2017-2018 学年春学期学术英语读写成绩:姓名:田婷学号:2016300185班级序号:061.Write a passage of 150-200 words to summarize the main idea of the CriticalReading Text in Unit 1.Remember to include the objective,the methods and themajor findings.When you are writing the summary,please remember not to copy theexact the sentences from the text.Laypeoples Understanding of Radioactivity and RadiationThe objective of the text is to find out laypeople s understanding of central conceptsconcerning radioactivity and radiation phenomena,and then to detect whetherrespondents feared radiation and to investigate their attitudes to the applications ofradiation.The survey was conducted in the form of questionnaire given to 270 studentsin anelementary physics course at the University of Oslo.This group was chosen for twomain reasons:1)The group was fairly large and easily accessibleand 2)the groupmainly consisted of first-year students who had completed secondry education,buthad not received formal instruction on radiation since leaving school.And thequestionnaire consisted of 13 questions.After that,all answers were assigned to theappropriate categories and coded.They found that there was a lack of knowledge about absorption among respondents.Besides,women tended to be more worried about radiation and more sceptical aboutnuclear power than were men.In addition to that,only a small number of respondentsfeared the exposure to radition.Sufficient knowledge of radiation has little to do withones political considerations and judgments.Taking the lay conceptions into account and integrating factual knowledge andpractical considerations may be a solution to the problem.Analyzing preconceptionsabout radiation may improve the public understanding of radiation phenomena.2.Choose and write down your own research topic and narrow it down to at leastthree approriate working topics.Pay careful attention to the Models and Principlesfrom p.27 to p.32.第 1 次大作业苏小青2017-2018 学年春学期学术英语读写成绩:My Topic:Genetically Modified FoodsMy narrower topics/My working titles:1.The conception of genetically modified foods2.The present situation of genetically modified foods in the market3.The advantages and disadvantages of the existence of genetically modified foods第 1 次大作业苏小青