新标准大学英语综合教程1课后答案Uni t 1 Active readi ng 1 4 Match the words and expressions in the boxwit h their def ini tions.1 to make a sincere statement that you are telling the trut h(swear)a piece of flesh that connects bones and moves a particular part of yourbody 2(muscle)3 to make you admire or respect someone(impress)4 to drink in small amounts(sip)5 a period of t ime between two events(gap)6 to arrive somewhere and give your personal details to the person workingat the reception desk(check in)5 Replace the underlined w ords wi th thecorrect form of the words and expressions in the box.1 There was only just enough room for two people.(barely)2 Be careful or youl 1 accidentally pour your drink dow n your clothes.(spill)3 He was completely unaware of w hat to do in the library.(ignorant)4 She was very clever and got excellent grades.(intel 1 igent)5 Y ou write your name on the list to join the club.(sign up)6 She tells me that she s definitely read the book.(assures)She assures me that she s read t he book.7 I need to go and buy some t ea,I have finished it all.(run out of)I need to go and buy some tea,I have run out of it.6阳swerthe questions about the words andexpressions.1 Is a warden likely to be(a)a teacher at the college,or(b)someonewho looks after the hall of residence?2 Is a tutor likely t o be(a)a teacher,or(b)astudent?3 If you go along somewhere,do you(a)go to aplace and join other people there,or(b)walk a long way t o get to a place?4 If you rent out a room,do you(a)paint and decorate it,or(b)allow itto be used by someone w ho pays you regularly to use it?Active readi ng 2 Dealing wi th unfamiliar w ords 4 Replace the underlined w ords wi th thecorrect form of the words in the box.1 W hen he speaks,people not ice that he sounds Ir ish.(detect)2 Frank McCourt had read a lot of books w hich was deserving respect consideringhe had no high school education.(admirable)3 Y ou can tell the students on the underground trains by the number ofbooks they carry.(subways)4 The woman in the admissions office suggests that hi s European educationi s not good enough.(inadequate)5 The professor was wri t ing very quickly in his notebook.(scribbling)6 Many immigrants came to America to escape extrem ely bad treatm entbecause of their race,religion or polit ical beliefs in their ow n countries.(persecut ion)5 Answer the questions about t he expressions.1 I m in heaven D oes thi s mean I m(a)delighted,or(b)unhappy?D oes this mean thatideas(a)need 2 ideas dont drop fully form ed from the skies to be developed wi th careful thinking,or(b)areimmediately created through good teaching?3 in the long run D oes thi s mean(a)at a t im ein the future,or(b)wi th a great deal of effort?4 fr ighten the life out of someone D oes thi s mean(a)to makesomeone very ill,or(b)to m ake someone extrem ely afraid andnervous?Language in use wi th I wi thout 1 Match the sentences wi th the uses of wi th/wi thout 1(a)2(b)3(a)4(c)5(c)6(d)2 Rewrite the sentences using wi th I wi thout.1 Her t utor moves his head from side to side.He spills hi s coffee int othe saucer.W i th hi s head moving from side to side,her tutor spills his coffee intothe saucer.Splendid,”he says.He doesn t wai t for an answer.2 Splendid,”he says,wi thout wait ing for an answer.3 Frank McCourt speaks in class.He has an Ir ish accent.Frank McCourt speaks in class wi th an Ir ish accent.4 He plans to go on the subway.He has the books covered in purple andwhi te NYU jackets.He plans to go on the subway wi th the books covered in purple and w hiteNYU jackets.5 He s only allowed to take two courses.He isnt told w hy.He s only allowed to take two courses wi thout being told w hy.6 He w ould like to ask a question.He doesn t like to raise his hand.He w ould like to ask a question wi thout rai sing hi s hand.collocations 3 Read the explanations of the w ords andexpressions.如1swert he questions.1 climb W hen you clim b int o I out of I throughsomething,you do i t wi th difficulty.(a)So w hy does the writer s father climb out of the room?Because the room is very sm all.(b)W hy w ould you climb int o bed?Y ou w ould clim b int o bed if you are so t ired that i t feel s like a hugeeffort.(c)If you clim b through a hole,w hat do you do wi th your body?Y ou would probably need to bend over,and crawl through the hole.2 spill Thi s w ord usually suggests several ideas:liquid,accidentally,movem ent and out of control.(a)W hat has happened i f youve spilt coffee all over your desk?Y ou have accidentally knocked over a cup I m ug and the coffee has gone(uncontrolled)all over t he desk.(b)W hat has happened if toys spilt out all over the carpet?The toys are in a container,such as a box,and ei ther the box 1s too fullso some toys are falling out ont o the carpet,or the box has been t ipped over so most of the toys havefallen out of the box.(c)W hat m ight be happening if crowds were spilling out of the bars andrestaurants?Many people w ould be leaving the bars and restaurants all at once,probably because they were closing for t he night.3 join W hen you join something,you become p缸tof it.Thewriter joins a queue,and several clubs.(a)W hen m ight someojoin a bandne?W hen t hey can play a musical instrument and want to play with others.(b)W hat has happened if you join the unemployed?Y ou have lost your job and become unemployed.(c)W hat do you do w hen you join in?Y ou do the sam e activity that most other people缸edoing.4 burst int o This phrase suggests that something suddenly happens,or som eone suddenly starts doing something.(a)W hat does the writer suddenly st缸tdoing w hen she bursts int otears?The writer suddenly starts crying.(b)W hat burst s into bloom?Flowers,w hen they emerge from buds.(c)W hat do you do w hen something bursts into f lames?Put out the f lames immediately if you can,or keep well clear and call theemergency services(the f ire brigade)5 clean Thi s w ord usually suggests several ideas:not dirty,notillegal or wrong,wi thout problems,inoffensive.(a)If you ve got a clean licence,w hat have or haven t you done?Thi s refers t o a driving licence.It means that you have been drivingsafely or at least you have no penalty points on the 1 icence-a person gets such points as a punishm entafter breaking the law on the roads,eg speeding or causing an accident,and the licence then has anote on i t(i ts not“clean”)and the police have a record.(b)If you use clean language,w hat do you avoid saying?Y ou avoid using swear words or ot her examples of bad language.(c)If something has a clean bill of heal th,i s i t heal thy orw哑kingcorrectly?Here this phrase i s used metaphor ically and means something i s w orkingproperly,for exam ple,a car m ight have a clean bill of heal th,after a check or test thatit 1s w orking properly.6 easy This w ord usually suggests that something is not difficul tor doesnt need m uch w ork.It can al so suggest that a person 1s conf ident,happy and not w orried about anything.(a)If someone is easy-going,how do they behave wi th other people?An easy-going person behaves in a relaxed,calm m臼merwi th othersand i s happy to accept t hings wi thout getting w orried or angry.(b)If someone i s easy on the eye,how do they look?A person w ho i s easy on t he eye i s pleasant t o look at 1nappearance and in the way they dress.(c)If something is easier said than done,i s i t m ore or lessdifficul t to do?When something is easier said than done,i t 1s easy to talk about,but difficul t to achieve.(d)If someone tells you t。“Takei t easy”,w hat are they tellingyou to do?W hen they tell you t。“Takeit easy”they can mean ei ther of twothings:Y ou should rest and not do things that will make you t ired,or you should keep calm,being less upsetor angry.4 Complete t he sentences using thecollocations in Activity 3.1 If ever I spill out of my clothes,i ts because I have put on a lot of weight and m y clothesdont f i t m e any more.2 The last t im e someone made m e burst int o tears was w hen I was asm all child and someone hurt m e.3 I always use clean language w hen I talk to m y teachers or parents.4 It was easier said than done w hen someone suggested that we should put the f lag on thetop of the mountain.5 Il 1 never forget the t ime when I had to clim b through a window because!was locked out of the house.6 Unfortunately I spilt water over myassignment,so I had to print another copy.7 W hen m y fr iends suggested that they wanted to play football on t hebeach,I decided t o join in.W hen the cherry trees burst into bloom,I think of m yvisi t to Japan two years ago.8 9 I would only lose m y clean licence if ever I had acar accident in w hich I was driving under the inf luence of alcohol.10 The people I think are easy on the eye are attractiveand pleasant to look at.5 Translate the sentences into Chinese.1 Finally,wi th m y mother red in the face and short of breath,we find Room8,I unlock the door,and we all walk in.等我们终于找到8号房间的时候,妈妈已经涨红了脸,累得上气不接下气。我打开门锁,我们都走了进去。2 She impresses me,and I feel so ignorant that I shoul缸teven breathethe same air as her.她给我留下了深刻的印象,我觉得自己太无知了,甚至不配跟她呼吸同样的空气。3I dont know w hy I have to be introduced to literature but the woman int he admissions office says i ts a requirement even though I ve read Dostoyevskyand Melville and thats admirable for someone wi thout a high school education.我不知道为什么我非得了解文学。可是招生办公室的那位女士说,虽然我读过陀思妥耶夫斯基和梅尔维尔的小说,虽然一个没上过高中的人能读这些书的确令人敬佩,但这门课是必修课。4 Im in heaven and the first thing to do is buy the required textbooks,cover t hem wi th t he purple and w hite NYU book jackets so that people in thesubway will look at me admir ingly.我乐得飘飘然了,第一件事就是去买所需要的课本,然后用纽约大学紫白相间的护封把它们套起来,这样地铁盟的乘客就会向我投来拖羡的目光了。5 Then the professor tells us ideas don t drop fully formed from theskies,that the Pilgrim s were,in the long run,children of the Reformationwi th an accompanying world-view and their atti tudes to children were soinformed.接着,教授告诉我们,观念并不是从天而降的现成品。从长远来看,清教徒是宗教改革运动的产物,他们继承了宗教改革运动的世界观,并且他们对孩子的态度也囱JJt体现了宗教改革运动的思想。6 Translate the sentences into English.l他们对业余刷壮的介绍给苏菲留下了深刻的印象,于是她就报了名。(Amateur Dramatics.sign up for)Their introduction of Amateur Dramatics impressed Sophie so m uch t hat she signed upfor it.2网络教育为全职人员提供了利用业余时间接受继续教育的机会。(workfull t im e)Onlineeducation provides those w ho w ork full t im e wit h opportuni t ies to receivefurther education in their spare t im e.3冈lj上大学时,他不知道是否需要把老师讲的内容一字不落地都记下来。(besupposed to.scribble dow n)W hen hef irst arrived at university,he was not sure w hether he was supposed toscribble down every word out of the professor s mouth.4没有人觉察出他隐藏在笑容背后的绝望。(detect)N o onedetects hi s despair well hidden behind his smile.5有些学生能轻松自如地与陌生人交谈,可有些学生却很难做到这一点。(beeasy about)Somestudents are easy about talking wi th strangers,w hile some others f ind i t hardt o do so.Uni t 2 Active reading one Dealing wit h unfamiliar words 3 Match the w ords in the box wi th theirdefini t ions.1 honest about the si tuation or your opinions,even i f this offends people(frank)2 a place t hat m any people go t o for a holiday(resort)3 tasting extrem ely good(yummy)4 containing a lot of liquid,so tasting good(juicy)5 dark in a way t hat makes you feel sad or a little afraid(gloomy)lack of experience of life(innocence)6 7 the ability to understand and make good judgm ents about something(perception)8 ideas,behaviour,or statem ents that缸enot true or sensible(nonsense)4 Replace the underlined w ords wi th thecorrect form of the w ords in the box.1 The waves were very large in size as they fell onto the beach.(enormous)2 There was so much seafood that i t was holding t ight ly ont o the plate.(clinging)3 In the缸eaof land w here t hey were visi t ing,i t wa钮tusual to eatfish and chips.(region)4 W hen he had eaten t he shellf i sh,he got r id of the shells.(discarded)5 To eat shellfish you need special tools to break open the shells and digout the food.(im plem ents.crack.scrape)6 The boy was especially fond of hi s mother s bread and cakes from theoven.(baking)7 Because theyre smooth,wet and quite difficul t to hold,i ts quite achallenge to try your first oysters.(slippery)5 Answer the questions about the w ords in thebox.1 W hich w ord means feeling?(emot ion)2 W hich w ord means a feeling that a si tuation i s so bad that theres nothingyou can do to change it?(despair)3 W hich word means to say youre not happy wi th someone or something?(complain)4 W hich w ord describes how your face looks w hen you re annoyed or worriedabout something?(frown)5 W hich w ord describes something that is unpleasant to taste,sm ell orsee?(nasty)6 W hich word means to say something to someone in order t o have fun byembarrassing or annoying them slight ly?(tease)Active reading 2 Dealing wi thunfamiliar w ords 4 Answer the questions about the w ords andexpressions in the box.1 Is something stim ulating likely to make you feel(a)moreactive,or(b)more passive?2 Are the properties of chocolate likely to be(a)itsfeatures,or(b)t he way i tS m ade?3 If one thingaccou nts for another,does i t explain(a)themeaning of it,or(b)the reason for it?4 Is something that is m anufactured something(a)handmade,or(b)m ade in afactory?5 If chocolate helps release hormones from the brain,does i t(a)help causehormones to leave the brain,or(b)contain hormones,then let them go?6 If you crush something,do you(a)press itstrongly,or(b)squeeze i t gently?7 If you have inherited something,have you got i t from(a)society,or(b)your parents?8 W hen something m elts,does it become(a)solid,or(b)liquid?9 W hen you confess something,would you(a)tellpeople,or(b)not tell them?5 Replace the underlined words wi th thecorrect form of the w ords in the box.For a(1)product w hich you enjoy but don t really need,chocolate i s extrem ely(2)Chocolate as we know i t today f irst appeared inthe 1800s,benef icial to your heal th w hen liquid chocolate was poured into a(3)shaped container to cooland become solid.Then the chocolate(4)m aker Lindt discovered how to make chocolate(5)break easily by adding extra cocoa butter,and Daniel Peter f irst m ade milkchocolate using milk w hich had been(6)concentrated and then m ixed wit h cocoa paste,which gave i t a smoother(7)taste.But the(8)appeal for so m any people ofchocolate i s bot h an(9)inherited(10)characteristic and an effect of the 300chemicals i t contains,including vitamins.Key:(1)luxury(2)nourishing(3)mould(4)manufacturer(5)snap(6)condensed(7)flavour(8)popularity(9)genetic(10)trai t Language in use giving extrainformation 1 Rewrite the sentences.1 The restaurant was in a French seaside resort by the Atlantic O cean.Y ouget excellent seafood from the Atlantic Ocean.The restaurant was in a French seaside resort by the Atlantic Ocean,w hereyou get excellent seafood.2 My father had decided to take m e for lunch to a restaurant.He wanted meto try m y first oyster.My father,who wanted m e to try m y f irst oyster,had decided to take m efor lunch to a restaurant.3 The oyster was unlike anything I have ever tasted before or since.!twas slippery.The oyster,w hich was slippery,was unlike anything I h