专业英英语(英英语科技科技论文文results写法写法)Table of Contents ExampleExample 1 1 Introduction of resultsIntroduction of results 2 2 Description of important resultsDescription of important results 3 3 Discussion of resultsDiscussion of results 4 4 TemplatesTemplates 5 5Results 一般而言,结果部分的内容包含下列三个主要项目:一般而言,结果部分的内容包含下列三个主要项目:l l介绍研究结果,往往以介绍研究结果,往往以一个句子一个句子一个句子一个句子指出反映完整研究结果的图表。指出反映完整研究结果的图表。l l概述最重要的研究结果。概述最重要的研究结果。l l对研究结果作出评论或概括由这些结果得到的推论。对研究结果作出评论或概括由这些结果得到的推论。以上三个项目可能含在几个段落中多次出现。而且每个段落通常由这三个项目组成,段落的第一句为第一个项目,第二个项目是段落的主要以上三个项目可能含在几个段落中多次出现。而且每个段落通常由这三个项目组成,段落的第一句为第一个项目,第二个项目是段落的主要部分,第三个项目则是由段落的最后的一、两个句子表达。部分,第三个项目则是由段落的最后的一、两个句子表达。Example 1Example 1 The separator should have uniform pore size distribution to avoid performance losses,which is due to uneven current densities.Some research shows that sub-micrometer pore dimensions are critical for preventing internal shorts between the anode and the cathode of the lithium-ion cell,particularly as the separators are as thin as 25 mm or less.The influence of PPTA pulp dosage to the maximum and average pore size of separator is shown in Figure 3.With the increase of PPTA pulp dosage,the maximum pore size and average pore size of the separator remain on a downward trend.When the PPTA pulp dosage reaches 40%,the pore size of the separator is decreased obviously.The pore size of the separator can be well controlled to less than 1 mm.该隔膜应孔径分布均匀,以避免由于不均匀造成性能损失。研该隔膜应孔径分布均匀,以避免由于不均匀造成性能损失。研究表明,亚微米孔隙尺寸是针对预防性内部的阳极和锂离子电究表明,亚微米孔隙尺寸是针对预防性内部的阳极和锂离子电池的阴极之间的短路的关键,特别是隔膜是薄如池的阴极之间的短路的关键,特别是隔膜是薄如2525毫米或更小毫米或更小的。的。PPTAPPTA浆液剂量对隔膜最大和平均孔径的影响示于图浆液剂量对隔膜最大和平均孔径的影响示于图3 3。随着。随着PPTAPPTA浆液剂量的增加,最大孔径和平均孔径都呈下降的趋势。浆液剂量的增加,最大孔径和平均孔径都呈下降的趋势。当当PPTAPPTA浆液剂量达浆液剂量达4040时,隔膜的孔隙尺寸明显减小,隔膜的时,隔膜的孔隙尺寸明显减小,隔膜的平均孔隙尺寸可以很好地控制到小于平均孔隙尺寸可以很好地控制到小于1mm1mm。Figure 3.The influence of PPTA pulp dosage to the pore size of separator.图3 PPTA剂量对隔膜的孔径的影响Example 2Example 2 The pore size distribution of the separators with PPTA pulp dosage ranging from 20%to 100%is shown in Figure 4.It can be seen that the pore size distribution is not continuous.Parts of large pores appear near the maximum pore size,and another centralized zone of scatter is near the average pore size.The reason for the discontinuous distribution of the pore size might be that the maximum pore size depends on the coarsest fibers diameter and the defects of nonwoven,but the average pore size depends on the most common fiber diameter.In Figure 4a,when PPTA content is 20%,there are almost 95%pores in the range of 0.720 10.000 mm,but the maximum pore size of wet-laid nonwoven is 26.923 mm.This means the separator may have some defect such as pinholes and cannot meet the requirement of the separator.In Figure 4 f,the pore size distribution of the separator prepared with pure PPTA pulp is shown.There are about 3%of the pores near the maximum pore size of 0.895 mm,and almost 97%of the pores are at the range of 0.118 mm0.500 mm,which indicates that the separators uniformity is improved obviously.PPTAPPTA浆液剂量范围从浆液剂量范围从20 20 到到100100的孔径分布示于图的孔径分布示于图4 4。该孔径分布是不连续的,孔径分布最多部位附近出现最大孔径。孔径的非连续分布原因可能是最大孔径。该孔径分布是不连续的,孔径分布最多部位附近出现最大孔径。孔径的非连续分布原因可能是最大孔径取决于纤维的最大直径,但其平均孔径依赖于最常见的纤维直径。在图取决于纤维的最大直径,但其平均孔径依赖于最常见的纤维直径。在图4A4A中,当中,当PPTAPPTA含量为含量为2020 ,孔隙在,孔隙在0.7200.720m-10.000-10.000m的范围内的占的范围内的占9595,但此时湿,但此时湿法成网非织造布的最大孔径为法成网非织造布的最大孔径为26.92326.923m。这意味着隔膜可能有一些缺陷不能满足隔膜的要求:如针孔。如图。这意味着隔膜可能有一些缺陷不能满足隔膜的要求:如针孔。如图4 F4 F中,中,100%100%纯纯PPTAPPTA量时的孔径分布情况:有量时的孔径分布情况:有9797的小孔分布在的小孔分布在0.1180.118m-0.500-0.500m的范围内,只有的范围内,只有3%3%的小孔分布在最大孔径为的小孔分布在最大孔径为0.8950.895m附近。这表明该分离器的均匀性得到明显改善。附近。这表明该分离器的均匀性得到明显改善。Example 2Example 2 Figure 4.(a)The influence of PPTA pulp dosage to the pore size distribution of separator(PPTA pulp dosage is 20%);(b)The influence of PPTA pulp dosage to the pore size distribution of separator(PPTA pulp dosage is 40%);(c)The influence of PPTA pulp dosage to the pore size distribution of separator(PPTA pulp dosage is 60%);(d)The influence of PPTA pulp dosage to the pore size distribution of separator(PPTA pulp dosage is 80%);(e)The influence of PPTA pulp dosage to the pore size distribution of separator(PPTA pulp dosage is 90%);(f)The influence of PPTA pulp dosage to the pore size distribution of separator(PPTA pulp dosage is 100%).(A)PPTA浆液用量为20(B)PPTA浆液用量为40(C)PPTA浆液用量为60(D)PPTA浆液用量为80(E)PPTA浆液用量为90(F)PPTA浆液剂量为100Example 3Example 3 From Figure 7,the tear index increases at first and then decreases as the PET fiber dosage increases.This is because,initially,the binder fibers lead to an increase of the bonding strength of the PPTA fibers and when the PET fiber content reaches a certain point,the bonding fibers form a low tear strength membrane itself.When the PET dosage is 20%,the tear index of the separator is 5.16 mNm2g-1,which is increased by 59%than that of the pure PPTA pulp.Based on the analysis of the pore size and the mechanical properties,the wet-laid nonwoven material whose PET content is 20%is chosen,as a preference,for the following properties study.从图从图7 7中得出,撕裂指数随中得出,撕裂指数随PETPET纤维含量增大而增加,到达一定剂量后开始降低。这是因为:开始时粘纤维含量增大而增加,到达一定剂量后开始降低。这是因为:开始时粘合纤维与合纤维与PPTAPPTA纤维接合,强度开始增加,但当纤维接合,强度开始增加,但当PETPET纤维的含量达到某一点时,粘合纤维的撕裂强度低纤维的含量达到某一点时,粘合纤维的撕裂强度低隔膜本身的强度,所以撕裂强度开始下降。当隔膜本身的强度,所以撕裂强度开始下降。当PETPET用量为用量为2020时,隔板的撕裂指数为时,隔板的撕裂指数为5.16mNm/g5.16mNm/g,与纯与纯PPTAPPTA浆液相比,增大浆液相比,增大59%59%。基于前面对孔径和机械性能等性能的分析,可以得出湿法成网的非织造材料中基于前面对孔径和机械性能等性能的分析,可以得出湿法成网的非织造材料中PETPET含量为含量为2020时性能时性能较好又能满足作为电池隔膜的要求,因此对较好又能满足作为电池隔膜的要求,因此对20%PET20%PET、80%PPTA80%PPTA混合的非织造材料隔膜的性能进行研究。混合的非织造材料隔膜的性能进行研究。Figure 7.The influence of PET fiber dosage to the tear index of separator.图图7 PET7 PET纤维剂量对隔膜撕裂指数的影响纤维剂量对隔膜撕裂指数的影响Example 4Example 4 In Figure 10,the LOI of polyolefin membrane and nonwoven material decreases with the increase of temperature.The LOI of the nonwoven separator is higher than that of the polyolefin membrane at the same temperature because of the excellent flame retardancy property of PPTA fiber.在图在图1010中,聚烯烃膜和非织造隔膜的中,聚烯烃膜和非织造隔膜的LOILOI指数随温度增加而降低。在相同温度下,指数随温度增加而降低。在相同温度下,由于芳纶纤维的优异的阻燃性特性,无纺布隔板的由于芳纶纤维的优异的阻燃性特性,无纺布隔板的LOILOI指数是比聚烯烃膜的高。指数是比聚烯烃膜的高。Figure 10.The LOI of wet-laid nonwoven and polyolefin membrane.图图10 10 湿法成网非织造布和聚烯烃膜的湿法成网非织造布和聚烯烃膜的LOILOI指数指数Example 5Example 5vWhen FAME synthe-sis tests were performed with changing the parameters such as CaO loading amount,capsule loading amount,methanol/oil molarratio,reaction temperature,and stirring rate,the optimal condition was found to be 0.08 g,0.8 g,12,308 K,350 rpm,respectively.v通过改变参数,如氧化钙负载量、胶囊负载量、甲醇/油摩尔浓度、反应温度和搅拌速度,完成了脂肪酸甲酯的合成测试,并得到了最佳的反应条件,分别是氧化钙负载量,0.08 g、胶囊负载量,0.8 g,甲醇/油摩尔浓度,12,反应温度,308 K,搅拌速度350 rpm。Introduction of resultsIntroduction of resultsnVerb:show,present,display,summarize,depict,illustrate(注意:当图表用于作某种总结时,才可使用注意:当图表用于作某种总结时,才可使用summarize,而而illustrate只有在指图形时才可使用。只有在指图形时才可使用。)nVoice:Active:Diagram/table as subject(主动:图(主动:图/表作为主题)表作为主题)Passive:Result content as subject(被动:结果内容为主体)(被动:结果内容为主体)nE.g.Fig.5 shows the influences of(图(图5显示显示.的影响)的影响)Data in Table 3 show that(表(表3中的数据显示中的数据显示.)The effect of on is shown in Figure 4.(图(图4显示显示.在在.的影响)的影响)Introduction of resultsIntroduction of results说明或评论研究结果:说明或评论研究结果:作者对研究结果的评论或说明通常包含下列内容之一:根据本人的研究结果作出推论。如:The results suggest that 作者解释研究结果或说明产生研究结果的原因。如:These findings are understandable because 作者对此次研究结果与其他研究者曾发生的结果作比较。例如提出自己的结果是否与其他研究者的结果一致。These results agree with Gerners analysis,in that 作者对自己的研究方法或技术的性能与其他研究者的方法或技术的性能进行比较,这种比较常出现在工程类研究论文中。例如:The recognition rate of our system is significantly higher than that reported for Tokens system.作者指出自己的理论模型是否与实验数据符合。如:The measured temperatures along the heat pipe were all highly consistent with the predictions of the theoretical model.Introduction of resultsIntroduction of resultsv语态的使用:可可以以采采用用被被动动语语态态或或主主动动语语态态。前前者者把把结结果果的的内内容容作作为为主主语语,后后者者则则把把图图表表的的名名称称当当作作主主语语。介介绍绍研研究究结结果果的的句句子子究究竞竞采采用用被被动动语语态态还还是是主主动动语语态态,取取决决于于句句子子强强调调的的内内容容和和主主语语部部分分的的长长度度。由由于于结结果果部部分分的的焦焦点点是是结结果果本本身身,所所以以在在介介绍绍研研究究结结果果时时,最最好好把把名名词词短短语语作作为为主主语语,此此时时句句子子采采用用被被动动语语态态。但但是是,名名词词短短语语作作为为主主语语很很长长时时,会会使使整整个个句句子子出出现现不不平平衡衡、不不自自然然的的结结构构,此此时时宜宜把把图图表表名名称称作作为为主主语语,句子采用主动语态。句子采用主动语态。Introduction of resultsIntroduction of resultsnTense:Past(most):Description of result in certain condition.(一定条件下对结果的说明)Description of experiment result.(实验结果的说明)Present:Description of result with universal effectiveness.(具有普遍使用性结果的说明)Description of result got from mathematics model or theory analysis.(从数学模型或理论分析得到结果的说明)此外,在对结果提出可能的解释和说明时,可使用一般现在时态的推测动词,见下表Description of important resultsDescription of important resultsnContant:1)Change of certain parameter or variable during some time.verb:increased/decreased、rose/fell、dropped/declined、went up/down、remained constant/remained unchanged、peaked、reached a maximum、reached a minimum2)Comparison between different samples,methods or research object.verbs:increased much slower than缓慢地增加 has much higher packet dropping rate 具有更高的下降率3)Relationship(interaction)between different parameters or variables.verbs:was dependent on/was independent of/was determined by/was closely related toDescription of important resultsDescription of important results1 1)(也也)可以观察到可以观察到 It can be observed that It be also observed that From Fig.7d,another important feature can be observed2 2)解释原因:)解释原因:probably due to be due to be attributed to归因于归因于3 3)表转折)表转折Although the temperature of reactants was same,FAME yield with CaO(10 wt.%)-active carbon-loaded microcapsule was higher than that with CaO(10 wt.%)-loaded microcapsule.This observation could be explained as follows;4 4)表述得出结论)表述得出结论It was confirmed from these experiments that all reactants and products could permeate through the shell of prepared microcapsule in the present study.Description of important resultsDescription of important results句式:句式:Althoughbe same,be higher(形容词比较级)than that with.尽管.相同,与.相比.相对较高。This observation could be explained as follows,解释某种结果时,可以用此表达It was confirmed from these experiments that从这些实验中可以得到Discussion of resultsDiscussion of results典型的讨论部分通常由以下五个项目构成:Step 1:restate the findings and accomplishments.Step 2:Evaluate how the results fit in with the previous findings do they contradict,agree or go beyond them?Step 3:List potential limitations to the study.Step 4:Offer an interpretation/explanation of these results and ward off counter-claims.Step 5:State the implications and recommend further research.1 1)重申结论重申结论或或成果。成果。2 2)评估结果与评估结果与已有的已有的研究结果研究结果 与与他们他们是否是否矛盾,矛盾,一致一致或或是否能是否能超越他们?超越他们?3 3)列出这项研究可能存在的局限性。列出这项研究可能存在的局限性。4 4)对结果对结果做出说明做出说明/对结论对结论解释和解释和避免错误结论避免错误结论。5 5)各状况)各状况的影响,并建议的影响,并建议进行进行进一步研究。进一步研究。Discussion of resultsDiscussion of results句型:句型:+that句型句型+一般现在时一般现在时/过去时过去时Discussion of resultsDiscussion of resultsTemplatesTemplates v常用短语:常用短语:vunder the light irradiation,在光照下,在光照下 ionic liquid,离子溶液,离子溶液vdissolved in,溶入,溶入 in the present study,本研究,本研究vPreliminary experiment,预备试验,预备试验 With the addition of,外加,外加vDetermine by,视,视而定而定 Suspended in,悬浮在,悬浮在vDistilled water,蒸馏水,蒸馏水 Magnetic stirrer,磁力搅拌器,磁力搅拌器vPowder diffractometer,粉末衍射仪,粉末衍射仪 In the absence of,缺乏,缺乏vPiled into,挤入,挤入 Micro cell,微型比色槽,微型比色槽vDate acquisition,数据采集,数据采集TemplatesTemplates The research we have done suggests an increase in我们所做的研究表明增加我们所做的研究表明增加.This fruitful work gives an explanation of这种卓有成效的工作给出了一个解释这种卓有成效的工作给出了一个解释.Our experimental data are briefly summarized as follows我们对实验数据进行了简要总结如下我们对实验数据进行了简要总结如下.Figure3 shows the results obtained from studies of图图3表示从研究中得到表示从研究中得到.的结果的结果Table 5 presents the data provided by the experiments on表表5中列出以上所提供的实验数据中列出以上所提供的实验数据.This table summarized the data collected during the experiment of该表总结了实验期间收集的数据该表总结了实验期间收集的数据.TemplatesTemplates Some of the authors findings are listed in tables.表中列出了一些作者的发现。表中列出了一些作者的发现。The direct outcome was then reported in直接的结果在报告直接的结果在报告.Sufficient result forhas been observed with the new method有效的结果有效的结果.用新的方法被观察到用新的方法被观察到.This work did provide这项工作也提供这项工作也提供.Most recent experiments to the same effect have led the authors to believe that大部分的实验达到同样的效果,以至于笔者认为,大部分的实验达到同样的效果,以至于笔者认为,.As a result of our experiments,we concluded that从实验结果中我们可以推断从实验结果中我们可以推断.谢谢大家!谢谢大家!谢谢大家!谢谢大家!谢谢