Its a good way to use English to do things. Its helpful for the Ss to develop their ability of using English. Making birthday cards is a good chance to show their love to their classmates, so that they will love each other and have a better friendship. Step8: Homework 1. Make a birthday card for your parent. 2. Rewrite the story in the text. My purpose is to cultivate the Ss writing ability and its a good way to consolidate the knowledge they have learned after class. Making a birthday card is a good chance to show their love to their parent. Blackboard Design Lesson 22 Presents From Canada New words and phrases: Groups: 1 2 3 4 box-boxes tape address post=mail wait cardboard post office sendto all ready on the top of Thanks for listening! If you have any good advice, please share with me! 学校英语说课稿5 Good morning, everyone. Welcome to my interpretation. 各位评委老师上午好!今日我说课的题目是,接下来我将从说教材,说教法,说学法,说教学过程四个方面进行说课。 一、On teaching material说教材 (一)Teaching contents教学内容: 本课教学内容是外语教学与争论出版社出版的教科书,七班级上册第模块第单元 。 (二)Teaching aims and demands 三维目标: 基于我对教材的理解和分析,我将本节课的教学目标定为: Cognitive objective学问目标:学会单词、短语:;句型: Ability objective力气目标:提高同学,听、说、读、写及学问自学的综合力气。 (3) Moral objective情感目标:在探究学习的过程中,培育同学实践力气、探究意识、合作精神与创新精神。同时感受英语与生活的亲热联系。 (三)Important and difficult points重点、难点 依据教学目标和同学特点我确立本节课的教学重点是 难点:能够运用所学的语法,进行沟通。 (四)The handing of materials对教材的处理 对教材的处理和把握上始终贯穿谈论问题,供应建议这一主线,本着激发爱好,体验参与,自主学习,学以致用的原则,循序渐进的深化教学内容。 二、On teaching methods说教法 依据本课有用性强,涉及面广,语言运用量大的特点,我确立了如下方法和手段: 1. 任务教学法,给同学设置不同的任务驱动,赐予学问 和技能训练,以他们自己真实的情景和语境调动同学的参与热忱。 2. 听说读写综合训练,培育语言的运用力气。 3. 学问导入和任务设计,由浅入深,由易到难,循序渐 进,逐层拓展。 4. 接受多媒体教学手段,增加直观性和趣味性,加大课 堂容量。 三、On learning methods说学法 我们常说现代的文盲不是不识字的人,而是没有把握学习方法的人,因而在教学中要特别重视学法的指导。在学法指导上我以同学自主学习为主,配以小组合作学习法、争辩法进行自主探究式学习。 教是为了不教“授人以鱼不如授人以渔”,在学法指导上,我留意以下几点: (1)鼓舞大胆开口,乐观参与,克服羞怯,紧急,可怕,躲避等消极心理影响。 (2)发 展同学自主学习的策略 (3)提倡为用而学,学了就用,发挥主动性和制造性,把握课堂实践空间,并努力将这种实践连续到课后。 依据:新课程提倡的感知体验实践参与合作,以及形成性评价。 四、On teaching procedure说教学过程 基于上述的教材简析,目标设定,重难点的把握,以及教法学法的选择,我确定了这样的教学过程: 1. Lead in创设情境,导入新课。 本活动我接受爱好性教学策略,用多媒体呈现图片,激发同学探究的动机和愿望。通过头脑风暴唤醒同学的语言智能,既检查同学的预习效果,培育同学自我学习的力气也培育了同学的发散思维力气。以旧引新为新课内容铺垫。 2. Fast reading预习检测,整体感知。 引导同学默读课文,给出提示,以小组为单位合作填写表格。然后选派代表回答,进行核对。 3. Careful reading自主质疑,以学定教。 揭示学习目标,引导同学围绕“自学指导”走进课文,自我思考、争论,然后引导全班同学开展“互学,群学”,就疑难问题共同探究,找出规律。 4. Group work合作探究,深化重点。 接受任务型教学途径以及同学小组合作学习的方式。 1)分小组开放竞赛。 2)利用多媒体,进行小组抢答,激起同学的求胜心和参与率,同时达到训练同学快速思维和表达的力气。 5. Listening and speaking检测反馈,训练提升。 1)Listening接受分层的形式完成听力训练,使同学更进一步对声音语音进行体会、感受,这就是本课的重点的突破环节。 2)Discuss in group分小组开放争辩,在争辩、交际的过程中,提高使同学的口语交际力气,体验到成就感和合作精神,从而突破本课的难点。 6. Summary and rethink。质疑总结,反思评价 这一环节我利用课件呈现以下几个问题总结本课 1) What do you learn today?今日你学到了什么? 2) What will you remind everyone to pay attention to? 你要提示大家留意点儿什么。 3) Have you any doubts? 你还有什么怀疑吗? 4) What do you think of your performance today?你觉 得自己今日的表现怎么样? 5) What do you think of your classmates performance in your group? 你感觉组内其他同学表现如何? 7.Blackboard design.板书设计 板书设计力争比较直观、系统、精炼,突出重点难点,揭示出本节学问的内在联系,便于同学总结回顾的同时加深理解和把握. Thats all my interpretation. Thank you very much!我的说课完毕。感谢各位评委老师。 学校英语说课稿6 一、说教材:本课是冀教版八班级下册其次单元的最终一课。本单元以植物为主题开放。主要学习了植物为什么重要,植物的种植步骤和植物在我们日常生活中的作用 。而本课则主要学习植物体各个部分的表达法以及他们在我