2022武夷山英文导游词_武夷山英文导游词 武夷山英文导游词由我整理,希望给你工作、学习、生活带来便利,猜你可能喜爱“武夷山英文导游词”。 About WuYiShan In FuJian Province Mount WuYi, a fairly land on earth, is situated in the north of FuJian Province.It is the most beautiful place in Southeast of China.It extends about 5 kilometers from east to west and about 14 kilometers from north to south.It occupies an area of 70 square kilometers.There are more than two hundred thousand people in the region. Mountain WuYi was made up of hills , belonging to the red rock relief, which have changed over thousands of years by the action of that is today, and is well known for its green water and red mountains.In this region, that includes the Nine Twist stream, thirty-six peaks, seventy-two caves and ninety-nine rock formations. In 1999, WuYiShan city became one of the world nature and culture Heritage site.It has such honorable names as follows: the world natural and culture heritage site; the State key scenic area and State key nature Reserve; the National Tourist Resort Area; the State First Rate Air Harbour, the world Human& Biosphere Preserve.It has beautiful Scenery, a galaxy of culture.Many historical sites and abundant resources. The natural preserve is located in the western part of the WuYiShan has maintained the most complete, typical and largest mid-subtropical pristine forest ecological system.It was praised by the bio-scientists both at home and aboard as “the world of insects”, “the world biological bank” “the paradise of the birds” “the kingdom of snakes”. It also maintains the long-term regional culture such as tea culture, religious culture, folk culture and tourist culture, rock-carved calligraphies and poems left by famous scholars in history have recorded the history and beautiful legendry of WuYiShan. A newly opened great canon ecological park is in the center of WuYiShan, Tourists can enjoy the best of forest, canyon, waterfalls, stream and drifting here, it is very good place for people to return to the nature and enjoy the beauty of life. Transportation in WuYiShan is very convenient with its improved acceibility by air, rail and highway .the tourist industry has matured bay after bay, millions of visitors come to WuYiShan each year and enjoy themselves here. As a Chinese saying goes : famous mountains produce famous tea.WuYiShan has enjoyed a long history and international fame in producing prize WuYiRock(belongs to oolong Tea).Talking about the Tea king-the big red robe tea, is the ultimate produce , naturally grown only on the cliff of the nine dragon Valley of WuYi and enjoys a high reputation both at home and abroad. Well, as a result, I am confident that you will enjoy stay in our city . 武夷山风景名胜区位于福建省西北部武夷山市境内,在市区以南约15公里,处在武夷山脉北段的东南麓,景区面积约70平方公里。这里是典型的丹霞地貌,亿万年大自然的鬼斧神工,形成了奇峰峭拔、秀水潆洄、碧波丹峰、风光绝胜的美景,古人说它“水有三三胜,峰有六六奇”,被誉为“奇秀甲东南”。 武夷山风景区内有三十六峰、七十二洞、九十九岩及一百零八景点。不仅全年有景,四季不同,而且阴晴风雨,其山川景色亦幻莫测,奇丽多姿。现全区分为武夷宫、九曲溪、桃源洞、云窝天游、一线天虎啸岩、天心岩、水帘洞七大景区。它兼有黄山之奇、桂林之秀、泰岱之雄、华岳之险、西湖之美。 武夷山风景的精华在九曲溪。九曲溪源于三保山,溪水碧清,折复绕山,形成“曲曲山回转,峰峰水抱流”的九曲之胜,武夷山中最闻名的一些山峰和高插于悬崖峭壁上的神奇悬棺都列在九曲溪边。景区内还有遇林亭宋代瓷窑遗址、武夷宫等巡游景点,极具人文价值。 武夷山也有众多名胜古迹,如冲佑万年宫、虹桥和架壑船棺等,还有世界罕见的动植物,是国家重点自然爱护区。这里并建有武夷山自然博物馆。 武夷山还是一座历史文化名山,古人称:“东周孔丘,南宋朱熹,北有泰岳,南有武夷”。南宋理学家朱熹在此居住四十多年,设帐授徒,著书立说,使这里成为我国东南文化的中心,被誉为“道南理窟”。道家也把这里称为“第十六洞天”。历代文人雅士在此写下的赞美诗文不下二千多篇,题镌摩崖石刻有四百多处,这些丰富的人文史迹,也为名山增加风采。而古越人的架壑船棺、汉代的古城墟、宋代的古瓷窑遗址和元代的御茶园等,使武夷山更成为人们访古探奇,寻幽览胜之地。 武夷山自然爱护区是我国东南现存面积最大、保留最为完整的中亚热带森林生态系统,区内峰峦林立,原始森林茂密,景色融雄浑、古朴、隽秀于一体,而且有着极为丰富的生物资源,被纳入联合国“人与自然”爱护区。 九曲溪英语导游詞 = Mount Wuyi and Jiuqu Stream = Mount Wuyi, located at Fuijan province, is the most outstanding biodiversity conservation zone of Southeast China.It's the largest and most representative example of Chinese subtropical forests and South Chinese rainforests' biodiversity.Mount Wuyi is famous for its natural conservation of a large number of ancient plant species, wild animals and reptiles, many of which are peculiar to China.Its tranquil beauty and intact environment offer a refuge to the primitive forest, so it is called the 'Natural Arboretum'.The Mount Wuyi Scenic Area incorporates the Wuyi Canyon Drifting, the Mount Longjing and the Ancient Xiamei Folk Buildings and so on. Jiuqu Stream (Nine Turns Stream): Now and again its torrents churn over shoals, throwing sheets of spray into the air, and then merge into clear deep pools which are as smooth as a mirror.At its two banks, myriad peaks soar up, vying with one another for beauty and wild azalea flowers glow crimson.The Jiuqu Stream is a fabulous place to visit.One taking a bamboo raft downstream would be mesmerized as if cruising in the mysterious universe. 福建武夷山天游峰英文导游词 Fellow friends, now we saw this wall is the military lecture hall ruins.The military lecture hall was Song Chunxi ten years (in 1183), Southern Song Dynasty big Zhu Xi personally delimited the academy which, built.According to the Dong super craftmanship "the Mount Wuyi Will" records: The military lecture hall a Mount Wuyi's big construction, personal "military greatly observes" at that time.Has the kind wisdom hall, hides asks the room, to stop sleeps Laotian, the Shimen shipyard, the view friendly room, coldly roosts the hall, is late to construction and so on pavilion and hard flute pavilion.The square future, none who does not sighs its good victory.Zhu Xi writes a book and to establish a theory or expound on one's views in the military lecture hall, leads a lecture to reach for ten years long time, has trained the large quantities of Neo-Confucianism talented person.Therefore he organizes the military lecture hall prepared likes the feudal ruler's value, all previous dynasties all once performs to govern, the augmentation.The Southern Song Dynasty last stage, after the extension military lecture hall, changes name as " the academy", gives out by the government authorities provides for the scholar.Afterwards establishes "the mountain to be long" this to teach the duty, manages teaches the matter.At the beginning of the Yuan, changes Shan Changwei "profeor".To the 25 years (in 1365), the military lecture hall destroyed to the disasters of war.The bright legitimate 13 years (in 1448), after Zhu Xi eight th Sun Zhu Xun, the Zhu timely rain investment reconstruction, renamed " the male ancestral hall", honored offers sacrifice to Zhu Xi.The clear Kangxi Dynasty, grants "study reaches " the inscribed horizontal tablet, builds on a large scale once again performs the repair.Until now remains lecture hall ruins, then was the clear Kanghsi 56 years (in 1708, Fujian Zhejiang Governor common Luo Manbao "contributed the salary led repairs", is apart from now to have more than 200 years history.Leads the way several hundred meters from the military lecture hall, in meets west the bamboo shoots peak under the partition rock, has size grotto 10 which because the peak crag avalanche forms.Whenever the winter spring two seasons sooner or later, frequently will be able to emit light fog from the cavern, gently will loaf between the peak stone, from time to time will gather a group, from time to time will scatter, will extend the volume freely, unpredictable, therefore the geographic name will be "the cloud nest".The cloud nest all around surrounds around the sound crag, the Dan stove crag, the immortal mark crag, the Tienchu peak, changes clothes, exposes to the sun the cloth crag, day You Feng, the dark green screen peak, meets the bamboo shoots peak and so on.Inquiry firewood, front everybody sees this Shimen, is uncle the jade tablet lecture hall former site.on "uncle the jade tablet lecture hall" four characters are clearly discernible.Uncle the jade tablet, surname Jiang Mingzhi, the Northern Song Dynasty person, the official lifts .Here original elegant ancient construction, is clear at the beginning of for commemorates Jiang Zhier to construct, presently only saves this Shimen.Croes uncle jade tablet lecture hall Shimen, but sense suddenly sees the light.Left side this the alcove which borders on nine patrols is called the stone to moor the pavilion.Right side this mountain peak hides the screen peak, attaches to hides the screen peak, the peak waist row three marks, breaks off as if connects in the together mountain peak, calls to meet the bamboo shoots peak.Hides under the screen peak this pavilion to call the moon reflection in the water pavilion.The month star is it is said thin night enjoys looking at the moon in the pavilion the liquor, to four moon.Asks fellow friends to go ahead and gue, which four moon has? (Space, in water, in cup, but also has a mind to hit).Among the cloud nest this jet black megalith, everybody looked that, likes the elephant which one lies, the popular name iron likely crag.Among the hard likely crag splits a bottle, the person goes through to among, but sense skylight like line.In order to distinguish south the brook a spirit crag day, therefore called it is "the young day".The cloud nest take the hard likely crag as, divides on, under the cloud nest.The cloud nest megalith relies on stands, carries the crag to be near the water, is situated at the Mount Wuyi eence region, wins the area for Wu Yishou.Here always is the ancient times writer literati, the famous government official hides dives occupies institute of the spiritual cultivation.The bright Wanli 11 years (in 1583), the Ministry of War vice minister Chen province once in the about cloud nest between, constructed "the young brook thatched house", the idea had the guest cloud hall, roosts the cloud Chinese style pavilion, the nest cloud building, lives , the late cloud pavilion and so on 10 Chuting, the building, the Chinese style pavilion, extremely splendid.What a pity these construction already waste bridges, between the dike stay behind the trifle topic engraves, but also could let the person vaguely recall to mind the former days the liveline.About young brook thatched house and military lecture hall, but also leaves behind section of interesting stories.Hands down Chen Sheng constructs the young brook thatched house when the cloud nest, Zhu Xi same year builds the academy to be extremely worn-out.At the same time is the graceful environment, fine construction; At the same time is in disrepair after many years, soon collapses the waste academy.A gentleman person sees this scene, then inscribes a poem to the wall: " the academy checks the wave, breaks through a wall the remnant tablet half female bamboo shoots.Quite loves the neighbor pavilion pavilion victory, draws fence Zhu Gong is the cloud nest." Chen Sheng sees the poem to smile said that, This clearly is stirs up me.Today contributes money the employee, builds on a large scale, the academy will repair one is new.Left side of the hard likely crag this mountain peak, is we in on looked to exposes to the sun the cloth, asks everybody to pay attention looked, in exposes to the sun the cloth crag among the dike to have the mark to like person's palm of the hand, the length surpaes ten feet to have dozens of lines, hands down this is immortal stays behind, therefore exposes to the sun the cloth crag to call "the immortal palm peak".Exposes to the sun the cloth crag because the running water elder washes out the result, on the dike has covered entirely the number by hundred running water paths.Whenever sets in the west the sunlight according to arrives on the wall, sees a strip wisp distinction.Overlooks in the brook under water, but sees the shade to soak, shakes along with the wave ripples, suddenly like the innumerable strip mobile blacksnake white snake, straight downward flees from the brook bottom.If brings forth the rainy day, rain water goes against from the crag along the path flies flows swiftly straight under, the unresolved day, 11,000 silvers dragons dance in the air as if, may be called the marvelous sight.About exposes to the sun the cloth crag and the immortal palm peak origin, the folk is spreading such a story: Hands down very early before, the heavenly palace is carrying every day , sings the song to gather five pink clouds brocades.These cloud brocades are joined to a gold thread silver wire, weaves silks and satins, gives to the queen mother of the west.A day early morning, responsibly ships the big foot immortal, selects is weaving a good bucket of silks brocade, when is treading the cloud journey after the Mount Wuyi cloud nest, carelely downward as soon as looked, immediately quilt "blue water Danshan" the marvelous sight charmed.He then lays down the brocade load to play.Waits when he hears to the heavenly palace drum sound, only then remembers the brocade load, as soon as looked, is bad, the silks and satins have been moistened, he feared the queen mother of the west blames, thereupon, a silks brocade, exposes to the sun on the big dike; But brocade too long, continuously hangs to six side, is full of wrinkles is not smooth, he pulls pulls, until carees bucket of satin smooth.Several pains, the big foot immortal has exhaustedly been unable to withstand, seeks to one is cool place then whistling greatly rests.One common wakes, the sun already set in the west.He sets out as soon as to look, at present a 片金 splendor, light shining in all directions.Original this is the satin bright glistens under the sunlight, even more sets off the blue water Danshan fluttering flags.The big foot immortal as soon as traces with the hand, on the dike the person, he has flustered, hurried receives the cloth.However, that strip satin has melt in the smooth cliff, Lian Dajia immortal according to cloth immortal palm also forever on dike."Now on the stone keeps the immortal palm, ten figure of blue onions accumulate the green liver mo." Said is the immortal palm peak view.Asks everybody to pay attention looked that, front on this wall engraves has "the crouching tiger" two characters.The topic engraves the author is the young brook thatched house master Chen province.The bright Wanli 11 years (in 1583), Chen Shengyin and Prime Minister Zhang Juzheng the political view one did not receive pushes aside.The emperor although the number bestows, but he still resigned the glory to belong to Fujian.The deep affection feeling has unrecognized talent, the divination builds in Mount Wuyi.The suitable cloud nest has a rock as if to squat the tiger, then "the crouching tiger" two characters, intend to his like to crouch in hiding in Mount Wuyi's tiger, longed for some day stages a comeback, again unfolds the grand plan.Right side the crouching tiger crag this bamboo clump, is Mr.Guo Moruo the side bamboo which the poem mentioned in You Wuyi in.This kind of bamboo looked resembles the circle, traces actually is square, is extremely unusual.Does not believe, everybody may come to trace.Mounts from the crouching tiger crag stone diameter, then wort