2020下半年安徽教师资格初中英语学科知识与教学能力真题及答案注意事项:1 .考试时间为】20分钟.满分为150分.2 .请按规定在答题卡上填涂、作答.在试卷上作答无效,不予评分.一、总项选择做(本大题共30小题.何小虺2分.共60分)1. Which of the following shovs th<? corrt?ct stress of the word *pedextriarr ?A. /* pad<?N l r i cn/K /p«des* t ri an/C. /padestri* 5n/D. /pn, dcstrin/【答案】DA. didB. hadC. doesD. vill【答案】A7. Il is forbiddenfaster Ilian 60 nph on this highway.A. to drivingB. to driveC- being drivenI), to be driven答案】B8. In the sentence *11* s no use crying over the spilt mi )k the italicized ixirt is2. Which of the following words has a different stress pnttem?A. nn objectB. an ndvorbi。A. FacilityB. CaterpillarC. a subjectD. a conplementC. CarnwnityD. Accompany【答窠】B【答案】c9. Which of the fol loving describes the function of the sentence -lt is a nice day. isn* t3. Because of the strong sun the new drawing-roca curtains havefrocn dark blue toit" ?grey.A. fadeB. paledC. faintedD. blurredA. InformativeB. PhaticC. DirectiveD. Per formative【答案】B【咨案】A10. Which of the folInving describes the process in which onr's InnguHgc nbiIity is4. Which of the following pnirs of words arc synonyms?A. Red-colorB. Tall-shortdeveloped in natural nnd everyday situation?A. PerfonronceB. CoiipetenccC. Petrol-gasolineD. Father-fother【答窠】C5. We don.I know vhat experinent those researchers wouldon fenales to test thisC. LearningD Acquisition答案】D11. *hat role does he/she play when a teacher explains the purpose of a task, the stepshypothesis.to do it and its tirue limit?A. applyB. carryC. deliverD. perform【答案】B6. Tcm said he would go to Hong Kong for winter vacation and hegc.A. An organizer.B. An observerC. An evaluatorD. A promptert答案】A12. Uhmt does he/she intend to do vhcn n tenchcr writes the fol lowing sentences “She gets up early. She wears a uniform. She works very hard. " on the blackboard at the presentation stnge?A. Practice sentence patterns using nodel sentences.B. Check if students can pronounce the sentences.C. Monitor whether students can accurately express their ideas.D. Draw students, attention to the forn of a nev language itm 【答案】DWhat ski 11 does he/she use when a student uses language kno*'ledge and contextual clues to figure out the mmning of a nr* vnrd?A. ContE与lingK SunnarizingC. DeducingD. Predicting【答案】CSupplenenting, deleting, simplifying and reordering are often used in A. adapting teaching naterialsdelivering teaching materialsB. evaluating teaching materialspresenting teaching materials【答案】AWhich of the following is least reconnended at the lead-in stage in a reading class? A. Activating *【udcnt*' schena of the topic.B. Giving sidvicc on hiw to uno reading strategics.C. Shuring background infornntion about the text.D. Correcting language mistakes students have node.【答窠】DVhich of the following best describes the phenonenon that learners apply the skills acquired in one field to another?A. TransferB. DeductionC. ContextualiationD. Induction【答案】AIf the focus is placed on students are supposed to go through the stages of drafting, receiving feedbock, and revising before submitting the final version of their writing.A. ProductB. processC. genreD. fornai答索BKhat would be/sha do in a reading class if a teacher wants to develop students' inferent ial comprehension?A. Axk them to rrtclI the story.B. Ask then to underline difficult sentences.C. Ask then to read the text sentence by sentence.D Ask then to read the text for implied neaning.【答案】DWhich of the following activities can be used if the focus is on developing students, oral fluency in English?A. Blank-filling.B. Story-telling.C. Transfornation.D. Translation.【答案】BIhat is the f<x:us wht*n a teacher says to the class* Rewri te each of the fol k/A'ing senlence* using the pnssive voice.A. SkillB. MeaningC. StructureD. Function【答案】CPassogel,完成第 21、25 小SLPassage 1In a traditional classroon. much, if not most, of class tine is spent with the teacher presenting content -telling, showing, explaining and lecturing. Whether it's a first grade teacher reading to students, a high school government teacher lecturing on the Articles of Confederation, or a nath teacher dc«)onstroting hov to solve an equation, closs tine is when the teacher delivers infonnation and the students receive it .Ideally, lessons involve a nixture of delivery and discussion, supplemented by activities that engage students to support their comprehension. But in reality, just getting the content across can take rtusi of the class period, especially vhon lessons are interr-upted by student questions, discipline problens. and distractions like fire dri 1 Is. assemblies. »nd other disrupt inns.Thrrr iirr lots nf gnnd rrnKonx for ihi$ node) arul i Is durabi 1 ily in educnlion. 11 is nn efficient way to assure that all students have access to the sane course content, and it provides a way for teachers to tronsnit their expertise in a subject, and enthusiasm for it» to their students. Most teachers love being the *sture on the stage*, and nany are very good at it.Nevertheless, many teachers also feel frustrated by the limitations of this nodel. especially when lecture and presentation take up the lion* s share of the class period, leaving little time for the good stuff of teaching - getting into students*. helping then nake fteaning out of infornation. drawing out their evolving understanding, encouraging and spark 1 ing their exci te<r>ent and c<xr<>r ehens ion. In today* & environnent of high-stakes testing, vi th multiple standards-and now with iht* C<Kinnn G>re, nrw standards-there never Nrrtis to bt* enough linn for al 1 the things I rar hers vi ish they cou I <1 do wi th ihri r slu<ierilN: projcct-boscd activities, individual or group learning ch<illenges, Deep discussions <ind inquiry activities.So it* s not surprising that, when teachers are asked what they believe is the greatest value of flipping instruction, the answer is alnx>st always> “It gives nc nore tine to work directly with students during class. " Teachers at Michigan's Cl intondale High School claim that, since they have flipped their classrooms, the amcxinl of time they spend with students has increased by a factor of four. That is substantiol gain-and it makes a real difference in students believing that the teocher is there for then when help is needed.13. According to the passage, what differentiates a flipped classroom fron a troditional one?A. The aiTKHint of tin!? that teachers spend with individual students.B. The anmint of knovledge that teachers impart to students.C. The content of the leaching naterials used by teachers.D. The variety of activities organized by teachers.14. According to the passage, which of the fol loving features typically characterizes a traditional classroora?A. InquiryB. DeliveryC. ExemplificationD. Discussion15. Mhich of the following best explains the underlined expression *sngc on the stage?* in Paragraph 3?A. DcnandingB. LiberalC. InaginativeD. Authoritative16. According to Paragraph 4, what should have been incorporated in traditional classrooms?A. Preparing students for high-stakes tests.B. Developing students* analytical thinking skills.C. Assisting stiulents to attain the Co(iaon Core starxiards.D. Enhancing sludefits* ability to cope with learning pressures.17. Which of thr folInving reflects the siutKor's view on n flipped clHssrcKira?A. RadicalB. OpposedC. SupportiveD Pnradoxicol2】【答案】A.【答案】B22 .【答案】。23 .【答案】B24 .【答案】C请阅读完成第施、30小题.Passage 2First there were Hanmers banging. Then paint brushes. Then carpet. Soon we had a new roon above the garaRe. And my grandnother moved in.It was the late 1960s, I was 10 and had no idea that ve were toing against the fnain, that the trend was for families to splinter, seniors to take better and longer care of themselves, kids to move away younger and younger.All I knew was that our family had three generations under one roof, which oade a difference in who sat where in the car. wluit dexserlN nystericiUNly disapixtared overnight arid hciv king you wa i led nulxidc ihr l>nthrrinn <kx>r.This past week, n nev census report raised a lot of cycbro*$ In the past decade, there has been a resuming of the fanily deck: a 珈 percent rise in US households with nt least three generations. People are roving back in. Generations are consolidatingSo 1 guess we were ahead of our tine. Forget about a babysitter. Of course, today this has nore to do with rwney than anything else. Senior citizens have a harder time paying their billsand their children have a harder time shelling out nonthly checks for ret ire 碇 nt or nursing homes. Kids can' t find jobs, even college grads. Whai it means, ultinately, is more people under one roof, vi th a broader span of years between then. Braces and dentures. Grey hair and dyed hair. This is lamenied as a regrettable consequence of a feeble econccny. Rut I'm not sure il*s a bad thing.1 Icnrnrd n lol frnn hnving our granAnothcr in the Imxinc. For <xic thing, iI bcxl hiring a babysitter *c didn* t like. And there was someone else to take us to school or drive us to places when our folks were working. There was another fiwily nemtwr at the school plays and another person to cry to if we were hurting. I got to watch how wy not her related to her nother, and I stw that nine wasn't the only generation that found the one before it confounding and. at times, infuriating.1 also hc<»rd w)re family history than I did with just one older generation under the roof. There was no shortage of conversation. Dinners were louder and aninoted. In short, we were bigger. My grandnother spoke about grant's creans, and talked obout listening to the radio during the Pearl Harbor attacks. They talked about relatives f d never met and never would meet, my bloodline.缺失部分内容)It wasn* t all “The Waltons* . I knew vho I was and where I cane fronnoreonce ny grandnother called our hone her hone.Ihore* s a wonderful film called *Avalon" that fol lows an iimigrani's faaily in the 20th century. At the beginning of the filo, it is Thanksgiving, and a situ 11 city hexu* is Jan«>ed with uncles, aunts, grand|»irents, kids. Al the end of the film, years later, it is Ihnnksgi ving again, and n family of four si Is in a Nubui4xin ki tchcn rnt ing wi th thr TV on. Yes, it crumped, scmctincs <mnoying, nnd it no fun uniting for a shower or hearing ny grandmother snoring. But ye<>rs later, when she finally roved out, 1 can tell you this. It got quieter. It vns less funny. We were still a fanily, but we were . snal ler. So the ec<xio<iy nay be driving us more under one roof, and we nay whine that our independence is withering. But for centuries, kids, parents, grandparents and even great-grandparents have been sharing space, and when it stopped, ve began conplainin about the collapse of fanily values. Maybe the economy, of all things, is offering us a saal1 fix.26. Which of the following is true about the evolution of Anerican families around the 1960s?A. Three general of the fMni ly decided to unilr and 1 ivr together.B. Young p<?nplr mc>v<?d away frnn thri r prtrrnts to 1 i vr <xi ihri rC- Uncles, mints, parents, grandparents and kids livc<JD Seniors wanted to stay iiwny from their kids after retirenent to enjoy life.27. hich of the fol lowing is closest in meaning to the underlined phrase * raised a lot of eyebrows* in Parograph 4?A. Initiated nany disagreements.B. Expressed strong disbel ief.C. Showed nuch d i sapprova1.D. Caused great surprise.28. What does the underlined expression *our folks'* in Paragraph 6 refer to?A. The author* s relatives.B. The author,s grandporents.C. The author* s parents.D. The author* s neighbors.29. What e does the writer value most in a three-feneration family?A. A better sense of himself and a closer tie to his fanily.B. Richer knowledge about his relatives and neighborhoods.C. Parental love and support whenever and wherever he needs.D. Fanii ly conversations at the dinner table abciut interesting issues.30. Why did the wriler BKniIion the fiIn *Avalonw ?A. To illustrate the lack of privacy in <t thrcc-gcncnition family.B. To shew nost«)lgin for his happy childhood life in d big family.C. To denonstrate the role economy ploys in shaping fanily st lectures.D. To highlight the ccamon problems encountered by irrniigrant families.26 .【杵案】B.【答案】D27 .【答案】C.【答案】A28 .【答案】C二、简答尊(本人四1小题,共20分)根据就目耍求完成下列任务,用中文作答.29 .简述学习策略对学生英语学习的作用(5分).以记卷记为例,简述学习策略培养的三种方法.(15 分).【咨考答案】学习该购指学生为了有效地学习和使用英语而采取的各种行动和步器以及指导这些行动和步舞的 信念.英语学习该略包拈认知策略、调控策略、交际策略和资源策珞等培养学生的英语学习策格, 不仅百利于学生把握英谙学习方向,米用科学的英语学习方法,提高学习效率,而11逐利于学生形 成自主学习的行为习恺.记笔记是认知策略的一项技能,记空记在课堂教学中具有或变意义.有助于指引学生并检定学生的 注意力.有助于学生对学习内容的理解收.记缝记的过程是一个枳极限考的过科.可谓动眼、耳. 脑、手一齐活动,促进了对课堂讲授内容的理解.绢织策略是整合所学新知识之间,新III知识之间的内在联系.形成新的知识结构.组织是学习和记忆新信恩的直要产段,兵力法是招学习材料分成些小的单元.并把这些小的单元 置适当的类别之中从而使打项信忠和其他侑息联系在一起.因此花记选记时教你要教会学 生对信息进行分类.以提岛他们的记忆捱力.在敕也杂概念时.教师不仅要有序地阻8!材料,而且. 近要的是要使学生治魅这个组织性的框理.精细加工策略:是种将新学材料与头腑中己有知识联系出来从而增加款信息的逮义的深层加工策 略.一般的精纸加工的策略有许多种,比如位置记忆法.许字联词法、视觉联想法和美过词法. 元认知策略指学生对自己的认知过程及结果的有效监视及控制的策略.在记性记时,学生耍对于筮 记的前期内容整生整理,笔记H写过程中的枢槊构思及内容编排,以及后期性记内容扩允佬改的程 序步骤形成一个制式化的过程.每个环节的应做事项要在谷个环节处理得当.逐步形成自己记总 记的一个科序模式.以此促高记笔记的效率和内容的炳贵.三、教学情境分析题本大题1小题,共30分)根据题目要求完成下列任务用中文作答.31 .下面是英语课堂的三种座位图.根据英诣课堂较学实际情况,问答下列间密:(1)分别列出上面座位图的一个优点.(18分)<2)分别分析上面座位图的一种域用情况.(12分)32.【容学答案】(I) Orderly nws这种座位编排方式使得小生整齐划一,空间充分利用,有利于教师管理课堂、 维持秩序和仃计划地传授知识.有利于教帏观察学生的一切活动.Horseshx的吨位发排方式占用空间较小,学生比较集中,教师与学生的距离较近,适合于教师讲 投新课.也适合学生交流讨论,更便于师生开屣各种衰现活动.教师也可以到点板板I,,还可«|时 走到中央地带.了解年位学生的学习状况.学牛.可以互相对视和帧听,有助于他生之间、学生之间 交流各种信息.Separate tables这种座位分布加演了学生的主体件,有利于互助式、互动式、讨论式的学习.有 利广小殂成员进行相互交流合作小用含作学用改变了在传统教学师生单堆交流中.教师箜断整体 深堂的信思源.而学生处于被动局面的状况.学生的主动性、创造性能够制以充分的发挥.(2)Orderly mms是人班授课最好宜的座位行列方式.从教你来说,助于观察与控制全班学生的 课堂行为,利于进行系统讲授,较你可以随时走到学生中向,充分发挥f帙师的控制作用,在学生 自主学习能力不高以及课堂秩序不易维持的班摄中可以果用这种座位沉推方式,学生注曲力容城集 I'.减少相互干扰.Horseshoe比较适合低学段的小班教学,对于低学段的英语教学中所儒的各种角色扮演、说戏活动、 软舞赛演都可以H常方便地在中央地帝进行.井H根JK需要.可以迅速地将座佗调整或园形、矩形 (三条边)或双弧型等.学生在这种U型结构中可以比相对视和做听.方便学生之间的信息交沌.教师也能很迅速地石到珞个学生的反应.Separate tables适用干较离学段的英ifi教学.学生需要有较福的学制自主性和枳极性.因为在这 种自由的学习空间中教师对学生的1£控很41到位所以对于学生自身的要求较高.在教学通点为 培养学生学力能力和学习第略时可以采用此类编排方式,以培养他们的合作精神.沟通能力和解决 实际问凶的能力.四、敕学设泞题(本大理1小咫,共40分)根抠提供的信息和语古素材iitir教学方案,用英文作答.33.设计任务;话阅读下面学生信息和语吉素材,设计20分钟的桂教学方案.段案没有固定格式,但须包含下列密点 teaching objectivesteaching contents key and difficult points major steps and time ollocation activities ond justification 教学时间,2Q分仲学生概况:某城的普通中学八年级(初中二年期)学生.班级人数10人,多数学生已经达到义 务教仃英语课程标准2011年版)三级水平.学生课堂参叮积极性 瞰.语占素材:SunnarizingUhile reading, make notes or underline the nain ideas in the text. After reading, write a short suiiiiary in your own words. Ibis can help you better understand the text: A Country Music S<xig Changed Her Life ForeverWhen Snrah was n I cr nagcr, she usrd to fight nvrr almriNl rvrrylh ing wi ih her fMni ly. Bui five years ago, w